Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IVIasterJay


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

((Collab Post between Mass City and MasterJay, with one sentence from Letter Bee))

Senator Ben Mann was in his Washington DC offices. He was running for President against President Addison and was against the magic user in the Oval Office.

The Senator was worried about the Scandal Monger using the information she had on him and many infractions of his sexual deviancy. Nazis, conjoined-twins and far too many disgusting things to list.

But Scandalmonger was now going to unleash this in the media and ruin his candidacy. Then the party would dump him and make his VP choice "Pudge" Henderson be the candidate. Mann was too close he was not going to loose because of that bitch Scandalmonger. He needed a solution.

He needed a fixer.

Mann was connected to organize crime and was friends with the comission's leadership. He wanted one of their best killers. They would come to his offices under false pretenses and a false name. All to avoid anyone knowing anything. The money to pay the hitter would come from campaign slush funds. As for how the killer would come in, well, the teleportation blocks were temporarily disabled.

"Are you the one who has a job for me?" Black Cat's form slipped noislessly through the ceiling of the room only to fall without a sound to the floor. The hired killer bowed in mocking fashion, his burning blue eyes not looking away from the man's own.

"Yes." Mann tosses the holo-pad at Black Cat's feet. "I need you to kill Scandalmonger. Get her information but kill her. I pay well." the senator replied.

"One third," Black Cat hissed. "One third of the payment up front is my minimum."

"40/60 but that is of no disagreement from me." The senator gave BC a large suitcase. "In there is 15 million dollars."

"Tell me about who it is you wish dead." Black Cat did not really need to know, but he found that the more the person hiring him was willing to speak, the more likely they were to meet an untimely end.

"Scandalmonger, she's in the Bahamas. She has information on me and proabaly the President. I must get her dead and have her information gone."

"So if she dies, the information dies with her? Or does this person keep backups or redundencies in the event of their death?"

"She has plenty of back ups all over the world, but only she can access them, if she is alive. She wants to use the information to get rich, And dead people can't gain wealth." Mann smirked.

Eise felt Kuro laugh at that. You'd be surprised what the dead were capable of. "So the job is simply to kill her then. Do you desire proof of her murder? Larger body parts are difficult to move with, but an ear or a finger would be easy enough to deliver for verification."

"Just get me a finger. Pinkie, preferably. You'll get the rest of the money then. If this goes to hell, we never met and you won't be voting for Pudge Henderson. A man electrocuted multiple times by a toaster. That was just one Sunday. God knows what other acts of stupidity he's done since then!"

"I doubt you'd see me voting either way," Black Cat said. This man certainly had a thing against his VP candidate. "Were is it exactly the target is located in the Bahamas, and how do you wish me to approach?"

"Stealth, the holo-pad has the location on it. We have a floor plan and everything you will need on the location. It seems the gaurds are professionals-"

"The guards will be of no concern," Black Cat purred. "I will not even charge for their deaths."

"Okay. But Scandalmonger is a magic user. I think mental but after that I cannot give you adequate information after that." the senator huffed.

"That is enough. I will take the job, and you will have her Pinkie delivered to you upon completion." Black Cat turned and vanished, but not a second had passed before he reappeared back in the office. "I don't suppose you have a boat? If not, I fear you will have to deal with one being reported stolen tomorrow morning."

Mann sighed and wrote a a phone number on a scrap of paper. "Here is a guy in Miami whom is connected, just say Vince Diamond will repay him." The senator crumpled the scrap up and threw it at BC.

"It is a pleasure doing business with you," the killer purred, opening up the office door and stepping out. Once he was on the other side of the door, the armor was gone and he was just Eise again, dressed in a suit fitting the location with black sunglasses. As hard as it would be to identify him from how he looked as he walked out of the building then, Kuro still erased the recordings of the cameras that caught Eise leaving. It was like he had never been there. As he walked down the sidewalk with his prize in hand, Eise was almost trampled by a man in a suit sprinting down the sidewalk. Eise almost dropped the case containing his payment. That would not have been good if it had opened. "What the hell is wrong with these politicians?" he muttered under his breath.

Mann was in his office and just relaxed. He stood up and looked out his office window. He saw Pudge Henderson was running after an ice cream truck. "Dammit Henderson!"

"I want a bombpop!" yelled the Congressman as he chased the ice cream truck. He had wads of cash in his hands and waved them around. Eise was not alone looking at the strange VP candidate. The rest of the people shrugged and went back to what they were doing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucek


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Before even boarding the plane Omega would prepare additional cloaking devices for himself, Alpha and Joshua, if he’d take them. What he prepared for his other self was a set of magic and stealth devices, each would last for about 15 minutes because of the power source giving them about an hour of magic and visual stealth. The set comprised of 4 of each device, fortunately they were about the size of half a golf ball so carrying them on the belt was easy. Omega prepared one of each for himself in case his normal ones would have to be turned off. Alpha had the same amount as Joshua, but in extreme cases Omega and Alpha could just use one if needed.

At first he didn’t want to take his familiars, but they wanted to go and test their abilities badly so he took them. Though he kept both in gun form in a holster. So prepared they boarded the plane, making final adjustments to their gear. Especially the parachutes, after all even if they had stealth if the parachutes weren’t slightly modified then they would be seen anyway. Good thing the flight took long enough for them to finish, making the material conductive enough so it’d be invisible to the naked eye.


They jumped off the plane above a place that should be a place lightly guarded, but not a blind spot. After all those are the most guarded places usually, that is if the opponent isn’t a moron and Omega always assumed that who he was fighting could best him, that made him fight and prepare for the worst. No matter, the winds took them to the edge of a beach, it didn’t seem anyone was there, but they made sure to land close to the trees as to not be detected. Mostly by sound though as they engaged the cloak before jumping, turning invisible and undetectable by magic .

The landing proceeded without hitch, no one was there to meet them as planned, after all if they had enemies swarming around them right at the beginning it would be a bit troublesome. Still after landing they hid, still under the effects of the cloak. There was a guard patrolling the beach but he shouldn’t have seen them, still they stood motionless, waiting for him to be gone to hide the parachutes and start the mission.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
Avatar of Letter Bee

Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

((Collab Post between Letter Bee and Amaya Tamashii))

Ascot, with Amelia in tow, was now outside accompanying Rose and Amaya. It had been a while since he had gone out, but he was still familiar with New York's streets due to his nighttime missions as an Agent. Nevertheless, shopping was a different order, and he was quite glad that his Uncle had given him this lesiure time, perhaps as atonement for that first training session with Amelia.

Speaking of training sessions, those had continued, but this time, Ascot took the time to watch Heinz as he taught Amelia to use her magic, and even interfere should it look as though the former was pressing the latter too hard. After training sessions were done, the boy and Amelia returned to their rooms, freshened up, and then slept, in order to have regular dream-meetings with Omega.

In the dream-meetings, Amelia's physical condition was less pressing, allowing her to play simple games like catch, or hide and seek. This helped her warm slowly towards Omega (or at least, that was what Ascot thought), and he can see a friendship between the trio growing. Now, back to the matter at hand; the group were at a furniture shop.

Rose sighed adjusting her glasses, why did she agree to baby sitting again? Oh yeah, it was for mostly Amaya's and Amelia's sake of getting out into society and maybe function well enough if anything might happen to her, Heinz or even the Agency...Rose wouldnt want anything to happen to their home. Most do not know of Rose's past and she prefers to keep it that way.

"Alright Heniz told me to keep the card out of all your hands, but to get Amelia whatever she felt was proper and what she wants in her room. This is to be a fun time not one to be on guard..that is my job...so everyone stay close to me and do not wander off unless you are accompanied by either me or Ascot so we dont get lost and so we dont happen to have any issues with possible enemies on the way," she said to Amelia and Amaya as she adjusted her coat and gloves.

Amaya stayed silent beside Rose as she nodded before following beside her mother feeling safest with Rose but on guard for Amelia's sake.

As they entered, the group found several kinds of bed, some a little too decorated for simple people like Amelia, others a bit too sparse, and some more too big. However, the group would then find a bed that was comfortable enough, but not too gaudy. Ascot would then say:

"This looks comfortable, Miss Rose." Amelia, meanwhile, was quiet.

"It seems like it would be perfect for Amelia but It is up to her since she will be the one laying in it at night," she said to him gently.

"Yeah," Ascot smiled. "So, Amelia, would you like it?"

"Huh? Oh uuummm..." Amelia said quietly, looking at the bed. She hadn't really been paying attention up to this point, her mind wondering as she thought about things, mostly her magic lessons with Heinz, which were taking a toll on her. She was more tired and sometimes not entirely in the present. She had suffered several more attacks as well, since the training put alot of stress on her. Each one was worse then the last but as she trained more, it also became less likely she would have one from training." Its fine with me so long as its comfortable... I'm sorry, I'm not used to being asked for opinions."

Ascot felt the urge to hug her, then; he saw how she was suffering from the training, and had felt the urge to stop it at times, but, well, the hope that eventually, she would be able to take the stress of his uncle's mentoring stayed his hand. He knew that Amelia needed to learn how to control her powers, otherwise, she might go off like a nuke should he get harmed. In response to the girl's statement, he spoke:

"Being able to give your opinions is part of being a free person; you don't have to exercise it, but it's your right. But, okay, we'll buy the bed." And with that, he waited for Rose to make the arrangements.

"This is considered an exercise for Amelia to get out of her tightly shut shell," said Rose gently. "You three stay put; I will go get the manager to get this," she continued walking off to a associate aranging the pick up and drop off of Amelia's bed she chose as Rose waked back.

"Alright lets go pick some pillows and bedding for miss Amelia." Said Rose gently leading the group.

"I want something bright but... calming." Amelia said, holding onto Ascots arm as she looked at the ground, uncomfortable with what the others were saying.

When they got to the section with the pillows and the bedding, they found several blue and sky-blue examples of the former, and a pure white version of the latter.

"Well Amelia, choose one or many you need a few pairs of sheets so when one set is being washed you have another," commented Amaya as Rose nodded. "She is right just in case," Rose added.

Amelia looked over at all the colors before silently pointing at the sky blue ones, some dark blue ones, and finally some green ones that were close to the color of her eyes.

Ascot smiled, and spoke:

"Good choice, Amelia," before waiting, once again, for Rose to purchase them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
Avatar of Letter Bee

Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

((Collab Post between Letter Bee and Krodin329))

Conor and Heinz, Two Weeks Ago

Conor arrived at The Conisuer at 11:45 sharp, dressed in a casual suit, a dark purple button down shirt with his favorite Purple abstract, and old, Jerry Garcia tie, black suit jacket, pants, and shoes. He checked his watch to make sure he had arrived early, which of course, he did. However, instead of his normal flare of flying through the sky and over roofs with blue flame trailing behind him, he took the subway. He didn't want anyone to recognize him, and his friends would seldom be caught in the boring old subway.

After checking his watch, he walked in to the restaurant spying Joshua Vercina, the fine establishement's owner. Conor walked up to him, a broad smile growing across his face and said, "Mr. Vercina! Sorry for dropping in on this, but I have a really important meeting with Heinz Harper, head of the Agency, today. I was hoping I could humbly ask of you to secure me a private, sound locked table for lunch?"

Joshua (Vercina) smiled as he saw his young friend. He was one of the few people who knew of Conor's wealth, mainly because he didn't have to pay Conor for his son's private Eskrima lessons. So, in return, there was always a private table set up for Conor when he needed it.

"Of course! You don't even need to ask, my boy! I'll get you seated right away!" , responded Mr. Vercina.

Conor was seated down at his table, a glass of vintage wine from early 2000, pinot noir. Since Conor's existence was almost entirely unknown, so was his age... to most. Either way, Mr. Vercina didn't care, Conor was close personal friend. He didn't mind sparing a little pinot noir.

Heinz entered the restaurant, dressed in his usual formal suit. Ever since becoming Agency Head, he had always been comfortable with the habits of the rich and powerful; no mean feat considering his middle-class origins. No one batted an eye at his presence, his manners were just that good. The man made his way towards Conor's table, still drawing no more attention than was normal, and then sat down, before saying:

"So, how can I be of service to you? Not that I can't make one or two guesses, but, well, humor me."

"Well, Mr. Heinz, I'm gonna get right down to business. I've been evaluating my life so far. I've discovered that, with order, comes freedom. Freedom to do what I want, freedom to be me."

"Order, Mr. Heinz. Order. And, in order to gain this freedom, I've decided something for myself... I will join the agency. As an official operative..."

Heinz smiled, and spoke:

"As I anticipated," In truth, he didn't anticipate it at all, but, well, impressions made everything. "I'll do the paperwork right away. You're a welcome addition, Conor; a point of light in, well, this world. I'll be glad to have you."

"Good, however, I still would like the other agreements we have going on to proceed. My guild is my family, my life.... I care about them."

"I have... one other condition as well. Ascot.... if he makes any descisions or wants to do anything outside of the agency. I ask you let him. He's thirteen, barely knows what its like to be a kid. He deserves a life."

Heinz's face grew sad, and, in a tone of contrition and admission, he spoke:

"You don't need to ask; in my own quest for, well, peace and order, I harmed the boy, my own nephew, very deeply. I deprived him of his childhood, used him as a fighter, and even allowed him to...you know the rumors. Right now, what he wants...will be what I want; I plan on releasing him from Agency service anyway by the end of the year."

"And, yes, the Guild will continue to be protected by The Agency."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
Avatar of Letter Bee

Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

((Post Deleted))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mass City

Mass City

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lucek said
Before even boarding the plane Omega would prepare additional cloaking devices for himself, Alpha and Joshua, if he’d take them. What he prepared for his other self was a set of magic and stealth devices, each would last for about 15 minutes because of the power source giving them about an hour of magic and visual stealth. The set comprised of 4 of each device, fortunately they were about the size of half a golf ball so carrying them on the belt was easy. Omega prepared one of each for himself in case his normal ones would have to be turned off. Alpha had the same amount as Joshua, but in extreme cases Omega and Alpha could just use one if needed. At first he didn’t want to take his familiars, but they wanted to go and test their abilities badly so he took them. Though he kept both in gun form in a holster. So prepared they boarded the plane, making final adjustments to their gear. Especially the parachutes, after all even if they had stealth if the parachutes weren’t slightly modified then they would be seen anyway. Good thing the flight took long enough for them to finish, making the material conductive enough so it’d be invisible to the naked eye.They jumped off the plane above a place that should be a place lightly guarded, but not a blind spot. After all those are the most guarded places usually, that is if the opponent isn’t a moron and Omega always assumed that who he was fighting could best him, that made him fight and prepare for the worst. No matter, the winds took them to the edge of a beach, it didn’t seem anyone was there, but they made sure to land close to the trees as to not be detected. Mostly by sound though as they engaged the cloak before jumping, turning invisible and undetectable by magic . The landing proceeded without hitch, no one was there to meet them as planned, after all if they had enemies swarming around them right at the beginning it would be a bit troublesome. Still after landing they hid, still under the effects of the cloak. There was a guard patrolling the beach but he shouldn’t have seen them, still they stood motionless, waiting for him to be gone to hide the parachutes and start the mission.

He saw the security men. There was spells he had to get around, cameras, dogs, and autoturrets.

He saw the men looking for threats, they scanned vigorously.

A guard heard something and began to approach, "This 15 reporting noise grid 2-12."
"Roger 15" The male guard approached his MP5 pointing forward.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
Avatar of Letter Bee

Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

((Collab Post between Letter Bee, Amaya Tamashii, and Joshua))

"Good choice, Amelia," before waiting, once again, for Rose to purchase them.

"This store has very bad service just trying to find someone is hard enough ugh," said Rose.

"Maybe it is more of the fact you are very intimidating," commented Amaya as Rose sighed.

"I am not intimidating...I just demand respect is all," commented the Mage.

"Please dont fight." Amelia said" Can we just continue and finish up soon?"

"Yes, let's," spoke Ascot. "Next after pillows, sheets, and beds, we need a bookshelf, as well as a desk, and a lamp for said desk."

"I already have a desk" Amelia said, not realizing they wanted to get her a nicer desk.

"We're getting you a nicer one," Ascot said. "Something worthy of you."

"I'm not worthy of the dirt beneath my feet." Amelia said quietly.

"Amelia, you're the person I chose to protect," replied Ascot. "You're worth a lot to me; my parents and Heinz are the only ones who can compete with you for 'most important person in my life."

"You mean a lot for me cause you been through so much yet here you stand a strong girl on your own feet...You mean a lot to me and Amaya cause you are part of my little family," commented Rose gently

"... I wouldnt last a day without any of you." Amelia said. "I cant get through a day without relying on someone to do something for me... Im just a pathetic child."

"You are not pathetic...you have a very sweet life and you have people that care for you that is what everyone wants," said Rose.

Suddenly, a voice interrupted them.

"Ehem," said an attendant, "sorry to interupt your little drama scene, but you're in the middle of an aisle, and people are wating." He then gestured to the crowd of people who were listening in."

"Heh, sorry," spoke Ascot in an embarrassed tone. "Amelia, let's get you your nicer desk and other furniture; trust me, you'll like them." And with that, he moved off.

Some minutes later, the boy was now standing in front of several desks, and was browsing for one perfect for Amelia.

"Come on Mother he doesnt know what he is doing," said Amaya pushing Rose down the aisle keeping her from starting a big scene as Rose mumbled of how arrogant the attendant was as she followed Ascot waiting on Amelia to make a decision.

Amelia looked around at all the choices before pointing to a plain wooden desk that had alot of storage in it, so she could put alot inside.

Ascot smiled, and said:

"Good choice, Amelia."

The rest of the shopping trip went as planned, with Ascot, Rose, Amaya, and Amelia buying what they needed and having it shipped to an another address, from where it would be taken to the Agency's HQ. Then, they bought stuffed toys and books, some of the former being My Little Pony G10. After that, however, it was running late, so they unanimously decided to take a shortcut home; a shortcut through a sterotypical dark alley.

After all, they were a bunch of elite Magi; what can endanger them? Also, the Plot had to advance.

((To be continued in Part 3))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
Avatar of Letter Bee

Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

((Part 3 of the Collab))

Jack happened to be hanging out in that alley that night, just watching people passing through it in a rather passive matter. She was looking for someone to 'play' with that evening. So far none of the few people that did pass through had been interesting. However, she then noticed four people passing through and recognized Ascot from E3. If she recalled, he was a rather strong mage and might kill some time if he didnt die too quickly. She noted he seemed to be close to a certain girl and decided it would be fun to play around a bit.

With a wave of her hand, a wall of mist rose up and solidified into stone, seperating Rose and Amaya from Amelia and Ascot. Donning her mask, she descended down into the alley and landed gracefully in front of Ascot and Amelia.

"Youre from the E3 incident if we recall... Ascot Harper, if we've done our research correctly." she said.

"Hide behind me, Amelia," spoke Ascot as he went into a defensive stance, drawing his Nemesis Kalis. He then addressed the assassin who came before them.

"You're the one who managed to infiltrate the Agency that time," spoke Ascot, "what was your objective that time; to kidnap Amelia? If so, you're going to have to come through me, first."

Jack glanced at Amelia and quickly sorted through the information she knew about the Mafia's activities and quickly realized who Amelia was. Of course, she knew all about Ascot.

"Why should we care about your fellow whore?" she asked. "She means nothing to us. No, we just did it for fun but it was rather boring. Your security was horrible. Maybe we should try again sometime. As for getting past you to get to her."

Amelia let out a cry of pain as a something cut her shoulder and the cut began bleeding.

"Its rather easy to do."

"Amelia!" shouted Ascot as he used Energy to bring a wind forward, blowing apart most of the mist except for the wall barring Amaya and Rose from entry, which was too tough for him, for now. As for Jack's words about him being a whore...Ascot figured out almost instantly that the assassin was referring to the incident that he had erased from his own mind. For now, however, said mind-wipe held, preventing Ascot from recieving the trauma of said incident...although there was nothing saying that Jack can't push the boy into a position of greater emotional vulnerability...

Jack laughed at Ascots reaction to Amelia's pain.

"What is this? Concerned for the whore while your life is in danger?" She asked, summoning more mist with ease" You should focus on the enemy if you want to protect her, assuming you even can."

Ascot tried to calm himself; he tried to focus. He needed to protect Amelia, but at the same time, he needed to keep his attention at Jack. Casting a dome of energy to protect his girlfriend, and making said dome of energy lasting with Law Magic, he then surged towards Jack, Nemesis Kalis in one hand, sparks of electricity gathering in another. However, mid-charge, he teleported, appearing above the assassin, and launching a coulumn of Law energy at her position.

Ascots attacks hit but at the same time they had completely missed. When the dust that was kicked up from his attacks finally settled, Jack would be by Amelia, choking the younger girl to the point that Amelia couldnt speak and just barely breathe. Before Ascot had summoned the energy sheild, Jack had cast an illusion of herself and moved so she was behind Amelia, so that when Ascot struck she could take her hostage.

"So, what now little boy?" She asked.

"Don't hurt her," Ascot said, returning the Nemesis Kalis to its Dimensional Pocket. "Please," he implored, "I'll do anything."

"Anything?" Jack said, smiling victiously behind her mask. "Careful what you say boy. But for now, we just want to see you sink in despair, and try to come out. Try to remember the despair you felt before and seemed to have blocked off."

With that she made a dagger out of mist and stabbed Amelia in the knee, causing the younger girl almost scream in pain, though Amelia held it back just barely.

"All right, all right!" spoke Ascot. "I'll try to remember, I'll try to remember!" And with that, he reached down to his mind, and allowed the suppressed memory, the memory of despair, of futility, of the desire to die, to make itself felt once again.

It was overwhelming. He saw...flashes, flashes of events best forgotten, mental wounds that had been barely bandaged. He remembered what it was like to be used as a toy, an amusement. But he didn't weep yet; not until the exact narrative made itself apparent.

"You're not amusing us enough." Jack said, this time stabbing Amelia in her already injured shoulder.

"Stop!" shouted Ascot as he remembered now, remembered his botched mission; about how, sneaking in a 'hotel lobby' he was surprised by about two score Mafiosi, who had emerged from the ground, and rushed towards him all as one unit, forcing him into a desperate battle in which he had managed to take down about half their number, but then got struck by a microwave gun, breaking his shield and causing him to pause for the crucial second needed for a Mafioso to clamp a Supression Collar - a piece of Magitech made with all Nine Schools - around his neck.

"Stop..." continued Ascot as he began to remember what happened next.

"Getting close now but we think these kind of injuries aren't going to work... how about something more painful?" Jack said before slashing across Amelias back, from her right shoulder to her right hip, causing Amelia to scream in pain.

"No!" screamed the boy, as more memories began to arrive. He remembered being taken, struggling, to a Mafia secret base, where, after the various Mafiosi talked with each other, he was forcefully stripped of his clothes, before being forced to stand before various camera drones, which circled around him, recording every inch of his body...

Ascot remembered being humiliated, feeling shame, and knowing that worse was yet to come.

"Not enough it seems. Fine." Jack said, raising her knife to stab Amelia in the neck. It descended but just before the blade could connect with flesh a small, flameless explosion occured, blasting the blade away while someone seperated Amelia from Jack and got between the assassin and Ascot.

"Heinz better double my pay for this." Their savior muttered. IT was a man in his late 20s to early 30s, with gray hair with one bang that fell over his right eye, although his left was a vivid storm-grey hue. He wore a plain white t-shirt, light blue ripped jeans, and a pair of plain white sneakers "Honestly, this might be a pain. Oi, kid, you okay?"

"'Yeah..." the boy said, although his body language showed that he was anything but. He was shaking now, remembering how, after his 'exhibition', he had been tied down to a torture rack, where, after stretching him out so hard he feared dislocation, they whipped him, struck him with cattle prods, and then resorted to the same microwave guns that had allowed him to be captured.

Then, they healed his body with Life magic, and, and...

The man walked over and quickly hit Ascot in the head, although it was a light hit.

"Snap out of it and watch this little lady." He said before turning to Jack" So, the Maiden of the Mist herself deems someone worthy of entertaining her. I've been trying to think of some way to lure you out for months now but in the end all I had to do was find you."

"You know of us it would seem." Jack said.

"Being on your trail for over a year will do that."

Ascot's composure and reserve returned with military speed, and the boy took up arms again, his Nemesis Kalis in his hand for a second time. Now, he was watching Jack with an intense focus, his drive having returned as well. He waited for further orders from the mysterious man.

The man noted Ascot's stare and shook his head.

"Look after the girl. You can't beat this opponent kid." He said calmly" She's passed out but I think it would be a good idea if you protected her while things get a little crazy around here.

"You make it sound like you can beat us." Jack said, summoning more mist. "Do you really think you stand a chance?"

"No, not really." The man said as a strong breeze whipped up around him" But right now I simply have to drive you away. Shouldn't be too hard now should it?"

The boy ran over to Amelia, cradling her body in his arms. He looked at the wall separating him from Rose and Amaya, but he also knew that, right now, they would not be of help. He had to do this himself. Brushing aside the last remnants of his mind-wipe, he allowed the last of the memories to return, so that the full trauma would hit him.

He now remembered the sensation of being raped by both men and women, of the feelings of pain, shame, and involuntary, unwilling, pleasure. He remembered being violated over and over again, and almost dying, before being healed again for another go. Then, he had been left behind in a corner, while his uncle, Heinz, assaulted the Mafia compound. Once the assault was over and the Supression Collar broken, Ascot had mindwiped himself, and thus appeared to be mentally unscathed...

Why did the boy have to remember this, one asks? Simple, because with the memories and the trauma, came power. Instant proficiency with a School, in this case Life. And with Life, comes the healing of Amelia's body...

Slowly, but surely, Ascot repaired the damage to his love's form, regenerating wounds with surprising ease.

"Amelia...Ascot...crap.."Said Rose gently thinking of a way as Amaya walked towards the wall touching it

"Everything has moisture in it right...so I can do..." said Amaya touching the stone as a white aura outlined her as she focused on freezing the middle of the stone wall before removing her hand as the ice shattered. Amaya stepped through the hole as Rose followed only to stop dead in her tracks.

"Why the hell are you here?!"she exclaimed to the man not concerned about anyone else as Amaya moved over assisting in the healing before moving between the kids and the man and infront of Jack.

"Go away girl...your fight is not with us," she commented.

"Amaya," spoke Ascot, "don't...you can't take on the assassin; I don't even think I can. That said, I have discovered a new power, though..." And with that, Ascot appeared in two places at once, thanks to Timespace; with Life and Mind, his double was able to think and act differently.

"Now, I can do what Uncle Heinz can and guard multiple points at once..." he said.

"I know that but right now you need to get Amelia to safety," she commented. "I dont have to defeat her just attmept to hold her off enough to let you guys escape.."Said Amaya "I will be fine I have mother and that man there to assist...you and her need to get going now..." she added.

The boy nodded, and fused with his double, before taking Amelia in his arms and flying off; there were no real social rules against flying, but it was considered unfair to flaunt such power unless it was an emergency.

((End of Part 3))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

((Collab Post between Letter Bee, Joshua Tamashii, and Mass City; as mentioned below, this was set in, and written, just after E3.))

Flashback, Two Weeks Ago, Just After E3

Timespace Magic did interesting things to the concept of continuity, making it possible for people to be in several places at once, as well as slow down and speed up time, as well as teleport, use superspeed, and scry. This story occured in the aftermath of the E3 skirmish, when the President, ever curious, decided to check out just exactly who Heinz' nephew was...

President Addison was worried she never liked using magic she was not familiar with. She unleashed the spell and it brought time to a slow down. Michelle was suddenly in her office whilst she worked in the Residence of the White House. She used her computer access to look up information on Ascot and others in Heinz's little wonder group. She was not going to loose the election because of her feelings. Michelle was going to make sure she was safe.

She would find out that Heinz had a history of hiring mercenaries and former criminals in order to bolster the Agency's few numbers, and that an entire family of these mercenaries, the Tamashiis, had been nearly destroyed trying to end 'Atlantis', a Mafia den in which girls were raped, then killed if they didn't satisfy their captors in the latter's depraved sex games.

The President would also find, that, The Agency had rescued a little girl from the wreckage of Atlantis, one Amelia Averyona, who, due to her trauma, had gained immense power over Death and Otherness, and that The Agency had been using her as one of their unofficial assets, as her abilities with Ghosts and Spirits made her a good source of information. Not merely that, but Ascot's original purpose had been to serve as her handler...

Michelle made a decision, she would get the little girl. She used a hasty sumoning spell, that brought the girl to her. Another Amelia would continue on what she was doing prior. Michelle's anger got to her again, at least being in the White House Residence she was in private. Her white hair would return to normal. She would have to control her anger around the child. It would be just like handling a congressman. Michelle snickered at that. Amelia appeared before the president.

Amelia was enjoying a bit of peace in her room, as she sat at her desk, drawing. The last thing she expected was to be taken from her sanctuary and suddenly be in some place unfamiliar with a woman she didnt know sitting at a desk while looking down at her in a way that made her feel very uncomfortable. She looked around and upon seeing that neither Ascot, Heinz, Amaya, or Rose were there she paniced and backed away from the woman. She saw a door she could use to try and get away but figured that wouldnt be a good idea. The woman would probably just summon her back into the room.

"I am so sorry little one. I am Michelle." Michelle said in a calming manner. "I am a magic user like you. Here let me make something for you." Michelle made a massive snowflake for Amelia and handed it to her.

Amelia listened and watched Michelle nervously as the older woman spoke but she didn't reply to anything that was said. Even after Michelle made a snowflake for her all Amelia didn't move except to get further away from Michelle. Her expression was what did all the talking. She was scared of this older woman and didn't trust her. Michelle was going to have to try hard to get anything out of Amelia, something the older woman was probably prepared for.

Michelle saw Amelia's reaction. She had one idea, a little pocket realm. With her powers Michelle could go to a world a small area she called "Snowland". She accessed it at first as a little girl, it always snowed in Snowland. Michelle and Amelia went to Snowland. Amelia was still in the same outfit but Michelle appeared to be in an elegant gown. "There is nothing to be scared of little girl I don't want to hurt you. I just want to ask you some questions. I can make a snowman. Do you want that?" Michelle had to be very careful

Since Amelia was wearing her favorite outfit of a t-shirt and jeans, being transported to a realm where it was almost nothing but snow didnt realy do wonders for her. She was instantly freezing and this fact did little to improve her opinion of Michelle. The cold of the realm was numbing and she could barely think anything other then to try and get herself warm. Naturally she began panicing and she experienced fear very easy. Sadly emotions effected Amelia's powers greatly and several seals appeared on her skin, seals that kept her immense power at bay. However, if Amelias powers pushed to much they were liable to break and begin running wild. A media disaster waiting to happen if that were to occur in the White House.

The problem Michelle saw was that, the seals, if they broke would unleash ruin upon her little realm. Michelle walked over to Amelia and wrapped her in her gown's shawl. It was warm to Amelia and then Michelle cautiously put her arm around the little girl. Michelle began to hum a little song. "I know you have no reason to trust me and I made a mistake bringing you here to "Snowland" but I want to know if you want to see some snowmen dance?"

"I want to go home." Amelia said in a shakey voice" Ascot, where are you? Why arent you coming? I wanna go home."

"Let's go back to my office." the President returned them to her office in the Residence. The President was still in the gown. "I am sorry if I scared you. I was not trying to I just wanted to know about Ascot and Heinz." she asked Amelia.

"If you wanted to know about us; you should have come to the Agency, Ms. President," spoke a voice coldly. The source of the voice was a little boy, about 13 years of age...who was standing over the unconcious bodies of two of her Secret Servicemen. Ascot had arrived, having gone to the White House Teleporter without authorization, then went on a ramapge against the Secret Servicemen who were watching for just such unauthorized entrances. Now, the boy was blazing with his own power, and, one can tell, he was really, really angry.

"Oh, by the way, these last two make a dozen," he continued.

"I was not trying to hurt her!" the President got enraged and her skin turned blue. "Let's go to snowland!" the President snapped and both her and Ascot disappeared leaving Amelia by herself.

In Snowland, Ascot could not find the president. He heard her voice. "I was not going to hurt her I need to find out some horrible truths about Heinz Harper. I did not want to ask you as you seem to be too attached to your uncle."

"That didn't mean I wasn't going to be honest," spoke Ascot. "You're the President; the person I owe allegiance to. Even if it damned my uncle, even if it damned me, I would have been honest with whatever you wanted to find out. Not merely that, but, well, let's not mince facts; the CIA and FBI used to do worse things in the past; the difference is that my uncle is being, well, stupid, while others weren't." The boy's anger was fading now, while his aura of anger shifted to an aura of warmth, to keep himself from freezing in the snow.

"Oh, and sorry for what I did to your people, by the way; that was, well, uncalled for," the boy said further, his tone now calm.

"I am gonna take you back to the office if you promise not to attack me, I am going to show you a truth you must see." The President's voice sounded sad.

"All right, I promise," spoke Ascot with a tone of conviction. He then waited for the President to take him back to Amelia.

The snow near him began to rise. It began to take a human shape until he saw the President's blue skin and white gown. Both Ascot and Michelle appeared in the office again. She walked to the computer and turned the monitor to Ascot. "I'm so sorry."

"I know," spoke Ascot sadly. "When Uncle visited that day, I saw the glint in his eye when Mom and Dad pridefully explained to him how good I was becoming at academics, as well as acrobatics and Eskrima. I saw in his eyes that he had found a solution to a problem he was experiencing, that he, just then, saw me not as a family member, not his beloved brother's son, but rather, as an asset."

"Uncle gets overtaken by these ideas some time; he always believed that as long as he was less dickish than the CIA were, then, he can afford to be self-righteous. However, unlike...others, Uncle at least has the sense to feel guilty, feel guilty that my childhood, my friends, all of them are removed." He then looked at Amelia. "But, one look at her and I realize it was all worth it; that, as long as with her, I can be happy."

"Amelia, she's my life now, my happiness, and, because of her, I can endure what Uncle put me through, even forgive him." Amelia would then realize what exactly Ascot had sacrificed for her; she would have heard, or saw, stories about what 'normal' kids were like, about their happy childhoods and friendships. Ascot had thrown that away, for her sake. In his eyes, she can still see sadness, loss, and, at the same time, love for her, and a detemination not to regret things.

Amelia had recovered by now and had been listening to the entire conversation. In particular she listened to Ascot speak about her and what she meant to him, which made her face turn read for reasons she didn't fully understand. But what she did know was that it made her feel happy and brought a small smile to her face.

"Thank you, Ascot." She said quietly.

((To be continued in Part 2))

((Part Two of the Collab))

Ascot looked at her warmly; one can see in his eyes that he was glad to see her safe.

"I am no monster, but from my perspective your uncle has made the United States a creator and operator of child soldiers. I hoped I could calm Amelia enough to get her to safety. That is not possible. But what I can do is go after your uncle and worse unleash Congress upon him. He would not last in front of Moss and his committee. He would be torn apart on TV. I would get re-elected and he would lose his job. I am sorry but he has hidden more than you know from you about yourself. I cannot reveal it only he can. But Ascot your uncle will be out of a job when I call Moss." The President walked to her desk. "Then we can finally handle ArcU in the way I want." The president was not happy at all. Her eyes were white.

"I..." spoke Ascot, "I understand. Uncle has violated the Constitution, and that cannot be forgiven. Do what you must. However, I must ask...can Amelia at least stay with me? She would have nowhere to go."

"I was not planning on seperating you at all."

"Thank you!" shouted Ascot. "Thank you, Ms. President!"

"Ascot, is something going to happen to Mr. Heinz?" Amelia asked "Am I going to have to leave the Agency?"

"Yes," spoke Ascot, "and, yes. However, you'll be staying with me, as well as my parents. Don't worry; they're good people."

"But I dont want to leave." Amelia said, sounding upset." I like it there. I might not be of any help but Mr. Heinz, Miss Rose, and Miss Amaya are so nice and they look after me. I feel safer there then I do anywhere else. Ive lost one home but now Im going to have to lose another? Why is that? Whats going on?"

"Uncle...Uncle has been breaking the law," spoke Ascot. "I always knew that he was breaking the law when he made me run missions for the Agency, but, well, let it stand, because it allowed me to stay with you. You see...it's actually illegal to turn kids into soldiers; it isn't really right. And...Uncle knew that he was doing this very wrong thing, and, well, he feels guilty about it, too, using me for my power."

"Since when was I a soldier?" Amelia asked" Mr. Heinz never ask me to fight. I hate fighting. I wouldve run away if I had had to fight... I dont want to leave the Agency. Isnt some way I can stay?"

"It was me who was the soldier, Amelia. I haven't killed anyone, but, I've fought; I've fought a lot in the six months that Uncle has been using me on missions. And, from an objective standpoint, what he did to me, his own nephew, it was wrong, and its only redeeming quality was that it allowed me to meet you," Ascot said.

"But he asked for your help to stop things from happening like what happened to me right? He takes actions to stop such things from happening, does he not?" Amelia asked.

"He did and he does," continued the boy calmly and kindly, "but, that doesn't change the fact that not all of his actions were right. Whatever his merits, Uncle put me in harm's way, and putting children in harm's way, even to protect other children from harm, is...frowned upon." Amelia would then remember that, in his service to Heinz, Ascot had been humiliated, tortured, and even gang-raped, although the boy didn't himself know that thanks to his self mind-wipe.

Amelia grit her teeth, both in anger and how she knew Ascot had been hurt working for Heinz.

"If this is how Mr. Heinz gets rewarded for helping others then I'd say this place is no better then Atlantis." She said "Punish those who are in the right while the ones who are wrong get away. Maybe you all don't like what Mr. Heinz is doing but at least he does do things. He does what it takes to protect others. I highly doubt you can keep your hands clean while doing that. Eventually you'll have to do something you would rather not or might be frowned upon, is that not true?"

"Ms. President," spoke Ascot politely, "I know that what my Uncle did to me was wrong from a moral standpoint, but I would argue that raking him over the coils would destabilize The Agency at this point in time. Not to mention that if he hadn't done what he did, there would be more children like Amelia."

"Perhaps, but he broke the law. He violated your fifth amendment rights. You are legally a child and cannot fight, nor should she." The President stated. "I will allow him to stay for the moment but he will be supervised by US Marshals at all times."

"Understood, and thank you," spoke Ascot with a slight bow.

"Youre no less a monster then any other human." Amelia said, her tone angry" You only think of yourself. If something or someone gets in your way it has to go and when its in your grasp you do anything to take those final few steps. I'm no less a monster with all the blood on my hands from Atlantis but why must you let so many others suffer for your own well being in the process?!"

"Amelia!" Ascot spoke, shocked. "We just got a big concession from the President. Like it or not, letting Heinz stay is a big thing for her, and she's taking a lot of risks doing so. I won't lie; if she was really looking out for her own well-being, then she would have knocked us aside, brought the law down on Uncle, and boosted her public standing by announcing that she put away a corrupt government agency using child soldiers. That would be what she would do if she were really selfish."

"It doesnt make her any less a monster." Amelia said as the seals that kept her powers in check began glowing again." I know I'm being selfish as well. I finally have a place I can call home and I'm around people I like and can be happy with. Yet this woman, who knows and understands nothing about what I've been though, wants to take the only things I want away? How can anyone say that that's just and still think themselves righteous?"

"Amelia," the boy said calmly, his hands held out in a placating gesture, "you're right, she doesn't know. But, at the same time, a leader cannot disobey the rules that make her the leader, at least not without cost, not without the knowledge of her people, and, not without just cause. I know, it's hard that she wants to take Heinz and Rose and Amaya away, but, that's because she hasn't seen how we live; how you live." Ascot searched his psyche for the right words, trying to calm down Amelia before the White House became ground zero.

The boy was evidently sad now, sad that Amelia was being this way. As words failed him, his face showed his deepest emotions. Amelia could see how Ascot cared for her, how he didn't want her to be sad or angry or suffering, but, at the same time, was troubled at the thought of the girl having such hatred.''

"Amelia," he said, "this world, this world is complex." He then hugged her, avoiding her body except for her shoulders. "Sometimes, people can lose sight of what is good and true. What the President believes is that Heinz has lost it, while you believe that the President had lost hers. Let me be honest, Amelia, I can see both your sides of the story. I can see how you both must feel, even without magic."

"The President, what she really wants is for you to live a life resembling...the stories you've read. She wants you to be able to play outside without danger, to expand your horizons, to be without any obligations, either to Uncle, or even to Her." Ascot and Amelia's cheeks were touching now, and the latter can feel the boy's tears as they fell down from his eyes.

Amelia was prepared to speak her mind again, prepared to try and defend that she was staying at the Agency, legal or not, but the moment she saw Ascots face she stopped. She was scared then, scared that she had just driven him away. Had she scared him, upset him, or maybe she had done both. What if he thought she wasnt worth being around any longer and left her? The thought scared her and chilled her to the core. Ascot had always been there for her and if she lost him, her primary pillar of support, she wouldnt know what to do. So she was rather taken by surprise when he hugged her and spoke to her gently, rather then rejecting her as she was expecting. While she didnt completely understand what he said to her, part of her mind wasnt really focusing on what he said since she was just happy her fears were for nothing.

When she felt the tear on her cheek, her tough act crumpled and she began crying too. She was so scared of what this woman was going to do to her life. She was still getting used to having one again and now it might change entirely, all on the whim of a single person. She hated it, she was scared of it, she wanted it to not occur, no matter the cost. But she was powerless and she hated that. All she could do was wait and see what would happen, hoping and praying nothing really changed but doubting that would be the case.

The President decided to leave the room she had to let two kids cry. There was nothing she could do with that. President Addison left the room. She needed a drink of the hardest booze she had. Then a shower in medical alchol because she had a relationship with a man so vile he manipulated her. Heinz manipulated her, that was unforgiveable to her. The President wiped a tear away as she was leaving. She had just decide to do something that would ruin her career. The Child was right.

President Addison made a choice only four other presidents did before her. She would resign in a week. The kid was right she was horrible, she had no reason to continue on going as President.

Once he had consoled Amelia, Ascot went looking for the President; he had to tell her and Amelia something. Once he found her, he used his Agency privileges to get around the warding around the room the President was in, and then projected his voice there using Energy.

"President Addison, sorry to intrude, but can you come back for a few moments? I have something to tell both you and Amelia."

"Alright." The President followed Ascot to her private office.

"First up," Ascot spoke, having stepped away from Amelia and now pacing the room, "I haven't told you both of Heinz's plans for us - me and Amelia. You see, Uncle, after half a year of turning me into, well, a child soldier, decided that he was going to stop doing so at Christmas, once Amelia has been gotten on board. His plans were to 'retire' me and Amelia so that we can, instead of being Agents, join the Magical Peace Corps." Amelia would know about the Magical Peace Corps from her studies, about how they have been founded to help people and cause them to see magic as a good thing; about how they never killed, even when forced to fight in self-defence. She would also know how great they were at healing, at planting trees, and, of course, at exorcising the undead and Spirits.

"There, I and Amelia would live a mostly peaceful life, away from most dangers. We would at least be away from the Mafia and their sex dungeons, away from Arcana Unlimited and their war machines, and we would be spending most of our days in beautiful places like, say, the Philippines. It would have been, well, good for us. Of course, I planned to take some time to get Amelia interested in retiring, but, now that the cat's out of the bag, well, I have to reveal this secret too." He then looked at Amelia.

"Sorry for keeping this a secret from you."

The President exhaled and out came some cold mist. She had to think over her plans. "I won't move on your uncle but I must do something to ensure he has no connection to the government."

Amelia listened to everything but didnt respond to any of it. She had just been on the emotional rollercoster of a lifetime she she was tired as a result. She just sat in one of the nearby chairs and curled up in it, resisting the urge to close her eyes as she tried her best to understand what was going on. It seemed like her life would continue on as it was for a bit longer but it would still change in the end. She gave in, accepting this fact. She just hoped Heinz didnt suffer in the process.

"I will let you two leave I shall do what I can to prevent Heinz being arrested. But I will do what I think is nesscary to protect him. Do not attempt to change my mind as I already made it." she points out the door. "Now, you two go."

"Understood; thank you for your time, Ms.President," Ascot said with a slight bow. "Come on Amelia, let's go," he spoke kindly. And with that, he began heading to the teleporter.

"Alright... bye." Amelia said, first to Ascot then the president before following Ascot out.

When she reached Ascot, the boy took her hand; knowing that she was a bit weak from being in a dimension pocket full of ice, and from the emotional rollercoaster of her life. With a little bit of Timespace Magic, he gave her a small boost, allowing her steps to traverse a bit more space.

Amelia would follow Ascot all the way to and through the teleporter, back to Agency HQ. Once she was back to the place she considered home she would head to her room and her bed. She didn't bother changing or anything, she just threw herself on it, reaching under her pillow to grab the firegem Ascot had given her the first day they met. She could barely remember that day but the gem was a source of comfort and that was all she needed. Within seconds she was sleeping peacefully, a small smile on her face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
Avatar of Letter Bee

Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

((Part 4 of the Collab))

"Yo, hey there Rosey, been a while. Bout a year or so right?" The man said casual, giving Rose a wave and a smile" Now, wait a little longer for me, I got a year long assignment to finish."

"Are you all done talking now?" Jack asked" Can we kill you all yet?"

"Surprised you didn't try already." The man said before vanishing only to appear in front of Jack, sending a kick to her head. Her reflexes were good though and she avoided the blow while aiming a kick to his crotch, which he in turn avoided but just barely.

"Hey, hey hey, I'd rather you not hit those, that would hurt," the man responded.

"That's the point." Jack said before sending several knives of mist at the man. He knew that though they were mist, they had the sharpness of a steel blade and blew them away with a gust of wind.

"A wind mage. Rather advanced magic, isn't that?" Jack said, her tone cold.

"Advanced, useful, and it comes with alot of perks." The man replied before sending several blades of wind at the assassin. Jack ducked and dodged, moving between the blades and using Fate magic to make it easier. She realized the blades packed some punch when they put some cuts in the stone wall behind her.

"You're going to be a pain. Best to kill you quickly." She said before using her magic to send the walls of the buildings on either side of the alley to smash Rose, Amaya, and the man.

"Quit acting like I will keep waiting bastard," aaid Rose angrily balling up her fist as Amaya looked around.

"Falling building..." she said to herself as the tempature in the alley drooppedd rapidly as ice formed in the cracks of the rubble making a tunnle of ice and rubble above her, Rose and the man without moving a figure.

"Those control lessons are really paying off; Amaya I am proud of you.." said Rose gently as Amaya looked back over her shoulder, and spoke:

"Isnt it my duty to protect those I care for?"

"It isnt a duty it must be something you want to do on your own...seems we still have some free will training to do it seems," said Rose.

Jack was getting annoyed now but she kept her emotions in check. Getting angry would do nothing for her here, especially given the present situation. It seemed her main opponents were both powerful Matter mages, which meant her main weapon was useless. Even if she did utilize mist they would likely use it against her. This meant her only realistic option was a retreat, otherwise she would be killed or, worse, captured. Deciding neither of those sounded nice, she sent a wave of mist and dust at them, with rocks and blades concealed in them to distract everyone further.

The man blew the dust away only to have to focus on dodging or stoping the rocks and blades. By the time he looked back at where Jack had been she had vanished
"Damnit all, was hoping to capture her. Oh well, Heinz will be glad with the information I dug up." He muttered before turning to Rose and Amaya" Anyway, nice to see you girls again. Youve grown alot since I last saw you Amaya and you've grown more powerful as well."

"Well mother's training assisted me the most with my abilities they are under better control now and more useful where i am not so scared and Heniz has been great with assisting me with magic and functioning into this world so I atleast seem to fit in..."Said Amaya gently "and so I been told my form has changed from when i was first found...still dotn see how I have changed alot other then controling my abilities and gaining a will of my own and starting to make my name fit me only."She said gently

'You're still a work in progress though with healing magic but one of the best the agency has with your ice magic beside the veterans that are like old men like heniz and the president," said Rose sighing before turning to Lucus. she moved over to him before she raised a hand sending a hard slap his way "I am not a girl I am a woman and dont think for a second I will forgive you," she added lightly

"I kinda deserve that dont I?" Lucus said, rubbing his cheek were Rose had slapped him. He couldve easily dodged it but he knew Rose deserved to hurt him a little bit" Im sorry for vanishing but Heinz wanted me to investigate the person who broke into the Agency and I had to leave quietly, with no one knowing where I would be. I only just recently got enough information to return home but I was hoping to capture her as well. However that doesnt seem to be the case so Ill just have to return home as is."

"Like I said you are a bastard and I am not waiting on you this time you are going to come after me I am not waiting," she commented.

"Works with me." Lucus said before appearing in front of Rose and giving her a quick kiss on the lips" There, I came to you, that good enough."

Rose slapped him once again, backing up, wiping her lips. "That was a dirty trick Lucus...no you have to try A LOT harder then that to get me to like you again," said Rose as Amaya sighed. "Can we get going back to the Agency I dont know how long this ice will hold all the weight," she added as Rose nodded.

"Yes we can Amaya," she added. "I need to check on Amelia's physical state," she said.

"Dont worry about the walls." Lucus said, before using his magic to get rid of Amayas ice and put the walls back where they belonged, fully repaired so that they wouldnt come crumbling down at some point on their own." Now, lets head home."

"Yes let's head home, Amaya," commented Rose gently leading the way as Amaya watched before following silently.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucek


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The guard wasn’t a threat especially since he couldn’t see them, after all the optical and magic cloaking devices were something that when working in tandem gave Omega almost no risk of being detected. Well it didn’t hide sounds or tracks, but thanks to his training he didn’t leave either. Still better safe than sorry, so he and Alpha took to the trees, but not before coaxing a little crab familiar to pinch the guard’s ankle as a distraction, not to mention erasing tracks wasn’t that problematic thanks to the surface.. He could do it as the multitude of familiars bound to him was almost limitless and all shadows are connected.

Normally he’d approach fast and stealthily, but this time, Omega needed to go slow, after all traps guards, not to mention magic were all around. Thankfully he had more than one set of eyes, his two familiars helped with the sensing of magic and people, after all they had the predatory sense of animals. Alpha’s mask was similar, it could scan the area, really useful if you needed recon. The traps were no problem as Omega and Alpha in conjunction as they shared knowledge, knew best trap locations and types best used in this environment. Still there would be close calls, but that is where the fiends came in, the little shadow familiars were eyes and ears that could spy on the immediate surroundings from the shadows. Warning the party about any threats while they got closer to their mark. They’d only stop if spotted, target found or if they’d arrived where the target should be lodging.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
Avatar of Letter Bee

Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

GM Post

Conor already had an Energy barrier around his body; not just that, but one can use the Energy School's telekenesis on oneself; it was just very dangerous. However, dangerous was Conor's metaphorical middle name, and the young man weaved and ducked among the bullets, occasionally using his swords to parry. This left an opening for Silas to move further inside the warehouse, where...

...Where more thugs, this time Magi, would be waiting for him with Bolts of Law and Orichalcum bullets. However, the man was now clad in special Agency Armor that can stand Orichalcum and weather the energies of Law due to it being Pure Technology, allowing him a split-second chance against mere mooks. Then, suddenly, the man may see what seemed to be a string of floating musical notes...

...Soaring towards him, with barely audible songs reaching his ears. Mentalism; his weakness. His and Conor's weakness.

If Silas chose to stay on the rooftop, those same musical notes would appear from the floor; either way, if he allowed the strings of sheet music to even touch him, they would cause an enervating effect, one that he and Conor would have to spend willpower to try and overcome, which in turn would break their concentration from the people shooting at them...

Of course, Conor, after subduing the gunmen on the roof, would not relax, even for a moment, and, if Silas still hadn't moved towards the warehouse; cave in the cieling using his mastery of Matter, and descend like an angel of wrath upon a group of Mafiosos and Mafiosas, weaving, ducking, and dodging, knocking several of the men and women unconcious while only sustaining glancing wounds to his face.

Then, several laser sights would shine upon the man: Snipers; the eternal weakness of Magi. Silas, with Timespace, would have only a second to react to rescue his teammate...

New York Mafia Headquarters

A Mafioso messenger would go to Adric von Wainright, and speak:

"Sir, two Agency members have been caught in your trap; should we send reinforcements?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amaya Tamashii
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Amaya Tamashii

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Amaya was working on her computer. Making sure she had all her documents and inventory

Once amaya was done she just explored her mother's office finding her personal file. She opened her file reading it "so that is the location where I was made"she whispered writing down the address and pulling up a map. She took her things back to her room.. she got changed before leaving the agency following the directions heading towards her "birthplace"

Within a few hours she finally made it to a now empty lot that had a lot of big piles of rubble "why was I made?" She whispered walking on to the lot moving slowly as she looked around
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BioHazard
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BioHazard The Plague Master

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Silas and Conor had just arrived on the roof of the warehouse through teleportation, but immediately got attacked by the Mafia that were waiting for them. Like always his father was one step ahead of him. Silas sighed, "Let's get this over with." he said to Conor as both of them took out of the Mafia on the roof. Conor however immediately went through the roof while Silas waited for a chance to bump in.

Silas sneaked into the warehouse, observing Conor who was attacking the Mafia. Suddenly he saw music notes floating around, he didn't exactly what was going on, be he certainly was going to evade the strings of music notes, as he assumed there might be Mentalism magic in it. While evading the strings of music notes he noticed something which may really get Conor into trouble, snipers. This is where Silas had to wake up and immediately react. He used his Timespace and soared through the air. His flowmotion and superspeed almost made it look like he was flying, which he also kinda was as he wasn't touching the ground, save for a quick step on something to boost his speed again. He passed the snipers and landed a strong kick against each one of their heads. Once he KO'd all of the snipers, some of which may have died duo to a fractured skull, he joined Conor on the ground. "How are things going here?" he asked.
Aldric sat back on his chair with a glass of wodka in his hands. One of his minions told him that some Agents had fallen into his trap. "Stop calling it a trap. They knew we were going to be there. Send some reinforcements. But order them not to kill my son, I don't care what happens to the other one." Aldric said. He already knew that his son was in there, no doubt about it. And he was worth more alive than dead.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 6 hrs ago


Joshua had spent the entire night before in infiltration mission planning. He knew he was going to be partnered with a mage, so he was more then likely going to be next to useless, at least if he was by the mage's side the entire time. Also they were likely to be fighting other mages and maybe some non-magical soldiers as well. He was going through his gear, debating what to take and what not to. His sword and Desert Eagle where must but what else should be bring. He had a good amount of technological gear and magical gear that could help them but bringing the right things would matter. He knew they would be wearing cloaking tech, so EMP grenades and Law-magic grenades were not allowed, otherwise he might end up damaging the suits. So he looked around his apartment and began selecting his gear.

For Joshua, jump off the airplane had been almost routine. He had done it a dozen times and he would likely do it a dozen more times in his life. What was not routine was the damn cloaking suit. Walking around without being to see exactly where you were stepping was a pain but he adjusted quickly enough and kept behind Omega up until a certain point. While omegan went ahead, Joshua found some place slightly above the Scandalmonger's mansion and summoned a sniper rifle from his gloves, he settled down and looked through the scope, trying to spot any potential guards Omega might run into, as well as other issues.


"You know, you shouldn't sneak out without Rosey's permission Amaya." Lucus said, approaching the girl from behind, a kind smile on his face. He had followed her from the medical wing when she left, knowing full well where she was heading and why." Let me guess though. You're here because you want to know more about yourself. Where you came from, how you were born, and why were you were born. All things you don't know yet could easily find out if you had just asked someone while adding the condition they should answer honestly."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amaya Tamashii
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Amaya Tamashii

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Amaya jumped some before recognizing the voice" no one at the agency will tell me anything. Even Joshua said that he thinks there was a lot of experimental things going on cause he said some rooms had lots of blood and bodies of others made like me and here lately some memories have been coming back to me that I couldn't remember years ago"she said "plus I have a tracking device on me just in case."she added turning towards him "I read sometimes going back to a place you were once can bring back lost memories"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mass City

Mass City

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The group of heroes manage to get by the guards. They had to wait a minute to enter the mansion. Anyone with the understanding of electricity could figure out where the Scandalmonger was.

It felt like she was on the ground floor but it was in a blurry area of the blueprints. IT seemed to be a panic room. The hall they entered had pictures of a beautiful woman. Now then...

Slam! Crash! HISS!

This sound resonated around the house as the house was sealed up every door and window was sealed. They heard a feminine laugh. "So you come to my trap. I hope you enjoy my house!" said the Scandalmonger over the PA. They could not teleport around or out of the house..Manipulating the electrical system would have to be done the old fashioned way, same with water and AC.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

GM Post

"Everything's going well; thanks for saving my bacon, Sile," spoke Conor as he returned the favor by throwing up a barrier of earth to deflect a spray of bullets. Suddenly, the two men saw the flash of teleportation; it seemed that enemy reinforcements had arrived. Conor would turn towards the flash, to see...

...To see a beautiful, brown-haired woman, clad in what seemed to be a copy of SWAT forces armor, whose eyes blazed like green gems. She carried on her what looked like a 'rifle' version of the microwave guns that can destroy all magical shielding, causing Conor...

...Causing Conor to try and block the gun's blast with a barrier of Matter, but it was too late; the microwaves moved as fast as light, breaking the young man's shields and allowing the Mafiosos to blast him full on with magical and mundane ammunition.

Thankfully, though, Conor was clad in Agency Armor, which was prepared for such things; however, he can also see that the woman's gun was govered with pentagrammic wards that prevented him from affecting it with Magic. As for Silas, he would be preoccupied trying to protect Conor, and avoiding more musical strings, which flowed from speakers secretly installed in the building.

Oh, and the additional enemy reinforcements besides the woman. For the Microwave Woman was accompanied by a man in a Tuxedo and carrying a staff that he used to raise several fallen Snipers as undead, and a midget woman who was throwing seeds at him and Conor, seeds that sprouted vines that tried to entangle the two. But Conor was getting his bearings now; though wounded...

...Though wounded, he was still one of the most formidable fighters in the world, and was now hardening the air around him to provide a barrier that the Microwave Woman could not penetrate, even though she tried again. He then surged towards the trio with several 'airbending' moves, scattering them like leaves in the wind with blasts of typhoon-force blasts. However, no one was killed.

The midget was hurled towards Silas, and managed to right herself, before, with a gesture, 'bloodbending' Silas and controlling his arms and legs, and the rest of his body, trying to knock the man unconcious. However, in response to this, Emergency Purity Seals activated on the man's armor, protecting him from the Life Magic. However, Sile had now suffered grave internal bleeding, internal bleeding that caused his armor's systems to activate its regeneration protocols.
"Reinforcements already sent, sir," spoke a messenger to Adric through the latter's GoogleGlasses. "We've sent Anise, Camomile, and Earl Grey in order to capture Silas and kill his companion."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucek


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The trap was interesting, still exposing oh so many vulnerabilities. For one it showed that the house, as expected, was protected against magic use. But that didn’t really pose a problem for Omega, disabling surveillance like this was easy, not to mention all his spirits were still lurking in the shadows and both of his devices hid him. In the world there are many ways to access the shadow plane, but it’s not easy, even if the mage has the proper knowledge without at least some attunement or contract, one could not connect so easily. Creating or casting a spell to connect to it, or enter it, even if for a little was possible, but calling something from there was not. Fortunately in the world there were many openings where such “gates” naturally formed, however they were they were closed.

Omega found such an opening so why not use it. For the man connecting to the plane of shadows, which some call darkness or death, was like breathing, both because he was attuned to spirits, this is what his past training was good for, but also because of the ‘pact’ he had entered into, one he unknowingly started fulfilling. Still he called on a few little prankster spirits, these ones were a bit different from the souls that normally one would call. While uncontrollable, Omega knew how to influence them. You will cause much mischief if you follow the electricity cables and unlock the surveillance for the portion I’m in and block outside or inside interference. He told them telepathically. They of course would most probably do what he wanted locking the building with only a clear path to his target. Still even if they only pranked what they wanted Omega made sure to send a little additional help.

Still if it didn’t work, he’d just manipulate the electronics to his bidding, after all hacking like this was some of the basics he worked with, so no matter what surveillance he’d be able to crack it. If they did what he wanted, he’d weave a few precautions for the possibility of getting attacked, but if the house was warded preventing him from using magic to get out, he’d assume the same was true for the target, still better safe than sorry. Going about the mansion he was prepared to retaliate at any time, that is until the target would be confronted, he’d either dodge or disable the guards. He was prepared, cautious as to what might happen, or any traps that lurked as he slowly moved about.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BioHazard
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BioHazard The Plague Master

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Silas sighed again when the reinforcements arrived, seems that his dear dad wasn't letting them get away easily. He recognized the reinforcements that were send, they weren't of the top rank classes, but nonetheless were very strong. Unfortunately Silas wasn't familiar with their abilities, so it would be though. They didn't have to worry about the beautiful brunette, as they came well prepared. Just just had to be sure not to get hit on weak spots. The man in the tuxedo was a greater threat. The snipers that Silas killed just seconds ago, were revived once again and ready to shoot. Silas already had himself focused on killing the man first.

Unfortunately he was too busy with protecting Conor from bullets using his Timespace to move them around quickly, but they still had to be aware of the music entangled with illusions. Silas finally saw an opportunity to attack the man, but suddenly a female midget appeared in front of him. He had noticed that she was throwing seeds at them earlier, although Silas could easily burn down the plants that grew from them with his flames. The midget suddenly caught him in some kind of bloodbending technique. Silas managed to break free with the help of the Emergency Purity Seals.

He quickly would kick the midget in her face. Whether it hit or not Silas immediately used his Acoustic abilities. He clapped in his hands to send anyone in his area away from him, and blast the strings of music away from him as well. After the clap Silas immediately held his hand to his body, somehow trying to ease the pain or something. He then used his superspeed to dash towards tuxedo dude and deliver a strong kick against his side, maybe he would duck, then he would receive a fatal kick to the head, which was also fine by Silas. He wanted to kill him, move on to the snipers again, and then eliminate everyone else standing in the way.
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