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In No Hope 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
<Snipped quote by whiteprophet>

48 hours afk protection, my good sir. I won't be draconian about it, but if a player doesn't post within that period, and is holding the group up then... well. You know what happens.

If you'll be away at any point for longer than that, then just say so. I'll look after the characters.

I like it. It adds a sense of dread and urgency that other games like this have failed to establish in the past.
In No Hope 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Sophia and Doris

Doris found a wall to lean on, the gun heavy in her hand, while Sophia held the door for the stranger and younger women to move benches through. She watched Doris from the small distance between them and wondered if today was a day she had taken her medicine or skipped it so it would last longer.

"Where are we going next?" Sophia asked the stranger while he began dragging benches that might save their life. "Doris needs a head start."
In No Hope 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Group 1, normally. Please don't kill me if I don't post within 24 hours though ;)

In No Hope 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Sophia and Doris

"Sophia, the gun," Doris said, reserving her tears for tonight's prayers. There were so many to spill tears for and so few tears left. But she still had the little girl and she was worth pushing on for. They didn't have time for grief, they only had time to get out of here. Out of this stupid school Doris didn't even want to come into in the first place. But she was old and no one listened to her but the girl.

The gun in question had slid out of James' hand and across the floor, clear of the horde chomping on his body. Sophia took off the second Doris said it, unquestioning that she could make it and that it was the right thing to do. Doris saw things Sophia couldn't and the second she spoke the frozen little girl was gone and action replaced her.

She scooped up the gun lightly and held it the way James had shown her. Without fear of it, 'because that's what will kill you.'


Sophia passed the gun to Doris and then reached for her hand. It had become a comfortable reaction to danger, holding the retired teacher's hand. It seemed to provide comfort for both parties if truth be told. And together they were moving toward the shouting stranger before Angie could voice the command to do it. Some of the others needed her direction the way Sophia needed Doris.

The stairs would prove difficult for Doris, not because of her mobility but because of her heart. If she pushed it too far, too fast, she would become a ticking time bomb. Sophia pulled Doris as much as she climbed the stairs herself. They would make it. They had to.
In No Hope 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I normally post once a day. I will have a post up tonight.

On another note, I don't know why this isn't a thing on these forums, but I find it REALLY helpful to know what's going on when people add a title to their posts as simple as the name of their character and occasionally some brief information like a location, if that location is different than someone else in the group. For instance:

"Sofia Kelt - Main Floor of the Gymnasium"

Text, post, blah blah blah...

It's really easy and it really helps establish who people are, especially when everyone is writing in the first person. :)
Annie - Error Wrecking Crew
Municipio XIII

Annie approaches the Error with another shot loaded until it begins to dissipate. The best part about hunting Errors was that the cleaned up after themselves. Sometimes the worst part was how quickly normal people forgot about them and you were left standing over a dead body or in the wake of serious damage that you suddenly looked responsible for. As soon as it was turning to dust and floating away on the wind, Annie gave Seren the nod to head out.

Down the street she sniffed the air and said, "We're not done. There's another one." The Hunter's power was weakening, but she still needed it to find the next target. "This way," she says.

OOC: @TheHangedMan Before we seemingly lost everyone, Lindsay was supposed to be hunting a shadow minotaur demon. I figure we might as well clean that up before we finish for the night. If there's anyone else still playing that wants to meet us in Municipio 12, I don't see why you shouldn't.
In No Hope 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Information coming, I had a long day at work and will get back on the creative horse tomorrow.
Hi everyone, La Inquisidora has asked me to post some of my ideas that we've been PMing back and forth.

First, I'd like to say I don't think we need more people working on this for now. With me, we are five people strong and that is more than enough minds to get a solid vision going. Many more and we will be hindered since we aren't able to get together in the same room and brainstorm. Later, we can always find, hire, and expand talent once we have a moving solar system to work with.

Second, currently Google Docs is public, anyone can follow that link and read what is posted. We should fix that.

Third, I've used an online service called TitanPad before and it worked really well and is more real time, and even keeps a history of each document so all edits and changes are colored and marked by who makes the edits, and it can be scrolled backwards to see the evolution of it. I don't want to undo work on the Google Doc, but if we can't make it private and we decide to use TitanPad anyway, that is better to do sooner than later.

Fourth, we need to get in the same book before we worry about what page we're all on. I have a few questions to get us started. So I have some questions that I think we need to establish answers to, together, before we head off into the great abyss of our made up universe's details:

1. How expansive is Space Travel and how often are planets hospitable to life? Are there one or two main solar systems with life on most of those planets (Think Three Milky Ways with eight to ten livable planets)? A whole Galaxy, including countless solar systems and planets (One or two 'Earths' every few solar systems)? Or Several Galaxies, where life is only found REALLY far away?

2. What kind of space travel does this system use? Is a course set and the ship flies at super speeds across great distances? Or do ships go 'behind' everything in a worm hole sort of space travel and spit out at the new location? or something else entirely?

3. Does everyone have space travel? Is it expensive? What is the government influence on space travel? Is technology to a point where non-hospitable planets can be inhabited because the hostile environments can be overcome (like if we expanded life to the moon)

4. What is going to make our Space Story different from all the other stories about space out there?
In No Hope 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Name: Sophia Kelt
Gender: Female
Age: 13 years old
Medical Ailments: Young and fragile
Nationality: Washington DC, USA
Occupation: Middle School Student

Important Items: Knife, Screwdriver, Lighter, Bottle of Water, Flashlight

Bio: Sophia hid. She was small and could crawl into places others couldn't. She'd always been an able climber and a nimble gymnast, to the stress of her mother, and her mousy nature found her curled up in small places all the time. When the outbreak got bad, Sophia was on her way home from school. She had been chased by a biter and climbed up and away to hide. She stayed in that tree for two days while chaos and hell broke loose below.

When she felt safe enough to descend, and her hunger had grown too great, Sophia made her way to her abandoned home. Her parents were gone or otherwise absent and Sophia hid again. And she continued to hide until she was discovered by an elderly woman named Doris Hink. Sophia's story is nothing without Doris's, a widow before the outbreak and a real go getter in her day. Doris's problem wasn't motivation or will power, it was a seventy five year old body that didn't go like it used to. She became the brains of her and Sophia's little operation, Sophia being the able bodied go-fer. Doris would give Sophia instructions and Sophia would do the tasks. Climbing to unscrew something, going to the basement to bring up tools, scouting the nearby homes to get food. Together, they survived for two weeks like this, storing food and supplies and avoiding any conflict with the undead.

But eventually they had to move, so Sophia found them a car and Doris drove, as best she could, into a small pack of undead. If not for the heroics of James Coy, an injured neighbor and fellow survivor, they would have died in that car. James had fallen behind in an earlier attempt to get out of the city because of a broken leg. Despite this, he was able to get them moving again with the use of a gun and gritted teeth.

For the GM: At the opening of this campaign, Sophia will be figuring out her place in the community as some think she's too young to help, while others think she should be required to help to keep up her share. The young, small, and quiet youth has dealt with a lot of growing up in the last two months, having seen terrible and frightening things. Sophia thinks she should be allowed to go on retrieval missions and scout because she had been doing it with Doris for quite some time. It's something she's good at. She has a fierce loyalty to Doris and a less, but still strong connection to James. (Free NPCs for the GM to use)

Secondary Characters
Name: Doris
Gender: Female
Age: 62
Medical Ailments: Elderly, Arthritis, Self Rationed Heart Medication
Nationality: Born MidWest, USA. Lived in Washington DC 40+ years
Occupation: Retired Teacher

Name: James
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Medical Ailments: Broken Leg, Healing
Nationality: Virginia, USA
Occupation: Bar Tender
Annie - Error Wrecking Crew
Municipio XIII

Annie drew back and aimed as the Error bird flew as directed by Seren's shields. "Killshot," she said and let fly a blazing bolt of light from the bow when it's underside was perfectly in line. Annie said a short prayer that all error hunting would be this easy but didn't hold much hope that it would be.

The light pierces the underside of the beast and it screeches in pain. Its wings buckle and the flying creature becomes the falling creature.
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