Avatar of wildhearts
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    1. wildhearts 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current worlds best page ever, better then fanfiction!
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hey there amazing rp people.

as you can most likely see, I ma new here, I was told about this by my good friend WhenBooksFly101. some rp's that I have outside of the page are(just to name what I do)

dragon rider rp's
wild horse
super hero
warrior cats,
just some, I do a lot more. :)

out of all of them I think I really like the divergent and dragon rp best, its kind of fun. :) I am on fanfiction, if people want to find me. my user name is TMNTFANGIRLFOREVE, I have a lot of my back story's on there for my OC's :) thanks for stopping by to read this! bye! :D

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stormy smiled."we may get a nice elk, if we play this right." her stormy blue gray scales shined in the light. she couldn't smell any humans or any other dragons besides the ones in the cave with her and rala.

"come on silly." she snorted jumping out of the cave and opening her large wings. the thin midbrain on her wings, made her stormy colored wings look all most like the white crest of a wave.
her keen eyes looked out at the evergreen trees and leafs. with the fine morning dew and mist, that curled around the world in a haze, the young dragoness spun around in the mist. it swarmed around her wings .
stormy made a little purring sound and jumped up. much like a young cat."can we?!" she was happy to have some sister, sister time with rala. after so many year, and not seeing her.

the storm was gone now. and the dawn light just started to come up over the tree tops. the air had that new small to it. some drops still fell from branch's and such. but it was over all beautiful
stormy made a grumbling sound as her sister moved beside her. the sound of the storm was starting to fade, the rolling thunder made its way fare of in to the hills. the lighting moved to torment others in its wicked path.

snorting she opened her stormy colored eyes."rala, wake up.."she said nuzzling her sister.a small smile came to her fanged face. the light gray light filled the sky as the sun started to come out. dawn was here.
stormy made a puffing sound. "not that much!" and brave puffed out her chest. But as more thunder rolled and lighting flash in one quick rolling sound, yelped and dived under her sisters wing.

"ok so maybe a little!"she half smiled to her sister. eyes the color of a sea before a storm smiled up at rala. stormy say that her sister was looking over at ace and his young. she kind of smiled.it was nice to see a male so kind to his young.

it was a rare thing, sea dragon, or the ones that lived by it, never got to know there sires. the mother did all the work. yes they had mates, but the males were more of the out in the world kind. they would fight for food and such, if a young sea dragon did see it sire, it was because the mother was unable to hunt. stormy had only seen her sire once, as her mother was ill and could not get the fish of the sea in her ill state.
stormy smile lightly at the young about ace's back. she was like her at that age you could say. but with joy filled relief she landed in to the cave. her cold storm eyes looking over every thing. nothing would get past her.

the wind howled in rage at the sign of losing the dragons and the rain lashed at the stone.some cold drafts made it in to the cave. stormy cuddled closer to her sister, seeking warmth and a stone to fall back to.a small little whimper came from her as lighting flashed and thunder rolled
stormy nodded and with small but powerful wings launched her self in to the air. she hovered for a minute, then flow to rala's side, muzzling her sister.

she looked down at the male on the ground. then back to the male in the sky."i don't believe I go your name, sorry."she half smiled, showing off her fangs that hung down at some what of an odd angle. they were made for hooking her pray, mainly large fish or small farm animals.

as she waited with the other's the sound of thunder rang froth. the small of rain was stronger now. and just off in the valley the first sign of rain pelted the trees and other life forms.

its cold misty rain storm's gale force winds could be felt from were the dragons were. its cold wind was biting to the bone.
"we should go, like now.."
stormy nodded meekly, she was so small next to the older males and her sister. "thank you." she bowed her head. the sun light was casting long shadows over the grass

"the light is falling. we should move soon. humans will be coming out.." she was right. humans would be still hot on her trail. the little rats didn't let their cattle or sheep go lightly.

stormy looked at the sky. I can feel a storm coming on.it will be a strong one." no sooner did she say that, the clouds started to get darker and the smell of rain was in the air.
stormy nuzzled her sister. still kind of hiding behind the older dragoness. with some chugged she moved out to face the two males, and one young female.

(sorry been gone)

she put her head low like a bow, to show she was peaceful. "if you don't mind, could any of you help me and my sister.?" the sun shown off some of the now dried blood. her blood loss was getting high. stormy's head started to spin
stormy jumped to her weak feet and limped as fast as she could to were rala told her to go. but as her sister loped faster and faster. as she ran after rala she didn't see the log in the tall grass.
stormy tripped and fall,face fisrt, in to the earth.

her wings fanned out and she crashed down. there was a loud and pain filled yelp from the smaller dragoness as she did so. she looked up with pain filled eyes."rala!" she wailed seeing the dragon over head
stormy gasped."by the sea, on s stormy day, mother would sing to take the pain away." it was a song her mother would sing if the young dragons were fearful of a big storm.

"my sister, was rala, my full name is stormy white. I was named after the water." her sea blue eyes wide with all most an awe,she tried to get up.

"is it really you?"
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