Avatar of Zitacamron95
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 521 (0.13 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Zitacamron95 11 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current If anyone wants to do a tabletop rp where you are a kid with a monster check out roleplayerguild.com/topics/… I'd love to revive it.
6 yrs ago
Interested in a Dark Circus 1x1? Check out my interest check! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
7 yrs ago
Power is finally back on! I'll try to get to all my RP stuff tomorrow after I get all my homework done.
7 yrs ago
Correction to my last status my power is estimated to come back on on Sunday at 11:30PM.
7 yrs ago
My power is out. The website for the power company says it won't be restored until 11:30pm. If that's true, there will probably be no IC replies today.


My timezone is Eastern Standard, in case you need to know that sort of thing. I am very much a nerd, I like videogames and comic books. If you just want to chill and chat with me about videogames and comics, I'm totally down for that. I am more knowledgeable about the DC universe, when it comes to Marvel I know very little. My favorite Superhero is Superman and my favorite Batman villain is Mister Freeze, but I pretty much love all characters in the DC universe. As for video games, I usually stick in the range of anything with a good story. I've played the whole BioShock series, some of the Final Fantasys, both Portal games, all three of the Batman Arkham series and a whole bunch more. Right now I'm working on completing Persona 3 and 4, and Dragon Age Inquisition.

Most Recent Posts

Okay, so, I was wondering if there is any interest in doing an RP based around a world where superpowers are a fairly common occurrence. And of course there are super heroes and super villains, but I'd love to do an RP based on characters that have superpowers but are more interested in being civilians rather than being heroes or villains.

The main setting would be a club in the nicer part of the city. The world will be original, so it won't be part of any other superhero universe. I don't really have a plot in mind, I think this would benefit greatly from a collaborative plot. Anyway, I'm just sort of putting this out there to see if there's any interest in such a concept.
About Me

  • I can write up from 2 to 5 paragraphs, of course I can manage to do more or less depending on what I'm given, but my preferred minimum is 2 paragraphs.
  • I like to have a plan for my rps so be prepared to plot things out. I hate running head first into a story.
  • I'm working full time so I may get busy from time to time. I should still be available to post at least once a week, but I will probably post way more than just once a week.
  • I'm 22 for those that care about the age of the person that rp with.
  • I don't mind OOC talk, and would actually love to encourage it! Even if we're just talking about our characters in the rp and planning for what to do next, either way I'd like to keep some kind of communication up.
  • I'd like to know your favorite animal, so that I know you've read this section
  • I am female but will rp both male and female characters (I'd prefer to play the female in fxm relationships though, as I have had to rp the male counterparts to female characters way too often in the past)
  • I enjoy romance in my rps! I'll do MxM, FxF or FxM romances, and of course any other sort of gender pairings as well. So if you want to play a non-binary character, for example, and want them part of the romance, that works for me.
  • Please ask me any questions you have!

Partner Preferences

  • Please be open to have romance in our rp!
  • Be willing to play both genders if it becomes necessary.
  • Be able to match my posting length. I set a minimum of 2 paragraphs per present character, but understand the occasional small post.
  • So I know you've read this section, as it is the most important section, tell me your favorite color
  • Understand that OOC talk is going to a thing so please be cool with OOC chat and keeping up with it
  • Please bring some ideas to the table, I don't want to be the only one throwing stuff out there. I want to know you're also really into the plot or pairing too and that you want to participate in this just as much as I do.
  • Be willing to play multiple characters.
  • If you have any other questions on what I'm asking for, please ask.

The Dark Circus

Come one! Come all! To the Enchanted Circus! A place of dreams and magic!

Here at the Enchanted Circus, you will encounter the wondrous Little Mermaid with a voice so melodious, you won't want her to stop singing. Or perhaps you're more interested in grizzly the Beast, who can lift anything? Or maybe you've come for the beautiful Prince Charming who can transform into anyone he wants? Either way, you will not want to miss out on such a magnificent performance!

Basically the idea of this is to have a circus where all of the performers are based off of fairy tale characters. These performers are also supernatural beings of some sort. Like I imagine the Little Mermaid might actually be some kind of fish monster with a beautiful singing voice. Beast might actually be a beast, for lack of better words. I do also want to play around with the idea that from the outside this Circus is very magical and fun, but on the inside things are a lot darker. Like some performers are vampires, so they have to feed. Maybe the circus actually is involved in luring people away to be eaten or made to do the performers' bidding.

The plot I have in mind right now is a human boy ends up joining the circus as a ticket taker or promoter, either on a dare or as an actual investigator. While on the job, the boy starts falling for the biggest star of the circus, Prince Charming. And we can continue to plot things from there. If someone is interested in playing multiple characters, I'd love to try and add more plot lines exploring some of the other performers.

Any other fairytale ideas are definitely welcome!

Twisted Fate

Two boys live in poverty and do anything they can to survive. They have been friends for a long time and have found a good way of surviving together and keeping each other sane. That is until one of them gets bit by a vampire and suddenly their eyes have been open to a world they thought was just fantasy. Now they have to find a new way to survive and figure this out as they go.

This is Science Fiction

The government is experimenting on the general population and someone has to stop it. The world is full of augmentation, rapidly electronics and several other luxuries, but in secret the government is creating the perfect soldier. It's a secret project, but becomes less of a secret to two men after a horrifying experience for both of them. They decide to work together, one working as a spy, the other working as a tech. They aim to destroy the project, just the two of them, but who knows if they'll actually make it.

A Modern Fantasy

So there is no big plot for this, I want to make a world that is full of fantasy creatures. Like vampires, werewolves, elves, fairies, mermaids and any other creature you can think of. There would be no secrets, humans know about them and they don't have to hide. I specifically want to flesh this world out with whoever is interested and talk about plot.

Slice of Life Heroes

In a world where superpowers are real and super heroes and super villains run rampant, there's some people that would rather just be normal people. In the nicer part of the city, there is a club owned and staffed with people that have superpowers, all of which are not interested in the whole superhero or super villain life style.

More to come as I think of them!
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