Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by StarWight
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StarWight Rising from the Burrow Downs

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Something came up--something that means I have to go down to Missouri next week instead of April like I'd originally planned. I will not have internet access, except on the occasion I can get to a public wifi area--so that means I will be pretty much out of contact here. I really hate to go, this place means a lot to me. Mahz, the RPguild has been the best forum I ever joined. I met my love interest here, I met some of the best friends I've ever had in my life, a few of which I'm closer to than anyone I've ever known IRL. For that, the RPguild is very sentimental for me. When I first joined, I had no idea the people I would meet, the friends I would make, the relationships that I would come to develop. So Mahz....bravo--the RPguild is the best forum I have ever joined and I will miss it terribly. And not just for the RP.

I will pop in when I can, to say hello. But I will have to drop my RPs, as well as close down my shop. I will miss each and every one of you, all those that I RPd with in the guild, and all those that I've come to know. it was fun, and this goodbye really sucks. But at the same time, there's an opportunity I must take; one that just may allow me to fulfill my dreams of getting to the aforementioned love interest.

A Tattooed Girl: Gabby, What can I say here? First of all, you are a wolfeh like me! You are the Alpha wolf too--the creator and leader of our lil doublet of wolfies <3. And also, you know how I feel about you, and we talk on skype AND kik...I'll at least be in contact with you on a daily or semi-daily basis once I can get a wireless plan for my tablet. That said, it's not like the contact we have now. You're the best friend I've ever had, and you are so much more then that too. You've been there for me through some hard damn times, like when my dogs died...among others. We may have had misunderstandings from time to time, but that's bound to happen between friends. I've never regretted for a moment, our meeting, and I never will. I won't get too personal with this over the forum, but...well, at least you and I can stay in contact--but I'll miss spending every day with you online, hours at a time. I'll also miss RPing with you, you've been an excellent partner. BUT--there is a light at the end of this semi-farewell, and we both know what that is <3

Sweet Plum: Next to Gabby, you are the best friend I've got, Amanda. We talk more and share more then I'd ever be comfortable sharing with anyone other then Gabby. You are another that I'll get to stay in contact with, and for this I'm grateful. I just wish the contact wouldn't be so damn limited. I'll miss RPing with you as well, but more then that, I'll miss having you around. You're like a sister to me, the sister that I never had. I mean that. You've been there for me when I needed someone to listen, I've tried my best to be there for you when you needed someone to listen...we've had a lot of fun together. You may not be a wolf like Gabby or Lonewolf888978....but you're an honorary member of my pack (:

MissCapnCrunch: Tori, I effing hate this because you I will next to never see. Between the IRL shit going on in both of our lives, this is gonna make communication virtually impossible for a long time. It took some time for me to understand you, Tori, but you've helped me get through some things, AND you've been one hell of a friend. I'm going to miss having you around. Do me a favor--finish that RP we started to make, and get it up and running. Do it for me, we put too damn much work into that for the idea to never be used. I'm going to miss talking to you, damnit...you were my first friend here at the guild, and a damn good one at that.

Çαrαn†α†ħrαiεℓ: We don't talk a LOT lot, but we talk fairly regularly. We never did get the chance to RP together, and for that I am sorry. You've been there for me too in some rough spots, and you've been there to listen when I need to talk. I'll probably have no way of contacting you unless I can work out my skype issues on my tablet; which really sucks. You have a lot going on in your life too, and I hope everything works out for the best, Cara....you take care of yourself and I'll check in when i can. Farewell, my friend....I shall return someday.

Jannah: My Canadian friend, what can I say? We've been through a lot of the very same shit in our lives, and we can really relate to one-another. We may have our political differences, but that just makes things a bit more fun! You've been an awesome RP partner, and an even awesomer (like what I did there? :P) friend. You and Amanda can continue that hunger games without me if you want; I hate to see the story go unfinished. I won't forget what we had going with Nixie/Huxley (: A fantastic writer, I'm sure you will pick up some more RP partners VERY soon. Hate to have to say goodbye and part ways for awhile (could be months, idk). I'm going to really, really miss you Jannah :(

LoneWolf888978: Didn't get a chance to REALLY get to know ya--but you ARE a fellow wolfeh! And you are a friend of Gabby's, so hell, you can't be too bad, right? XD :P Wish I coulda gotten the chance to RP with you, REALLY RP with you--maybe someday when I am able to return to the guild regularly. Either way, it was nice to meet you, LoneWolf.

FaithfulMuse: We've come to know eachother over the months I've spent here. I hate to lose contact with you, as I don't even have you on kik or skype. That said, I'll still pop in from time to time, and I will always PM you when I do. It's been nice knowing you and I wish you well.

Magic223: You sure kept me occupied when I got bored af waiting for RP replies! It was always fun talking to ya, and even RPing with you when we had that Skyrim thing going! Take care, my friend! You will be missed :P

FreyaRoseJane: heh,we met at IRC, and you are pretty damn KEWL if you ask me! I think we coulda ended up pretty damn close friends, if we'd gotten to hang out more. As it stands, you seem like a great person, and you've been fun to talk to! Hate us having to part ways RIGHT after meeting, but...well, shit happens I guess. I'll send you PMs from time to time though!

Krinos Was fun meeting you, we've hung out a lot in Cara's OOC thread, and we've talked a bit over skype. You're a cool guy, and damnit all, it's gonna be sad to be out of contact with you. Was nice knowing you, friend--we'll meet again, someday. In the meantime, take care of yourself yeah?

Harold Not sure his forum name, I talk mostly on skype to this guy. He was Harold at the old guild, but I've not really interacted much with him at the new forum. Anyway, you're a damn good person, one of the few males here that I've really connected with. You've got a lot on your plate to be sure, but nothing you can't handle my friend. I'll also be able to stay in contact with you outside of the forums via kik--but again, i won't be able to get an AT&T plan for my tablet for some time. So until then, we'll be on limited contact too. I'm glad I could be there for you when you've needed someone to listen, and you've done the same for me. See you around, and you take care of yourself. To quote Desmond Hume from Lost: "See you in another life, brother." In this case, see you in a bit--idk how long though :/

There's others here, that I've met, that I've really come to like, too many to name every one. I've just named my closest friends, ,the ones I talk to regularly, most of which I've formed some sort of relationship to off-site. To those I didn't name directly, just cause I didn't name you doesn't mean I didn't like you--just that I didn't feel I knew you as well! I will miss all of you guys, everyone here has made the guild a wonderful place. KEEP HOPE ALIVE, as Russel on Survivor tattooed on his arm. And keep the RPs alive too! Take care, all of you, and enjoy the RPing. I'm gonna sincerely miss this place. I'll stick around for the week I'm here, but I won't be RPing--not fair to do that to someone, when I'm just heading out ya know?

It's been real, it's been fun, and it's sure af been real fun! It is time, however, for this LoneSilverWolf to wander back into the wilds--and maybe find his way to his future pack.

Most sincerely,

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jannah
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Aww this is sad news :(. We can discuss it more once I'm home though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mahz
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Mahz ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Admin Seen 28 days ago

Good luck, homie.

When people fall into a situation like this, it often turns out better than they'd imagined.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by StarWight
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StarWight Rising from the Burrow Downs

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Thanks Mahz, I appreciate it! It's not all bad, but bein out of contact with people you are close too is always screwed up--but it's a step to achieving my goal so yay!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RadioActivity


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I hope you end up enjoying Missouri while you're there. :) We're not all bad here. XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by StarWight
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StarWight Rising from the Burrow Downs

Member Seen 1 yr ago


You have to love mothers. She tells me she really needs me HERE and we'll leave in April after all. So I'm not leaving next week like I was SURE I WAS DOING 5 freaking hours ago. Disregard this post til April.

REALLY embarrassing. Still, same situation applies in April, cause I will be leaving then! But damn, got all prepped to go next week to get told that......

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PrimalArcana
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PrimalArcana Quintessentially Quirky

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Aw, well...crap. This makes me really sad...you're an interesting person too, I've enjoyed chatting with ya, and you had better send me the occasional PM. Or I'll have to hunt ya down!

Don't forget to come back sometime, and make that cake I sent ya the recipe for! You'll love it!

One more thing: don't cut the mustache off. It really does look good.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PrimalArcana
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PrimalArcana Quintessentially Quirky

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Oh, Goody! My sentiment still applies even if you're still sticking around for a while.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by StarWight
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StarWight Rising from the Burrow Downs

Member Seen 1 yr ago

LOL thanks for the kind words Freya. Yeah, I'll shoot you PMs when I can, after I leave :) :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Meth Quokka
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Meth Quokka This Was Nutter's Idea

Member Seen 1 yr ago

You mean we didn't manage to get rid of you?

Damn :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Best of luck, man.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by StarWight
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StarWight Rising from the Burrow Downs

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Wow, Dervish, epic farewell! That said, I'm not leaving til April after all! Nice song you posted too wow--I gotta get that on MP3!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Uskglass


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They always come back.
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