Avatar of Valentine
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    1. Valentine 8 yrs ago


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4 yrs ago
Current Maybe the kink IS fighting people at flagpoles.
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4 yrs ago
Depression and anxiety are kicking my ass, so I'll have posts out ASAP.
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4 yrs ago
Day ?? of quarantine. I've only had one customer in weeks. He keeps telling me, "I'm your husband! Not a customer! Stop charging me!" Might 86 him.
4 yrs ago
Smoked too much. Got overly excited, and now I have a PPT with nothing but information on a RP idea. My husband doesn't seem nearly as excited.
4 yrs ago
After smoking, side quests are 100x more interesting than the main storyline.


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Tallis rested her chin on her knees, her arms wrapped around her legs. Flower petals littered Taylor's grave; she had destroyed a whole bouquet. "I talked to Jeremy about marriage, it scared him shitless." She sighed, leaning her forehead against the cold marble. "I still blame myself for your death, even though my therapist said it's not my fault by any means. The more time passes, the more I miss you." The sound of footsteps ended her conversation with Taylor.

"Wanna tell me what's going on?" Tillman asked as he offered a cigarette to his best friend.

Truth be told, Tallis didn't want to tell him anything...but she needed to tell someone. Who better to tell than the love of her life? "He broke me, Jeremy. I can't sleep and I don't want to eat. I panic everytime someone gets too close to me. This life I'm living is a nightmare. I've never been so scared." Tallis couldn't look at Jeremy as she poured her heart out. What would he think?

She was making him look weak.

Time began slowly passing by, and Tallis' physical wounds began to heal. It was the emotional ones that stayed open, festering and becoming infected. The young woman shrank when anyone came too close. She hid behind her hands when Jeremy moved to touch her cheeks. Everything frightened her, and she didn't sleep. She was living on coffee and speed, slowly unraveling like a ball of string.

Nothing would return to normal until Cameron was dead and buried. And she had to be the one to do it.

Tallis was curled up in the President's chair, the video of her attack being played on repeat as she searched through mountains of paperwork. She was becoming obsessed with finding Cameron. It consumed every aspect of her life. "Where the fuck are you?! You can beat the shit out of me and disappear. That's not your style. WHERE ARE YOU?!" As she screamed she pushed the papers off Jeremy's desk. Had it been her computer she would have thrown it across the room. Breaking things was the only thing that brought her comfort in these troubled times. That, and fucking Jeremy so hard he fell right to sleep.

A knock at the door pulled her mind away from her own thoughts. "Come in!" It was Cuddles. He was still in bad shape from being jumped in. Tallis found that she liked him a lot, though. "What is it, Cain?" She was the only one to use his real name.

"Tillman wants you. They found someone who might be able to give us information about Cameron." He flashed her a sheepish smile, playing with his cut. Tallis was always so nice to him, it was hard not to fall for her.

"Thanks, Cain. I'll be right there." She smiled back at him, allowing him to leave before moving from the chair. This was going yo either end well or very poorly, there was no room for something in between.
@El Taco Taco I would LOVE to explore American wizard culture with you! Nathan seems right up my alley :)
-Three Months Later-

In four weeks, a great deal could change. More than anyone could possibly imagine. Alexander Black had officially stepped down as President, allowing Tillman to take his place and Patty to become Vice President. Not a single person had voted against it. Things between the two chapters of the Red Devil Motorcycle Club had come to a surprising standstill, but that didn't mean things would stay like that. Things never stayed calm for long. Not when you were an outlaw. Nothing was ever this simple when you were an outlaw.

It was just the calm before the storm.


Kaci had moved in with Solomon, their relationship with Jeremy still rocky at best. Nonexistent at worst. It almost, no it did, hurt how little she got to see her older brother. "Solo, get in her!" Her fragile heart was sinking into her stomach as she stared down at the test. Two blue lines. Just like the other three tests. She and Solomon were going to be parents. Everything she never wanted. Ever. This was her worst nightmare. "Oh dear God," she muttered into the toilet.

If there were any hopes of fixing the relationship between Jeremy and Solo, they had all just been pissed away. Literally.


Like Kaci and Solomon, Tallis and Tillman had moved in together; she was even officially his old lady, something she had always wanted to be. The happy couple had been spending a great deal of time at the clubhouse, making sure that everything was running smoothly. It was. For the most part, at least. Tallis had been looking into expanding their drug trade, turning it into a drug empire. Heroine. Meth. Crack. Cocaine. Weed. The Red Devils were selling it all, and some of them were even getting addicted to it.

Tallis was curled up on Tillman's lap, looking over the club's finances while Jeremy smoked a joint. "We need to continue pushing the heroine and meth, they seem to be doing really well in the neighboring counties. Cocaine is still selling well in our's, but it looks like weed is also doing particularly well with the teenagers. Which makes sense, because the weed is fucking fantastic. I would know." She would know, seeing as how she smoked it so often.

Kaci moved towards Solomon, resting her head against his back. "Don't be sorry, but I know that the club needs you. Your brothers need you." She sighed. "And your girlfriend will be waiting for you when you return." She began kissing his back and neck, pulling him into her arms. Her heart was breaking for him, mostly because she knew that this was all her fault. If only we had never gotten involved...

"I'm sorry, Solomon."


She moved to where Tillman had patted, crossing her legs as she leaned forward. Anger was evident on her pretty features. Jealousy was beginning to bubble up in her chest at the idea of Jeremy going to meet with Moira, she didn't trust that bitch. Tallis took the joint from Jeremy, inhaling as deeply as she could. The smoke was burning her lungs, but ignored the sensation the best she could. Her head was beginning to swim. "I don't want you meeting with Moira. I lost you to her won't, and I'll be damned if I lose you again." The smoke poured out of her mouth as she spoke. She was refusing to look at him, almost disappointed that she was feeling jealousy. Did she have a right to be jealous? "Let's go, and I'll give you 101 reasons to keep me around."

Her biggest fears were beginning to come to life. Cameron was close to getting her back and she could possibly lose Tillman if Moira came back into the picture.
Knowing that everyone was watching, Tallis kissed Jeremy on the lips before burying her head against his chest. "Thank you. You don't know how much that meant to me. I love you." And she did. Tallis Black had loved Jeremy Tillman since she was 15. Eight years she had loved him, and she was sure she would love him for eight more. She followed behind him like a puppy, equally concerned that Solo was screening their calls. The club came first, always and forever. "I'll go see what the deal is, but don't start the meeting without me!" She kissed him one last time before stealing the keys to his truck.


Tallis didn't bother knocking on Kaci's door, but barged right in. "I hope I'm not interrupting something."

"Tallis!" Kaci grabbed a pillow to cover herself and another to cover Solo. "What the hell are you doing?!"

"You don't need to cover him, I've seen it all before." She was grinning from ear to ear, making her way deeper into the room. Solo was going to get an ear full. "I guess Solo didn't tell you, Kaci, but old lady's don't get to speak when members are talking about club business. It isn't their place. And Solo if you pulled your dick out of Kaci long enough to answer your fucking phone, you would know that we have a club meeting. You're probably wondering why, and I'll tell you, the clubhouse was fucking attacking. Our garage literally blew up and you would know that if you actually answered your goddamn phone." Tallis was seething now. "I understand how you feel about Kaci, I do, but she will never be first while you're a club member. Even if she's your wife, she'll never be first. That's the fucking sacrifice you make when you get jumped in, fucking deal with it. And kiss any chances of mending your relationship with Jeremy goodbye, because he won't forgive you for this. I fucking wouldn't." She left it at that, grabbing his cut as she walked out of Kaci's room. He didn't deserve to be called a Red Devil right now.

Kaci stared at the door in horror, still covering herself with the pillow. She hadn't taken away much from the conversation, but she did understand two things: Tallis and Solo had fucked before and Solo was in deep shit with the club. "You should go." Her voice was shaking.

-20 Minutes Later-

Tillman's new old lady tossed him Solomon's cut, sinking into the Vice President's seat. "He can have it back when he realizes that the club comes first."
"I love you, K." His words sent shivers down her spine, filling her stomach with bubbles and butterflies. "I love you, too, Solomon. I really do." How long had she been waiting to say those words to him? It felt like years. Kaci pushed herself into a sitting position to get a better look at him. He's so incredibly handsome. She traced his lips with her fingertips while biting her own. "I want you."

That was an understatement.


Just an outlaw and his old lady on a date. Was she his old lady? A large part of her hoped so, hoped that they could have a future together. A future with matching tattoos and tiny Tillman's running around, but all of that would have to wait. Tallis was too pleased with the here and now to continue thinking about the future.

Jeremy and Tallis talked and laughed for what felt like hours, all of their troubles seeming to melt in the crisp night air. They discussed the art that littered their bodies, pointing out the pieces that were new and delving into the stories that went with them. Memories flowed from their mouths as freely as the whiskey and wine were poured into their glasses. "Do you remember that one time you and Taylor set firecrackers off in my room? Jesus Christ, I'd never seen dad appear so quickly in my entire fucking life. I was actually impressed. I didn't know a man that large could run." She erupted into laughter, doubling over for laughing so hard. This was the happiest she had been in months. No, years. Nothing had been right since Taylor died, but this was right. This was perfect.

They were having such a delightful time talking, they barely touched their food. "Would you like boxes for your food?" Asked the flamboyant waiter with a flourish of his hand.

Tallis looked down at her seafood alfredo, mildly surprised that her plate was still so full. "Oh, yes please!" And with that, their waiter left them alone once more. To her great disappointment, though, their conversation did not resume to tattoos and what motorcycle was the best.

“Tallis, I hate bringing up club shit right now, but I have something to tell you. Your dad is taking a few days off, not sure why. Personal shit. He asked me to run things while he’s gone, specifically all this bullshit with Cameron. Now, I know this is personal for you. I don’t blame you one fuckin’ bit for that. But, this has to be my top priority now. I gotta do things right by the club.” He rubbing the top of her hand until she had goosebumps. “I want your help with this. You know Cameron better than any of us do.”

She placed a hand on her stomach, frowning deeply at his words. Tallis had tried her best to forget, but that wasn't a possibility anymore. "You know I'll help any way I can, baby, just say the word and I'll do it." And she would. Anything he asked. But if he thought he was going to be the one to kill Cameron, he was a fucking idiot. Despite the serious tone that the conversation had taken, Tallis perked up at the idea of dessert. "I'm sure you'll taste even better covered in chocolate and whipped cream." And handcuffed to the bed, but that can be mentioned later.

Her excitement for dessert was short-lived, though, at the sound and sight of the explosion. Tallis' heart sank into her stomach. Were outlaws not allowed to have happiness? Because it was beginning to feel like that was the case. Before she knew it, she and Jeremy were back and his truck and racing towards the clubhouse. Her heart sank even more then they arrived; the garage was engulfed in flames. The fire department were running around like mad, trying the best to put the fire out.

"Jeremy, Banshee is in there. That's all I have left of Taylor's. Banshee is in there!" Without realizing it, she began moving towards the fire.
The young Tallis of Jeremy's memories was soft and sweet, her porcelain skin free from tattoos and her piercings reserved for her ears. She was incredibly tipsy and couldn't keep her eyes off Jeremy. He's so handsome. Just when she was about to pluck up the courage to kiss him, Taylor plopped down between them to ruin the moment. He always had a way of ruining the moment. He wrapped his overly tattooed arms around Jeremy and Tallis to pull them close, Taylor smelled strongly of alcohol and weed. "You two are my favorite people of all time, I swear to God!" He kissed them both on the cheeks. "We're fucking family and we always will be. The three fucking musketeers."

"You're drunk, Taylor!" Tallis said loud, pressing her head to his. These were her best friends and they would always be, but she would always hope that Jeremy would be more. Needed him to be more. As Taylor fell back into the sand, Tallis stole more glances at Jeremy. God, I want him so badly.

Today's Tallis was searching Jeremy's closet, trying to decide between a black or white button down. He always looked so good in black, but white just seemed to be more appropriate for a date. White it is. On her way out she grabbed a pair of light gray dress pants. She was fairly certain that her mind was going to be on everything but food tonight. "I promise it won't take me too long to get ready!" Tallis kissed him softly as she passed him on the way to the bathroom.

She was going to blow his mind tonight.


When Tallis exited Jeremy's bathroom, she looked like a whole different person. Her hair was perfectly curled and her makeup expertly applied. The black dress she wore hugged her curves while the blood red heels made her slender legs look miles long. She was breathtakingly beautiful tonight, mostly because she very rarely ever dressed up. Why should she? Criminals never went anywhere fancy. "Why are you looking at me like that? Is my eyeliner off?!"
Kaci stared at the message on her screen, unsure if or how to respond. I should respond, he at least deserves that much. "Just come over whenever you like, I'll be in the bathtub." That's not what she had meant to say, but she had already sent it. She needed to relax and unwind. With a sigh, she shoved the phone under her pillow before rolling off the bed with a soft thud. A glass or three of wine would also be needed for this night of relaxation. If she was feeling especially frisky, she would take a shot. Maybe she would even snort some cocaine...or whatever the hell you were supposed to do with cocaine. Smoke it? Inject it? Kaci had no fucking clue.

God, I'm so fucking boring.

She sat on the edge of the clawfoot tub, filling it with steaming hot water and many bubbles as the tub could hold. This would be the best night she'd had in a very, very long time. Well, other than that night she had with Solo a few days ago. Nothing could top that. Not even finding out that Jeremy and Moira were back together and Tallis was gone. Well, maybe that could top losing her virginity...


“I’m ready when you are, love.”

She had been ready to go since she got there, but Tallis decided against bringing that point up. "I'm ready now, baby, though I'd love to go out for dinner or something. Maybe we can go on a date that didn't involve strippers and blow. I could wear a dress and you could put on a tie. And I could take a cute ass selfie to post on Instagram." Part of what she said was meant to be nothing more than a tease, but she was serious on the rest. Tallis couldn't remember the last time they had been on a proper date, and she was almost sure that they had never been on one. Had they ever been on a date? Probably not. You never took your side chick places where they could be seen.

That's just the way things worked.


The knock at the bathroom door started Kaci, some of her wine sloshing out of glass. "Come in." It was Solo. Her heart sunk into her stomach, she had missed him a lot more than she wanted to admit. "Care to join me, Solomon?" The words came out sounding a lot more sexual that she had meant them to. In all honesty, she just wanted him close to her. To run her fingers through his hair or to rub his back.

It was the little thing she had missed more than anything.
"Who do you think she's calling?" Voodoo asks, pulling down his bandana to smoke a cigarette.

Tallis looked back at him, hating having to take her eyes away from Moira's window. "Let's hope it's her daddy-o. I'm not in the mood to get arrested tonight." She turned her attention back to the window. Moira was still standing there in a panic. Tallis found no satisfaction in her fear, though. Memories were plaguing her. They had been friends once. Good friends. Well, acquaintances, really. But still. They had worked together at one of the local hole in the wall restaurants. Tilly's. They had hung out occasionally, but never anything serious.

But their friendship died the day Moira started dating Jeremy. She knew how Tallis felt about Tillman, because she had confided in her...but even through her anger, she could also see how she why Moira had fallen for him. He was handsome and charming. Dangerous and sexy. They were the same reasons she had fallen for him all those years ago, and fell for him still.

It was sweet revenge when Tallis started fucking him behind her back. When he screamed her name and she slept in their bed. And when Moira found them in bed together? The icing on her chocolate cake.

The sound of screeching tires pulled her from the memories past, bringing a smile to her blood red lips. Marvin Winters was finally here. "Marvin, Marvin, Marvin." She turned to face him, pulling down her bandana. Tallis was grinning like a demon. "Before you reach for your gun or your phone, you're going to hear us out...because we're being painfully civil. We waited outside your house and your daughter is still in one piece. That's civil by outlaw standards, but you're making us feel very...uncivil. You see, it's a bad idea go behind our backs and make deals with other people, because we're always going to find out. Drop all business with Cameron Williams or I promise we will be painfully uncivil next time we see you. We know where you live. We know where she works, and none of us are afraid to go to jail for murder. Some of us already have." Her threats were loaded. The way she saw it, it was Moira's life or her own...and she was rather partial to her own life.

Despite making it seem like he would be given the chance to speak, he was not granted that chance. The Red Devils started up the bikes before peeling out of the Winters' driveway, a few of them shooting off warning shots. They would be back, and next time there would be more.


"Where the fuck have you been?" Black demanded as Tallis slid off Banshee.

"Out, we got food."

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