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    1. TheTruthWhale 8 yrs ago


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Yeah, neither Twisted or my own characters are in the Character tab (Just so you're aware, not rushing).

Otherwise, I'm looking forward to this! @TheDarkTemplar
I may have forgotten to mention that she often likes talking to herself. I'm going to add that back in.

Valerie Zylcan, Wraith Slayer

Credit to artist Stevie Cole (rui-shi.deviantart.com)

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Race: Half-Elf (Wood Elf Father, Human Mother)

Rank: Templar

Valerie is quite a compassionate individual, so much so that she worries constantly about the weaknesses of her allies being exposed or exploited. She also understands her own weaknesses very well, and will sometimes insist on doing things alone, simply to not endanger others due to her own shortcomings. Her mind is incredibly analytical, seeing things and connections that most people either miss, however, this means that she is often overly critical, and quite blunt, despite only wishing to be helpful. As a result, she generally keeps quiet, unless directly addressed, or she feels the need to speak up. The exception for this, however, is when talking to herself, or under her breath, where she can be as snarky or as blunt as she feels, without hurting another's feelings. She has an innate fear of a total failure, in which she will lose everyone she cares about, and, as a result, will not accept a rank that requires her to command others.

  • The Reaver: A special, quasi-physical blade forged in a far-away land. This weapon, brought to power by an experienced Necromancer, affects both incorporeal and ethereal creatures as if they were fully corporeal. It does not, however, do anything special against corporeal targets. It's sheath, however, contains a powerful field of negation, making the blade appear and function as if it were non-magical until drawn from the sheath.
  • Frostwood Bow: A bow crafted in the North, and possesses a natural Restorative magic within the wood, allowing it to self-repair from almost any damage. This allows it to fire enchanted arrows without the string being damaged or destroyed by the properties of the arrow, and prevents the bow from being affected by the arrow notched against it.
  • Carving Dagger: It's a Carving Dagger. It's designed to carve monster hides. Back-up weapon if she becomes disarmed. Nothing special here. Move along.

  • Elemental, Enchantment: Valerie can coat her weapons in the magic of one of the following elements: Fire, Ice, Water, Electricity, Acid. This causes the weapon to do additional damage based on what element it is coated in, and can even allow her weapons to harm usually-intangible enemies (such as a water spirit), so long as the element would harm them. However, in addition to being the only form of magic she has learned, it seems to be the only type of magic Valerie is capable of. She cannot sling spells, and can only channel her magic through her weapons. She is currently working on a way to combine non-opposed elements, as well as learning how to coat her weapons in other forms of magic, such as a Necromancer's Energy Drain.

  • Light Armor Training: Valerie prefers the use of lighter armors (studded leather is her personal preference) to the bulkier sets of full-plate that the other knights wear. She always felt they were too restrictive. As a result, she is generally more agile, and can perform acrobatic feats without penalty. She also doesn't sink like a rock if put into a situation where she has to swim.
  • Slayer: Valerie's specialized training and skill as a Slayer allows her to survive in solo mode, as well as when working with a team. She has done extensive research on the weaknesses of all manner of creatures, and can understand the weaknesses of opponents simply by engaging with them, although this is not instantaneous, nor is it supernatural in nature. The drawback to this is, unfortunately, she can never simply "turn it off," and is in a near-constant state of awareness, and makes her wholly unfit to ever lead a team, especially from the sidelines.

Theme Song(optional):

Credit to TheDarkTemplar for layout idea.
What the hell happened to this place? Everyone's on edge, and the entire city feels like it's going to go up in flames. These, and several similar thoughts, traveled through the young harpy's mind as she entered the city of Azure Strand for the first time in more than a season. The entire vibe of the city made her usually-ruffled feathers stiff, as if she was preparing for the worst. She had known this city was renowned for it's criminal activity, and that's why she trusted it as easily as she did, at least when it came to holding her cart and horse. Money spoke the loudest in this town, and she was a somewhat-known merchant (among merchants) who had always been good to her word, so, payment was all-but assured, so long as they kept her stuff safe.

It wasn't the condition of her horse and cart that bothered her, though. She had yet to go pick it up. No, the very air of the city seemed stiff, the shadows, darker, and everyone seemed to keep to themselves even more than usual. What's more, the Knights seemed to be getting the worst of it all, so, she assumed that they had done something to cause it. Could they have tightened the laws of the place? she wondered, gazing at a group of Knights walking perpendicular to her own path, watching as everyone seemed to avoid them like the plague. It was at this point that her ears picked up the sound of a crowd gathering, and her attention was turned to a man standing atop a crate. Even though she was some ways away from the crowd, she could see and hear him clearly. Sometimes, it paid to be who she was.

After he finished his speech, she checked what coin she had on her, not including that special sealed box she kept for emergencies only, and shrugged. It would be nice to get back into the market with a bulk auction, especially if it was going to be private. Privacy meant discounted goods for special buyers, and that was something she was more than willing to take part in. It wasn't like she was going to go after anything specific, or anything particularly dangerous, but auctions generally sold bulk for less than street vendors, assuming competition wasn't ridiculous. Besides, worst case scenario, she could always dip out and buy from a standard merchant, and a single silver was a small price to pay to potentially find a great deal.

In fact, her own business-centered mind had distracted her, that she didn't notice the crowd scatter about her, some avoiding her simply because of what she was, though, most just seemed to be moving back to their own individual tasks. In particular, a rather large man bumped into her, an orc, it seemed, and knocked her back. She would have fallen completely over, but caught herself with a flap of her wings, the updraft pushing her back, and her talons catching the stone paving underneath her, straightening her to an upright position, and she smiled, somewhat embarrassed, to the man that had ran into her.

"Oh no, I should be the one apologizing," she said, her voice, while somewhat bashful, was quite melodious in nature, "I shouldn't have been just standing here. I should have gotten out of the flow, or gone with it."

Name: Cecielle of Alanix

Race: Harpy - Non Arma

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Birthday: 36th of Saffra, 277 DM

Birthplace: Indigia Mountains

Resides in: Alternates between the Indigia Mountains and the region of Ebonfort. She is a peddler by trade, so she is rarely in a single city or town for more than a week or two.

Occupation: Peddler (Traveling Merchant) [12 GP 5 SP / day]

Description: Cecielle stands at, roughly, five (5) foot, and, thanks to her avian nature, weighs a light ninety-nine (99) pounds. She is somewhat attractive, although does not boast the same qualities as the line of a matriarch would. Her feathers do not shine, despite their insulation and hydrophobic nature, and are often seen as 'messy' by other feathered creatures. Her voice, while melodic, is softer than your average Harpy, and, as such, it is generally easier on the ears for your average human.

Personality: Generally counsidered a negative trait for harpies, Cecielle is relatively humble in most of what she does, though not to the point of self-degredation. She does not fuss about the state of her feathers, or the quality of her clothes, nor does she try to make herself the most alluring or the most able mother. In her eyes, her time is better spent doing what she loves: assessing the markets and deciding when and where to move goods. Cecielle absolutely loves all things related to economics, from the mathematics to the money to the goods themselves, and can, at times, become obsessed with certain aspects. Some would also consider Cecielle oblivious, but this is not the case, and while she lacks the ability to pick up on subtle hints such as tonal changes, she is very perceptive of body language, to a point of over-analyzing people as she speaks to them, especially if a business deal is involved.

  • Combat Skills
    • Unarmed Combat - 10 (10)
  • Personal Knowledge Skills
    • Business - 45 (45)
  • Profession Sklls
  • Social Skills
    • Negotiation - 10 (10)
    • Seduction - 30 (30 Racial)
  • Support Skills
    • Aerobatics - 5 (5)
    • Observation - 10 (10)
    • Wilderness Survival - 10 (10)

Possessions: In order of purchase
  • Money: 690 GP 5 SP 0 CP
  • Gems: Emerald, 1ct (500 GP) ;
  • Merchant's Outfit (Craftsman's Outfit) [1 GP]
  • Horse, Light [75 GP]
  • Cart [15 GP]
  • Bit and Bridle [2 GP]
  • Feed (8 Days) [4 SP]
  • Merchant's Ledger (Book) [2 GP]
  • Parchment, 10 sheets [1 GP]
  • Ink, 3 oz [2 GP 5 SP]
  • Inkpen [1 SP]
  • Traveler's Cloak [1 GP]
  • Studded Leather Cuirass [25 GP]
  • Chain, 30 ft [90 GP]
  • Crowbar [2 GP]
  • Hammer [5 SP]
  • Magnifying Glass [100 GP]
  • Merchant's Scale, High-Quality [100 GP]
  • Mirror, Small, Steel [10 GP]
  • Lock, Amazing [150 GP]
  • Lockbox, Steel [50 GP]

  • Victor Eldin - Master (Stonecrest)
  • Ollyne - Mother (Southern Indigia Mountains)
  • Alanix Tribe - Home (Southern Indigia Mountains)

Trade Ledger:

Starting: 1100 GP 0 SP 0 CP
Starting (After Creation): 571 GP 5 SP 0 CP

GP per day = 12 GP, 5 SP (5 GP for Merchant Profession, Journeyman Rank x1.25 for own business)
12 GP, 5 SP x 59 days (Jadeyan) = +737 GP, 5 SP
Common Living Expenses = 2 GP/day = -118 GP
Total = +619 GP, 5 SP

Updated (After Jadeyan Pay): 1191 GP 0 SP 0 CP

Story List:
Date - URL - Characters involved
I, Aku, the shapeshifting master of darkness, released an unspeakable evil. But, a foolish samurai warrior, wielding a magic sword, stepped forth to oppose me.

*epic battle*

Before the final blow was struck, I tore open a portal in time, and sent him to the future, where my evil is law! Now, the fool seeks to return to the past, and undo the evil that is Aku!


So, with that aside, hello, all! My name is David Knight, and I am a 21-year-old Tech school graduate who enjoys roleplaying! I'm not extremely picky on what I like to do, I just like to roleplay and have fun! I hope to get to know all of you at some point, and can't wait to see the kinds of stories we can write together.
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