Avatar of Tomotaxi
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 4 yrs ago
  • Posts: 34 (0.03 / day)
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    1. Tomotaxi 4 yrs ago


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3 yrs ago
Current Did you know that the critically acclaimed MMORPG, "Final Fantasy XIV", has a free trial that includes the entirety of-
3 yrs ago
Why does anyone creep on anyone's profile? Cute anime girls, of course.
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4 yrs ago
Anyone else really love the rain when writing? I couldn't ask for a better sound.
4 yrs ago
If Heaven's Feel 3 gets canceled in my local theaters again I WILL start a war.
4 yrs ago
I dunno, more recent RWBY has been fine. Like last season was a solid overall 8/10 imo with some legit 9/10 or 10/10 episodes.
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The Nasuverse is the best. Oh, and RP things too, I guess.

Fandoms: .hack, Danganronpa, Digimon, Drakengard/NieR, Fate, Final Fantasy XIV, Hunter x Hunter, Madoka Magica, RWBY, Shin Megami Tensei, Soulsborne
Favorite Color(s): Green, red, black
Favorite Game: Okami
Favorite Anime: Madoka Magica or Hunter x Hunter 2011 (it changes a lot between these two, honestly)
Favorite Character: Shirou Emiya
Favorite Genres: Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Horror, Mystery
Needs Writing Improvement: Romance, Slice of Life, Combat RP, 1x1 RP
Curious/Unsure About: Black Clover, Naruto, Sword Art Online, Supernatural

Personal details

Age: 24

Time Zone: Pacific

Writing Level: Advanced or Casual - I can do either, but I'm not really into going below casual most of the time. Occasionally I can do a one-liner type of RP, but it's not really my thing.

RP Preferences: I can do most RP styles from an aesthetic perspective, but using real people as FCs isn't for me. I also prefer third person RP, but I'm not opposed to first person from time to time. I dislike RPing as canon characters, so any story set in an existing fandom will almost always require original characters for me to be interested. Finally, for 1x1 RPs I prefer writing with people who are 18+ to delve into mature themes as necessary.

Where to Talk: You could private message me on here, or for quicker responses, you could add me on Discord by asking me for it through a PM.

Just a 24 year old guy who enjoys writing, and if other people would like to write with me or read/critique my writing, that's cool too. I'm not good at talking about myself in the general sense, so if anybody wants to know more or needs clarification on something, don't be shy about sending me a private message! Or if you wanna just share mutual interest in a given thing or whatever else, that's fine too!

Most Recent Posts

Is this RP accepting new characters, or closed? And if open, are masters or servants more in need?

Hmm, maybe a few actually. What sort of universe/timeline does this take place in, and year? Would it be more of the Apocrypha or Stay Night universe, or something original? Would the canon cast exist, and if not, could someone make an OC Emiya, Tohsaka, Kotomine, etc. due to them (potentially) not existing?
Whew, that was faster than I thought. Alright, I can make an OOC and sign-ups tomorrow!
The premise of this would be a dark fantasy RP in a world in the middle of an apocalypse, with an anime aesthetic and JRPG tone when it comes to characters and character abilities/magic. It'll be mostly freeform with combat and abilities, but there will be a risk of death; not an overwhelmingly high risk, but by virtue of the story it'd be no fun if everyone just had plot armor here, would it? Thought it'd be best to get that across right away, so that everyone goes in knowing the risk. Besides, in my opinion, people get attached to their characters more through near-death experiences and realizing that death could come knocking any time. Being anime and JRPG in its inspirations, though, there will still probably be some "Power of friendship", "This win took a lot of convenience" or "I'm gonna use my finishing move!" type of moments and I'm totally cool with that. In terms of what kind of character you can make, anything that would fit in a traditional D&D setting would probably be fine as long as you aren't immortal/can't be killed/omnipotent.

I will be acting as a "DM" in a way, where I won't have a single character of my own, but would instead be acting as a narrator to move the story on day by day and person to control the actions of NPCs and enemies. Thus, attacks on enemies and NPCs wouldn't be auto-hits, but would instead be attempts that would then hit if it would make sense based on their own capabilities to be hit. Y'know, usual combat RP stuff, but probably not so in-depth as to be worthy of an arena battle or something. Ultimately it's about storytelling at its core here.

Tech level is mostly medieval fantasy, with things like gunpowder just starting to be widely distributed and alchemic formulas aplenty. Some modern day conveniences that wouldn't exist otherwise, do exist in this - an example being electricity in the richer houses because lightning magic exists.

Below will be a general lore/plot summary from beginning to current day, of which the party would start as adventurers banding together on March 1st of Year 1799.

One final thing. After everybody has created their characters, one random person will be sent a private message with details of their role as a traitor. This person will be a trusted spy for the Order of Five Spears, unbeknownst to the rest of the party that they travel with on their journey. Whether they choose to stay loyal to the Order, deny their words and actions, or anywhere in between, they will regardless start as a trusted spy. While you're not necessarily required to keep this a secret OOC, I also do think it'd be fun if it were; but ultimately, IC actions should stay IC and not have OOC knowledge involved. Understand that by joining and making a character for the RP, you might be selected as the traitor.

Anybody interested, post here! Sorry if this entire interest check drags on long, but I do want to make everything as clear as possible from the start. I'm looking for 5 people and then I can start writing up the full RP.

The Beginning: At the start of history was a goddess of great power, isolated within an ivory cube of nothingness. With all of her power, she was still alone, and she still had nothing. Thus she created the world, and with it, five disciples to spread word of her glory to all who would soon walk the same soil as them. The goddess feared that her creations would look upon her and see one unworthy of their praise, and so forbade all from entering her realm, closed off from those that would later come to be called 'mortals', and even her own personal disciples. Soon, she was forgotten. Despite this, her disciples would carry out her work, joining the world that came to be known as 'Ivor'.

The Middle: Her disciples, which later came to be known as the 'Starborn' for their descent from the goddess' divine realm from above, and each of them representing the point of a star, would spread word of their creator's selflessness and beauty. They would demonstrate mysterious powers far beyond the reach of mere humans, and as a sign of peace in times of mistrust, would grant humans the ability to cast what was later called magic. However, this peace was not to last.

The Beginning of the End: As centuries passed the Starborn would grow bored and lax, allowing their powers to freely leak out into the mortal world and create new life that would not have existed without magical interference. They eventually distanced themselves across the world, becoming more withdrawn from the new world that was moving on without need of them. Dragons, orcs, goblins, undead, and all other manner of beings that defied reason would spawn from the dying optimism of the Starborn. Even so, the world at large didn't miss them. However, a religious order dedicated to the Starborn would eventually form to allow their voices to be heard, which came to be known as the 'Order of Five Spears'. The Order would start with peaceful sermons, but when met with mockery and denouncement, seen as people that clung to the past foolishly, they did not waver. As years passed, their name became synonymous with villainy itself, and the Order became known as a group of violent and psychotic extremists that wished for an age that no longer had a place in the world.

The End: Year 1799 of the Ivorian calendar, March 1st. On this day, Ivor as a whole was changed. The capital city of the kingdom of Lowick was attacked by strange, mud-like beasts that resembled nothing that any historian or scholar had ever written of in any tome. Many were killed by the abominations, and those that survived were escorted by official knight transports to escape the massacre. With Lowick's fall, the Order of Five Spears, now known as a cult of outlaws, claimed to be responsible for the attacks. They said that the Starborn had taken up the path of dark magic and had become witches to destroy the world. Soon, town after town throughout the remaining territory controlled within Lowick's borders would be ravaged and destroyed by creatures never before seen and nigh impossible to kill for an average person. Soon, reports flooded in that this same situation was occurring across other territories and even across different continents. The former king of the fallen kingdom of Lowick, and many other royals in his footsteps, put out the order for a 'Witch Hunt'. In essence, to find and eliminate all of the Starborn corrupted by witchery. Immense wealth would be given to any adventurers who could defeat even a single witch, as many whispered that the fate of the world was now hanging in the balance. Thus, a group of adventurers hired by the old ruler of Lowick would band together, each with their own goals, to save the world.
Interested. Probably more as a master than as a servant though, and if anybody else wanted to be a servant to pair with that'd be be chill. Always down for some Fate RP.
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