Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter

Member Seen 3 days ago

(As we come into this post, and the current events, we are heading into the episode, "Hammer of the Gods". It's directly after Adam has been possessed by Michael. If you haven't seen season five, I recommend you go back and watch. If you have seen season five, I recommend you go back and watch, even then. The reason for this is that this is a scripted RP, that adds original characters for flare and fun. So, it pretty much follows the timeline of the show. Now…to start the fun!)
AnnaBeth raised her head, thinking hard on the subject matter of the conversation. She then smiled, and narrowed her eyes, "What about Riley…", she murmured, meeting Sam's eyes for a second as she rubbed her right hand across his bare chest. As she waited for him to answer, she took a deep breath, the baby suddenly rolling visibly under her skin. As the babies foot caused AnnaBeth's skin to raise, it rolled against Sam's ribs, and she winced, but quickly smiled, "I don't think she likes it…"
"What do you think?", Dean asked Castiel, who stood against the wall of the small hotel room, playing with a rubix cube.

"About what?"

"What do you mean 'about what?'…The baby…", Dean clarified, his eyes narrowing, annoyed. He crossed his arms uncomfortably, glancing around for any sign of the others.

"Oh…You mean the abomination. I think it's a terrible and naive idea, believing that this…thing…can be the savior of earth. You've already met the anti-christ. He was a young boy with a vivid imagination. You talked him down like a suicide bomber…Poof…out of the picture…", Castiel snapped a bit, leaning heavier against the wall, "I think that you should allow me to do what should have been done when she first felt the first pain of infestation…"

"Will you cut it out?! Mika would murder us both, if we hurt this thing. It's a baby, and it's blood, whether it has demon in it or not. We don't know…"

"We don't know?!", Castiel snapped suddenly, stepping away from the wall. The rubix cube vanished from his hand, and his eyes were serious, "This pregnancy has lasted a mere two months and she's looking at delivering in a week…or less. You want to shove it under the rug as a 'maybe' for demon blood. I think it's pretty clear that there will be blood, and pain. There will be anguish, and before I allow the one tool we have against killing Lucifer die, I will take care of it."

"Wow, Cas…", Dean said incredulously, "She's still just a tool, to you…She's risked her life for yours, did everything you asked, and you still consider her just a weapon? You should be ashamed of yourself!"

"And I'm not. You wanna know why I'm not, Dean? Because I'm not a stupid, weak little bag of blood, hoping and dreaming that in the end, the apocalypse is simply a fluke, and will be over with without a single drop of blood from any of you. I'm not ashamed, because in the end, we're all dead…"

"I can't believe that.", Dean whispered, "I will protect her until my last breath, and I will keep my brother alive. We WILL kill Lucifer, and then you're free to hit the road. We're not killing the baby, until we have to…end of discussion. Now…is there anything we can do about her night terrors?"

"You've heard my thoughts. I'm finished. You protect that baby, and I'm finished…"

"Then be gone, feather duster…", a voice sounded from behind Dean. Castiel simply rolled his eyes and glared.

"Speaking of garbage to take out. Dean…deal with your dog…", Castiel spat, glaring at Arik, as the demon stepped up beside Dean and lit a cigarette. He offered it to the man next to him, but Dean simply waved him off.

"I don't have time for a pissing match. Arik, you know anything about getting into AB's head?", he asked, but Arik simply shook his head, taking a long drag off his cigarette, "Great…"

"You guys were threatening the baby, am I right?", Arik murmured, "May not be mine, anymore…but…I think I've been drawn to her, all along…"

"You've what?", Dean asked, his eyes narrowed almost to a close, "Like…twilight werewolf vs vampire baby drawn to her?"

"Why you gotta make it creepy?", Arik asked, and Dean simply shrugged…

(I'm cutting it off here to give someone time to walk up or say something to either of the groups lol)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 3 days ago

Sam's thoughts were split in two. On one side, he was thinking of the guilt of not being able to save Adam, but the other half he was wrapped up in the subject of conversation he was having with AnnaBeth. That subject matter was what would they call their baby girl when she was born. He knew AnnaBeth would go into labor really any day now, it was only a matter of time until they were welcoming a new child into the world... a world of fear and hatred and war.. the apocalypse. Not exactly the perfect time he knew, but you just can't always guarantee and plan these things. He knew though, that he would die protecting this girl and AnnaBeth.

When AnnaBeth suggested a possible name, he thought about it and sort of liked the ring to the name Riley, but when their unborn daughter clearly wriggled in disgust at the name against them both inside her womb, he couldn't help but chuckle. "Okay.. not Riley," He smiled, rubbing his thumb up and down AnnaBeth's arm lovingly.
Mika was away from the motel as it was her turn for the supply run aka food and drink. They needed a few supplies as well, so she decided she may as well get everything and meet them all back at the motel. She also felt it was only right to get some stuff for AnnaBeth and Sam, ready for when their daughter was born. It's not like they could just go into a hospital for her labor when it's an supernatural baby birth. Last thing they needed was for any motel staff to get into a conflict with them for AnnaBeth doing something that is perfectly natural. Even if it wasn't in this motel- which is very unlikely, it would be any motel. Or in Dean's nightmare- in Baby.... the impala.

She soon enough made it back to the motel and stopped off at Sam and AnnaBeth's room giving them the signature knock, so they knew it was her. "Guys, I got the food and some stuff for you, open up." She called through, and as she waited, Sam carefully got up and walked over to the door, opening it up and taking what Mika gave him. "Thanks Meeko," Sam told her, and this took Mika by surprise a little bit, as it had been quite a few weeks since Sam felt he could use her nickname that he gave her when they were kids. "Any time.. how you both doing?" Mika questioned, "Good... talking names," Sam replied. "Good luck with that, shout if you need anything," She told him, before patting him on his arm and leaving their room, to head to hers and Dean's.

She walked down two doors to their, pulling out her roomkey, opening the door. "I'm back, with food and much earned drinks," She said, holding up their rations, only to instantly feel negativity filing the room between Dean, Arik and Castiel. "Woah.... I could cut the tension with a knife in here.. can we all just chill just for a few minutes?" She suggested, dumping the chinese take out bag on the table and cracking open a can of beer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter

Member Seen 3 days ago

AnnaBeth smiled as Mika entered the room, ignoring the small twinges of pain that were becoming regular, nowadays. She took the drink Mika handed them first of all, starting in on it, as she was perpetually thirsty, "I wonder what the others are doing?..Castiel's face is somewhat of a red area for Dean, right now. Dean's afraid of him...and me...", she murmured to Sam, looking down at her hands, "I think Cas wants to kill the baby..."
"Why you gotta make it creepy?", Arik complained, and Dean held up both his hands.

"You said you thought you were 'drawn' to an unborn...thing baby...", Dean argued, "Is that not a little child molester-esque to you?"

"Things don't work that way, in the demon...universe or whatever. In Hell, you're bound to just a few humans, which you pay close attention to, usually because they will make a deal some day. They will come to you, and they will offer themselves to you...in some way. She's special. This baby...this...demon or whatever she is...is special.", Arik frantically explained, just as Mika stepped through the door. Castiel turned to glare at her, his eyes spelling that he knew she was just with AnnaBeth and Sam...and the abomination. Dean's glare softened slightly, as he sat back a bit further in his chair, and Arik simply stopped speaking.

"Yeah. I think we all need a break...", Dean admitted, patting Castiel on the shoulder. With his power waining, he couldn't poof as quickly, and simply stood from his chair, stomping toward the door, past Mika.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 3 days ago

Sam closes the door behind Mika as she exited their room, and headed back to AnnaBeth, watching as she guzzled down the drink Mika hadn't long dropped off for her. When she said about Castiel wanting to kill their unborn child made him suddenly frown and wrap his arms around her, placing one hand on the back of her head in a comforting manner. Kissing the top of her head, he looked down into her eyes.

"Cas won't come near our daughter. I know he's stubborn when it comes to things like this, but I will get my own way with this. We won when it came to the kid a few weeks back who was the anti christ- or so Cas said. We'll get our way again." He said first and foremost. When it came to his brother, he couldn't deny that Dean was probably fearful of the baby, it was something new to them all, but at the end of the day this child was a Winchester. That should make Dean just as protective as they are of this child and AnnaBeth.

"Dean will come round. It's something new and he doesn't do 'new' exactly well to begin with. But he knows just as we do, that she's a Winchester, and Winchesters do nothing better than to protect their own. Dean will do the same for you, because as far as we're concerned you are an Winchester. As Bobby once said to us- family don't end in blood." Sam explained to her. "Now.. let's not worry about it for the time being..." He told her, knowing that they had to stop being worried for just a little while, or they'll go stark raving mad with the worry.
Mika noticed Castiel's glare at her and she suddenly came over confused. "What the hell did I do?" she thought to herself, finding it a real surprise that Castiel would just suddenly start giving her glares for what she considered for no reason. "that Angel will never fail to confuse me" she thought one more time, before shaking off her thoughts mentally.

"Okay.. I'm not even bother asking what the hell this is all about because quite frankly, I don't wanna know. This is a rest bite moment, so I don't wanna have to be worried or concerned or confused for just like... ten minutes.." She told the boys, and when Dean agreed that they all needed a break, she smiled and nodded, just before Castiel just stomped off and passed her and finally out of the motel room. She just shook her head and walked over to Dean, but not before grabbing her food, a pair of chopsticks and a diet soda bottle.

Mika sat down in the chair that was nearby Dean and opened her little take out box and went to tuck in. "Castiel wants to be a threat to the child, you must stop him when the time comes..." the familiar voice in her head told her, she wanted to tell it to shut the hell up and ask it how it knew of this information, but she was in company of Arik and Dean. Now was not the time to start talking to a voice inside her head. Dean would go berserk if he found out this secret of hers.
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