Avatar of Vulkan 707
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
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  • Posts: 340 (0.13 / day)
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    1. Vulkan 707 7 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current "Why am I alive? Why would I want to be dead? Being alive is fun, all my friends are here! Besides, I tried being dead. UNPLEASANT IT WAS." - Vulkan
6 yrs ago
“I don't like people. They fuck me up.” ― Stephen King, The Gunslinger


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In The Room 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
*John takes the slap, and doesn't object to it. He watches Beatrix walk out, and then surveys the scene. He puts things together pretty quickly, and looks over at the small crater left behind from Gordon's departure. He then limps back out of the kitchen, and starts walking past Sasha.*
Sasha: Who was he? Ziogen? I thought they-
John: I'll explain later, just keep the... just keep it safe. I have another fire to put out.
*Sasha tilts her head, and nods to John. John roams around for a bit, before finding Beatrix and party hugging. He watches from where Xan is, and wishes he had a drink.*

*Sasha follows after John, but is far enough away to not be noticeable.*
In The Room 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
*John nods to Beatrix, then sits listening. He hears her cry, and hopes Sasha is still alive.*

*Sasha get's to her feet again, and looks over at the smoldering remains of Gordon and Vaseraga. She sighs at Vase's death, and shakily walks out of the kitchen. After a moment of looking around for John, she spots him lying on the ground. She wordlessly runs over to him, and checks his vitals.*
John: You okay?
Sasha: I'm fine, Vaseraga is gone.
*John looks guilty at this new revelation, and he manages to look up at Sasha.*
John: You still have it?
Sasha: Yes... who was that John? What did he want?
*John covers a response with a coughing fit, and looks towards the kitchen.*
John: It's... a long story...
*Sasha nods,and does some last minute touches on John. Afterwords John is able to gradually gets to his feet, and limps into the kitchen.*
*Sasha watches John go, looks inside her storage unit to see the small black box with a little window display. Through the display Sasha can see the brilliant strand of red hair, and frowns at it.*
*She thinks in silence, and closes her storage unit.*
In The Room 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
*Gordon's speakers laughs.*
Gordon: Not the only thing that is going to blow up!
*The glowing thing suddenly explodes, it's not as powerful as the explosion that happened in the fridge, but still strong enough to incinerate the strange cyborg that was Gordon.*

*Sasha get's to her feet to get knocked down again.*

*John is relatively okay, though has a rasped breathing.*
In The Room 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
*Sasha tries to throw herself out of the way of the tackle, but ends up getting partially hit by the barreling Vaseraga.*
*She hits the wall hard, and roars in pain as she receives a fracture to her arm. Her sword clatters to the ground, and immediately shuts off.*

*Gordon get's full on hit, and smashes through the wall.*
*It's cylinder head fires wildly, but fails to hit Vaseraga. Most of Gordon's systems are smashed, and a glowing amber light blooms from his chest.*
Gordon (In his mechanical rasp): Oh it's on now, you are all going to wish you were fucking dead!
*The glowing light seems to be getting brighter.*
In The Room 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
*Mechanical laughter booms out from Gordon, and the cylinder on his head erupts, spewing forth a red beam of energy. He aims for Xan, hitting her arm with the beam, and makes a arc towards Vaseraga, though he misses him..*
*Then his attention turns to Sasha, long silver tentacles slither out from Gordons palms and he tries whip Sasha with them, though again he misses.*

*Sasha swings her sword, and cuts into Gordon again. In response another mechanical roar emits from him.*
*He is visibly more effected by the electricity coming from Sasha's weapon.*
In The Room 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
*John looks towards the kitchen, but remains still. He grits his teeth, and hopes Sasha is handling Gordon.*

*Gordon looks at Xan in disgust, and something very strange happens. His upper half makes a audible cracking sound, followed by a series of clicks, and then Gordon's head opens into four parts. Each part opens up in a grotesque way, but it appears to 'break' where his nose was, under Gordon's pink flesh is a thick layer of cybernetics. A fist sized cylinder like object extends from where Gordon's nose was, and a bright light glows from within.*
Gordon (In a mechanical voice coming from his chest): You really are all going to die for a strand of hair! Fine then!
*Spikes erupt from Gordon's forearm, as a deterrent from getting grabbed by Xan.*

*Sasha wades forward, and stabs her sword into Gordon's back.*
*She still a little shaken from the explosion, but she is gradually getting her footing back.*
In The Room 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
*John keeps trying to crawl into the kitchen, but it's pretty pitiful attempt.*

*Sasha looks at Xan like she is crazy, and tries to motion her to get out of here. She is processing the fact John got hurt, but still is more concentrated on the threat at hand.*
Sasha: I am Sasha, let me deal with present company then I will go to John.
*Her sword crackles to life, and she makes sure to avoid touching of the acidic material.*

*Gordon is actually impressed that Vaseraga is walking, and pulls out his pistol aiming at his chest.*
Gordon: You are... interesting, but as I said do not interfere.
*He aims for Vaseraga's center of mass, and fires twice in quick succession.*
In The Room 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
*John tries to stop Gordon from going into the kitchen, he is still way too weak to actually do anything more then weak clawing towards the kitchen.*
John: Stop... Gord... Hair...
*His chest is in bad shape, having some augmentation probably saved his life, and is really suffering from a deflated lung.*

*Gordon frowns at the scythe, and turns towards Vaseraga.*
Gordon: If you know what's best for your health, do not interfere with me.
*He raises his hand, and the acidic material on Vaseraga suddenly erupts into life. It almost pulsates, and sends spikes of a pain through his arm. It also moves, doing its best to cover more of Vaseraga, specifically looking for flesh.*
*Sasha doesn't know who Gordon is, but knows Ziogen dark technology when she sees it. She clumsily draws her sword.*
*Gordon turns to regard Sasha with a grin, and aims his pistol at her.*
Gordon: Give me the hair, now.
In The Room 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
*John watches Gordon standing next to the kitchen, and does his best to warn Xan.*
John: G-Gordon...

*Gordon watches Xan, who is carring John, with slight annoyance. He then covers his ears.*

*Sasha sighs at hearing another accusations of slavery on Taboo.*
Sasha: As you say, just make it quick.
*She turns towards the sound of Xan yelling her name, and looks quizzical.*
Sasha: What-!

*The explosive Gordon placed in the fridge suddenly explodes, It blows the fridge to bits, on top of that a strange red acidic material flies in all directions from the bomb.*

*Sasha is thrown violently into the wall, but manages to stay conscious.*

*Gordon swiftly turns into the kitchen, and makes his way to Sasha. He seems unperturbed by the acid.*
In The Room 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
*John groans as he is picked up, and shakes his head at Xan.*
John: Gordon.. the hair... just..
*He wishes he finished his glass of whiskey before trying to hit Gordon, for he is in extreme pain.*


*Sasha folds her arms, and thinks for a bit on what she hears.*
Sasha: Guilty by association isn't the 'fairest' thing... just because her family is crazy doesn't mean she is, I don't agree on putting her to death for just that. We need more proof.
*She turns towards the fridge, and frowns at the beeping. Which seems to be beeping faster, and faster.*

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