Avatar of Xavier Bloodbayne
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Old Guild Username: Bloodbayne
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 346 (0.09 / day)
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    1. Xavier Bloodbayne 10 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current Watch this if you want a laugh 😂 ifunny.co/fun/rcw4H4gH4
8 yrs ago
Well where was the humor then??
8 yrs ago
That's probably your giant asshole talking.
8 yrs ago
I would expect dark and DIRTY from giant assholes actually.
8 yrs ago
Nobody gives a hoot!! Lol


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Xavier chuckled quietly, a few raspy and wheezing breaths accompanied by a drool of blood from his throat. As he watched Auz, the blade in Xaviers left hand melted onto his forearm. Allowing him to bring it quickly to his chest to thud against his sternum in one fluid motion. His hand would move to his face now, the fingers folding inwards so that only his index and middle finger stood. Those fingers pointed at either of his eyes respectively. Next both his hands stretched directly infront of him, his right hand still holding his sword, before making a large circle in the air. I see alot

Ontop of this, Xavier found himself engrossed within the battle at hand. Before Auz there was no man or woman in this world to challenge him. Auz however brought something special to the table that no one else could - his deaths. Xavier lived for battle and the rush of the kil. So to find an opponent who could die again and again only to come back as an even better fighter was like a dream come true. What Auz did betwixt fighting and dying was of no concern to Xavier.

The metal on Xaviers left arm began to shift along his skin before bubble in what would at first seem to be random points. From the bubbles emerged several one inch thick rods that would grow to 4 inches thick. Covering his arm from elbow to wrist as Xavier shifted his right foot behind him, shifting the majority of his weight there.

Xavier lifted his left arm again, pointing it directly at Auz this time. The palm of his hand lay flat and open, his thumb folded towards the center while his fingers pointed at Auz. The fingers would quickly coil back on themselves before lying flat, repeating this process two more times. Beckoning Auz for the first move once more.
Xavier cocked an eyebrow as Auz seemed to fiddle with his intestines. This was certainly something a dying man had never done at Xaviers feet. The sheer audacity of a man using his intestines as a weapon.. it made Xavier chuckle. Or rather caused him to make a few raspy, blood soaked wheezes.

As the intestine wrapped around his neck Xavier fashioned a small blade on the skin of his neck. As tension was added it would be severed and in that same moment Xavier attacked.

In one quick movement Xavier spun to the right on the balls of his feet and bent his knees. As his body spun Xavier tensed his right arm and began to swing his sword. Using the speed of his twist along with his natural strength for a fast and powerful swing. The goal would be to spin just a little over 360 degrees and to hit Auz with the front 8 inches. Just enough to cleave cleanly through Auz while maintaining a little distance.
As Auzs blade glanced up his chest towards his throat Xavier made an effort to stretch the metal on his chest to throw it off course. Deflection may not be a possibility, though he could throw it off course along side a hairpin drop of both knees. The sweet sound of tearing flesh filled the air, followed by a solid metallic ping. Auzs blade tore through the flesh of Xaviers adams apple, though his dense muscles would help to slow its entry. The tip would make contact with Xaviers spine. A deafened and metallic ping would resonate from within Xavier upon impact. Xaviers very skeletal structure was comprised of metal he fought with. Along with this and perfect alignment Xavier took full impact in a non-lethal manner.

Xavier stiffened his neck in anticipation, giving Auz a solid contact point that would in turn rock his own head back. Using the angle and momentum to his advantage Xavier would back step, lifting his throat from the tip of Auzs blade. In the same moment the edge of his sword shifted, creating a series of small hooks that would be angled towards Xavier. Much like that of a saw blade. With his backstep Xavier would pull the weapon free of Auz, pushing it towards him as he did in an effort to saw through a little more of the man.

At any rate Xavier would follow his first back step with a small leap to distance himself once again, a small smirk upon his face. At his throat a small stream of blood began to trickle down, the majority held back through Xaviers will. The arteries at the front of his throat had indeed been severed, though as the blood poored from them Xavier created a thin metallic barrier to rejoin them. Coercing blood flow was one thing, repairing the muscles would be a different matter.

"Accchhh iiiiyuuu... mmmuuiiii shhhhhhhh cchhhhhhh" With each unintelligible phrase came a small spray of dark red blood.

Xavier gave up after that, his arms falling to his side as he gave an exasperated sigh. A sigh which lurched a small stream of blood onto the dirt infront of him. Along with his throat being stabbed, Xaviers vocal cords had been severed by the last blow. With it came a light feeling of stiffness as Xavier rolled his neck slightly, a bigger trail of blood oozing from his wound as he did. I must tread more carefully, a lesser man would have been done in on the spot. Xavier thought to himself, retracting some of the blood upon his back into his body.
I had noticed that actually. Since you are usually the one from my past I see most consistently, you were the first one I looked up when I got back. The day I came back it said you had been seen 2 hours ago, so I only JUST missed you that day.

Good to see you btw!

"We shall see."
As he spoke Xavier readied himself, sliding his right foot back and raising his heel so only the ball of his foot touched the ground. Both his arms flexed as Auz drew near, twitching for only a moment as the blade drew ever closer. Rather than make an attmept to avoid or counter the attack though, Xavier chose to move into it. The tensing of his arms and the muscular twitch would have been done to fool Auz and distract from true intentions. When Auzs blade was only 6 inches from Xaviers midsection, his right foot pressed heavily against the ground as his left was lifted. What should have been a fleshy squish would instead be that of a severe metallic impact. Seeing the attack coming Xavier had manifested enough metal to coat his entire chest.

The goal would be to interrupt the strike before it hit him to surprise Auz and with any luck present an opening. The moment Xavier would make contact with the sword at his chest he would bring about the massive, yet now lightweight, sword in his right hand. Slashing horizontally at Auzs midsection so that he would require no backswing. The impact would be lessened, but the strike itself would be much faster.
Precisely! A long and bloody battle is they way to go! You do whateber you need to!
The dagger dug lightly into the skin of Xaviers ankle before the blood jumped into action. A thin rod lept from the bottom of his calf with blinding speed. The rod did not hit the dagger, but rather cradled Xaviers ankle. When Auz went hurdling his blade would be able only to partially sever the tendon before meeting the rod. Blood oozed into Xaviers boot as he returned it to the ground. Everything felt together enough, but it was a close call no less.

"You have managed to keep me on my toes. I will give you that."

The blood on his leg retracted back along his body, spreading along his back. Xavier would advance slowly on Auz to give him enough time to right himself. Xavier stopped 7 foot shy with his arms at his side and weapons at the ready. Saying nothing but inviting Auz in eith his eyes.
The impact was more than Xavier had anticipated, shifting his footing to compensate. Sliding his right foot considerably more than his left so he would stop in a wide stance. His blade rippling back and forth in an attempt to help him stabilize. The metallic form of the blade changed once again, though this time it was the entire mass that was affected. It would ooz to the hilt before spreading slowly across Xaviers right forearm, making the weapon lighter by the time Auzs slash would end. That well timed, last moment slash of the man was a little unexpected.

The blood upon Xaviers chest began to shift the moment he eyed the dagger coming for his gut. The dagger had created no more than an inch long and half inch thick slice on his chest before the blood had reached it. In the blades path the blood solidified to metal, forcing the blades edge out of Xaviers skin as it made contact. The blood which pooled from the wounds upon his back shifted also, moving down to Xaviers right leg, working slowly to coat it.

As the man tumbled to his side Xavier took action, ensuring that he would reach Auz before he was able to right himself. There wasn't a great distance for him to cross and with a quick, hard shove of his right foot he was mobile in an instant. The tips of swords shifting momentarily inwards so as to lower their wind resistance but still allow them to be kept at hand. Neither of his feet left the ground more than an inch as he moved, practically gliding for the few feet he would need. Planting his left foot quickly before surging his right foot forward. Aiming a kick that would land dead center of Auzs chest. The entire action itself was near immeasurable, but favored its speed in lew of attack intensity. The force could still be seen as triple that of a normal man, more than enough to damage the chestplate should an attack land.
As the buckler made impact with Xaviers sword, the outer makeup rippled as it underwent a change. The metal converges at the base of the sword while maintaing its form. Changing the blades center of gravity and putting the weight closer to Xaviers hand. This allowed him to regain control of the blades much faster than normal.

Xaviers left elbow cocked briefly as he rose his left hand and torqued his left wrist. The scimitar rose quickly and struck against longswords own flat edge midstrike in an effort to deflect it passed his left shoulder.

Xaviers right arm tensed visibly as it regained power of the deflection after just a foot, sending it flying back at Auzs waist. As the forward momentum was generated Xavier shifted the blades makeup once more. The metal within shifted to the tip of the blade in perfect timing with Xaviers swing. The weight distribution allowed for a drastic increase in the blades momentum throughout the swing. The impact could surely be enough to uproot Auz from where he stood should a block be possible at the current range.
I was wondering how long it would be before you showed your mug around here!
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