Avatar of Vorona
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1 (0.00 / day)
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    1. Vorona 8 yrs ago


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Hey there, my name is obviously Vorona and if you're reading this your goal is most likely to find out what you can about my Roleplay background. Well I am most definitely not new to the scene, I've been writing online since 2008 and have been frequenting forums since around 2010. I've written on gaiaonline, iwakuroleplay, and a bit on some non-rp dedicated websites like mmochampion and swotor's dedicated forums as well. I've also done my share of pen & paper roleplay, though that's a fairly recent thing. Nonetheless, if you have any other questions feel free to message me on here!

Most Recent Posts

Trionfi - The Fool's Game

A fluttering is heard outside your bedroom window.. The sound is faint but just loud enough to catch your attention. As you approach the window and investigate the source of this disturbance, you come to find that a crow sits patiently at the ledge looking at you with it's beady black eyes. In the bird's beak lies a white envelope, sealed and in pristine condition although being held by a wild animal. As you open the window, the crow happily hops towards it's recipient dropping the envelope right in front of you before giving a surprisingly intelligent nod of approval and spreading his wings to take flight. As you watch the crow make it's way to the indigo sky above, you realize that it is reuniting with a great number of its own kind.

Your eyes now set to the floor, fixating on that mysterious envelope. Picking it up from your bedroom floor you realize that other than the old-fashioned wax seal holding the envelope shut, only your first and last name are written on it's face. Feeling entitled to open it, as it is your mail.. You open the envelope to find a folded up jet-black parchment and upon unraveling it, a tarot card hidden within falls out. As your tired eyes adjust to the darkness, you can finally make out what's written on the paper.

The Arcana & Players

Taking up the name of one of the Arcana marks yourself as a Trionfi, and enlists you into The Fool's Game. Being a participant of the game grants the Trionfi abilities specific to their Arcana and must utilize them in order to succeed. However, each Trionfi are now without their original name and are no longer present in any records and are rendered unable to live a normal life with no money or property to their name. Additionally, none of their former peers or family will have any memory of a participant for the remainder of the game. This isn't a game of survival. Rather, each of the Trionfi must collect one another's cards until one person has them all. Once all of the card's are collected, the holder will be granted an audience with The Fool and should they receive his card, they win.

If a Trionfi loses their card, they are not immediately disqualified and are still given a chance to take another's card, however, if they cannot obtain a card by the end of the day they are disqualified losing both their new name and their old identity. This results in the Trionfi being collected by the Game Watchers, and removed from the game, and thereafter having their own memory wiped afterwords.

- The Magician -
- The High Priestess -
- The Empress -
- The Emperor -
- The Hierophant -
- The Lovers -
- The Chariot -
- Strength -
- The Hermit -
- Wheel of Fortune -
- Justice -
- The Hanged Man -
- Death -
- Temperance -
- The Devil -
- The Tower -
- The Star -
- The Moon -
- The Sun -
- Judgement -
- The World -

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