Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gwazi Magnum
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Who here is a Doctor Who fan?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Uskglass


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Who here isn't a Doctor Who fan?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Elsa


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I have complicated feelings about Doctor Who.

Because on the one hand; DOCTOR WHO!

And on the other... Misogynist Showrunner who has devolved into incoherency. -_-
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Uskglass said
Who here isn't a Doctor Who fan?

That's the better question.

To answer your question, Magnum, I'm quite a fan myself. Seen all of the 2005 series that's out so far, and I saw the 50th Anniversary movie the weekend it came out, in theaters. Man was that a fantastic experience.

I was a little disappointed to find out that season 8 won't start until fall, though, but that did give me the opportunity to start watching the classics. Haven't seen much yet, though. Netflix hard-copy rentals haven't been very reliable lately, though it could be the weather...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Elsa said
Misogynist Showrunner who has devolved into incoherency. -_-

Incoherency? I've never had problems following the series. I wish I could share this with you;

And mysogynist? How so?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

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Moffat (while a near-god in writing at times) hardly bothers with female characters. They're very... two dimensional and always end up in love with the Doctor as opposed to the complicated relationships Davies came up with.

Also the Doctor is now randomly kissing most everyone - I know Tennant did once or twice but not even close to the level Smith has been doing. Basically Moffat's been sexualising the Doctor a little bit which... doesn't sit right with everyone.

P.S: I'll probably still be watching it (and loving it) 'til they finally end the series whatever happens; just pointing out why some people have issues with it (and I sympathise with them).
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gwazi Magnum
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Gwazi Magnum

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I've started half-way through Christmas break.

I'm seen all of Christopher Eccleston and David Tenant so far, finished 2 seasons of Matt Smith (still on the 3rd) and saw "The Ark in Space" of Tom Baker so far, and this is in a months time now.

At the moment, my favourite Doctor is Matt Smith (Though Tom Baker is also amazing, and might surpass Matt Smith once I watch more of Tom Baker).
Favourite Companions (As in those who have traveled) in order from most to least...

Captain Jack, Bernard (Donna's Grandad), Donna, Rory, Amy, Mickey, Sarah, Martha, Rose.

(Edit: Forgot Mickey & Bernard... derp :/)
->Not sure if Bernard really counts, but he traveled with the Doctor during the whole "Return of the Time Lords" episodes, which is long enough in my mind for him to make the list at least.

^I can't include Harry from Tom Baker yet since I've only seen a small part of him so far.
While Sarah I got to see many bonus appearances during David Tenant's seasons.

If River can be added to the list (Even though, at least as I've seen she hasn't really traveled 'with' him yet outside of the "Let's kill Hitler" part) she would be second, right behind Captain Jack.

As for incoherence and bland female companions?
I can see that. I haven't really seen enough of the old yet to spot many Incoherence's yet though.
And female companions complaint I can understand a lot as far as Donna, Martha and (Especially) Rose are concerned.
Amy I can't say so much for (But granted I'm still at the point in the show where she is travelling with him).

As for Matt Smith kissing... I haven't noticed it, unless if you even the cheek kissing.
If that, he does that with everyone male or female and in several countries and cultures (Mainly Europeans in my experience) that's just a common greeting.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

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We don't so much over here in Britain - it's very much a mainland Europe thing (particularly in France where it varies hugely from one to four kisses now, I believe). It shows up more after Amy, I think... it's quite hard to see sometimes unless you've been made aware. My fiancé is an activist on Everyday Sexism so she's quite up to date on these things - I never would have thought/spotted it if I hadn't been told beforehand.

Also Captain Jack I do lurv.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Jinxer said Also the Doctor is now randomly kissing most everyone - I know Tennant did once or twice but not even close to the level Smith has been doing.

...*checks the Who-ology book*

Tennant kissed 6 different companions (Jack, Rose, Martha, Astrid, Donna, and Christina), while Smith only kissed 4 (Amy, Rory, Clara and River).

Then again, this book is slightly outdated (only goes up to the 2012 Christmas special), so Smith might've kissed more people since then, but not that I can recall. Feel free to point out anyone I've missed.

...I'm sorry, this book is just a fantastic thing to have on-hand in Doctor Who discussions. Absolutely fantastic.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Magic Magnum said
and saw "The Ark in Space" of Tom Baker

What a coincidence. That's also all I've seen of Tom Baker. o.o

For those of you who've seen more of him... does he always yell at his companions like that? @_@ I mean I know he was just trying to encourage Sarah in that scene, but the way he did so was just damn near unsettling for me - even when I could tell that's where the scene was headed. It almost seemed cruel.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

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Seconded (I was given it for Christmas).

It's not the companions; it's rather the random characters. And the manner in which it's done. Again - I wouldn't have seen it so much if it hadn't been pointed out to me and I think it's in conjunction with Moffat's flat female characters that has drawn so much ire.

In any case - I still have fun watching it and I prefer Smith as the Doctor (although each actor was perfect for that character progression).
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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I'm a fan (though I pretty much prefer Davies run more than the Moffat one, though I still enjoy aspects of the latter that are not River Song). I still have a lot of catching up to do so I need to get on the ball so to say.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gwazi Magnum
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Gwazi Magnum

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Jinxer said
We don't so much over here in Britain - it's very much a mainland Europe thing (particularly in France where it varies hugely from one to four kisses now, I believe). It shows up more after Amy, I think... it's quite hard to see sometimes unless you've been made aware. My fiancé is an activist on Everyday Sexism so she's quite up to date on these things - I never would have thought/spotted it if I hadn't been told beforehand.Also Captain Jack I do lurv.

I figured it wasn't so much Britain, but I couldn't say for sure.
But yea, if the kissing count listed below is all that's being used to claim the 'Sexual activity increase' in the show, then I'm basically standing by my "Cultural Greeting" argument. Outside of Rose Tyler/David Tenant or River Song/Matt Smith I haven't seen a kiss with a Doctor that's seems to be romantic or sexual in the slightest.

Unless if you count Amy when she tell's him that she ran off on her wedding night.
But that was Amy's action that the Doctor quickly dodged and tried to correct between her and Rory.
Nothing the Doctor did, initiated or kept going himself.

But yes with Captain Jack! :P
I hear he's the guy who turns straight me gay.

Kaga said
...*checks the Who-ology book*Tennant kissed 6 different companions (Jack, Rose, Martha, Astrid, Donna, and Christina), while Smith only kissed 4 (Amy, Rory, Clara and River).Then again, this book is slightly outdated (only goes up to the 2012 Christmas special), so Smith might've kissed more people since then, but not that I can recall. Feel free to point out anyone I've missed....I'm sorry, this book is just a fantastic thing to have on-hand in Doctor Who discussions. Absolutely fantastic.

Hey! That kiss with Matha was a GENETIC TRANSFER! :P

Most of those also I'm counting as cultural greetings.
It's like saying your European grandmother is over sexualizing with people cause she kisses their cheek as a way of saying hello.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Magic Magnum said
Most of those also I'm counting as cultural greetings.It's like saying your European grandmother is over sexualizing with people cause she kisses their cheek as a way of saying hello.

I'm pretty sure the book intentionally didn't count those.

Though I'd have to re-watch the cited episodes to be sure.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Ten kissed Jack 0-0? I was sure they only hugged lol I know Nine and Jack kissed but don't remember Ten doing so. Expect for actors kissing lol

Whohoooo anyways Doctor Who is awesome :D *sig so not obvious, Hides it* C;
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Magic223 said
Ten kissed Jack 0-0? I was sure they only hugged lol I know Nine and Jack kissed but don't remember Ten doing so. Expect for actors kissing lolWhohoooo anyways Doctor Who is awesome :D *sig so not obvious, Hides it* C;

Actually, I think it might've been Nine. Good call! Who-ology didn't specify - just gave me a list of companions. For the most part it was obvious which one went with which but I guess I forgot Nine. Whoops!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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haha yeah XD I re-watched alot so I was like am i missing something XD Unsure if Ten would let Jack get away with that since hes always telling him off for flirting XD guess not happened so dunno XD But lol I see XD
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gwazi Magnum
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The Doctor... he fights off aliens with a water pistol! :P

Also some fun news...
Yesterday night I just got a doctor who hat, scarf and sonic screwdriver in the mail from think geek.
So today is my first day wearing it, I wore it to school.

Now, you know the whole "Tragedy follows the doctor?" thing?
Well, on my way home from school on the bus... the bus crashed.

Everyone's completely fine, no one was hurt.
But my god... I think my Doctor Who stuffed is cursed to have things like this happen like the actual Doctor does! :P
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Magic Magnum said
The Doctor... he fights off aliens with a water pistol! :PAlso some fun news...Yesterday night I just got a doctor who hat, scarf and sonic screwdriver in the mail from think geek.So today is my first day wearing it, I wore it to school.Now, you know the whole "Tragedy follows the doctor?" thing?Well, on my way home from school on the bus... the bus crashed.Everyone's completely fine, no one was hurt.But my god... I think my Doctor Who stuffed is cursed to have things like this happen like the actual Doctor does! :P

haha yeah he does XD Only the Doctor would do that :D But lol was amusing gif

ohh wow o.o and lol i brought a bunch of things Doctor Who related from a convention and got stuff for xmas :D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gwazi Magnum
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Gwazi Magnum

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Well to be fair, if something bad did happen I'd just regenerate! :P

I already regenerated on the Guild. XD
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