Avatar of Witryso
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    1. Witryso 6 yrs ago


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Tfw you miss out on writing for the best hero because you forgot he existed, and now you're stuck writing Iron Man.

Y'all: *plan out extensive arcs that explores the deeper aspects of the characters and their relationships

Me, an intellectual: "then iron man punch the bad guy"
So are we allowed to bounce off ideas in the OOC thread? Or is that to be kept somewhere private?
Fucking anxiety, making everyone seem really intimidating.
I just wanna start fresh, and leaving my first post untouched seems really out of place, because it doesn't go anywhere if I pursue the new idea I have, so it stands out.
Hey, is it possible to re-write my first post? Knowing what I know now, I think I wanna take it in a different direction. Is that allowed?
I appreciate all the kind words. They mean a lot to me. I'll try to focus on my own story for right now, and I guess we'll see what happens.
I'll be totally honest, I wanna keep doing this, but I'm super anxious about the whole thing. I don't wanna step on anyone's toes, but...I dunno. Maybe it's just another thing I shouldn't be worried about, but I am regardless.
Woo, did the thing.

Took me several hours, but I did the thing.

When three of your closest friends (one of them being an AI that you designed) tell you to stop working and go for a walk, that's a pretty good sign there's something wrong with you.

It wouldn't be the first time Tony was forced to take a break from his work, and it definitely wouldn't be the last. Everyone he talked to said that it was beneficial, even healthy to relax and just forget about responsibility every once in a while, but he'd only been out for around 15 minutes and he felt the exact opposite of healthy. What was there for him to do out here? There was no tech to design, no negotiations to make, no marketing staff to consult; nothing to do but just walk, maybe shop a little bit, get something to eat, and generally enjoy himself.

How could he enjoy himself when hearing all those car horns going off?

When Tony was at work, he was far too busy to even feel the pain of losing his adoptive parents. Naturally, his grief-riddled brain decided that the only way to repress the sadness was to simply work 24/7. While this did distract him, it also severely hurt both his sleep schedule, and his personal relationships. Pepper and Happy urged him to see a psychiatrist; they even said they'd accompany him to the office if he was nervous about it.

It wasn't about being nervous; it was about being strong.

What would people say if they knew the great Tony Stark had any form of mental illness? He wouldn't be working as much, that was for sure, and less work meant more pain. He couldn't see anyone about this, not even in private. He had to remain solid for the company. Smile, wave, talk about how great things are. Stark Industries was all he had left of his parents; he could lose it like he lost them.

"Sir, we have a situation."

Tony put a finger to his free ear so he could hear J.A.R.V.I.S. more clearly. "Talk to me."

"A Stark Industries truck has flipped onto its side in Queens."

Tony sighed; it seemed that all his business ventures in Queens were just inherently unlucky. He head already turned and started making his way back to the tower when J.A.R.V.I.S. mentioned a situation. "Load up Shell-Head, I'm on my way."

This was technically work, so...sorry, Pepper and Happy.


Tony was relieved to find that no explosion occurred during the accident. The drivers weren't seriously hurt, either, only trapped. That predicament was easily solved by Tony ripping off the driver's side door and pulling the two men out. They thanked him profusely, even apologizing about the truck.

"Not to worry, gentlemen," Tony said, his voice disguised by the suit's electronic filter, "It's not the shipment that's important; it's the people delivering that shipment."

Some people in the crowd behind him shouted happily, praising both Iron Man and Stark Industries for taking care of their employees. Tony smiled; there was a reason he loved his work. Y'know, aside from the whole "distraction from pain of parents' death" thing.


Speaking of distractions, Tony was just about to take off when he heard the word cried out from a single member of the crowd. Turning, Tony watched as the glider-bound robots made their approach. He had been aware of Oscorp's newest development, and for the most part, he tried to ignore it. Osborn's and other city officials' stance on superheroes was none of his business, but they went ahead and made it everyone's by creating a robot police force. Tony had read enough sci-fi novels to know robotic police were the furthest thing from a good idea. Regardless, they were wide-spread now, and it was only a matter of time before one of them caught Tony in the act.

Tony tried to appear as non-threatening as possible as the Goblins dismounted their fliers and came forward. "Don't mind me," he said, "just representing the best of Stark Industries. And sometimes, that means freeing people trapped in overturned vehicles."


Tony expected that the Goblin wouldn't be able to tell his powered armor from a guy in tights (he supposed that was due to Oscorp'...less than impressive tech). What he DIDN'T expect was what happened next.

Before he could even defend himself, someone from the crowd stepped in between him and the lead Goblin.

"Hey! The guy said to leave him alone!"

The Goblin barely even reacted. "STAND DOWN, CITIZEN."

The interloper folded his arms, refusing to move. "Oh yeah? Or what?"

The crowd gasped as the Goblin drew back its arm and swatted the man out of its way. He flew into the crowd, where he was thankfully caught by some kind observers.

That was enough for Tony.

Raising his arm, he fired a single repulsor blast into the Goblin's chest, sending him flying backward into his two companions. A follow-up last with the EMP generator disabled them, but Tony knew it wouldn't be for long. Before they could recover, he took off into the sky, flying back in the direction of Stark Tower.

"Sir, pardon my language, but I do believe you've screwed up."


Tony didn't bother watching the news that night; he already knew what the top story would be.

After a very passionate rant from Pepper, Tony managed to convince her to deflect any press members looking to get answers. He didn't even have an answer himself.

He just...reacted.

What was he supposed to do? Come clean and reveal that he and Iron Man were one in the same? Not only would they classify him as a superhero, therefore a threat, he'd most likely lose his company as well. Hell, he remembered how unsure his partners were about the whole "robot bodyguard" thing. How would they feel if they knew HE was the one running around in that suit?

God, how could he be so stupid? He should've just let the police take care of the flipped truck. As much as he hated the idea of retiring Iron Man, he was more afraid of losing the last vestige of his parents. Besides, maybe less time for being Iron Man would mean more time for actually taking Pepper and Happy's advice and getting some mental help.

There was ONE bright side, at least.

"Sir, there's something on the local news regarding your appearance today."

"Yeah, I know. Do me a favor and...don't talk to me about it anymore, alright?"

"Of course, sir. However, you should at least view your Twitter timeline. There's something I believe you should see."

Tony shrugged. He didn't see anything wrong with a catch up on social media. "Alright, pull it up."

The interface lit up with Twitter's bright webpage. The very first tweet caught Tony's attention immediately.

Norman Osborn.

"Disappointed to hear the news regarding Stark Industries' 'Iron Man.' The Goblins were simply performing their primary functions, and he refused to cooperate. Seems like Stark Industries doesn't care all too much about the people's safety."

Tony felt an all new feeling bubbling in his insides. It wasn't sadness, no guilt, nor shame. No, this was anger. Resentment. He knew Osborn was a bit shady in his business practices, but this was an all new low.

Stark Industries wasn't just Tony's company. It was his parents' company; a company they had built together with blood, sweat, tears, and most importantly, heart. He wasn't about to sit here and let Osborn of all people run his family name through the mud like that. The whole reason he became Iron Man was to maintain the keep the company alive and thriving.

"J.A.R.V.I.S., send Pepper a note to schedule a press conference. Make it as early as possible."

"Of course, sir. However, if I may ask, how exactly do you plan on addressing this incident."

Tony simply stared down the offending text on the holo-screen.

"Something tells me Osborn wants a fight. So, I'm gonna give him one."
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