Avatar of Zyngard
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    1. Zyngard 7 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current I have discovered food is both delicious and necessary for continued life.
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Yes, Zyngard. Also known as various things across the Interwebs, but the only one you need to know is Zyngard

I hope I will see you around, Traveller.

whee I’m bored and bad at writing these things

Most Recent Posts

In Defiance 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Name: Aelih

Species: Elf (more long lived than humans, generally less strong but more dexterous)

Appearance: 5’ 7”, with a slim athletic build, wearing specially fit thin elven armor. Green eyes and short blonde hair which has grown messy over the years.

Mending: A simple use of magical energy to mend objects, with larger fixes requiring more energy. This can fix broken weapons, but the weapon is generally weaker afterwards, as it is not a perfect fix in any way.

Hone Edge: An enchantment for Blades that lasts about 2 minutes or so, and uses up a significant amount of energy, but sharpens the edge of any blade. Takes about 15 seconds to cast, due to a short ritual that must be used

Weapon Training: Aelih is proficient in spears and most long weapons, although still able to use a sword or bow if need be (with less of a proficiency, due to focusing on spear combat)

Special Weaknesses: Aelih is afraid of growing too close to someone and then being abandoned, and also has an mediocre aversion to fire.

Weapons: Aelih carries around an elvish spear, made of metal and enchanted for durability, as well as a pocket knife.

Items: Clothes, Thin Elvish Armor

Backstory: Aelih used to live in a relatively small elvish city in a forest, spending the youthful years training with weapons, mostly with the spear. After several decades, the city was under threat of a marauding force (Aelih does not remember what species the marauders were), and Aelih was forced to flee, living out part of life in a separate forest, making sure to stay up to date with the news of the world, and training to keep the edge with weaponry. Once the news of the growing undead threat came, Aelih knew that it would be worthwhile to help out in one way or another.

Other: Not Applicable, I guess
I'll go ahead and join this probably. Would a larger single party be encouraged or perhaps several smaller parties (and probably one guy who would go off on his own because people do that)?
Hello! I’m Fairy’s stalker, also known as we talk a lot and he shows me rps

Name: Keo

Height: 16 inches or so

Weight: 8 pounds

Age: around 9 physically

Race/Species: Cat, Familiar.

Group(s): Familiar? Not sure what to put here

Appearance: images.meredith.com/content/dam/bhg/I…

Personality: Keo can tend to be rather lazy at times, but also is very loyal and protective to Ateya due to her contract with him. He tends to enjoy long stretches of walking since it gives him time to bask in the sun, and absolutely abhors rain since it ruins his marvelous coat. He’s also a wee bit vain about how he looks, as you can probably tell from that previous sentence.

-Strength: 2
-Perception: 6
-Endurance: 8
-Charisma: 1
-Intelligence: 5
-Agility: 9
-Luck: 3

Abilities, Talents, Traits, Powers:

Familiar: Enhanced physical attributes. All of them. Can also speak Common, and be revived from the dead by his contract-holder with a ritual. Current contract-holder is Ateya. Aging process is halted as long as the contract is active.

To Round It Out: Knows basic healing spells, and can give up some of his own magical energy to his contract-holder. As a side effect of failed attempts to be taught magic by Ateya, he will occasionally cough out flaming hair balls that may or may not explode

Bound by Magic: He and his contract-holder can mutually feel a muted form of extreme emotions such as love, hate, pain, etc. They can also commune with telepathy from within 100 M.

-Absolutely nothing. He’s a cat, what did you expect

History: Keo was originally just a wild cat from some small town, and generally scavenged outside a house where a hunter and a girl lived. While he knew neither one, the hunter did sometimes leave the food scraps from hunting outside for Keo to eat, which he’s not sure if the girl knew or not, but the girl did spend time with him and tried to befriend him, being kind and whatnot. Eventually, one time, after the hunter went out hunting with the girl, only the girl came back, looking rather distraught. Seeing something was wrong, Keo began following her around, unfortunately not able to help due to the language barrier, until the girl sharpened her skills and took him as her familiar. Since then, Keo has rarely left her side, acting as protection, an ally, a lookout, and much more to Ateya.
Well basically the enhanced physical attributes means that the things like Perception, Agility, and those things are better than a normal member of his species due to being a Familiar, so basically he's better than a normal cat. Also lowered the distance of telepathy, as requested, and edited stats to not be 0
I'm Fairies said friend. Unlike him I didn't change the order though

Name: Keo

Height: 16 inches or so

Weight: 8 pounds

Age: around 9 physically

Race/Species: Cat, Familiar.

Group(s): Familiar? Not sure what to put here

Appearance: http://images.meredith.com/content/dam/bhg/Images/2013/2/4/CTH633863.jpg.rendition.largest.ss.jpg

Personality: Keo can tend to be rather lazy at times, but also is very loyal and protective to Ateya due to her contract with him. He tends to enjoy long stretches of walking since it gives him time to bask in the sun, and absolutely abhors rain since it ruins his marvelous coat. He’s also a wee bit vain about how he looks, as you can probably tell from that previous sentence.

-Strength: 2
-Perception: 6
-Endurance: 8
-Charisma: 1
-Intelligence: 5
-Agility: 9
-Luck: 3

Abilities, Talents, Traits, Powers:

Familiar: Enhanced physical attributes. All of them. Can also speak Common, and be revived from the dead by his contract-holder with a ritual. Current contract-holder is Ateya. Aging process is halted as long as the contract is active.

To Round It Out: Knows basic healing spells, and can give up some of his own magical energy to his contract-holder. As a side effect of failed attempts to be taught magic by Ateya, he will occasionally cough out flaming hair balls that may or may not explode

Bound by Magic: He and his contract-holder can mutually feel a muted form of extreme emotions such as love, hate, pain, etc. They can also commune with telepathy from within 100 M.

-Absolutely nothing. He’s a cat, what did you expect

History: Keo was originally just a wild cat from some small town, and generally scavenged outside a house where a hunter and a girl lived. While he knew neither one, the hunter did sometimes leave the food scraps from hunting outside for Keo to eat, which he’s not sure if the girl knew or not, but the girl did spend time with him and tried to befriend him, being kind and whatnot. Eventually, one time, after the hunter went out hunting with the girl, only the girl came back, looking rather distraught. Seeing something was wrong, Keo began following her around, unfortunately not able to help due to the language barrier, until the girl sharpened her skills and took him as her familiar. Since then, Keo has rarely left her side, acting as protection, an ally, a lookout, and much more to Ateya.
Name: Kaes
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Home Province: Phael
Province Perk: Adept
Job: Intermediate (starts with 3 fire gems)
Magic Schools: Fire(2)
Magic Paths: Evocation(2)
Flaws: kind of cynical. Kind of a jerk. A bit arrogant
Handedness: Left
Backstory (Optional): he used to study the Tower of Magi, and lived nearby
Other (Optional): Yes?
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