Avatar of Yahtzee
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  • Posts: 180 (0.05 / day)
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    1. Yahtzee 10 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current The funniest, most profound status of all time could have been written here... Instead it's this crap.


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The relief was able to be palped, one could say palpable, the second Thomas had began to make a sound that was on the same spectrum as the 'not-about-to-suck-Aedan's-blood' sound. That makes no sense. Aedan thought but he was glad that he could return his lighter to his pocket and take the vampire's hand with his own and eagerly shake it once again. "Bloody hell, you can smell blood types. That's creepy." Aedan remarked. Is that even our blood type? Oh great the thoughts were thinking of themselves as a collective now. I have absolutely no idea. He realized. Who even knows their own blood type? People with a vampire friend I guess. "I'm Aedan." Aedan (well obviously it was Aedan) said. "Pleased to help fill your lonely existence." He meant that last part as a joke but saying it aloud made him realized that Thomas probably really did have a somewhat lonely existence. If any of the vampire lore he had never really payed attention to had been correct then Thomas probably was far older than he actually looked. Far older than just about any friend he could have would live. Well that sucks.

As someone spoke, Aedan followed Thomas' gaze to a man standing not far from them looking at the two of them with an expression one, if said 'one' was Aedan, would describe as exasperated mixed with annoyance. "Um, We were just uh..." Luckily the vampire he was now officially friends with stepped in and saved him the ordeal of speaking. His relief was very, very, like, so very, short lived when Thomas began to get confrontational with the large man. "Uh," Aedan tried to get a word in edge-ways but anything he had planned to say died in his throat when the words turned to killing.

It should probably be known that Aedan was a bit of a wuss. Killing was not something he relished the thought of, although looking at his hands they were not exactly clean of metaphorical blood. "Guys," he suddenly interrupted with wide eyes. "This school, this if full of bloody psychopaths." He looked at Thomas expectantly. "I mean, I've only been here five minutes but everyone I know has clearly not exactly lived a morally pristine life." Cogs were turning in his head. "This school must be set up for us to all kill each other in a grand battle royale!" He announced. Well nobody ever said that the cogs were of the clever variety. "No wait that makes no sense." He said aloud. "Okay but if it is, just on the offchance, I say we team up! Thomas and me and I guess we need muscle." He looked at the man that Thomas clearly didn't like. "I'm Aedan," he said introductorialy. That's not a word. He thought to himself Just shake his hand and shut up. He stuck out his bandaged hand. "Chances would be better if we teamed up. We might have to defeat some kind of governing body if we want to get out alive though. So what can you do for the good fight?" So there was a chance, a small chance, that all Aedan really wanted was an excuse to find out more about the people around him and that everything else he was going on about was just a smoke screen. Of course that would require brains of some sort.
As Thomas pointed out the various students Aedan was son enraptured with wonder and stuff that he didn't notice the mouth slowly edging closer to his neck. Granted even if he had noticed it his first thought probably wouldn't have been along the lines of what was actually going on. In this freaky alternate universe where Aedan has the observation skills of something greater than a dying sloth he would have probably assumed it was a sort of come on. A come on that was more than a little creepy but a come on nevertheless and probably would have reacted far more mildly than he actually did in the non-parallel universe where he does indeed posses awareness as keen as a banana.

The words vampire sure did the trick though. Even a banana might notice someone about to suck all it's fruity goodness out of it and so did Aedan. Flailing wildly like there was a spider crawling up his arm he yelled as he turned and sprinted. That was dumb. Aedan thought as he stared at the ceiling, his memories slowly piecing together the events of the last few milliseconds. Being near death though heightened his deductive abilities to the point he rivaled even the great Sherlock Holmes' dying sloth.

The first clue was the agonizing amount of pain spreading over his face. The second clue was a small smear of dried blood on the wall, the pretty wall, that he had been gazing at earlier. The final piece of the puzzle were the looks. The looks and the giggles. "Oh god," He moaned getting to his feet very, very slowly. It took a few moments but finally he rounded on the vampire with a triumphant grin. And just because he had tears of pain in his eyes didn't make it any less triumphant and anybody who says otherwise is totally correct but will never ever be acknowledged by Aedan's extraordinary being. Or beings (plural) if that thinking to himself resulted in more than idle chatter.

"I have bested you creature of the night!" He yelled as he swooned unsteadily. "For you see, how can you drink my blood," pause for affect. Or was it effect? "When it is all over there!" He stepped aside, nearly falling over again, to reveal the to or three specks of red on the wall from his bleeding lip. This was probably where a laugh resounding with confidence would have been put to much use. Unfortunately the laugh was nervous and weak. I think you should re-think your strategy. He though at himself. I think you should re-think shutting up. He replied to himself. Wait, are there three of us now? That thought surprised him. Nah, four. He hit that wall harder than he thinks. We do need to deal with this vampire problem though. All thoughts agreed on that one.

Aedan was many things, most of them unimpressive, but he was also a student of this academy whose name he couldn't quite remember mainly because in an alternate universe some nerd writing a final post before falling asleep couldn't be arsed to scroll up and check although said nerd was just going to blame it having Aedan run into a wall. Convenience thy name is Yahtzee. Back to the point, Aedan's declining mental state. No wait that wasn't it. Oh yes it was the vampire that could potentially leave him a dried out, bloodless husk. Aedan was accepted for a reason and that reason was simply that he was not a complete and total pushover. Just most of one. So he did what any non-pushover would do. He prepared to attack.

A steely demeanor settled over Aedan from nowhere. "Thomas right?" His voice was still a little shaky but unafraid this time. "I hear vampires aren't overly fond of heat." He reached into his pocket and pulled out his silver lighter, flipping the lid to expose the flint wheel which he pressed his thumb to. "Now I may be wrong but I kinda get the feeling that neither of us would do well to find out." Aedan held out the lighter at arms length ready to spark the wick and launch a jet of flame at the first person to actually speak to him in an embarrassingly long time. "So how about you reveal this as a joke of some sort, I look like a twat, which I am very good at by the way, and then we go back to the way things were. A perfectly happy morning between to strangers with a friendship blossoming between them that will forever be remembered as something that could stand the tests of time?" Aedan licked his lips and tasted his own blood on them. Still an idiot. He thought. "Let' be chums then eh?" He asked lowering but not closing his lighter.
I bloody love the IT crowd! I haven't watched it in like yonks though but still... maybe my subconscious was all like... duuuuude.

Oh wait we moved on from there like ages ago. Better get a post or something up before the inevitable happens.
That would be tops actually. Like really I would appreciate it from the cockles of my cold, dead heart to the point of writting sonnets about it that bards will sing for years to come. Also no, I don't intend to follow up on that particular promise but I would really appreciate it. Sincerely.

Also thanks for that about Aedan. *Sigh* Alas he is everything I am not. Amusing, independent, nineteen, able to control fire with his brain.
what's the limit on positing in the IC? Do we have to wait for people to post first ?

I hate to be the drip but just speaking as someone that lives on the opposite side of the planet to like... everyone (ie. South Africa) I find that sort of prime-RP time is between like 10:00PM and 5:00AM. Time which I kinda need to use for like sleep. I know, I bring shame and dishonour upon my name but nevertheless I for one would deeply appreciate it if we could like restrict things to max four posts per day. Otherwise it's just too much for me to catch up on the next day.

Of course you could just ignore me... I'll be here with my dots. Just sleeping while everyone else is enjoying themselves. *Sniffle*
Roommate List So Far.

Clover & Aedan -- *If you both agree

I'm really keen if @Narcotic Dollie is game. Well I'll be keen regardless. I'm keen for everything that doesn't involve swallowing bees.
Aedan was staring at a brick wall. A pretty brick wall mind, nearly everything here was pretty by his standards, but a brick wall nonetheless. So here I am. He thought to himself. Well obviously it was to himself. It wasn't like there was anyone else he could think to. Although... considering where he was that might not be true. Damn, focus Aedan now where were you? Oh yes. You were here. An institute specifically designed to teach you about all kinds of secrets kept hidden from normal humans for eons. Also, you're staring at a well. While you talk to yourself. Well think to yourself. Aedan, are you mental? Luckily Aedan didn't have to answer Aedan because a voice from behind him made him let out an incredibly dignified yelp as he leapt majestically away from the person who spoke. If you think that's how it looked you really are mental. He thought, once again, at himself.

"Um," was Aedan's stellar reply. In all fairness he was a little nervous and it was not impossible that he had received a teeny-weeny bit of a heart attack from the stranger that he was now facing. "Yes?" That was an answer even if it did have a question mark next to it. Probably the correct one or at least close enough that he could pass it off. "I mean yes. Yup. Absolutely. I'm new. No wait, I'm Aiden. Right that's right." Aiden's Irish accent slipped out as he bumbled around the conversation like a puppy in a water fountain. That's a cute image. He held out his right hand, the one wrapped in a once clean bandage, to the man before him. "Sorry. you caught me off guard a bit." A lot. "I didn't catch your name..." He left the sentence hanging and his out for a shake for a proper introduction.

"Well yeah. Like I said I'm new. Newer than a puppy in a fountain." Wait, that one was used already. Too late now. "One could perhaps say that I am lost. Not like completely, just to the point that I have no idea where to go. My invitation said to come here and that was it. No idea what to do next." Aedan glance hopefully at the stranger. Something was off about him and he couldn't quite place it. It was in his stance, the way he was carrying himself. This 'person was definitely not normal. Although nobody really was. "Maybe you could help me with one thing though, what kind of people come here?" He asked in an incredibly unsubtle way of trying to discern this young man's thingy. Whatever it was that meant people came here. Although you do give what you get Aidan offered a little of himself first. "Like, I can sort of screw with fire. A lot really. Can most people do that here?"
Lol I thought your name said Narcotic Doilies

Wait you mean it's not? *Frantically re-reads name as eyes begin to widen* @Narcotic Dollie, You fiend! Narcotic Dollies are no where near as thought provoking and erotic as their doily counterpart! I mean well I never! My stars! Oh lawdy lawd we have a treacherous vixen in our midst! You may have won everyone else's trust Miss Dollie but I'm watching you... Me, my dots and most importantly of all, my exclamation marks!

*Authors note: JK tee hee el oh el. You is wicked awesome to the max XD*
So how about it @Narcotic Dollie? (Love that name XD It's so... eclectic) Do you reckon Aedan and Clover should be roomies? I mean like I think it could be fun but I think just about anything that doesn't involve spiders could be fun so I'm easy.
Clover needs a dorm mate, if anyone is interested!

Oh wait, I just realized that the dorms probably aren't co-ed but, and this is a big but(t), my browser took forever to load that gif and I really wanted to share the misery so if any of you have a crappy internet connection then feel my pain. Also if they aren't co-ed then I retract my earlier retraction.
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