Avatar of TK421
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    1. TK421 8 yrs ago


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Sounds like Death Race, but without the prison.
Count me in.
Play a clone? How cool!

Name: Peyton Lee
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Pure Mortal

Physical Description: brown hair and blazing blue eyes, and always quick with a charming smile. Peyton stands six feet even and has all the characteristics of a multi-sport jock (a toned body, quick feet, and broad shoulders). His choice of clothing ranges from sports jerseys to Star Wars to plain t-shirts, all coupled with blues jeans and a good pair of boots (sneakers were always for the sports, never for regular wear). but the one thing he always wears, his mother's brown leather jacket (no matter the weather).

Personality: Having traveled frequently Peyton is some what of an introvert, knowing that in no time at all, he would be leaving those behind that he just met. Once he opens up, however, Peyton is caring and willing to take lead. He likes to joke, and not take life too seriously.

History: Peyton lost his mother when he was a child, though it was never confirmed by family that she died, they just said she was "gone". So, naturally Peyton grew attached to his father -- they traveled frequently, never staying long in one place, so it came as a shock when his father decided to settle down in Eagle Rock. Unfortunately that's when tragedy struck, and Peyton's father died -- the Park Rangers said he was mauled by a bear, though his body was not found in the park proper. This left Peyton with little choice but to find a job, and try to work his way through college. With limited choices in a small town like Eagle Rock, Peyton managed to scrape up a job at Trade Winds (one of those stores that claims to heal people through nature).

Skills: Persuasion, Diplomacy, Athletics

Powers: None

Other: Mother's Brown Leather Jacket is stitched with various symbols, who's meanings Peyton has never deciphered.
Simple answer: I'm doing it free form and not on the FATE system.

And I'd love to see a pure mortal. :) back when I was a player character with my group, that was what I played.

You've got yourself a pure mortal then!
<Snipped quote by Tearstone>

We're still taking characters. So if you do want to join, now's the time to hop on board. :)

<Snipped quote by TK421>

Awesome. Glad to have you.

Fantastic, are you using free-form or FATE rules? I didn't see it, or perhaps missed it, in your original post. Regardless I have no problem playing a Pure Mortal in a magical world (if Murphy can do it, so can I!). But playing a college kid sounds fun!
Play in the DresdenVerse?! You don't have to twist my arm ... I'm in.
So happy to find another gaming website. I am an experienced roleplayer and GM. I have played in every incarnation of D&D since 3.0, and have played/GMed every incarnation of Star Wars since WEG. I also enjoy Cyberpunk 2020, Star Trek (Last Unicorn), FATE (Dresden Files), among others.
As with many I like to play more than run, but I have a few ideas floating around regarding Ninja Turtles and Star Wars. Whether we free form a game, or play using a set of rules I don't mind. The end game is to have fun.
Looking forward to playing/running in the future!
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