Avatar of Zverda
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 311 (0.10 / day)
  • VMs: 3
  • Username history
    1. Zverda 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current I love my job, but I hate how it makes me feel at the end of the day.
7 yrs ago
I didn't make it to my appointment and the reason why is... rather bothersome to me
7 yrs ago
I'm finding that I am able to relax more now that I have you to talk to... but I'm also trying to be careful not to rely on you too much... I don't want to push you away
8 yrs ago
Who would have thought I'd be so stressed out I wouldn't be able to sleep? If my mind doesn't give out soon... my body sure as hell will.
8 yrs ago
I know its bad if you don't grieve properly... but being alone has stopped me from being able to react the way a normal human probably should. Don't compartmentalize people, you'll eventually explode.


Well... I was told this is a thing I should do... so here is the thing...


Hi. I'm Zverda... formally Kokushi on this site! People call me Koku a lot... dunno why it just sorta started up one day and stuck.

- I'm 24 and I like playing in my age range. I prefer to stick with people who are 20+, mostly because I feel more comfortable doing any form of romance with people within that age group. If you are still a teen, I am sorry but I'm just not comfortable RPing with you just yet, nothing personal I assure you. However, if you are not looking for romance, I'm cool with RPing with you as long as you are not any younger than 18.

- I love posts that are decent in length. I won't go Nazi on you about your post length... though I will admit that if you can't give me at least 2 GOOD paragraphs, I will get bored... and fast. I give as good as I get, so please, if you do not want Crap do not give me Crap.

- I consider myself Mid to High Casual. I am not a grammar freak by any means, I just ask that you do not text talk... please have a basic understanding of the English Language, be it American English or British Language.

- I RP in PMs mostly, though I also favor Google Docs if you are looking at it to be more of a story setting rather than just a jumble of things.

- I prefer playing a female character though I do not lack the ability to play a male character, I am just relatively new to it.

What you can more or less expect from me:

On average I write anywhere from 2 to... however many Paragraphs that I feel like. If it is something I am enjoying and you are just as interested in what we are doing, I can easily knock out a few paragraphs, at least on a good day XP. Now I understand that everyone has off days, so if you are having any issues, please let me know and I will do my best to work with you ^.^

Also, I have a tendency of responding just about every day, sometimes I can only manage one a day if I am super busy (which isn't often to be honest), other times I go nuts. For the Next three weeks starting Monday Dec 21st I may be a little slow until Jan 11 as I will be visiting Family in New York, but I WILL respond, I promise you that!

What things do I like you ask?

- Action
- Progressive Character Development
- Fantasy
- Sci-fi
- Egyptian Mythology
- Greek/Roman Mythology

Stories that take place in either:

- Modern Day
- Medieval Times

Things I do not enjoy... in the least

- being the only one who pushes stuff forward, if you have a question about moving forward, all you need to do is ask. If you have an idea, please, use the OOC to bring it up to me.
- Damsels in distress so please do not expect me to play one.
- Ridiculously submissive characters... some submission is ok but try to have a backbone... and this is also something I will refuse to play, so don't ask.
- Insane amount of swearing. Now, I have the mouth of a Soldier so I understand swearing as much as the next person, but even I have a limit to what I will tolerate.

My feeling on Romance in RPs:
I do not mind Romance in the least, however I will not make it the main premise of the story. It is perfectly fine as an addition, as in some cases it is completely normal for people traveling together to end up forming some form of bond with one another. I don't expect it to be instantaneous... I rather have it be something that forms gradually over time as it makes it more believable. If Romance isn't something you want to do, just let me know that you have no intentions towards that, trust me, it won't bother me in the least.

What to do with ideas:
I typically have ideas, just let me know what type of things you are looking for and we can always work on something together. If I already have a basic plot outline I will run it by you and if you like it, we can flush it out together and if you don't, then we can come up with something completely new. If you have things you want to do, or just basic ideas off of things I like to do, lemme know ok? Frankly, I hate making people think that I only wanna do what I wanna do, because that isn't true I assure you. The more ideas, the more fun things can be for either party.

Most Recent Posts

The lizards were really starting to get on Torus's nerves, a rumbling growl bubbling from deep within his chest as blood matted its fur. In a near blind rage, he lashed out with claws at the nearest Kobold, intent on taking the closest one down much like he had the first. There were too many for his liking and if he had anything to say about it there would be one less, batted away by a large paw. Something deep inside him wanted to rip, tear and destroy, but for now the claws were enough. He had no intention on giving into the more primal side of this forms nature, not yet and preferably no ever. The last thing anyone needed was a druid losing itself to the animal it became, a wounded, mindless beast was far more dangerous in an enclosed and trapped area even if he did not have much strength left.

Before Mulan got the chance to say anything in return to Phoebus, a not so happy Mushu interjected into the conversation as he so often did. ”Who you calling a Lizard you golden bucket?!” the irate guardian, ”I am the great and terrible Dragon Guardian Mushu!” As if attempting to accentuate his words, Mushu then proceeded to breath what could only be viewed as a pitiful amount of fire from his small maw. This action, of course, caused Mulan to place her face in a hand and shake her head, a groan escaping the armored woman.

”Don’t mind him,” she said to the Guard Captain, ”He’s all bark and very little bite.” Of course, the she hadn’t really seen Mushu bite very many people, and the one time that came to mind made her smile briefly. Though, the memory that that was tied to instantly wiped the smile off of her face, replaced by a look of pain. No, those memories, while some of her favorite, were too painful to think of at the immediate moment. She missed her friends like crazy, but there was one among those memories she missed even more, one who’s fate she was still unsure of as she grasped onto the hope that he was still ok.

”If it would be possible, when morning breaks I would appreciate it if someone could show me where I may exchange some of my coinage for your people’s,” she finally said, getting her thoughts and emotions back under control, ”I much rather make purchasing things here easier for myself for the time that I am here.”
Poor Torys v.v beebee only has 11 more health in the Tiger form XD
@Hekazu Not at all, if you want, I can give you access to my DM roll page on our Play by Post on Discord
Oki doki, my attack is done :D
Yet another trap, it seemed avoiding such things were not in the cards for all of them, then again he was more than likely the largest target out of everyone, so he took the luck that was given him when he avoided the worst of the trap. Of course, the rocks that did hit did very little to slow his run before he pounced on the Kobold that attempted to fly from them. A large paw lashed out, claws fully extended as they tore into the flesh of the small draconian creature, preventing it from taking any form of flight now or ever. Those that wished to fly would be seen as nothing but play to the feline, maybe he would attempt to bite the next one like he had wanted to do the last. Of course, there was no point in sinking ones teeth into a dead enemy unless he had planned on eating it, which did not seem palatable to the Druid, even in his current form.

@Hekazu Got another 20 my dude XD If only I could get these on an actual attack XD. Can I do something crazy to dodge? XD
Yeah, you can have the Large Tiger wherever you think he would be most fitting.
I rolled a 20 for mine... yay? lol

Mulan stared at the man, had he given his name to her? She could not remember at this moment, but that did not matter, she had not given her’s to be fair. Not yet at least. ”Before I drink with any of you, I feel like it is only right to share one another’s names,” Mulan said as she watched them, ”It is clear that you all shared your names with one another, but I seemed to have come late to that party. I am Fa Mulan from China. This is Mushu, Cri-kee and my steed Khan.”

As she spoke, she gestured first to the dragon on the back of her horse, then the cricket. Of course Khan was self explanatory as there was no way she had ridden such a small dragon to the party let alone a cricket, but you never knew what people would think. With her own introduction out of the way, she was more than willing to go to the tavern, maybe they would have a bed she could sleep in, it would be a nice change from the road she had been sleeping on these many nights.Then a thought occurred to her, what was she supposed to pay with? Something told her that her currency probably wouldn’t do her any good there. ”Is this going to be acceptable payment?” she asked, pulling out one of many coins from her purse, the object a small copper coin with a square cut from the center and characters etched around the edge. ”I also have similar coins in silver of the same size and some a small bit larger.”
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