Avatar of TheYouthPastor
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    1. TheYouthPastor 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current "Genuine good taste consists in saying much in few words, in choosing among our thoughts, in having order and arrangement in what we say, and in speaking with composure." - Francois Fenelon
9 yrs ago
"Justice is the grammar of things. Mercy is the poetry of things" - Fredereck Beuchner
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9 yrs ago
"The origin of our trouble is that we love ourselves with a blind passion that amounts to idolatry. Make your life not about self, but self sacrifice" - Francois Fenelon


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They were definitely not the only ones in here. The fumbling upstairs gave away the position of atleast one other living thing. It occurred to him that anything moving on the tile of the ground floor would move considerably quieter than things overhead. How many were in here? There was no way to be sure without clearing it. Damien turned his back on the man in front of him looking behind to make sure that he wasn't being snuck up on. Crossing the room he picked up the spade, careful to keep the barrel trained on his captive. The station was bound to have something left, but if it wasn't clear then he'd have to risk himself unnecessarily. He motioned down the hall with his head "Walk" He said plainly. If there was something in here, he planned on this new guy being the one to fight it.
Adrain was sweating despite the cool fall breeze. It had been years since he had been athletic, his age and comfortable lifestyle betraying him. Scavenging was hard work, doing it quietly was even harder. The soft whine of his stomach, however, was reminder of why he was out here. After Shannon had left him he had decided to get an apartment and let her have their small townhouse. She had went to stay with her mother while he moved, and hadn't made it back before things went to hell. This had left him with an apartment barely stocked with groceries, and his plan of waiting things out had left him hungry by day four. He began walking towards the shopping center. Sure, there was a better chance of it being populated but, there was also a better chance that someone left something behind in their rush. He weaved between two rotters, who halfheartedly gave chase. Those two would be deadly by nightfall. Something about being out in the sun didn't agree with them. Some people had speculated that it was some kind of parasite, maybe it didn't react well to UV rays. Didn't matter really, didn't help him at night. Another rotter up ahead. He altered course to give himself some distance and continued on. He hadn't killed one yet, and didn't see the sense in risking it unnecessarily. The doors to the center were up ahead and with a glance around to make sure his friends from before weren't catching up he- What was that? He was sure he saw someone, just for an instant. Rotters don't move like that during the day. It was a long shot but, gripping his improvised club, Adrain abandoned his quest for food and started toward the theater. His boots crunched more noisily than he would have liked over the broken glass outside but it was unavoidable, strewn everywhere. I wonder how many people were at the matinee? A sickening thought. In such an enclosed space the undead would have ripped them to shreds. His hand touched the door, opening it slowly. His club raised, he spoke softly "If you don't have a pulse then just stay back there"
If I am not mistaken Mistress Dizzy and Epidemix are the only two that have not posted. I will PM them. We are continuing.
Sounds good to me. Perhaps if we do lose a lot of people- we can wait until the remaining people meet up; and then when the recruiting for new people come they can be an already formed group? Just a thought (:
That sounds like a great idea! I am going to give them a day or two to post.
Damien jumped at the sound of a loud crack followed by a thump. What was that? He was lucky enough to have found a handgun in one of the desks he had looted only minutes. Raising it, he peered around the corner into the police station lobby. It's not a biter. He thought, relieved. The Gun had no ammo in it. This was unlikely to bluff a Biter, but a kid... Stepping into full view he raised his weapon pointing it at the mans face. "Drop your stuff, punk" He growled, looking as intimidating as possible. I hope he has food. Damien had already hit a few houses but when this all went to hell most families headed towards the refugee centers. That had turned out to be a bad idea. The army had been able to round up the biters at first, even putting them in the camps separately to be quarantined and possibly treated. This meant that on the first night hundreds of people were awakened to the now veracious undead, a violent whirlwind of blood and bullets and gnashing teeth. "I swear I'll put a bullet in you and take it from your corpse if I have too" He added.
I thought we would start out either seperately or in small groups of two and find each other so be sure to say where you are in your IC post.
Adrain gripped the doorknob of the closet tightly. This was the last place he had not cleared, and he was sure now that there was one inside. He could hear it moving. He reached out to pick up a table leg from a broken end-table a few feet away, careful not to let go of the handle. This caused him to have to squat awkwardly and reach out for the item, but he knew if the monster inside busted out while he was unarmed then he was as good as dead. His fingers touched it! He tries to scoot the Leg closer but the movement inside the closet was becoming more frantic. Sweat poured down his brow. Slowly his fingers brought the club into his grasp until his hand closed around it and he stood back to his full height. "That was close" he thought to himself. Taking a deep breath and turning the knob he prepared to face whatever was inside. He swung the door open he raised his improvised club ready to strike! As soon as the door opened a small furry creature sprung from the closet and darted for the front door. Adrain was taken aback, falling onto his butt out of surprise. He was expecting a person! He turned to watch the raccoon scurrying away and began to laugh. "How very manly of you, Adrain" he joked to himself.. He really needed to stop talking to himself all the time. Grabbing his bag he walked back out of The apartment into the midday sun. Nothing here either. This was half of the Oakwood apartments looked through already and he had found next to nothing.
Name: Damien "D" Savage Age: 23 Background: Damien attended the local community college on track to go to law school. He almost lost his funding last year when he was brought up on charges of battery and sexual assault of one of his classmates, but the investigation was discontinued after the girl recanted her statements about what happened. No one really doubts that these allegations could have been true as Damien's temper is well known and it is generally accepted that he would have gone to prison already had his brother not been an officer with pull at the local station. More than once he had pulled Damien's butt out of the fire. Items: Backpack, Hunting knife, Unlabeled bottle of medicine? Skills: Brawling, Intimidating, firearms
Also, the "Shane" type character is in reference to The Walking Dead character as @MissCapnCrunch said. A quick rundown for those who may not have seen the show:
I hope that brief description was enough to help with understanding the character. :)
Exactly! Sorry for the confusion, I meant to elaborate more but I haven't been online in a few days. I will be making and opening IC post later tonight, If no one has accepted the "Shane" position by then I will add one more character to the group. Thanks guys!
We will be beginning Monday! A few things till then, Your characters can die. I will PM you before that happens and discuss the details. It'd be nice to have some conflict, so anyone wanting to play a "Shane" type character should PM me. If no'one else wants to, I will.
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