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> > That might help greatly yes. Perhaps doing a recap after you place in a time skip and do so for everything in a similar manner. So after a timeskip recap, or after a large event/GM stuffs? > > Yes, I can certainly do that! As for currently, you haven't missed anything of real importance, just character interaction. All that's happened is that the first day's entrance ceremony is over and students are moving back into dorms, taking tours of the school, so on and so forth. > > I know XD I read back, and le first post is here~
Sometimes he really did wonder why he was forced into listening to such utter nonsense... Oh right. Because if he didn't, he'd have someone most likely being sent to find him and drag his ass back into that hall to sit an listen to nearly an hour's worth of sleep-inducing idiocy. He *had* nearly fallen asleep at this little 'speech' last year, and to be honest it hadn't improved this year either. Geez. It was like listening to a really old and rusty robot that did nothing but repeat itself, kami, he'd have to shoot the damn thing to bits if that were really true. Or throw it into a wall, that could work just as well. Idle thoughts passed through the elder's head as he waited for the Dean to finishing droning on and on like a broken record. After another five minutes, it was at last finally over. All the while the lithe young man had retained that rather pleased smiling expression of his, it was like a default setting. Put up in front of others no matter what he may be feeling. Huh. Now wasn't that a nice comparison? Hm. Then again perhaps not the smartest idea he had ever come up with. Not that he was going to broadcast comparing the Dean and how he acted to an old robot, Shin was certainly not that stupid in the least. Stretching as he stood, the silver haired male rolling back his right shoulder to release the building tension there. After all, who wouldn't be all tense and stiff after sitting in one spot for nearly two hours? Heading out a little behind the others, the tall male's view cast itself across the sea of new students. No one that really looked all that interesting to be honest. Such a shame. But he wasn't really here for the fighting, at least, he hadn't been for the past two years. Oh well. Groups of both females and males, as well as mixed groups quickly formed as he headed a little ways down one of the main halls. At the very least over the summer he got to return home and see those he knew, it was tiring but fun... well somewhat. If you considered getting jumped on by children all day long to be fun then you'd have a great time, sure, it was fun at first. But after a few weeks, it was simply exhausting. It felt like he'd come back here for a break, not to start doing boring and dull work all over again. Ugh. Still, unlike many he wasn't running about like a total moron trying to sort their dorm out. His had been sorted hours ago, plus that unlike many his room was never changed. Why? Well for one he wasn't a fan of hauling his stuff around every new year, and secondly because some of the teachers had thought it good that he would come back to 'something familiar'. Shin didn't mind it, but the concept was from his first year and it was a little outdated to say the least. Even so for the rest of the day he had nothing to even do. It really was a bore. Bugging some too early normally meant he would get a mouthful later, so he'd avoid that for now. Instead he might as well go check out some of the freshmen. It was like a ritual every year, first year students flooded to any gym they could to train, show off, spar, talk or even end up in an all own brawl. Almost like a right of passage in some ways. Making his way to said gym at a slow pace, the elder male coming to lean against the door-frame that lead into the room, easily allowing him to see. These kids were always so enthusiastic about everything for about the first week, it was then that everything went to hell and back to a regular routine. Ah well. From a quick observation, it would seem a match had just ended. Others already having gone down to help out and talk, well that certainly didn't take long. A hidden gaze cast itself to the side, the lithe gunner spotting others watching in the stands as well. As if waiting for what would happen next, it was like they were watching TV; so hooked they couldn't look away. Others seemed just as bored as he was, and that was saying something. Even so he wasn't about to start a fight now, so he merely remained where he was. It was far better to gauge the abilities of others here before he did anything himself, that was basic tactics after all.
> > Very very intrested, is there still some places left? with the lack of intresting rps around im very desperate xd > > Yes, there's plenty of room for everyone! > > As to those of you worrying about the speed and timing of things so far, I wouldn't be opposed to a posting order if everyone wants one. I usually just try to post whenever I'm available for anyone who speaks to my characters, so no one's waiting on me, but for posts on the more GM style thing my usual method is to wait for everyone to post and then to do a group response. So while it seems fast now because of character interaction, when it comes to doing missions and fighting enemies it won't speed by so fast. > > Would it help if I placed a Recap section in the google doc or anything like that? That might help greatly yes. Perhaps doing a recap after you place in a time skip and do so for everything in a similar manner. So after a timeskip recap, or after a large event/GM stuffs?
I'd assume there's still room yes, so go ahead~ XD
Yeah I know what has happened but I think you're right maybe a posting order should be put in place.
Looks like I won't even be able to join in this rp, my timezone is GMT so I'll miss basically all interaction with anyone >< Plus I haven't even posted yet.....
*Pouts* And now the end of my post just goes nowhere because Zeroth dragged lil' Hazel off. >< Then again, he could always watch XD Edit: Bleh gonna have to finish this post tomorrow now.... >< Booo. Night all.
**Name:** Shin Yukimura **Age:** 17 **Gender:** Male **Themesong:** [Shinsou] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-DMKpvZTis) **Class:** Sharpshooter **Rank:** E *(Actual Rank C, lack of special assignments have kept him at the lowest rank thus far)* **Occupation:** Student/Weapons Engineer **Appearance:** [Shin] (http://i1073.photobucket.com/albums/w385/Tsubasa102/gincasual_zpsd7589b2c.jpg) **Height:** 6'1'' / 185cm **Weight:** 165lbs / 74kg **History:** Born within Kyoto, Japan and raised there until the age of eleven. Having lived within a fairly calm region away from most dangerous Ex-Beasts for the majority of his time there. Shin holds a strong accent that is shown when he speaks in both English and his native tongue. However other details about his past for the time are unknown to all but the silver haired student himself. But it should be noted that any questions about his past or parents are ignored when asked. Nothing much is known by others about Shin Yukimura's life before the age of thirteen. At that age was when he was first scouted to join AcadeMMO. Known for possessing incredible intelligence and natural ability, at the age of fourteen was when this young man was officially allowed into the Academy. Within the first year he was offered to skip ahead to a senior's grade due to his intelligence but it's known that he refused the position. Stating that it would be boring if he was only here for one year and a waste of time too. Ever since then things seemed to have been going quite smoothly for the past few years. Despite holding his own weapon like others did, over the recent years. Shin has done very little in order to rise his rank, having come to work with the weapons staff within his first year and having been around ever since. While still quite easily sailing through his classes, specifically tactics both while solo and in a group. Now quite knowledgeable in the field of weapon engineering and able to maintain and modify most kind of weapons without aid from others, he has now been encouraged to focus on raising his ranking. Despite being in his third year here at the Academy, he is only ranked as an E rank and as many have guessed this is not a true indication to his skill level, ability or intelligence. Currently this young man could actually be considered at a C rank, and now with everything he seemingly wanted to do out of the way. Raising it to this level and beyond is exactly what he plans to do this year. **Statistics:** - Level - 1 - HP - 100 - MP - 60 - Attack - 20 - Magic - 7 - Speed - 10 - Accuracy - 15 - Defense - 10 - Evasion - 12 - Resistance - 10 **Weapon:** [Anchor Gun](http://i1073.photobucket.com/albums/w385/Tsubasa102/f0b5274d-886b-4fc6-85e0-16a21e0a2487_zps75ee44dc.png) *[Special Weapon - Level One]* - It is unknown to others as to where and how Shin came into possession of such a weapon. However, this young man seems unwilling to part with it. Normally kept tucked away safely somewhere unless in use. Whatever the case, some have said that they are able to sense a strange yet great energy emitting from the weapon, supposedly the weapon is capable of massive destruction with the correct wielder. **Weapon Skill(s):** [Wire Anchor] (http://i1073.photobucket.com/albums/w385/Tsubasa102/8c9a5492-4a5e-4b4c-b546-c3508e38327a_zps676ffdd0.png) - True to it's name, the Anchor Gun also has a grappling "anchor" at the bottom of its barrel, giving Shin (who is incapable of unassisted flight) additional mobility in battle. Such as allowing movement from the ground up to the top of a building with ease. It can carry the weight of two people as the maximum. **Elemental Affinity:** Lightning **Spells/Skills:** Sonic Move [One] - The command for this skill is 'Spark' or it's name. Used as a basic high speed movement technique for those with the affinity of Lightning or those familiar with it's element. This skill increases the user's speed by 10% for one post, or allows the user to dodge one attack once per battle. At higher levels, the amount added will increase. Consumes 10 MP. Multi-Barret [One] - The command for this skill is 'Fire' or it's name. This technique is commonly used by many gunners alike. By briefly concentrating energy before firing, the user is able to fire more shots within a shorter time span than normal as well as increasing said shots speed and power. 2 Shots can be fired. Adds 5 Speed and 2 Strength for these shots. At higher levels, the amount added will increase. Consumes 10 MP. Charge Barret [One] - The command for this skill is it's name. A basic skill among almost all Snipers. The user prepares a shot over a duration of time *(one post)* encasing that single bullet with their energy. Only then to unleash a far more powerful attack than usual or normally possible. Only used at long range. Adds 15 Attack to a single shot. At higher levels, the amount added will increase. Consumes 10 MP.
Bleh I'll have to finish tomorrow. Goodnight all.
This is major WIP please ignore for now~ **Name:** Shin Yukimura **Age:** 17 **Gender:** Male **Themesong:** Coming Soon **Class:** Sharpshooter **Rank:** E **Occupation:** Student/Weapons Engineer **Appearance:** [Shin] (http://i1073.photobucket.com/albums/w385/Tsubasa102/gincasual_zpsd7589b2c.jpg) **History:** Born within Kyoto, Japan and raised there until the age of eleven. Having lived within a fairly calm region away from most dangerous Ex-Beasts for the majority of his time there. Shin holds a strong accent that is shown when he speaks in both English and his native tongue. However other details about his past for the time are unknown to all but the silver haired student himself. But it should be noted that any questions about his past or parents are ignored when asked. Nothing much is known by others about Shin Yukimura's life before the age of thirteen. At that age was when he was first scouted to join AcadeMMO. Known for possessing incredible intelligence and natural ability, at the age of fourteen was when this young man was officially allowed into the Academy. Within the first year he was offered to skip ahead to a senior's grade due to his intelligence but it's known that he refused the position. Stating that it would be boring if he was only here for one year and a waste of time too. Ever since then things seemed to have been going quite smoothly for the past few years. Despite holding his own weapon like others did, over the recent years. Shin has done very little in order to rise his rank, having come to work with the weapons staff within his first year and having been around ever since. While still quite easily sailing through his classes, specifically tactics both while solo and in a group. Now quite knowledgeable in the field of weapon engineering and able to maintain and modify most kind of weapons without aid from others, he has now been encouraged to focus on raising his ranking. Despite being in his third year here at the Academy, he is only ranked as an E rank and as many have guessed this is not a true indication to his skill level, ability or intelligence. Currently this young man could actually be considered at a C rank, and now with everything he seemingly wanted to do out of the way. Raising it to this level and beyond is exactly what he plans to do this year. **Statistics:** - Level - 1 - HP - 100 - MP - 60 - Attack - 20 - Magic - 7 - Speed - 10 - Accuracy - 15 - Defense - 10 - Evasion - 12 - Resistance - 10 **Weapon:** [Anchor Gun](http://i1073.photobucket.com/albums/w385/Tsubasa102/f0b5274d-886b-4fc6-85e0-16a21e0a2487_zps75ee44dc.png) *[Special Weapon - Level One]* - It is unknown to others as to where and how Shin came into possession of such a weapon. However, this young man seems unwilling to part with it. Normally kept tucked away safely somewhere unless in use. Whatever the case, some have said that they are able to sense a strange yet great energy emitting from the weapon, supposedly the weapon is capable of massive destruction with the correct wielder. **Weapon Skill(s):** [Wire Anchor] (http://i1073.photobucket.com/albums/w385/Tsubasa102/8c9a5492-4a5e-4b4c-b546-c3508e38327a_zps676ffdd0.png) - True to it's name, the Anchor Gun also has a grappling "anchor" at the bottom of its barrel, giving Shin (who is incapable of unassisted flight) additional mobility in battle. Such as allowing movement from the ground up to the top of a building with ease. It can carry the weight of two people as the maximum. **Elemental Affinity:** Lightning **Spells/Skills:** Sonic Move [One] - The command for this skill is 'Spark' or it's name. Used as a basic high speed movement technique for those with the affinity of Lightning or those familiar with it's element. This skill increases the user's speed by 10% for one post, or allows the user to dodge one attack once per battle. At higher levels, the amount added will increase. Consumes 10 MP. Multi-Barret [One] - The command for this skill is 'Fire' or it's name. This technique is commonly used by many gunners alike. By briefly concentrating energy before firing, the user is able to fire more shots within a shorter time span than normal as well as increasing said shots speed and power. 2 Shots can be fired. Adds 5 Speed and 2 Strength for these shots. At higher levels, the amount added will increase. Consumes 10 MP. Charge Barret [One] - The command for this skill is it's name. A basic skill among almost all Snipers. The user prepares a shot over a duration of time *(one post)* encasing that single bullet with their energy. Only then to unleash a far more powerful attack than usual or normally possible. Only used at long range. Adds 15 Attack to a single shot. At higher levels, the amount added will increase. Consumes 10 MP.
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