Avatar of xmetawolf
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    1. xmetawolf 8 yrs ago


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Hello! I'm xmetawolf , feel free to call me Meta or Wolf, as all my other friends do.I'm your typical anime and video game nerd with a unique love of webcomics. I often use those things to inspire my own work, which is also How I create characters so quickly, current character count 80+ this list includes incomplete characters so it's nothing special. feel free to share if you'd like, I'm into story oriantated rp sessions, but due to my life time rp experiences it sometimes just drops to pure combat,sorry about that in advance.I make my own art and stories for my sessions as I disprove of using some one else's hard work unless they give their permission,and credit was given.this will likely be updated later on when I can phrase all this better...xmetawolf.deviantart.com

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@seanmcchapman I think Hyun's Dojo, specializes in that kind of thing, there very into animations,there an animation community after all,but they also have a roleplaying section,from what I hear though it's a bit more strict on combat sessions then here.
Heeeeyo! I'm xmetawolf, people just call me Meta, or wolf. I'm not new to roleplaying, but I am new to roleplaying in this group specifically, I'm a specialist in character creation,concept, and design. from there personality,abilities,weapons,and appearance,with a rare hint of combat choreography.Current character count 80+ about 20% of those are incomplete and still need field testing. I also have some very unique environment based idea's for rp locations.I specialize,in the action adventure story lines with some experience in horror,sadly I'm awful at the lighter note sessions of romance and slice of life.I like to play as the villain most of the time, so I'm not used to having characters side with my own,it kind of make's my thinking stop completely,though if I can still get an opposing force I think I can make it work.I generally write without a clear plot set in place first, though during sessions I'll see points where a plot can be devoloped and I'll try working with that.The themes I use for roleplaying are mainly mythical science-fiction , it's combining things like mid-evil fantasy elements with science fiction,think of final fantasy,very similar to that.(Oh boy this is sounding like a resume) I'm one of your typical nerds, very into anime,manga,video games, but I have a rare trait of being in love with web-comics.As a result I have a very diverse sense of creativity. Any way I'm more used to facebook roleplaying (please don't make fun of me), But I'd love to try making some new roleplaying buddies on this forum site!
I'm going to need some help with this... I'm not new to combat rp, however in this group it's handled differently to what i'm used too. (Please don't make fun of me) I'm used to roleplaying in Facebook, and most of that is free writing. There are certain players who do have these magic abilities,then there are the characters, that have items related to magic abilities and not the actual characters.And for some of my own I have characters armed with weaponry that have god tier abilities. since Rp there varies time to time, my equipment is probobly more balanced then just straight up having a god mod character or overpowered character. though I'm not sure how this group of roleplayers will handle it.

Side note: can some one send me a link or tell me this group's rules for combat rp? thanks again!~
In The Job 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
yeah that seems fine
In The Job 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
hmm so far the city just handles it self, later on if the story go's well I'll actually try adding lore and what not .the guard in snow armor is just an npc. SO don't worry about it, for now it's just free writing, occasionally depending on how my partner responds I'll see an opening for a plot begining , if that happens I'll be sure to let you know! oh there is one thing, see I have another city that's very similiar to this so I'll be adding some of it's traits into this city to help make it seem more full and life like. So Police official's are still a thing, but there are also bounty hunters and vigilantes,as well as your classic guilds depending on how they run they'll also enforce the peace. but since it's still a large city there's still crime,also in the center of the city is a castle though it's empty,or we think it's empty ,kind of like a lost temple no one's been inside for a while.
In The Job 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Soft foot falls can be heard in this large snowy area, the sky seemed to suggest that a blizzard may come through at any moment. "Nggg...I did-didn't think it would be this cold..." a voice spoke he could see his exhaled breath in the cold frigid air. "I feel like...taking a nap..." he continued perhaps it was due to being alone at the moment but he was speaking his thoughts a loud without noticing.Perhaps he was doing so to distract himself from the state of the environment around him.

He was told there was a city nearby and that there was a job for him inside, though being made in an area like this makes it difficult to locate. He began to see a dark figure in the distance, as he got closer he noticed it's shape becoming more and more larger. "I think...I found it" he said allowed noticing it has a large castle like structure.As he approached the entrance, a voice calls out. "Halt! " It said in an orderly manner with a small amount of hostility. And thus he stopped where he was, "What's your business here?" a different voice asked in a commanding manner,it sounded feminine. " I was told to come here, there's a job that was requested for me" He answered back. "I'll need to see your documents...standby I'll make my way towards you." the female voice spoke. It's figure could be seen emerging from the fog like snow field.

She was wearing a kind of environment based winter armor and uniform. She carried a standard issue blade at her side. He assumed if they had fire arms,then the marksmen would be hidden somewhere else.He handed her the letter he carried mentioning the work as well as summoning his holographic-ly projected I.D. "Hmm.. Your clear to enter,try not to cause any problems." she said as the large gate opened. He entered the building and proceeded to go register his visitation, and to search for a map.30 minutes pass after obtaining the map as he heads towards the tavern where he was supposed to meet his current employer, little did he know that he was being observed..

In The Job 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
>Character Description<

The Hunter or Hunter (for short) doesn't remember his own name,however people seem to know him by the kind of work he does, he's called The Hunter , funny enough physically he doesn't look much like one and his race is known for being pacifists. He's a third quarter beast-kin falling under the rabbit category.

(Here's a chart describing what a beast kin is as well as the traits of each beast-kin class:

facebook.com/notes/ethan-hurley/the-be.. )

He has short to medium length black hair, styled in a layered messy manner, ( a visual example is combining the front view of cloud strife's hair style <final fantasy > , with the back side of Axel's lion like hair cut < Kingdom Hearts > )

His fur color is a bright white, which if he were not wearing any kind of clothing would actually blend in really well within the environment if it weren't for his black hair,which he dyed to be more noticeable. Over his sky blue eyes he wears a pair of black framed professional style eye glasses.His eyes occasionally glow in response to the Mana energy within his body,a trait for people who can use magic abilities. He appears to be rather young about 14 to 15 years old,for some odd reason he appears to be adorable to most others, and often is stuck in odd situations.

He wears a Burgundy red turtle neck sweater with it's sleeves were styled to be kimono like but they only extend towards the beginning of the elbow where the lower arm begins.underneath those sleeves a set of black sleeves can be seen, the type from a normal sweater. it's separated from the sweater by a pair of golden bracelets.( imagine the chain to a gold colored watch, except without the clock )
He wears a pair of white ninja type pants that has unique black accents, in certain portions where it's layered you could spy chain mail armor over another lighter thinner pair of black pants.He also wears black leather boots designed for combat.

Over his legs and arms he has armored grieves and gauntlets.He also had black armor segments on his shoulders,to blacksmiths,armor and weapon specialists, these were a marvel of creation they use a unique system of both magic and science to operate. As a result the armor is tougher then most heavy armor types but at the same time lighter, it also has interchangeable enchantments for certain situations.

>In terms of weapons he carries tw0 unique weapons.


The enchanted whip-blade named Oruboros, the circumstances of gaining the weapon as odd.The whip blade was meant for someone else , but as luck would have it, the blade was somehow locked into ownership with him, he'd like to leave it somewhere as it unnerves him constantly but can't. A side effect of it's enchantments, he assumes.He sometimes uses it as a kind of last resort,or when he needs a melee weapon.

Oroborus is 7 feet long with a 4 foot long hilt in sword mode. 10 feet long in whip form.the end of the hilt has a ring handle, when pushed to the hilt it makes the blade into a whip, when pulled to a more loose chain like decor, it makes the blade to a solid sword form.This deadly blade can move in unpredictable motions making it incredibly difficult to block or counter when in whip form.However due to it's flexible nature it's more fragile then other blades,thanks to a unique material however it can be fixed once again, after gathering it's pieces and placing it all together,then with a certain ritual incantation can be reformed. However this process is a long one. This weapon can be infused with magic properties to make it more useful in certain situations.

The Handyman:

The Handyman is a vector class fire arm, it was made to be an assault rifle rather then a sub machine gun, it's got a twin barrel system,each being armed with a unique extending system,
capable of increasing it's range by sliding an inner barrel forward and locking it into place. it's extra front mass makes it a bit harder to handle however. with a grip attachment.it uses iron sights, to reduce mass,but it does have a red dot system for the underneath of the barrel where they both join.it carries 56 rounds in the extended magazine, with interchangeable ammo types.the ammo clips in reserve are a total of 5, each one is a different bullet type.The bullet types he uses often are stun rounds for nonlethal attacks, Incendiary rounds which he sometimes uses as a match for starting fires that may be needed,also to deal with targets that are weak to fire.Armor piercing to deal with heavily armored or shield wielding foes. Cryo-rounds, these bullets freeze their target upon impact making it easier to break down barricades or locked doors. As well as Electro magnetic pulse rounds,these are designed to handle robotic threats.

Both Oruboros and The Handyman are holstered on a unique sheath system. They are both located on the backside of his waist in a sort of cross positioning pattern.

>His Special abilities are :

Cornered Rabbit: This ability grants the user, increases all base stats by a multiple of 5. However it only lasts a total of 8 action turns, and requires a 25 action turn recharge rate in order to be used once again. ( self learned technique )

Roll of the Die: Temporally increases over all luck for 8 turns and recharges in 12 turns.(Standard ability for certain rabbit types, but in others it has a slightly weaker effect )

Hunted to Hunter : This ability allows the user to focus all of it's skills and combat experience, along with a somewhat similar effect of the cornered rabbit, except instead of stats increasing by 5, it's by 2 making it's toll not as tiring as others. Turns 10, recharge 18, easier on body.( character specific ability )

Light Foot: this ability makes the user both lighter and faster, it's often used as a first resort for escaping potential predators, but it has other uses as well. ( standard ability for all rabbits, it's used differently for this character, turns:8,recharge 8 )

> End Character Description <
In The Job 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
a friend of mine , the one who introduced me to this site explained how it works , man I feel embarrassed for not having this set up right...Okay so this is my first session here on this site, though I do have lots of experience role playing. This story doesn't really have a plot in mind at least at first, but as it go's on I'll be getting some plot ideas depending on how my partner's response. Let's see here.. the world is set in a mythical science fiction realm, both elements mix in together, I use this theme often, it's inspired after final fantasy VII and the 13 series, since those are the only F.F. games I'v ever experienced.id you need further explanations imagine a world where you can be a knight armed with a machine gun that's enchanted to have magical effects. or a wizard who can control technology with magic, or a dragon armed with missiles and cybernetics or something. It's pretty unique but thanks to this it allows a lot of possibilities for both story and characters alike. Also of note , it's character friendly so you can be whatever type of race of beings you'd like, from humans,elves,beast-kin,spirit entities,fairies,golumns,living dolls,etc. the city the starter takes place in is castle like in structure,and has four points of entry.If this session some how becomes pretty good, then I might introduce new area's and characters.maybe even a little bit of lore,that is if it gets to that point, if you have any questions feel free to ask.
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