Avatar of Tombprince
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 291 (0.10 / day)
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    1. Tombprince 8 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Possibly back and looking for RP
1 like
8 yrs ago
Work becoming overbaring, please bare with me.
8 yrs ago
Slowing down, mind you MMo's speeding up XD
8 yrs ago
Back to posting as normal.
8 yrs ago
Stock check time :(


Returning to site, returning role-player. Looking for immersion and escapism in most settings (fantasy, sci-fi, superhero or anything inbetween and different.)

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<Snipped quote by Tombprince>

Legolas and Gimli

I had my eyes shut for those scenes.
Also who's post is it?

Hmm I dunno, I think Ellaryn is awaiting Ofnir to cook up the second breakfast XD

As for couples, you'll never ever see a Dwarf/Elf trying it on in any film....ever.
It's a shame but understandable, I'm going to miss this game and all you players (past and present.) thank you very much for running the game @Mokley and making a daydreamer a reality XD

Time for a snooze now.
It's a bit late, not my best piece.
Ellaryn Bracegirdle ~ Woods near Angfort

It was like she was a child again, like having her hand in the cookie jar. Ellaryn froze just as she thought she had an opportune moment to dash to the nearby tree, it was almost comical as she stood frozen in mid-stride, feet stretched apart and her breath held. Ofnir's comment seemed to draw all attention to herself. It was at that precise time that Sandy, her faithful steed took it upom himself to nip at her pocket in the hope of some hidden treat.

Els reached over and patted his muzzle. If the truth be known, she had no idea what she could do against the giant warrior encased in plate. Ofnir immediately seemed to trust her. Prehaps that light was something to detect the evil of necromancer? She eyed Ofnir closely, caught him glancing and stuck her tongue at him.

"You're such a blue meanie." she had a twinkle in her eye and grinned up at warrior woman. "If....my friend here, trusts you to keep the piece between us, then I greet you" She did her best to smile her charmest, worry wabout that blade she wore made it slip to a grimmace. She coughed lightly "I'm Ellaryn Bracegirdle and like my friend says, lets move and get something eat."

Food always solves the worst problems.
-looks around and checks the box-

I'm here boss
How do we celebrate? @Azazaa

We get to 200 IC posts XD
I'll leave it to @Sigurd and @Vas Khaleen if Ellaryn messes up, stays put or makes it into cover. If she even thinks she has a chance she'll grab it and run (maybe not the correct wording to use as people have coins on them.)
Ellaryn Bracegirdle ~ Woods near Angfort

Now or never.

Ellaryn made her silent thought behind the pack that was now tied to the saddle, thurin had strode to the front of the group and Vamyr went back as a rear guard. Aelin boldly appoarched the metal-clad warrior. It was a surprise to herself. As quietly as possible as Aelin made his "greeting" she dismounted, keeping Sandy calm as she watched this stranger.

She was patient enough, there was nothing she could do toe to toe with and armour foe, but if she get to side or the rear.

She watched from between her pnies legs, already she had a rough route to a few trees to get to at the very least one side of te woman. It just needed the correct timing to move and she wasn't sure if that was possible. So she watched and waited.
Oo I think you just scared Ellaryn as well.
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