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Denonym: Akir
(Major Ethnic Groupings: Akir, Rakka, Yeab’Sra, Iyasu, Habtamu)

61,000,000 (10,000,000 base + 5,000,000 from provinces + 46,000,000 for 8 points)

Monarchy (free)
-- Current Ruler: Tarik Aman Melku Seydonkal (42 years old)
-- Regent (if Ruler dead/incapacitated): Tarik-Consort Aida Admas Petrokkal (37 years old)
-- Heir: Prince Noab Nazwari Seydonkal (13 years old)

Capital (Land)
3 Land Provinces in Serranthia (3 points)
6 Coastal Provinces in Serranthia (6 points)

– 2 Major Factories (free)
– 1 Major Factory (7 points)
– 1 Minor Factory (4 points)
– 1 Minor Shipyard (2 points)

– 610,000 Regulars ((free))
– 200 Light Artillery ((2 points))

– 18 Destroyers (free)
– 6 Light Cruisers (free)
– 3 Armored Cruisers (6 points)

Army Technology:

[Bolt Action Rifle (1895)] 1895 (4 points)
[Artillery (1885)] 1885 (4 points)
[Indirect Artillery (1900)] 1900 (4 points)

The modern state of the Tarikhate has its roots in the ethnic group of Akir found originally in the lands currently incorporated into the Grand Survaek Empire; indeed, minorities with genetic and cultural connections to the Akir of the Tarikhate are still live in the Empire. Following a syncretistic, mystic form of Survaekom Aedak that combines the old pagan religions of the Akir and the beliefs and morals of Aedak, the Akir are organized into clan-like, patrilineal, Kabals founded by semi-legendary, possibly apocryphal founders. In the early 1750’s, during the Grand Empire’s decline under Waentaer, the Tarik (Warlord) Benyam Aurbu Seydonkal was designated the Chief Tarik of the Akir Kabals and given the freedom to conquer the Raethonite peoples outside the reach of the Empire. (Rest of description WIP but wanted to post up so as to not be left behind)

Bumping this to bring it to anyone's attention!
Hi! Contributor and player in this RP Forum. It is completely open to join at all times! Just make a solid app and get it accepted! As it stands the forum is just on the brink of beginning with the earliest posts being made so now is the perfect time to join!
I'm definitely still here.
Refrain from making Jet Engines a thing in a year or two, please.
Naarden, Naarden Peninsula, NFRU With proper introductions afforded the Proletariat-General, Inspector-General, and Zho Czinya were directed to the modest vehicle provided by the Naarden Republic's diplomatic ministry; a four door automobile with a simple Naarden Flag emblazoned on the side of the driver's door. As soon as they were bustled inside Erhard Brant took the time to open his briefcase and retrieve the appropriate paperwork necessary for continued discussion on the matter. The moment the vehicle's engine was revved and the automobile was in motion the Proletariat-General turned to Zho, offering the paperwork. "This, Mevrouw Czinya, is a copy of the offers granted by the Republic Representatives to me to share, in turn, with you and your government. Along with it is a unique offer that may hold some merit to you and your esteemed Empress. I shall speak on that first, if I may: With the referendum to see Damiaan Ferdinand Gerd van Haanrath reinstated to position as Prince of Naarden there arises a unique opportunity. The son of Damiaan, Bastiaan Alfons Braam van Haanrath, would be reinstated to position of prince underneath his father and would, indeed, be an eligible bachelor for Empress Cyzin Ao; considering he is only sixteen a royal union could be quite fitting. Such a union would show the world that you are not some backwater slave to the Irodein imperialist pigs to the South. Which of course brings me to another matter of note: My government intends to express it's recognition of your sovereign status as a people and state as soon as this diplomatic is over, provided you do not appear to be Imperialist puppets come only to insult us. This, of course, is obviously not the case. Beyond that, the Republican Representatives have given the Federal Government the go ahead to officially enter a defensive alliance with Cyzin with the interest of protecting a people newly freed from tyranny by their own hands. Along with such an offer comes a proposal: the Gezamenlijke Speciale Tactiek Opleidingsschool trains the greatest soldiers in the Syndicalist world, perhaps even the world at large, and the military command from the school has seen opportunity in offering you such elite forces to fill the role of military advisers to see your military modernized. With such training would obviously come the equipment required for such modernization for decreased prices. The Federal Government would as well seek to help industrialize your nation by giving member unions rewards for expanding into your nation, bringing trade and increased infrastructure paid for by said unions. There stands, beyond this, one more course of action that may appeal to you. Though my government is willing to aid you to a great extent your economic policy remains an issue with RSI. If your nation was to implement Syndicalist styled ideals, most notably democratic workplaces rather than managerial run work places and the legalization of Unions within your country, the other Syndicalist countries would get behind you. As well as this, RSI would officially designate you a revolutionary state much like the Republics once were, over two decades ago. With such a designation you would receive arms, supplies, medical aid, and an assortment of other boons: all this requires is economic concessions for the working people. Along with this, membership with RSI would be offered and as such the military protection that grants. The Irodeins would be hard pressed to fight against the Cyzin, Dereham Republic, Federal military forces, and numerous other armed forces capable of defending each other's shores. Obviously we would not expect you to accomplish such feats but steps taken towards such endeavors would certainly garner much friendship from the Syndicalist states."
Looks like I get to be the USA to Afghanistan to Soviet Russia~
REPORT ON THE WEAPONS OF GLOBAL REVOLUTION AUTHOR: Revolutionary Guard General Yvonne Floch TO: The Gezamenlijke Speciale Tactiek Opleidingsschool / L'Ecole Conjointe Speciale d'Entrainement Tactique / Joint Special Tactics Training School This report concerns the specifications, production, diffusion, uses, and track records of the most common weapons employed by comrade-soldiers of the Revolution, in both Liberated Territory and Occupied Territory. This is to serve the educational facilities of the JSTTS, for the purposes of familiarizing soldiers with armaments that they may or may not not have assigned to them, but that they should expect to encounter among comrades in action. As a secondary objective, this report may serve as an easy reference for commanders and logisticians. CATEGORY: SIDEARMS Charcutier series combat/utility knife: Employed as both tools and weapons, these knives are derived from the knife-bayonets employed by the Royal Army of Vallonia-Picardie during the Northern Revolution. Larger, serated versions were originally produced and deployed in Brouges for close combat. The Charcutier is ubiquitous in the Syndicalist world, but the CQC versions in particular mostly serve in urban, jungle, and trench combat. Type-0 series sidearms: The Type-0 series constitutes a number of sidearms originally produced in Naarden. Regardless of variant all Type-0 series sidearms chamber an 8x12mm Parabellum cartridge. The sidearm is characterized by it's eight round box magazine, a toggle-lock action, and it's semi-automatic firing. Weapon specifications for the Type-02 and it's variants state the effective range to be sixty meters. Salière V-8 Machine Pistol: A sidearm originally produced in post-Revolution Brouges, but employing the Naardener 8x12mm Parabellum cartridge in a 25-round box magazine. Firing at 500 rounds/min, its weighted foregrip provides a measure of stability to the compact weapon. Because it is lighter and easier to conceal than full SMGs, it is popular among clandestine agents and rebels in Occupied Territory. It is also issued as a backup weapon to Revolutionary Guard squad support (snipers, machine-gunners, pocket artillerists, etc). CATEGORY: RIFLES Type-3 series bolt-action rifles: The Type-3 series of bolt action rifles consist of a single model of rifle, the Type-35, that has been refined for use by infantryman with any level of training. The rifle itself chambers a 7.92x57 Naarden rifle round fed into the weapon through stripper clip with a ten round capacity. It's design incorporates mainly wooden parts with simple metal mechanisms easy to service and repair. The weapon's effective range is considered 500 meters and an unmodified rifle weighs in at 3.7kg. The Type-35 is commonly seen in the hands of both militiamen and trained infantry and can often be seen with sniper scopes mounted in place of ironsights for use in long range engagements. It is the standard rifle of the Revolutionary Guard Mountain Divisions. Type-4 series semi-automatic rifles: The Type-4 series of semi-automatic rifles were thought up during a Syndintern-wide research and developement program with the goal stated as the invention and production of an easily manufactured semi-automatic weapon that was both robust and simple enough to be used by the wide spread, multi-environmental forces that fought wherever Syndintern member-unions could be found. The rifle series, the Type-4, won for it's simple, rugged design and ease of manufacture. The first model to reach full production was the Type-44, which suffered from a weight issue caused by the weapon's thick barrel to compensate for the powerful round. This was addressed with the production of a carbine variant, the Type-45. This has been by far one of the most popular RSI weapons in the last decade, particularly in the Revolutionary Guard and the Legermacht van de Bondsrepubliek. More recently, the Revolutionary Guard replaced the Type-45 with a newer Type-45a "trench" version complete with a heat shield, a bayonet lug, and an even shorter barrel. This modernized version is the standard rifle of the Revolutionary Guard General Infantry and Airborne Divisions. All versions of the rifle use an 8-round detachable box magazine with 8.7x57 Hanzhan rounds. CATEGORY: AUTOMATIC WEAPONS Type-1 series submachine guns: The Type-1 series of submachine guns are models of submachine guns converted from the widely popular and effective Type-4 semi-automatic rifle series. In order to account for the weapon's increased fire-rate the cartridge chambered has been modified, the weapon now chambering shorter 8.7x20 Hanzhan rounds. Due to it's obvious similarities to the Type-4, the weapon series is easily used by veterans who have had little training with the weapon as long as they have seen extensive service with any of the Type-4 variants. The standard model used most frequently is the Type-12 with one other variant commonly produced, the Type-12a. The latter has a modified air-cooled barrel, an altered muzzle to compensate for high recoil, and proper iron sights. It is the standard SMG of the Revolutionary Guard. Both variants fire at Type-2 series automatic rifles: The development of an automatic rifle was the first of many joint projects between the Revolutionary Guard and the Federal Army. The first version that entered mass production was the Type 26, and this remains the most popular variant by sheer weight of production and distribution. People's Militias, the Republican Landwehr, and rebels across the world value the Type 26 for bringing the power of a light machine-gun to the field in a compact and easy-to-use form. The Type 26a brought some improvements with a heat shield and an integrated bipod, but its longer barrel did not prove especially popular. Despite greater power and accuracy, the version's weight and size prompted many to claim that it offered no advantages over a full LMG. This notwithstanding, it saw a fair amount of distribution because it remained simpler to maintain than the Type 59 (see below). The latest version, the Type 27, is considered a major improvement: It is sturdier, more stable when firing, and has reduced weight without significantly shortening the barrel. One of its unique features is a side-handle, allowing the user to reduce the effects of recoil on accuracy. It has been readily adopted by the Revolutionary Guard and the Dereham Republic Army, but it has yet to see the sheer scale of distribution of the Type 26. All versions chamber 8.7x57 Hanzhan rounds and fire at 500 rounds per minute. They can be equipped with 20 or 30 round box magazines or, less commonly, 50-round drums. Type-5 general-purpose machinegun: The Type-5 series of GPMGs represents an intentional step in the opposite direction of standard weapon doctrines made by the firearm designers in the Haldyr Republics of the NFRU. The weapon's design incorporates a number of modern advancements not seen in any other firearm series currently produced by Syndicalist nations. The current produced model, the Type-59, is the last in a long line of attempts at producing a machinegun light enough and versatile enough to be deployed in the hands of infantry, as a defensive weapons on vehicles, or as an offensive weapon on aircraft and light armor. The Type-59 chambers the 7.92x57mm Naarden cartridge and has been clocked at firing up to 1,200 rounds per minute. The weapon has mainly seen service with the Federal Infantry of the NFRU, now forming the basis of a fireteam, though the weapon is beginning to see deployment with numerous other militaries. Type-7 series heavy machineguns: The Type-7 machinegun is the most widely used machinegun in the entirety of the Syndicalist world, it's numerous variants filling multiple roles in multiple warzones. All of the weapons chamber the deadly .50 Cournaille, a heavy round used for both anti-personnel and anti-armor purposes. The Type-71 and it's long-barreled variant, the Type-71a, both feature water cooled casings around their heavy barrels whilst further variants saw a change to lighter, air cooled systems. Both of the Type-1 variants saw extensive use in recent decades, especially during the Syndicalist revolutions in Cournaille, Vallonia-Picardie, and Flamardie. More modern Type-73 and Type-73a variants see more use as of recent years, the Type-73 deployed on vehicles for point defense while the Type-73a is seen in use as heavy machinegun support for infantry. The Type-74, most modern of all the Type-7 series, appears mostly on vehicles as either point defense, offensive armaments, or frequently quad-linked for anti-aircraft purposes. Type-10 series autocannons: Originally a somewhat obscure design of the Naarden Royal Army, the Type-10 found its popularity in Brouges as a premier urban combat weapon. The gun and its 30mm ammunition is quite heavy, but its sheer power against infantry, cover, and light armor proved indispensable in repelling the Duke of Brouges' early attacks. It also served admirably in battery defense, protecting Revolutionary artillery from Royal Vallard flank raids. The original Type-10 could only fire in 3-round bursts, because fully automatic fire would have destroyed the barrel. However, the upgraded Type-10a has a more resilient build that allows for fully automatic fire at 400 rounds/min. Nevertheless, it is still usually fired in bursts of 3-5 rounds. Although not especially common in Occupied Territory, the Type-10 can be found in staggering numbers in Liberated Territory. One of the International's official military policy goals is to equip every field and factory in RSI-affiliated territory with at least one autocannon for self-defense, and this has essentially been achieved in Brouges and the NFRU. CATEGORY: SUPPORT Type-6 series trenchgun: A Naardener model designed and produced shortly after the end of the Northern Revolutions. The only mass production variant, the Type 62, has founds great popularity as a close-quarters weapon and a "utility" for door breaching. It chambers 12-gauge shot or slug munitions, and it can hold six at a time (one in the chamber, five in the tube). One recent innovation, draakasem ("dragon's breath") ammunition, consists of magnesium pellets that, when fired from the Type 62, shoots sparks and flames up to 100 feet out from the barrel. Though impressive, draakasem ammunition is more a utility than a weapon, used for lighting fires and for short-duration flare signaling. When used in combat, the flash and heat have proven effective at disabling or hindering enemy combat effectiveness, but the flame is not especially lethal except at very close range. Type-8 series AT rifles: Another relatively obscure Naardener design taken up by revolutionaries in Brouges, the Type-8 is perhaps the most widespread anti-tank rifle in the entire world. The weapon, which chambers a 14.5mm armor-piercing round, is remarkably easy to produce, maintain, and operate. Thus, it has been exported to every corner of the earth for use by rebels of any stripe weapons cooperatives have seen fit to support. The original Type 81 chambers only a single round, but the more recent Type 82 uses a 3-round magazine and remains very efficient to produce. Within Liberated Territory practically all Type 81s have been replaced or converted into Type 82s. Type-9 series AT rifles: (94, 94a, 98) - This weapon is a heavier, more complex cousin of the Type-8 series. The first full production model, manufactured in Naarden after the establishment of the NFRU, was the Type 94. The rifle saw mixed performance and was considered by many to be too cumbersome to justify its high production costs. It gained popularity only in the Federal Army, where its heavy 20mm round meshed well with the doctrine of Implacable Advance. The 94a, with a modified muzzle and an integrated scope, was considered enough of an improvement to replace its predecessor and make its way into a few Revolutionary Guard units, but otherwise remained confined to the NFRU. It was only many versions later, with the Type 98, that the series finally gained traction elsewhere. This was the first variant to include a magazine, which was capable of holding 3 rounds. At the same time, the experience of the Revolutionary Guard and volunteer brigades in Dereham proved that Syndintern forces needed a response to improvements in enemy armor. The Type 98 fit this role perfectly, and has since found a place in the Revolutionary Guard and the Dereham Republic Army. Nonetheless, because of its complexity and production costs, it has seen only limited distribution outside of Liberated Territory. Salut V-6 Recoilless Rifle: Perhaps the most famous and widespread weapon to come directly out of Brouges. Designed and produced in the second decade after the Brouges Revolution, the Salut (meaning "salute" or, more informally, "hello") fires a 55mm shell. Because of a system of vents in the rear chamber, the weapon can fire such large ammunition without dangerous levels of recoil. It can be used either as pocket artillery or as an anti-tank weapon, usually mounted on a tripod or bipod but useable as a shoulder-mounted weapon as well. The Salut is standard fare in the Revolutionary Guard and the People's Militias, and its versatility has made it quite popular in Occupied Territory where rebels cannot access normal artillery.
Posting a collaborative post between myself and Aspen in IC! May the weapons of the revolution be feared!
Naarden, Naarden Peninsula, NFRU Word had come in to the port authorities not but several days prior that the arrival of a warship from the south of Irodein design baring the flags of the newly risen Cyzin Kingdom on the southernmost peninsula of the Middle Sea. As luck would have it several military vessels of comparable tonage had recently left port leaving plenty of space for the battleship to come into dock: a fact that the foreman of the port's docking detail was most thankful for. Although several days was hardly enough to plan extensive tours and similar pleasantries that painted the image often expected by foreign dignitaries it was more than enough to brief and prepare the Lieutenant Proletariat-General for the meeting. As such, Lieutenant Proletariat-General Erhard Brandt was found waiting at the grey, breezy docks in a thick grey long-coat and a heavy linen and fur cap to keep his head warm. His short, well trimmed beard barely registered the movement of the wind as his brown eyes stared patiently at the warship as it pulled into harbor. Flanking him were several other dignitaries, most notably the Inspector General Marceline Lara Favreua, head of the Assembly for Social Harmony. The Inspector General wore a femine frock coat and a long woolen dress under that, so thick and heavy it seemingly drooped to the ground and then some. A thin pair of spectacles balanced on the bridge of her nose, just partially in the way of her eyes: the mark of an avid reader cursed with vision problems. Behind the pair stood a whole flock of similarly dressed individuals, no doubt the numerous lackeys of the two. As was common in most diplomatic sessions held by the NFRU, and in much contrast to many other governments, not a single soldier could be seen accompanying the throng of diplomats. Indeed, it seemed the only Federal soldiers were those on their ships and frequenting the harbor who were far more interested in the warship or their own tasks than the people disembarking. As soon as the Cyzin dignitaries had made landfall they were greeted with the best traditional Cyzin bow the northmen could muster. "Welcome friend-revolutionaries, I am Lieutenant Proletariat-General Erhard Brandt," intoned Erhard as he raised his hand in a welcoming gesture upon returning upright, a smile creasing his visage and revealing his pearly-white teeth that practically lit up the foggy surroundings. "If the fish speak truly, as I have found they usually do, then your revolution goes well. No doubt this vessel is proof of that enough. As a former revolutionary myself, though for a different cause, I can't help but feel respect for your people's struggle. If you would be your desire, a car awaits to take us to more comfortable lodgings far removed from this blanket of fog."
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