Avatar of Zyngard
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    1. Zyngard 7 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current I have discovered food is both delicious and necessary for continued life.
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Yes, Zyngard. Also known as various things across the Interwebs, but the only one you need to know is Zyngard

I hope I will see you around, Traveller.

whee I’m bored and bad at writing these things

Most Recent Posts

Pyra gave a weary grin as he saw the figure fall, his vision recovering enough to see the other Myti still standing. Time to change that. Although he wasn’t in the best shape mentally, he was still rather intent on making these Myti regret attack the Caravan, starting with this one.

He concentrated energy in his hand, firing it at the Myti’s knee, and shortly after it would have struck, Did the same trick he did to the other Myti, grabbing its head and slamming it into the Caravan. Regardless of whether that works or not, he shifts out of the doorway to catch a quick breath.
“Damn it all!” Pyra hissed out through his teeth as the orb went through, unfortunately having been looking at it to hold his concentration, trying to blink to get his vision back. His head spun from the combination of wounds and disorientation, although thankfully, or perhaps cruelly, he managed to not drop into the darkness of unconsciousness.

He forces himself towards where the flashbang exploded, his ears ringing, but more importantly, he had heard the Myti yelling out, gripping the doorway tightly as he saw the outline of a figure in the doorway, immediately assuming it was a Myti, based on a couple of factors, mainly proximity. He was very glad he had a nap earlier, his magical strength being refreshed enough to try and grab onto the head of one of the Myti using said magic, and whipping it towards the metal wall of the Caravan. knocked out or killed, he didn’t particularly care at the moment, using his annoyance, or more accurately rage, to fuel his will towards fighting back.
Pyra wonders why the Myti suddenly left the Caravan for the time, not particularly liking it, they might be planning something... He still stumbled into a wall and giving a hiss as he lands on his broken arm, looking over at an orb he saw one of the Myti throw just a couple seconds ago. He turns towards the orb, holding himself up with his good hand, and see if he can pick up the orb with his magic if at all possible and get it out of the Caravan. Either way, a steady stream of quiet curses was leaving his mouth at leaning on his broken arm like an idiot just a second ago.
Pyra glared at the two Myti that entered the cart from the pilots area, instinctively flexing both fists, and then giving a wince as he exercised something broken. Nonetheless, it was time for these intruders to go. He reached over with his arm into his opposite pocket, not the best way to grab things but the only real way, what with the arm he usually uses being... lacking in some areas.

He grabs the second rock he keeps in there and focuses, angrily launching it towards the figure he could vaguely see out there, using, of course, his magical strength over his physical strength.
Ilruvae grimaced, managing to stay on his feet once helped up, noticing the Captains odd feel and noting it for later, filing it away likely as a form of Soul magic. He barely even noticed being called his proper name, What with it not being his highest priority and all. “yes, I can walk. Can’t promise my arms in the best condition, but my legs are mostly fine.”

Without any further orders beyond the general ones, Pyra gave the Captain a quick nod and tossed himself down the hatch, holding onto one end with a hand to slow his fall to a more reasonable rate, but still landing with a grunt, eying the scene around the caravan. Simply put, it was a mess. To keep himself occupied from the pain his arm was in, he began encasing some of the objects in shells of his magic, shifting and adjusting them to fit together where broken, and putting in piles what doesn’t fit anywhere, both to help with cleaning and for the above reason. No time to worry about his arm, there’s work to be done.
Ilruvae's eyes widened at the boom, his instinct being to wrap an arm around the railing, and grab his own hand, wincing as the entire cart went to hell and back, ending up with a likely broken right arm, and more than a couple wrist bones broken. What was that scream..? Wasn't that the driver's voice? Not exactly his highest priority, as he realized that he had ended up over the Caravan's edge, dangling by his arm he had wrapped around, which he soon realized was both in an extreme amount of pain, and he couldn't likely drop down very easily, for risk of being caught by whatever attackers the Caravan was under assault by. He gritted his teeth, letting go with his good hand, aiming for the nearest vertical bar from there.

Damn that hurt. He barely gripped unto the bar, his head spinning, and ears ringing from the explosion. With a good deal of effort, he tried to lift himself up using a combination of his own strength and arcane magic, failing and almost losing his grip, certainly breaking a finger as he slammed back down into the Caravan.
Ilruvae nodded, eying the bugs. They didn’t particularly seem very heavy, so it should be simple enough to... he encased as many of the small dragonflies he could in his magic, prioritizing those on Zay, himself, and anyone else he could see, and from there went just about wild, sending them careening in random directions, into each other, off into the air, into the Caravan, wherever, just causing as much general disorder as possible
After a period of time, Ilruvae woke up from a dreamless sleep, about five minutes before eight, and did a quick warm up to wake himself, both using magical force, and a physical warm up, walking up to the top floor and noting the dragonflies, with a slight hint of suspicion. Probably wanted to eat his flesh or something.

He gave a salute to Zay up top, leaning on the railing, avoiding the dragonflies “Reorting for watch, Captain. Did I miss anything while I was out?”
Ilruvae tossed his Captain a salute at the order, noting the near slip, and promptly goes over to one of the fold down beds, shifting around a bit at its texture, which was a bit new to him, but eventually managing to fall asleep, facing the interior, with his back to the wall.
“A... Geroldus?” Ilruvae asks, tilting his head a little, and looking at the injured man, Neale. “I’m afraid I’m not familiar with the name..” ”Should I be?” He thought, closely watching over the procedure going on for healing, simply for the sake of watching. He had never paid much attention to other applications of magic, although he would have liked to.
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