Avatar of XAnth
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 50 (0.01 / day)
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    1. XAnth 10 yrs ago


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3 yrs ago
Current “While there is infection in disease and sorrow, there is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good-humour.” C.D.
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3 yrs ago
“Spirit!” He cried, thought clutching at its’ robe, “Hear me! I am not the man I was. I will not be the man I must have been if not for this intercourse. Why show me this, if I am past all hope?” C.D.
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3 yrs ago
I can’t stop thinking about the ends of things. I’m glad every time I come back to this place it’s still going. It’s great to see you all still writing. I do not look forward to the day this stills.
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4 yrs ago
Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination.
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5 yrs ago
Boom! Added the last one to the set. Replies and such on their way... once we leave the hospital or so


Late night bio construction!!!

My real name is Talon. Yes I understand the damage knowing my real name could cause, both real and fictional (though I'd be hardpressed to define the line), and I'm giving it to you all the same. Think less of the potential damage and more to the potential gains to be made!

Whew... it is late. I'm an RP relic from back in the day when forums were used by kids like me to rp through one liners and a constant stream of grammar blindness. I have kids now and a steady job and dreams somewhere along that which I'd like to see fulfilled!!!

Also, I love anime and videogames and nerd culture and escapism and run on sentences. And I love the person I've become where it's totally cool that you all love the things you love. I also realize my validation doesn't matter but! If it makes you feel better at all that there is one 90s kid/dad/nerd that is totally okay with how you exist then you've found your dood!

May you all write the thing, learn the thing, loot the thing and maybe along the way meet some bad ass people who are mostly just trying to do the same thing... and if I happen to be that person then I promise I'm just as grateful as you are.

Maybe just the tiniest bit less grateful then I'll be to sleep this night. See you space cowfolk~

Most Recent Posts

But I'm stuck at work QQ

Posting from my phone would be awful.... ):
I'm interested :D
He had nearly fallen out of his chair at the sound of someone slamming their hand down on the bar top. When his bleary eyes had opened what he saw that more people (or people-like entities) had found their ways into the inn and Talon had managed to simply doze off before ever getting his food. To his extreme delight, someone had placed a plate of food in front of him. It could have been anything, it wouldn’t have mattered to him, and he would have devoured it all just the same but it was very good. Maybe it was just several subsequent days of hunger but it had tasted like the best food he’d had in his life. He had eaten it all like a man who hadn’t eaten in days, mostly because he was, and sat back on his ragged flesh with a satisfied sigh. He had been so busy filling his belly that he didn’t notice the man soaked in blood and requesting, or rather demanding, his wounds seared shut. He also hadn’t noticed the pair of women, one sitting and one standing, at a table just a scant few feet from him. It was hard for him but perhaps not as hard as it was for other men to make a decision between the two but it had to be done.

And he wanted to do it.

He fought back the new type of nausea, one from eating too fast after nothing eating nothing but spit for days, and walked his way to the bar. This is around the time that he had actually taken a GOOD look at the “man” that had wanted such a grizzly form of medical care. Maybe Talon would have had more time to really wrap his mind around seeing the man-dog person before him but as he approached he could tell that what the man had asked for was an absolute necessity. The… man, had more blood on him then Talon had thought most people could rightfully contain and one of his arms was severely wounded.

“Mind if I cut in?”

He had already grabbed the poker on the way over because the man’s wounds looked bad from even where he sat but he was cursing himself for not rushing over with it when the severity of the wounds had become so obvious to him. He hadn’t quite had the time to get it red hot before he had snatched it up but the black of the over burned metal had begun to orange ever so slightly and there was no doubt in his mind that improvised medical tool would do as it was so briskly requested. When he had brought the up, or all to see, he couldn’t help but smile because there was a man he knew amongst the recruits, a man he didn’t quite care for, that had to have his wounds cauterized many months before. The man had been years older then Talon and screamed in a pitch that a woman would have been hard-pressed to have matched. Unfortunately, for this man, it was going to be a VERY unpleasant experience and that was something talon didn’t wish on even his enemies…. Not that he had any.

“This is going to be very unpleasant for you, sir. I apologize….”

With that he rose the poker to the wound, nodded solemnly at the dwarf and began working the angry iron through the furrows of the fresh wound. For having scores of cuts across his body and still many hours off of being rested, he thought he was working the iron much better then he thought he could. It was over for Talon a lot sooner then it had probably seemed so for the man whose flesh was searing and crackling against the fresh iron. He pulled the smoking poker away from the man and walked it back to the fire without adding anymore words to the air between the three men and returned to the bar to make sure that more good had been done then bad. The few moments of fresh air he was able to breathe while stowing the poker allowed him to really take in the searing flesh small that was perfuming the bar when he took his seat. It turned his stomach, almost too hard, and he had to take several deep breaths before he felt even remotely steady again.

Let’s not do that again…
Talon had barely a moment to take in the inviting ambiance of the inn before he was greeted by quite the bubbly personality. The woman introduced herself as a “Rosalinda Montoya” and offered him a room with several amenities he hadn’t had in nearly a week. Before he could thank her, from the pit of his soil, she hurried off; presumably to take care of the other arrivals. Something about everything he had found in the past few minutes shook his belief that he had died but what else could have happened? One second he’s running for his life through the devil’s forest and the next he’s in the company of a group of strangers, some of which were races that he had never even heard of. Besides, who builds an inn in the center of such a place?

That had to be bad for business.

Either way, he wasn’t in any kind of state to question what had happen without a belly full of food and four nights worth of sleep, so he simply shrugged it of and headed further into the inn. It was when he found a seat at a corner table and sat down that he was convinced he hadn’t died. Sitting on the chair had caused bright prickling pain to bloom through all of the skin he had laid to rest.

Dead men knew no physical anguish

And I’m no dead man…

It relieved him, more then he thought it would and his same satisfied smile muscled it’s way past the grit in his teeth. He still had his chance to be of use to this world, where ever he may be, and if there weren’t any people that needed him more then this group that had been lost to the woods; not that he knew of anyways. Right now he could lend his arm to make sure these people, and people like entities, ,make it back to their families and loved ones. That was his new plan, rest up, fill up and arm up in the hopes that he can save these poor souls that had found their lives path’s overlapping in the same sad state his was now.

But! He wasn’t in any kind of way that could help anyone, even himself, and if what the girl was said was right then this was the place to recuperate before having to trek back through that gods dammed woods.Once sat down he found himself too exhausted to even try to get anyone’s attention and decided it best if he just wait to be helped. Many people bustled about the place but no one had talked to him, other then Miss Rosalinda, and he'd rather keep quiet then improperly address someone.

The first person to bring me anything resembling food or drink will have my eternal gratitude….

A dedicated thought and one of his last before he began to doze off in his chair, aided by the warm embrace of the mis-found haven.

There was nothing within Talon's knowledge that could make a unit of soldiers, even a small one, disappear without so much as a sound and that brought how truly little he knew into perspective. He had lived a sheltered city life and the world of magic was little else then rumor. He had always relied on the strength of his arm and his decisive actions in battle to overcome the obstacles that faced him. This....forest, this gnarled hell was a completely different level of obstacle all together and it struck the man in a way he could hardly defend against. He didn't run into a physical foe that he could test his mettle against. it chipped away at his core, denied him his peace and build within him a complete distrust of nearly everything around him.

Within the first few hours of stumbling through the forest he knew that he wouldn't last long. He had lost hit pack of rations almost immediately amongst the brambles and burrs then his helmet when he over the decaying corpse of someone far less lucky then he. By the end of the second day he was hungry, tired beyond his ability to cognitively understand, and bruised and/or cut on most every inch of skin on his body (some quite private). The situation was maddeningly beyond his grasp in every way… that is, everyway but one. There was something special about Talon’s resolve and, in the end, its what saved him in the Drakenwald. When his hunger made him dizzy with weakness, his will to live on kept his mind clear. When his body was weak with exhaustion, his drive kept him trudging forward and when the near constant ache of his body nauseated him with pain, sheer grit dulled his anguish and pushed him forward.

I’ll not fall…. God’s blackened body be damned….

His mind swarmed with such thoughts and he overcame each new obstacle with an inhuman perseverance.

His fourth day was his last, and thankfully so as his body was beginning to reject any attempt to progress forward that his indomitable will issued forth. During another wave of gut wrenching fear he had tripped, HARD, over a series of tree roots and hit the ground rolling head over feet. This had caused his bramble torn skin to pinch painfully beneath his chain shirt and he couldn’t help but cry out wearily in pain and one of his off balanced, wholly unplanned, tumbles had caused him to strike his head against the solid ground. Only, the ground wasn’t so solid and the feeling of terror…gone. In fact, when he stood up and blinked the tears from his eyes, he saw something very different then the natural hell he had bared witness to the past few days. He found himself in an opening in the forest, fresh with life and occupied by…well, lots of people or peopleoids. Some of the races that stood before him were well beyond his realm of knowledge and the more he thought of it the more he drew himself to a single conclusion.

He had died

For a moment, one fraction of a second, Talon despaired and it was greater then any such feeling that had been forced on him in the last four days, BUT when that feeling had escaped him all he could do is smile. There was nothing to worry about at the moment and now he could rest. AS the tension melted away from his body he took in his surroundings for the first time since landing in the clearing. He noticed that the… house? That made it’s home in the center of the opening had quite the gathering pooling outside of it; more then a handful of people actually. Obviously others waiting to be judged or guided or whatever might await them all. It wasn’t any of his business what future might await them and some of them might not even care to be bothered, having died and all. So he made his way to the building in which all of these new things seem to revolve. When he reached the door he set his longsword, point down, against the threshold and unsung the shield from his back. He was far too incoherent by this time to notice that he still hurt all over and what heaven would allow it's residents to hurt? After leaning the shield against the blade of his sword he pushed the door open and swung his right foot forward towards what ever the future might hold for him.

Every journey begins with intentionally disarming one’s self….

Or something like that.
I'll be posting in like four hours, after work :D
She uses the title for many reasons but the most prominent is as a display of her power and obvious rank. The Lady King acquired her title through a horrendous event which had the scant few heirs of the past king slitting each other's throats and burying knifes in each others backs. When she was the heir to come out on top she was well aware that the kingdom could I'll afford another such event within its history and decided to take up both crowns at once. She has taken no husband (or wife) and wants her people to know that the kingdom still has a king. Traditionally a male king rules the land with a queen by his side but she is both and she has proven capable time and again.
Name Talon Nailo

Age: 24

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Hetero

Class: Knight


Weapon(s): Longsword

Armor: Remnants of the gear he had when entering the forest. The only armor he has currently is his wooden parma and a severely over-used chain-mail shirt.

Personal Trinkets: The Lady King's Favor

Short History: A rising star amongst her majesties new recruits, Talon's steel determination has earned him quite the reputation amongst the other recruits and none have seemed as promising as he in many years. Her majesties army holds a yearly competition amongst the newest soldiers for a chance at earning a favor given directly by the Lady King herself and Talon had been amongst the few dozen men to win it. Of course, Talon had never wanted any such reputation and all of the work he puts into his future knighthood is in the hopes that he can have anything he might need to protect those around him. On the orders of his superiors he joined a small band of soldiers on a small mission to check around the edges of the Drakenwald. There were troubling rumors of disappearances occurring frequently around the massive forest and it was up to her majesties forces to make sure that the people were in good care. During the second night of their mission Talon was jarred awake by the shouting of his squad mates. By the time he had stumbled out of his tent there was no one to be found but the sense that he was being watched was overwhelming. Unnatural dread and fear washed over him and the ungodly feeling caused him to sprint into the forest for cover. No matter what he tried, or how far he ran, he simply couldn't loose the feeling that something terrible was coming his way. After what felt like days, Talon had stumbled upon the clearing and autonomously worked his way to opening the door of the inn.

((posted this waaaay late at night and I probably need to have a little more clarity to make surer this isn't a jumbled mass. I'll proof read and edit as needed tomorrow))
I'm in :D
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