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Jayden had initiated the unexpectedly electrifying staring contest he now shared with the girl, but girl, looking slightly flushed, was the one to break the connection. She spun around gracefully, her hair flowing across her back and around her shoulder fluidly. It was a sight to behold as she began her hurried walk up the stairs and into her apartment. Jayden stood still for a moment, regarding the strange encounter. And then Jayden noticed that the social worker was looking at him.

"Quite a lovely young neighbor you have," she said. Jayden ignored her. He heaved the satchel over his head and onto the opposite shoulder relative to where the actual bag rested, and began dragging his suitcase up the flight of stairs. His new home was apartment number 302. The girl had entered the first door on the landing, 301. As Jayden passed the door, he could hear mumbled voices. One seemed to be that of an adolescent female. He did not care to attempt to make out what the conversation was about.

Jayden stopped in front of 302 and released his satchel. He went to knock on the door, but found that just as his knuckles contacted the door, the door gave way as someone on the other side opened it. Before Jayden stood a small old lady with long white hair wrapped in a simple bun. she was so thin she could not have weighed more than eighty pounds, and her joints bulged as if she was underfed.

"Oh you must be Jayden! I am so glad to meet you!" said the little lady pulling Jayden into a hug with far more force than Jayden could have imagined she might possess. Jayden was taken aback by the gesture, and he neither reciprocated or acknowledged her affectionate greeting. "I'm Miss Palmer, but please call me anything you like! Oh I'm so glad you came when you did. I've been baking some cookies and brownies for your arrival, and the cookies are ready!" Miss Palmer turned around and began toward the kitchen rather spryly. Jayden stood still. Miss Palmer looked back to make sure he was following, and a stern look appeared on her face when she realized he was not. "Well don't just stand there! come in!" Jayden hesitantly followed, and the social worker was quick to join him. She brought his suitcase inside the apartment and closed the door. Miss Palmer led them to a room and opened the door for Jayden.

"This will be your room!" she said. Jayden walked in, and the social worker handed him his suitcase. He put them where they were not in the way and sat on the bed. "I will get you a cookie," said Miss Palmer happily. The social worker followed.

"Miss Palmer, I just have some last paperwork for you!" said the social worker digging through her folders. Jayden sat completely still and listened to the new environment around him. There was music playing on the other side of his wall. It sounded electronic. But there was a voice. In fact, Jayden knew this, it was Vocaloid music. although which Vocaloid it was he could not be sure. The music probably belonged to that girl he had seen, or her relative. It would make sense then to assume that the plan for this room was the same and mirrored to that of room 301.

Jayden got up and began unpacking what little he owned. when he was finished, he returned to the bed and laid down on it. Some time later, Miss Palmer came back a cookie, and Jayden heard the door close as the social worker left. Jayden took the cookie and began eating it slowly. Miss Palmer smiled at him. "You eat up now. I have some business to attend to, I'll be right back," said Miss Palmer as she left the room and then left the apartment. Jayden listened harder, and heard a knock on what must have been the door to the next apartment. Some minutes later, Miss Palmer returned. "We're attending our neighbor's house for dinner this evening, please be ready by 5.30," sung Miss Palmer, peaking her head back into Jayden's room. Jayden nodded. The woman was highly energetic, but she was sweet, and Jayden was much relieved.
The car pulled into the parking lot of the apartment complex where Jayden's new foster guardian lived. The driver meandered around the lot searching for the visitor parking that was in plain sight for a minute, and then she parked. She gathered up some accordion folders and files from the glove compartment, and Jayden sat in silence, scanning the parking lot for signs of life. The woman double checked to make sure everything she needed was in the folders, and then she tied the accordion folder closed and stacked all the folders and files on her lap. She sighed and looked over at Jayden.

"I know that you might feel intimidated, having to move again so soon. You seem to be feeling guilty for something, and I want you to know that what happened was an accident, it wasn't anything you did," said the Social worker.

Jayden looked over at her blankly. "... I don't feel guilty, but thanks," he said quietly. The social worker tried to muster a smile, but Jayden didn't want any sympathy or support. It wasn't necessary. He could easily support himself in a culture like this. It was nothing compared to where he had been raised. He wasn't allowed to even attempt supporting himself though. Not until this strangely formal and amazingly peaceful culture deemed him to be 'old enough' to make rational and safe decisions. Jayden thought it foolish, but there was nothing he could do without becoming a target. Jayden much preferred the invisible route, so he never voiced his thoughts on the matter to anyone.

"Well, my boss wanted you to know that you should be extra careful, we had trouble finding someone who would take you in this time. It will only get harder the older you get and the worse your record gets. So please try to avoid having any accidents, as ridiculous as that sounds," said the social worker.

Jayden nodded slightly, and got out of the car. The social worker did as well, and together they liberated Jayden's satchel and suitcase from the trunk of the car. Jayden was fully aware of the young woman watching him. He was suspicious of her, but he decided not to act on the suspicions unless the girl made a movement of some sort. He looked directly at her when he had successfully freed his suitcase. He was slightly taken aback. She was absolutely gorgeous, there was simply no other word that could describe her. Her face was thin and her skin exceptionally unblemished and fair. She had long, straight honey-blonde hair that flowed down her shoulders to about her mid-back. Her frame was thin and well proportioned, and her eyes... Her eyes were penetrating and intelligent. Jayden felt chills run down his spine as their eyes locked. Jayden simply could not look away.
Name: Jayden Phyro “Shadowblade”
Race: Human
Age: 16
Appearance: Just picture him with dark hair and an Earth hoodie and jeans.

Profession: Currently student. Will become wizard/portal master
Native Planet: Terra
Current Location: Earth, America
Special Skills: learns magic suspiciously well, sneaking in shadows, sword fighting, dagger fighting
Bio: Jayden was born on Terra. He was born into a secret assassin community known as the Plague. He was the son of the leader, Petas Shadow Wing Phyro. His mother was a mage named Euthith. From an early age he was trained in skills of combat and assassination. He was usually tormented by other children in the Brotherhood, calling his mother a witch who seduced their leader. This was because Euthith had not been born into the Plague, but had met Petas and fallen in love. When Jayden was 7, he received his assassin title, Shadowblade. Not long after this, a fight with the other children got ugly. Three older boys had him pinned, and a girl and another boy were taunting him about being half-outsider. Jayden’s mother happens upon the scene and uses her magic to repel the children and rescue her son. As a result, some of the assassins, noting that Petas Phyro is on a mission far away, decide to murder Euthith. They swarm Euthith in an ambush and successfully end her life, all as a mortified Jayden watches. Something in Jayden snapped then, and his dormant magic abilities awakened. Without meaning to, he opened a portal without a stone, falling into it and into America. This turned out to be such a powerful burst of portal magic that it opened up random portals all over Terra, and this is where the portal Ellyon fell through originated from.

On Earth, Jayden was put into the foster system when he was found. He acted as if he had amnesia, and hasn't spoken to anyone about what happened. He doesn't know that there are descendants of Terrans on Earth at all. He has currently been placed into his latest foster home, which is in the apartment next to Tavel, Cal, and Ellyon's...and is to be enrolled in Ellyon’s school. He's had to move around homes a lot from his inability to control his new-found magic, causing him to have accidents with it ever throughout his life.

Psychology: Jayden knows the importance of life more than most young people who life on Earth. After all, he has been trained to levy that very price on the heads of others. As such, he is heavily wary of his surroundings, to the point of obsession with the reasons people are where they are at any given time. His waryness often causes him to lose focus during conversations and events. As a result, he often makes clumsy mistakes that cause him to appear to be a klutz. Rather than try to avoid these mistakes, however, Jayden has resolved to use them to his advantage in hiding his true ability and the amount of danger he is capable of posing to those around him.
Unfortunately, those around him sometimes ridicule his clumsiness, reminding him of his tortured youth at the hands of other children trained in the same arts of elimination as he was. This causes him to distrust those around him easily, and he generally keeps to himself. Though he tries to be polite to his peers, often biting remarks escape him before he can consider other, more proper responses. For Jayden, socializing is a chore, and as a man with many secrets, he has rigid standards those who wish to socialize with him must meet.
Jayden harbors a deep-seeded hatred for those who torment those who are different, and for those who do not take other people’s opinions seriously. As such he does not discount any person as innocuous, but rather constantly analyzes the level of danger presented by each individual in a given area to each other individual in the area.
Though Jayden harbors this hatred, he is well versed in the art of patience, and will not retaliate against any individual unless a threat is posed to a life he does not feel needs to be ended. Many fights in schoolyards and parks have ended in Jayden being splayed out on the ground pretending to be unconscious as a result of this behavior. This protective behavior is not something he wishes to perform, however. In truth Jayden is a very passive individual at most times. He might even be described as humorless by those who do not know him well. He is so passive that he in fact prefers to go unnoticed, and will often decide not to perform at his fullest capabilities if there are onlookers he is aware of.
Jayden does not feel safe if he does not have a dagger of some kind on his person, and he is rather unfond of sleep as a result of his waryness.

Jayden wishes to return to the Terraplane someday and take revenge for the death of his mother. He also hopes to lead a normal life that his mother would have been proud of. He feels unsure of where assassinating might fit into this, and so has elected not to consider it as a career option at this time.
I think we should post them at the very least. I still have mine.
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