Avatar of unknownrodan
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So i'm getting back into rp after a while away, am casual and literate. I have a full time job and work overnight shift, so pm rp would probably work best for me. Currently just looking for 1x1 rps. I don't have anything specific in mind but will list some interests and ideas below. Always enjoy talking with partner and combining ideas or coming up with new ideas together.

Current settings/themes:

supernatural- can be modern, medieval, 1800s-1900s (can't promise authentic historical settings hehe)

post apocalyptic- can be anything from after world war 3 or 4 survival to zombie apocalypse, another world crossing over and combining with ours

sci-fi- maybe terminator like world overrun by robots or perhaps futuristic advanced world (doesn't have to be earth) where maybe technology has become too advanced

time travel- perhaps start in a modern-futuristic setting and for whatever reason travel back to a preset time

always open to discus ideas with potential partner also.


vampire X prey- I (M) can play either role, prey would be maybe like potential but then vampire changes mind at last moment or maybe vampire saves them from someone or something else

vampire X vampire/werewolf- VxV perhaps mates/friends looking for a new clan/trouble to get into, bodyguards for nobility/ancient treasure or relic, assassins after a mark or rival clan. VxW are wounded/remnants of a battle and help each other despite their species being enemies, 1 is the target of the other but the assassin can't go through with it and instead decides to protect the target.

Human X Human- Slice of life could be friends, friends that turns to romance, strangers that become friends or start a business together, supernatural hunters/investigators, survival not necessarily horror, could be living off the land survival, plane or boat crash survival or horror such as zombies, vampires, monsters

These are just some ideas off the top of my head, again, open to discus characters, settings, pairing and whatever else may come to mind. For now that's all i can think of to put here, any questions feel free to message me, would be happy to answer any other questions, talk about potential rps, make friends =)

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