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Kurisa said
Shizuka continued to look down at her left palm that had her knife through it, she then slowly pulled the knife out of her hand and watched the blood drip from them both, she then listened to Yu speak and ask her why she wanted to cut him and what her name was. Shizuka spoke in the same tone as always as she continued to look at her hand and knife "It's fun...I like to watch things bleed......And Shizuka...that is my name" Shizuka continued to look at her hand bleed...it had been a long time since she had to wound herself due to her failure...

"Yeah that way of thinking is far more squad eleven like." Yu said nodding his head after hearing her name. "Well... I guess its nice to meet you then, even though you technically attempted to kill me. Al though you really shouldn't want to make comrades want to bleed, that's a dangerous thought process you have there. Why not ask your captain for a more dangerous mission?"
Savo said
Inb4 all the male characters of this roleplay are converted to Baras due to battling shadows in the mirror world.

Finally hearing her give an answer, turned out to be the most unexpected squad of them all. Thirteen did have some odd individuals after all, but didn't think it had odd ones like her. Yu's eyes widened when she suddenly stabbed her own palm with her knife which made Yu jump a bit. "H-hey now, just because you didn't cut me is no reason to harm yourself. I'm a lieutenant afterall! I even have Bankai, if youd cut me, then it would be more questionably for me to even be my current rank! Geesh, why do you want to cut me anyway...... Ummm your name if I may ask?"
Nothing came from the woman, so she was either the silent type, or she really wanted to cut him. he watched her made a blue orb only to send it near him causing dust to shoot out around him. He heard her speak something, then out of the blue saw not a knife, but a scythe blade coming towards his neck to take it from his shoulders, that's when he sighed and stood still, as the scythe instead of slicing through him came to a dead stop upon contact. "Hey now, this is a spar. This would have killed someone that's equal in power to you.And sorry to disappoint you, but cutting me would require near all of your power in one go, if you wanted to cut me. What squad are you in? Two perhaps? Maybe twelve?" Yu asked as he pushed the scythe away from himself as he looked at her.
Kurisa said
As Shizuka went to cut Yu her hand was caught by him, this caused her to look to her hand, her expression blank even as Yu raised his right hand to her forehead and used Oni Dekopin on her, this sent her flying back in a large cloud of dust that then erupted once she made contact with a tree. As the dust settled Shizuka could be seen standing, a small bruise on her forehead and a few cuts on her arms and legs, she looked down at her left forearm and twisted it slightly along with her hand, she then let her left arm fall to her side as looked up at Yu, once again she began walking towards him, her expression still that of a blank one as she then stopped, raising her left hand she then pointed at Yu then fired a Hado 4 from her index finger, aiming to hit his right shoulder, she then with her right hand threw her Knife Zanpakuto towards Yu then shunpoed to catch it as it got close to Yu, aiming to cut from his left shoulder down to his left hip

As she went flying back he felt a little bad as it seemed like he may have overdone it. He waited for the dust clouds to vanish to see what damage had been done to the woman, a bruise from the attack and a few cuts. As she went back on the offensive she shot a byakurai at him, which made him prepared to intercept it, when suddenly he saw the knife coming at him, followed by her shunpoing and grabbing the knife attempting to again cut into him. He grabbed her right arm with his left while the byakurai hit his right shoulder, yet left only a tiny bruise at most. "Hey not bad, that might have gotten a low level enemy. What are you most skilled in, Zanjutsu since you like cutting things?" Yu asked, this time pointing his index finger at her and using hado number one on her to push her backwards.
Kurisa said
Shizuka continued to look at Yu and listened as he spoke, offering her a spar or more taking her offer for her wanting to spar with him...regardless..this would be fun...win or lose..life of death...she'd enjoy this...after all...aslong as she saw blood, she'd be happy. Shizuka looked at Yu then raised her Knife up, looking at it as the last drops of blood dripped off. Shizuka then began walking towards Yu slowly, she then used shunpo mid walk to appear closer to him, standing infront of him as she then slashed her knife at Yu, aiming to cut his torso, in truth, with the difference in their power she'd likely end up doing more damage to herself just by trying to cut him

Again silence came, which strangely enough lead Yu to become uncomfortable. Almost like he confused them for a sibling and just hugged them right away. he saw her raise her knife up, which made him sheath his own and instead raise his fists up. He watched her slowly walk before making a shunpo which he followed a little easily. She attempted to cut him with that knife of hers, which made him wonder what she found appealing about cutting people or anything for that matter. It seemed more a cut of want than a serious one, so he caught her hand with his left hand, and held it in place. He looked at her releasing her hand, but raising his right hand to her forehead to attempt a flick. He had to hold back on most things, cause if it took near no effort to stop her attack, then he could tell she was most likely new.
Nicias Askani said
Gio listened to Moks answer while resting his blade on his shoulder. "its not that i mind the ban. Though a seal might not be a bad idea...unless i find myself up shits creek.. and given my track record, thats pretty likely. can you do one that make it harder to use kido." he offered "my hakuda is better than my zanjutsu. only because infusing energy into hakuda is easy. As for zanjutsu... i get caught up in my zanpaukto skills usually. " he tapped the blade on his shoulder for emphasis. "and as a rapier its not quite as simple as a katana. even sealed its a nodachi. we have a really good instructor in squad five too. cuz i was really shit in zanjutsu before i met her. i put her in charge of training the kido corps when they officially merged with squad 5 openly. " Gio noticed he was rambling " sorry, got sidetracked."

Gio nodded his head at him and smiled. "Well your honest, but you know that gives me an idea. I'm going to place a seal on you, that will reward you as you get better at Hakuda and zanjutsu." Mok said as he stood up and placed his palm on Gio's forehead and focused himself for a minute before placing a seal on Gio's forehead. "Looks simple, but it pretty much makes any kido feel like casting Captain level kido. It literally will force every ounce of your spiritual energy to use something as simple as sho, and if you try casting Captain level, that will be near on impossible. However, as you improve with your hakuda and zanjutsu, the seals effect will grow weaker, making the kido easier to do. So if it feels like somethings crushing your body. then you need improvement, but if it becomes easier then, it shows you are becoming stronger. Anyway, I spent long enough away from the office. So I cant ban you from Kido, but it will be next to impossible. I will tell you this though. if you fight a powerful enemy, that requires kido, then simply cover the seal with anything, and that acts like a temporary block." Mok said as he then sheathed his zanpakuto and shunpoed off to squad five, where he would find mountains of paperwork to do.
Kurisa said
As Shizuka continued to carve words into the hollow she heard it suddenly stop screaming, this caused her to look to it's head as she then noticed the Lieutenant of Squad 1, she didn't care much for the ranks of people but she knew of at least the Lieutenants and Captains. As the hollow faded Shizuka stood up, the words the man spoke seemingly didn't reach her as she turned her attention to her knife that she held out infront of her slightly, watching the blood drip off it slowly, she seemed almost memorised by it however the blood stopped dripping...there was only so much on the blade, this caused her to look down to her left hand then she looked to Yu as she spoke, her voice seemingly quiet but yet it was emotionless "Can I cut you?" she asked, tilting her head slightly

Yu watched her seemingly act almost like a zombie would which amde him think of Ryuu, and note some odd people he has meet in his life. One who ate hollows and one wh-. Yu's trail of thought cut off when he was suddenly asked quite easily, if he could be cut by her. Yu stared at her as he scratched his head. "Cut me? if you mean a spar, then sure. You do know what your going up against. Even if you are lower ranked, I will still take any challenge seriously." Yu said as he rubbed the back of his head. A man with a mysterious past, a man who ate hollows, and one who asks people if they can cut them. I certainly meet some quirky ones." Yu spoke mainly to himself.
Yu who was bandaged up from what he went through a while ago walked in the forest. he could have had Fuma instantly heal his wounds, but frankly. Fuma terrified him. The man was like a shadow that just caught you when you least expected it. Suddenly he started hearing a echoing kind of scream indicating a hollow, followed by several running away. This made Yu scratch his head as he walked to the source, finding a woman sitting on a hollow carving into. She seemed blank while doing it, this was a tad unnerving. It made him think back to his days of being tested for Squad one by Shinji, and the words he said. Of course most would throw away anything a traitor said, but Yu still wasn't convinced. So pulling out one of his zanpakutos he sliced through the hollows mask. To stop its suffering. "Their are better pass times than torturing a hollow you know." Yu said sheathing his zanpakuto as he caught near on a glimpse of a smile as the hollow started fading away.
"Mostly the tore up all the shit you've been doing, but yes smartass." Mok said as he then listened to his question and would have respond if it weren't for the bakudo being thrown at him. Mok shook his head and snapped his fingers." Bakudō #81. Dankū" Which made four White barriers around him blocking the bakudo and attacks from Gio. Mok took the time to go back to Gio's question, now that he wouldn't be interrupted. "Simple. Even though I barred you from using kido. You are still using it and I have so far beaten everyone. This leads me to think that if kido is your best, what does that say for everything else? Now I would train you in those areas, but Hakuda Im seated level at most. While zanjustu is lieutenant level. I excelled my Kido to the point I could be considered the second best. Pretty much. I want you to surpass me one day Gio. How are you going to do that by becoming an exact copy?" Mok said as the barriers faded with Mok tapping the ground with his blade. "So seriously, do I need to put a seal on you, to prevent you from using Kido? I want to be able to trust you, to listen to orders you know."
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