Avatar of UltimoScorp
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    1. UltimoScorp 6 yrs ago
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just waiting on @SimpleWriter before i post again.
will wait to see more to decide on playing, but i'm very happy to see a halo RP and look forward to at least reading, if not playing!
Aaaand posted!
I'll get a post in tomorrow
Kathrine Vail:

Her question went unanswered as an explosion went off at the front of the group. Kat reacted on instinct, throwing herself and hopefully Amber against the wall as best she could.

There were any number of lifeforms that used some manner of explosive chemical compounds as a means of self defense. In confined spaces like this, a sizable explosion could send shockwaves and any number of harmful material ricocheting down the space. Depending on what had gone off, things could get... Messy.

Sure enough, Kaze came flying down the hall a ways, before literally screeching to a stop. Cassius gave an order, one which Kat herself might have assisted with, had there not been a dragon and at least two men between herself and the intended 'pasting' targets.
I'm still here, but at this point, Kat's just keepin an eye on things. Trying to let others have a chance to do stuff, and, she did ask amber what her drone did to make some conversation in the meantime. Not every post I make for her will call for a paragraph, and I'd prefer not to write long for the sake of writing long.
Kathrine Vale:

Kat perked up a bit when Amber let her companion off, "Ooh, that's fancy, what all can she do?"

Meanwhile, her suit was making a basic map of the areas they went through. nothing fancy, a simple 3D boxy sort of affair.
Kathrine Vale:

"Stairs got it, I'll keep an eye out."

the sounds of weapons fire prompted Kat to draw her own weapon, and follow Amber out at a light jog. The creatures she saw were.... well other hands had described them aptly, suffice it to say Kat found them horrific. She let a few shots of her own lose whenever she felt she had a clear shot, and pondered aloud, "I thought the X could perfectly mimic anything, why do these things look all.....melty?"
KAthrine Vale:

She waved away the praise, "Aw, that? Nothin' to it, really, just redirectin' a bit of force." She rubbed her arm, "Preeetty sure I pulled a muscle though. Gonna have to ease up on the fancy moves."

"In the meantime, why don't we try for those main controls you mentioned? I'd imagine getting power back up without automated defenses trying to shoot us would go a long way to figuring out what went on here."
oh, dang is it me up? I'll get a post up within the next couple of days
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