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The world above was absolutely stunning. The sun, so warm and bright, Ariah couldn't help but smile at the heat on her skin as she traversed this odd place. Now, she could easily understand why Eko was so enthralled with this world. All of the others appeared to take special interest in the sun as well but even more intriguing was the open space. Undaro was an enormous cave really so breezes came and went sparingly. But in this place, the air currents flowed as they pleased, limitless, unrestricted, and free. Although she was to keep a low profile, Ariah constantly used her powers. She controlled the flow of air currents and made new ones to create an invisible transportation network that would allow her to let items travel the wind to any destination. For example, Ariah made a current that lead straight to Eko's bedroom window so that way she could send her little sis letters everyday. These air channels did not run continuously for then anyone could run into one and the group would be discovered. Besides the air mail thing , it was also fun to mess with the surrounding people by creating freak winds that came from apparently nowhere. She tried not to do that too often but sometimes she just couldn't help herself.

Ariah had been walking through a shopping district at the time. Many things about the mundanes fascinated her, but the many foods and various fashions had really caught her attention. Ariah took a particular liking to desserts. Cakes, cookies, and chocolates seemed to always be in her hand. The clothes people wore so unlike anything back in Undaro. Anything lacey and loose was part of her new growing wardrobe. She sent many boxed treats and outfits to Eko.

Though she thought this place was very unique, Ariah was actually very unsettled and upset. The mundanes took everything they got for granted, never realizing how truly good they have it. She knew they were physically weaker beings but she thought mentally they were equal. They were always whining and complaining about every little thing. It was also extremely irritating how much they seemed to want to pick fights with each other over the stupidest of things. She began to think about Alma.
See I did do a character

After looking over the group she was going to be with, Lilith had to admit she was more interested in them than she first thought. She wondered who she should set her sights on first. At least one of them appeared to come from around her time, perhaps a few years after her and she seemed to be French. Then there was the only guy in the group. He seemed pretty friendly. There was also the little witch girl, what could be more fun than black magic? And finally the sore looking green eyed girl. Her newest "troupe" looked promising.

Then Mena, she believed the Goddess had called her, commanded for them to follow her through the waterfall. Inside was the cavern which would be their new home. “These are your living quarters. It is up to you five to decide who gets which room,” Mena called out and with a few more words left for the common room.

“That room’s mine. I called it – it’s mine” the brunette called out.

So Lilith glided into the room next to miss green eyes and closed the door. She didn't want to be next to the entrance as well and that girl seemed like she wouldn't be a noisy neighbor. She looked around her new living space. These rooms were incredibly boring. Way too dull. Again she found herself wishing for a paint set.

Still pretty wet Lilith took off all her clothes and spread them out on the floor. She stared at her pretty circus dress for a moment, taking in how beautiful it and all her costumes were. Then she rummaged through her clothes for every single weapon and item she had on her. Concealed in her clothes were 34 combat tools,13 vials or bottles of random substances, a paintbrush and oddly enough 3 thick pieces of white chalk. She picked up the chalk and drew on the walls. Suddenly, a brilliant idea hit her.

She could get her paint set afterall! Chalk and clay were great fillers for paint, and plants could provide the pigments. All she had to do was forage around outside for ingredients and then she would finally have paint. Completely overjoyed and forgetting she was still naked, Lilith burst out of the room in a frenzy. As she zoomed past the looks of disbelief and crashed through the guy and French girl, Nocturne had the look of a mad woman.

The land they had been summoned to was virtually barren but Lilith was determined to find what she needed. She already knew what the first thing she wanted to paint was, a scene of her old pet tiger lying on his back in a field of her favorite flowers. For this painting she would only needed the colors white, black and red but in large amounts. She hoped the basket and three bottles she brought would be enough to carry it all or that she could even fill them up.

First she filled a bottle with water. In the second bottle she put mud and dark colored bugs for making black. In the distance she saw lots of tiny white flowers and collected them. She had to venture a very long way but she found a small patch of red poppies which she put in her basket as well. She even got some honey from a bee hive. Satisfied, she made her way back to room. She broke a drawer from her dresser for a palette and created her paints.

Naked and happy, Lilith was not going to be joining Mena and the others any time soon.
Since you said yours was small I made mine the smallest
Lilith sat quietly at the waters edge, staring blankly at her toes. This was place was no afterlife she thought to herself. Oddly amused by the idea of death she was a bit disappointed she didn't end up that way. She wondered what kind of place her dead circus family had gone to. The image she had built in her mind was an extravagantly illustrated picture that was inconceivable to any human beings imagination. Wishing she had her paint set with her, Lilith continued to construct the exclusive scene in her mind.

"The choice remains yours. If you choose to---

Engrossed in her imaginary world, she paid little attention to what was being said and sat completely unfazed as all the others had moved forward. Her mind was already made up. Granted she missed her family a bit, she knew they were at peace and didn’t feel the need to follow them. It was a simple choice with an easy answer, not much complexity to it. Blithe was her nature and her frolicsome little spirit told her this would be much more fun than being dead or reincarnated.

Sensing it was her time to go up, Lilith snapped out of her dreaming. She glided merrily but silently up to the Lady Andraste. Her artificial wings trailed noisily behind her. A mischievous grin on her face, she knelt before her Lady in an overly pious manner. Using a singsong voice, she repeated the words of the red headed woman, "through bow or blade, through shield or fist, I vow to protect my Lady Goddess. Through blood and soul, through mind and heart, I vow to my Lady, to do my part."

Without a word, Lilith skipped over to the moonlit water and plunged her whole body into it. Not to mention having wings as weapons she also carried numerous concealed armaments in her outfit that would have taken far too long to wet one by one. Randomly thinking she felt like Ophelia, she dragged herself out of the water.

Soaking wet, Lilith dripped with anticipation as she browsed through the other pure souls and took little mental notes on each one.
Name: Lilith Nocturne (Nickname Lia or Lie)
Age: 19

Weapon of Choice: Her body, Daggers, Knives, Needles, Guns, Chakram, and a pair life-like mechanical wings which allow her to fly for a bit and also releases a sleeping gas or a gas that burns flesh

Personality: Lilith is an incredibly sweet girl who spends much of her time thinking or day dreaming, usually while painting. She is a whimsical creature that finds everything to be delightful and despite her appearance is rather fond of things others would typically describe as dark or scary. Quite often she seems to wander around aimlessly but nothing she does is without reason.

Place of Origin: Born in Brazil but stayed in France for 2 years. Never stayed anywhere long enough to call home.

History: (1921-1940) Lilith Nocturne is the only heir to the world famous Nocturne Cirque, the most magnificent traveling circus that ever would be. As a baby she stayed in a her parent's private mansion in France. She was tended to by maids until the age of 3 and then joined her parents at the circus. Immediately her parents taught her every circus skill imaginable and soon she able to be a part of tightrope, contortionist, tiger taming, acrobat, knife throwing, balancing, hula hooping and trapeze acts. By the age of ten she was better than anyone else in the troupe, even more so than her parents. Lilith was completely enamored with the circus, enchanted by all the mysteries it held. Seeing how much she cared about it, her parent decided it was time to tell her the truth behind the circus. Nocturne Cirque was only a front her parents had created for an elite organization that they ran that secretly took commissions from a number of countries. Jobs ranged from assassination to secret transports or deliveries to information collection, all easily accomplished under the guise of a traveling circus. Her parents promised her they never did anything that was unjust or morally illicit and that everything they did was to help the world find peace. However, they didn't need to coax her into believing anything for she already knew about most of it and had already made the decision to continue the family business. She began working with them instantly and only on the most dangerous and important missions. Lilith became Nocturne's trump card and rumors of her spread throughout countries. Although she was extremely skilled, Lilith never killed. She didn't need to and refused to take on assassinations. Most of her work involved freeing children and women from horrendous situations of abuse, slavery, and sex houses. Orphans all over the world received homes and women were given good money to live on. Slaves from all over came to stay at the circus, for all were allowed to seek refuge under it's drapes.

On her nineteenth birthday the whole circus gathered to celebrate with her and her parents by giving her a special midnight performance. During the final act, hundreds of men in gas masks stormed the circus tents, releasing poison gas bombs. The attack came from out of no where, but the troupe was skilled and couldn't be taken down so easily. The men lit the tents on fire and as the flames grew unbearable they still continued to fight and bring in countless more troops. It was a suicide mission to exterminate Nocturne Cirque and there was no escape for anyone. With that in mind Lilith vowed to bring peace to all and so strapped on a pair of mechanical wings, an invention she had just finished. With them she flew overhead into the burning ceiling, taking an infinite number of bullets, to release the sleeping gas with in them. Everyone dropped into a deep slumber. Lilith's wings caught fire and she too fell to the floor. Paralyzed from the fall, Lilith watched as her parents and friends burned in the flames whilst they dreamed. Wishing them good night, she too was engulfed.

Lilith awoke cool waters that glowed mystically under the moon light. All pain had left her and all wounds were cured. The mechanical wings had melted into her back when she died and were completely mended into her body while she healed. As she floated soundlessly through the ripples she realized there was a purpose to her being here. Staring at moon she understood that she had been called to protect something precious, to be a guardian of some sort. Closing her eyes, Lilith dreamed of what this new life would bring.

Quote: “Yo soy tu sueñita, Bella Noche"
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