Avatar of toodles98
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 3 yrs ago
  • Posts: 5 ( / day)
  • VMs: 0


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Me: *uninterested in Lovestruck for MONTHS* Lovestruck: We're taking down the app Me: EXCUSE ME??? BUT WHAT ABOUT MY STORIES???
1 like
3 yrs ago
3 yrs ago
A new avatar, to help me forget about that horrible experience with a certain ~other fandom~... Gotta love the trans characters, right?
3 yrs ago
Oh, lmao, forgot. I gotta read Saerys's route for Lennox research (I'm writing a fanroute for him on AO3 so-)
3 yrs ago
Trying to decide who I'll focus on when Altea's route is done. It's between Arin (Ever After Academy) and Galen (...I forget which one they're from honestly) I haven't decided yet tho


So I'm a trans male (pronouns are he/him) who is also asexual and panromantic. I'm the kinda person who, if I was a character in a TV show, you'd probably call 'forced diversity'. I also have autism and ADHD. Why'd I mention THAT part? Because it means when I hyperfixate on something (autism) it either lasts for a week or for 6 months - sometimes a year or two, even (ADHD). Also when I hyperfixate I tend to want to RP it, which is, well, why I'm here in the first place. Also, for others' sake I tend to only do 1x1 RPs since it's better for me to let one person know I'm no longer interested than multiple people.

ATM my hyperfixation is Danganronpa, particularly Non-Despair AUs (AKA Danganronpa S or Ultimate Talent Development Plan), just because of my lack of interest in unhappy endings in RPs. (That is, incidentally, another thing you should know about me - we can take a while to get there but if it starts to look like this won't end well I'm gonna jump ship)

Anyway, TL;DR, I'm a trans male asexual panromantic autistic ADHD person who likes RPing and is currently fixated on Danganronpa. Hope we can all get along!

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