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WinterNightSky- yes still accepting
Swarley- it's fine.

It's all looking great.
Hey guys, first post is up!
Krystal hurried through the airport quickly, tugging her holdall higher onto her shoulder. She wouldn't have been late if the maid had have woken her up on time. She huffed as someone knocked her as she walked through the first class lounge.
"Watch it asshole" she muttered under her breath.
She huffed again quite loudly as she pulled her phone out of her bag, checking facebook, a sly grin spread across her face as she replied to some messages. After sitting about and reading some more of her tacky airport book she had brought on her way in, she realized it was almost time to board. She picked up her bag, hoisting it onto her shoulder and sauntering through, ready to board.
Once she was finally sat on board the plane with some champagne, she finally let herself relax. Her parents wouldn't have invited her to go on holiday with them if they were still mad with her right? No, they wouldn't have. Reaching into her bag, she turned her phone off after the stewardess reminded her.

She'd been on the plane a good few hours when it had suddenly veered off-course.
"Um excuse me? Miss? Was that supposed to happen? Is everything okay with the plane?" She heard a woman behind her ask. Krystal rolled her eyes, annoyed at the woman asking an utterly pointless question. Krystal smirked and settled back into her seat, closing her eyes, falling asleep dreaming of the exotic location she'd soon be in.

It was an hour later she woke up, the plane plummeting down suddenly. She could hear screaming all around her, Krystal being one of the screamers. The cabin crew were running around, helping the children on the plane. Pulling the shutter up she watched as the plane got closer to the ground. Closing her eyes and bracing herself, Krystal could only scream as the plane finally hit the ground.

It was light again when she woke up, Krystal began to panic when she realized she was trapped under some debris. What if she was the only one alive? What if no one came to help? What if there was wild animals around?
"HELLO" Krystal screamed, "IS SOMEBODY THERE, HELP ME PLEASE" She screamed as she began to sob. "SOMEBODY... ANYONE.... help me please" she begged as she tried to lift some of the debris on top of her.
TheRpgGamer- No it doesn't, yours is fine. It will be real people in the actual RP though.

VerusEbullio- It's perfectly fine:)

Emma- That's great if you want to do that! If anyone wants a second character that's fine, but you can stick to just one if you want.

Also just to let you all know, I will be starting the RP in a few hours, I have the hospital so as soon as that's done I'll be back on. Thanks guys, I'm really looking forward to this with you all.
It's all looking great so far, we'll wait for a new more and then I'll post the first IC post.

Here it is guys.
Hey guys! Like I said in the IC i'm so sorry for your long wait, but it's now up and ready. Let's begin :)

The plot: You'd been on the plane for maybe 12 hours when all of a sudden it veered off-course. At first it wasn't really a concern because these people must know what they're doing, right? It's their livelihood, you must be safe. But it was when the plane had started to plummet that the panic set in. You braced yourself for the landing and closed your eyes as the plane smacked into the ground. All you can really remember is the heat, burning your skin, you were so sure you were going to die when everything became dark. But you woke up a day or so later, pulling yourself from the burnt wreckage of the plane that had previously been taking you to the holiday of a lifetime. As you looked around you realized that you were on a desert island and other people were scattered about, tending to wounds, arguing, crying. It was then that you realized, you guys were all that was left. You're the survivors.

Fake Name: Krystal Gelvan
Real Name: Cassandra Landucci
Age: 19
Gender: Female
History: Like many kids her age, Cassandra was having some trouble with her parents. She'd never been close to her mother, even growing up she got on better with the nanny they had, which is something her mother disliked. She spent as much time as possible out of the house, preferring not to be near her mother at all. Her father was a different story, she was his little princess and got her own way all the time. When she got to age 13 Cassandra dropped her real name and took up the fake name Krystal Gelvan. When she announced this, all hell broke loose. Her mother was deeply insulted, screaming that she was insulting the family name. The argument that followed resulted in Krystal being sent to Boarding School. She has just recently come out of boarding school, and is on her way to meet her mother, father and brother for a family holiday that will hopefully reconcile them all.
Personality: Krystal is spoiled, bratty and nasty. She is defensive and believes everyone has an ulterior motive. She is fiercely loyal to the few people she does like. (Don't worry people, two words: CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT)
Hey guys, sorry for the late reply, my stepdad is pretty ill right now and we got some important test results back so we've been dealing with that. But I'm back now and ready to start, I'll get everything set up then post the links :)
388 people were on the plane when it spiraled out of control. By the time the fire had died and the survivors had stumbled from the wreckage only a few remained.

Basically I want to do a survivor RP on a desert island.No limit on the amount of people involved. Any questions, ask. Morally good and bad characters are needed. Character sheet will be posted when there are enough people to start the RP.

Thanks :)
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