Avatar of Yamazaki
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    1. Yamazaki 8 yrs ago


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I am *dramatic pose* the great and mighty *another dramatic pose* YAMAZAKI!!

Okay, that idioticy out of the way... So I've been doing this whole play-by-post thing for a very long time. Got my start on Gaia Online many many years ago, and in my annoyance of the changes going on there, I finally left and tried new places. Turns out this here Roleplayers Guild isn't half bad so far. Not been here long to judge yet.

So about me in particular? I'm a massive geek (who isn't these days?), obsessed with anime, video games, and D&D and other tabletop games. I have a degree in Computer Graphics, specialized in Animation, and still work retail. I'm married to my lovely, although not always understanding of my hobbies, wife for 5 years now. I just turned 30, so I'm old man gamer these days. GM for my live Pathfinder group (occasionally tangenting into Shadowrun for some crazy fun) every week.

Umm... I can't think of anything else to say right now.

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Animal companions are a lot simpler than you think. Seriously - they give you the stats right there for 1st level animals. Just gotta pick a skill and maybe a feat, and you're set. Now Summoner's Eidolons - those are complex.

Actually, you've got the idea. It's great for, say, melee-focused baddies that you want to buy time against. The truth is, the targets get a save for the entanglement (which, let's be honest, it's a 1st level spell, so for now, assume most baddies can make that save), but the real gem is the the fact that the area the spell hits becomes 'difficult terrain', which means it costs twice the distance to cover. And more importantly, they can't charge through that space.

BTW, you did have an option for an animal companion, but it seems you chose to have the domain instead. Animal companions do not cost you anything (unless you gear them up). At this point, it's a matter of personal preference. An extra spell/level and a domain power or an animal companion?

Buying a trained animal will cost you and will not be as loyal as a proper animal companion. Honestly I don't hear much about people using those in proper adventuring beyond getting a horse/pony for traveling. But I've been wrong before lol
Never hurts to have both ranged and melee options. Also good to have at least one dagger, 'cause you never know when you might be grappled/swallowed.

Entangle can affect allies, which is why you drop it on a crowd on baddies before the party goes in. It's good for crowd control.

Summon Nature's Ally spells, as well as it's relative Summon Monster, are great for one thing in particular - MEAT SHIELD. Also distraction. Although with your low caster level at this point (just like the rest of us), it's not as effective at the moment (what with it having a duration of round/CL). Once you have a few levels, it becomes a bit more useful, since it'll last long enough to play a part in battle. That said, even at this low of level, it can still be used to trigger some traps.

Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it. Just take some time to look over what spells you can use and figure out what might be handy. It takes time to get the hang of reading spell info and figuring if it's handy or not.

Shield and Sling might work, but not with a heavy shield. There's one main reason - you need two hands to load a sling, and the hand holding a heavy shield cannot be used for anything else. A light shield might work, depending on our GM, as you can hold items with that shield hand, but not use items otherwise. A buckler would work, but since you're a druid, no metal armor, so no-go there.

Side note: always wanted to try a shield & bomb alchemist...

Vos is very right about druids - they're a full caster, which means they focus on the spells usually. Once you get Wild Shape, well, that's when the dreaded CODzilla, aka Cleric Or Druid-zilla, strikes. Especially when built right, although Pathfinder has curbed the worst of it compared to 3.5.

Anyhow, I've been told by my old power-gamer buddies, from whom I have learned much, that for druids, Shillelagh (which I believe is pronounced 'She-la-li', but I could be totally wrong) is the key 1st level spell for melee druids, or at least that was the case back in 3.5. Otherwise, I'd say Entangle is a good stand-by, and never ever dismiss the power of Summon Nature's Ally.

You cannot wield a two handed weapon (like the scythe) and a shield at the same time (especially not a heavy shield). So it's either switch to a one-handed weapon, or ditch the shield.

Heart of Wilderness is a alternate racial feature for humans, not a feat. You take it in place of the bonus skill point that humans get. For the sake of simplicity for you as a newbie, I'd recommend against it and stick to standard human.

Natural Spell feat cannot be taken yet. You don't have Wild Shape (yet). You'll need the class ability before you can take the feat. Save it for when you hit 5th level, which is when you normally unlock Wild Shape.

If you need feat suggestions (since, let's face it, there's a lot to look over), on my list of 'good for almost every character' includes Dodge (which grants a +1 dodge bonus to AC), Toughness (which gives you +3 bonus HP upon taking it, and then +1 HP every level at 4th and on), and Great Fortitude/Iron Will/Lightning Reflexes (which boost the respective saving throw). When looking at feats, remember that most have requirements that you must qualify for.

BTW, the character traits and flaws section of the character sheet refers to an actual PC-only abilities that grant tiny bonuses to minor things. They are pretty much optional, but add a bit of flavor while giving a minor bonus to something. For example, my character has 'Dirty Fighting' (which gives a +1 bonus damage when flanking) and 'Magical Knack (Magus)' (boosts effective caster level of arcane casting class up to total character level by 2, which is only good for multiclass characters).

Side note: You may want to keep the variety of notes of yours on a word/notepad file of your own instead of cluttering up your character sheet. I understand that this is your first game, but those areas will be filled with number of feats and class abilities. But that's a personal preference thing.

While of course SpeedWagon is running the show, I am also able and willing to help with character creation. I run for my group of drunken n00bs who never seem to learn the system, so I've had to get pretty good at knowing how characters are made. On the plus side, I never have to worry about them not knowing magic, since none of them are willing to dip into casting classes...
*twiddles fingers waiting for others to finish their characters*

Keris Mardok
Rogue 1

Current Status:
HP: 18/18
AC: 16

Perception: +6 (low-light vision)
Not sure where you want this posted first, so I'll go here for now:

Keris Mardok
Starting HP Roll (8)
Starting Gold Roll (17)

I took a minor liberty in giving her a spellbook (as if she was a prepared caster at 1st level) as she'll be multiclassing into Magus next level. Also, if you need links for the various archetypes, I can provide them (all are on the PF OGC site). I used her favored class bonus to gain extra HP this first level.

Feel free to check my work over and lemme know if anything needs fixing.

EDIT: updated character sheet a bit. Using non-expermental Pathfinder sheet now.
@Speedwagon Now that's generous for HP. Can't complain though!

BTW, any house rules on Traits, or just the usual maximum of two?

Now to figure out if I'll go rogue or magus first... Yeah, half-elf rogue/magus will be a fun combo. Tried it out briefly for a campaign before, had fun with the character, although I'll have to do a few things differently this time (new errata of certain feats changes how the character would work).
Currently considering rogue/magus multiclass going into arcane trickster. Which means stealthy dps with a dash of support. I'll get something a bit more formulated in the morning.
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