Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whoami
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Whoami All things atmospheric...

Member Seen 6 days ago

Samsara sat on her knees as she looked out of the cockpit of her liset. Among the stars and asteroids, floated the dojo of Moon Clan Prowler. She was not in her warframe, just in some silks that fit her loosely and comfortably. Her shoulder length hair was tied back in a pony tail and was slightly damp, she had taken a shower not long before.

A scream resonated through her ship. It broke Samsara from her thoughts. She looked over her shoulder toward the ramp that led down to her armory and personal quarters. Samsara stood up, "Athena..." she said calmly.

"Yes, Operator?" the liset's cephalon replied, a female voice.

"I thought I told you to have him sedated until we brought him aboard the dojo." Samsara walked toward the ramp, walking down it as it lowered. She laid eyes on the man who was screaming, a corpus man. He was bound and confined in a converted stasis chamber where kubrows were usually kept. She approached the man, he looked at Samsara with fear.

"Apologies, Operator. But we did not have enough sedative aboard to make the entire voyage. I didn't think it would have been a bother to let you know, you do have much more pressing matters on your mind."[i] Athena responded.

Samsara shrugged, "Well I suppose we're close enough for me to not make a big deal of it." she raised her left hand, a tenno bracelet around her wrist. With the flick of her finger, a holographic screen of the ship's supply appeared in front of her. She was low on nearly everything, it had been a long trip. She dismissed the screen and looked at her captive. "So. Have a nice sleep?" she crossed her arms.

The corpus looked at her with a pleading expression. [i]"I know you tenno use credits like the rest of us chums! I promise, if you let me go I'll give you all the credits you've ever wanted!"

Samsara sighed, "My funding comes from my clan, corpus. I didn't capture you for money." her bracelet started to glow as energy began to channel across her body. Samsara's Ash warframe began materializing and forming around her body, it started at the chest and formed around her arms and legs. She chose not to bother with the helmet. Samsara's glaive materialized with her warframe, it slide from her wrist and extended its blades in her hand. She put one of the blades to his throat.

"Operator, this man is needed alive by Master Kuro. It would not be wise to kill or otherwise harm him." Athena advised.

Samsara kept the blade at his throat while she studied him. "I don't care about Master Kuro. He brought our clan into open conflict with the rest of the tenno, he didn't adhere to our late Master Shinto's demands. Kuro will get this man back with many injuries before we dock with the dojo. How soon is that, Athena?"

"Two minutes, Operator."

"More than enough time." Samsara said as she dragged the glaive from his neck, grazing the skin, down to his chest. The sharp blade cutting into him a bit as she passes the collarbone.

The corpus cried out in pain, "Ahh, please! I thought you tenno were honorable!"

"We are. But only to honorable enemies. Now... Where is he..." she pressed the blade into his stomach, an inch of the metal sinking into him.

The liset landed in the dock and a group of non-tenno dockworkers loyal to Clan Prowler ran to meet up with Samsara and her valuable cargo. The rarely used footramp of the liset lowered with Samsara in her ornate Ash warframe standing at the top. Behind her, was the corpus man on his knees with non fatal cuts on nearly every part of his body. Master Kuro, clad in his Excalibur Prime warframe and flanked by his honor guard of six other Excaliburs approached Samsara's liset after the dockworkers secured the severely injured corpus man. Samsara bowed her head to the new master, somebody she was not overly fond of. "Sirius is captured and the contract is complete, master." she debriefed.

Master Kuro studied the bloodied man. "What good is this man for interrogation when he can barely even stay upright? What did you do to him, Samsara?"

She dematerialized her helmet to look at him in person, a seemingly innocent smile took her expression. "I didn't do a thing. Athena, explain how our captive got these injuries."

There was an awkward pause while they waited for Athena to respond. "Sirius had fallen into a kubrow den in an attempt to run away from Samsara."

Samsara grinned, "Kubrows. Nasty creatures."

"In Pluto's sector..." Kuro replied, unconvinced.

Before Samsara could reply, Athena chimed in, "The Corpus -were- performing genetic experiments on kubrows aboard the ship Sirius was on, Master Kuro. They needed proper breeding grounds for a sustainable supply of kubrows."

Samsara loved Athena. The cephalon always had her back even in tense moments with the clan master. Kuro studied the blade injuries and rolled his eyes, "Interesting kubrows..." motioned for two of his honor guard to escort the prisoner to the holding cells. Kuro looked back at Samsara, "I don't care about what sort of personal crusade Shinto allowed you to carry out, it ends now. You're of more use to me in the war room to plan our next strike on Clan Tempest."

"Tempest? Clan Tempest? That Storm Clan in the Kuiper Belt? How will destroying them bring us any closer to the Lotus? We should be focusing on the void! Or in direlict ships! Master Shinto didn't attack other tenno clans simply because they follow the Lotus. They're being manipulated by her just as much as we once wer-" she was cut off.

"I am the clan master now. Shinto was an old dog who thought he could fight the Lotus despite her having all of the clans under her influence. We need to thin the ranks before we even consider finding out where she is."

Samsara growled and balled a fist, "How dare you disrespect him in such a way!" She swung, only to have her wrist taken by one of Kuro's honor guard, the master remained perfectly still. She glared at the helmeted tenno and instead sent her other fist at him, sending him reeling back and landing on his back. Samsara walked off to her quarters in the dojo. She heard Kuro yell to her.

"War room, four hours from now. I expect you there, Samsara."

Her Ash dematerialized into her bracelet as she walked off, taking in the information as she left. Right now, it was time to meditate and vent.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Jenus was out in the dojo's garden, practicing his forms with his kamas while he waited for something of interest to happen. It had been some time since he'd been on a mission and he was slowly beginning to grow restless just waiting for something to happen. Master Kuro would have them attack the other Tenno clans, wiping out several of them just to allow Clan Prowler a cleaner shot at Lotus. Jenus disagreed with it all, preferring to cut to the heart of the evil that had killed Master Shinto. He knew he would get a chance, but until that time, he would avoid fighting against other Tenno at all cost.

As he was in the middle of a sweeping strike, he saw Samsara going to her room, very much angry with someone, probably Master Kuro. He couldn't blame her, the man was infuriating and refused to listen to anyone else's counsel but his own; after all, he was the master and no one knew better than he did.

Moving to catch up to Samsara, he calls out to her in one of his rare moments of speech. "Samsara, wait."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 1 day ago

Satsuriku sat in meditation in the shrine of the dojo, listening to the murmurs of the voices of the long since departed. Perhaps the oddest and most reclusive of the tennos in the Prowler clan. He meditated to forget the problems in the universe as well as ask for forgiveness for killing his fellow Tenno in the hunt for the Lotus. It was not his choosing to have to strike them down but it was the new master's orders, to destroy other clans to find her. Satsuriku did not approve but he could not disobey the master no matter how much he despised him. He could merely ask for forgiveness and try to give them an honorable death or merely incapacitate his foe and not kill them.

"Oh how we have fallen master. If only we still had your guidance," Satsuriku mumbled to himself opening his blood red eyes exiting his meditation ",We have lost our true ways. The Lotus needs to be stopped but not this way. This isn't the way to do so. Kuro has tainted our ways."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Tetsu was absolutely LIVID and stomped his way from the hanger. Usually he would await his fellow Tenno's return from missions but once he laid his eyes on Samsara's cargo Tetsu knew he had to leave, for everyone's sake. Once he made his way a nice distance away from the hanger, Tetsu changed tactics and started pacing back and forth across the hallway while painting the very picture of hostility with his body language. It was so powerful that not only did most of the non-Tenno workers give him a wide berth, they generally turned around and took a different hallway. With a final turn, Tetsu punched the wall and watched as a large dent formed in the wall. Seeing that, Tetsu's anger bled away as his shoulders sagged.

Tantrum over with, Tetsu started to head for the gardens. As he entered, Tetsu saw Samsara and Jenus on one side of the gardens. Still a little angry with her, Tetsu didn't want to meet with her quite yet. Continuing his way into the garden, Tetsu found himself in one of the more secluded spots. It was dominated by large trees and beautiful plants. It was perfect. Sitting down, Tetsu began to meditate. As he did so his mind wandered back into the cell. It was an awful place, bright lights, hard edges, inorganic. Then came the pain. Fire, blades, hammers, electricity, vivisections, videos, they all of it came back in a flood.

Quickly he came out of his meditation, breath fast but quiet. He didn't scream there and he wasn't going to start now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jinxlynx
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Jinxlynx The System / in the Glitch

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Shinya struck downwards with her Nikana, slicing through infect flesh with ease as she hacked her way to the reactor of the infested Grineer ship. She had already exhusted her reserve of rifle ammo, saving her explosive Castanas for the final objective, she needed to destroy the reactor to put the ship into an overload and self destruct to stop the spread of the infection in this sector. At her flanks a few friendly Grineer marines advanced with her, their guns running hot as they fire non-stop into the horifying masses of the infested, runners and chargers advancing from every hall. Already half of the squad had fallen to the infested hordes and she doubted that the remaining clones would make it reactor with her.
There was a scream behind her and she turned to see another of the marines overwhelmed by the advancing force, his armor torn open as the infested chargers ripped at his body and sprayed the walls with gore. Under her helmet Shinya gritted her teeth and activated the venomous powers of her Saryn warframe, infusing her Argon Crystal lined blade with a deadly corrosive toxin as she sliced away at the advancing runners, dashing forward while swinging in wide bloody arcs.
Three hundred meters to the reactor, she checked the HUD inside her helmet, it had been only ten minutes and now only 2 remained of the 20 marines. She must have looked like a war god in her frame, not a scratch on her and her sword soaked in blood, to those two remaining marines she was their only hope of finishing this mission alive. Shinya put in the pass code to bypass the door and they continued their advance, pushing through the now empty corridors, one marine joked that they had killed everything on this ship during their half our of fighting, Shinya wished it was true.
The door to the reactor opened and she scanned the room for hostiles before letting the marines enter, one of them activated the release on the reactor, causing the blast shields to drop down and the coolant vials to be released from the core. Remaining silent Shinya signaled for the marines to cover the door while she affixed her mines to the core, positioning them to blast away the vials so the reactor would go into a meltdown, the detonator in hand she turned to clear the room with the marines when they suddenly started firing. Outside Nine ancient charged their position, the remaining two marines firing their weapons into them with little effect, she watched the ancients grabbed each of them and ripped through their armor, tearing the marines to shred, Shinya helpless to aid them or risk causing more harm than was already done, she could tell from the lack of screaming that they had already died anyways. With all her Castanas spent she only had her sword, there was no point in fighting these infested anyways, she had already completed the objective.
Turning towards the door she left the ancients to feast upon the dead Grineer as she made her escape in the docked Liset, boarding her ship and activating the mines, destroying the coolant vials and putting the reactor into a meltdown. Taking off she did not care to watch as behind her the Grineer dreadnaught Vok'Tek detonated and destroyed the left remaining infested in this sector.
Removing her helmet Shinya's short black hair fell over her green eyes, she kneeled down in front of the navigation helm and her Cephlon informed her that credits for the completion of her mission had been forwarded by the Grineer councilor. She offered no reply and set the ship on a course for the Prowler Clan's Dojo, she needed some time to rest.
The ship set to auto pilot she moved to the back of the ship and removed her warframe. The semi organic armor folding away into a large bracelet on her wrist while she set her weapons down in her armory, drawing her Dragon Nikana to clean the bloodied weapon. A weapon she had forged herself by hand the Nikana was a sacred Tenno weapon and the Dragon pattern was only allowed to be built by a veteran Tenno. The Gallium blade was Infused with Oxium and the edge lined with Argon crystal, making it razor sharp and never able to dull, the blade half existed in the void, phasing back and forth continuously allowed it to cut through almost any substance with very little trouble. She wiped the blade with a cloth, making sure to get every drop of infested blood off of it before blowing the sullied cloth out the airlock. Finished her gear maintenance she stored the weapons and climbed up into her bunk to sleep until the ship arrived at the Dojo.
A pulse was sent through to her bunk to signal that the ship was approaching the dock, Shinya had not dreamed. Walking up to the bridge she looked out to see the Dojo, busy in this time of war as the clan Prowler moved to make war with the Tenno loyal to Lotus who had betrayed the Clan. Shinya looked down at her shoulder where the symbol for Prowler was displayed, for a long time she had been alone, working by herself as lone Tenno who took contract work from either faction, her recent induction to the clan meant that she was now apart of this war too.
The ship docked in the hanger and she turned to see the access ramp lowering so she could exit. Stepping down into the hanger she say the place was a mess of activity, squad moving out for mission and new arrivals being process, one of the clans Elite was met by a Master and his guard, she ignored their interaction as she moved to the main hall to find the gardens, she had to check on the flowers she had been growing.
The gardens were... disturbed of their usual peace and tranquility, she did not mind those that practiced their combat forms in the gardens, in fact she did so on occasion herself but those that spoke while other meditated she detested, several others had met in the gardens and were speaking as she walked past them to the corner of the garden most avoided, this was because poisonous plants grew there. It was her won private corner, few approached because of the lethal danger these plants posed and with good reason, Shinya was the only one who knew how to deal with the toxic spore of each flower, her time in the Saryn frame having made her immune to the effects, she kneeled and looked at the purple petals of the Midnight deth blossoms she had grown, looking sickly from her time away she fetched water to revitalize them before kneeling under a nearby tree. She chose not to meditate like some of the other but to observe, mainly the two who had chosen to so blatantly speak in the gardens.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sylvaky
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Sylvaky Unforgiving Zealot

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Aeris stepped down the ramp of her liset, the helmet of her loki warframe folding away to reveal a freckled face framed by copper hair. In her hand was a data module containing information about Corpus trade routs. She surveyed the room around her, everything was bustling with activity, preparing to go to war with other clans and Lotus. Every tenno had felt the loss of their late Master Shinto and Aeris often believed his death had hit her the hardest. He had been her role model, the soul purpose she had joined Clan Prowler in the first place. She locked eyes for a moment with their new Dojo Master, Kuro. He was determined to destroy any and all clans in their way and through Aeris did not relish the thought of killing fellow tenno, she would do anything to get revenge. She wanted to be the one to watch the life drain from Lotus.

Aeris dropped her package at the back of the hangar and made her way further into the dojo. Her warframe dissolved completely as she walked and by the time she had reached the gardens on her way to the obstacle course the only thing remaining was a bulky bracelet on her wrist. Underneath her warframe Aeris sported grey fitted shorts and shirt. She went barefoot, as some did, in her warframe and walking on the grass of the garden was comforting. She spotted Tetsu in one of the more solitary corners of the room and she went over to him. Like her, Tetsu had a deep hatred for Corpus though his reasons were deeply seeded and unknown to Aeris. It did not matter to her, they were of like mind even if her fellow tenno did have a bit of a temper.

"You seem unsettled." Aeris observed, "But i'm sure it's nothing a friendly competition wouldn't fix." She had seen that look in his eyes before, something haunting him. She thought the best thing for him would to get his mind off it and she hadn't challenged anyone to a race in a very long time. There had been little room for fun and games.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whoami
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Whoami All things atmospheric...

Member Seen 6 days ago

Samsara had to pass through the gardens to get to her quarters. It felt nostalgic to her, walking through those gardens under Shinto's tutelage. The gardens were a sort of hub point for the Prowlers, it was where most tenno meditated or practiced their technique. Some were training as Samsara passed, she gave a nod of respect to those who regarded her. Despite travelling through the relaxing and nostalgic gardens, Samsara was still angered by Kuro. Her soft expression couldn't hide it in her purple eyes or her agile pace. To her, Kuro was a coward, needing an honor guard to protect him and wanting to thin the ranks loyal to the Lotus before striking her at the heart. To Samsara, and the late Shinto, fighting impossible odds was the only way to fight for a good reason.

Samsara gritted her teeth, that despicable Kuro... She and Kuro were both a part of the great Clan Prowler during the Orokin era before being put into cryosleep. Kuro had been reawakened months before herself, retrained by Shinto first and as such, was slated to be his successor. She knew that Shinto didn't want it that way, but those were the rules of succession. "Pompous bastard..." she growled quietly to herself, so none of the tenno practicing around her could hear.

She was about to leave the gardens when she was stopped. The raven haired woman looked over her shoulder as her name was called, she spotted Jenus. Taking in a breath and letting it out slowly to relax herself, she turned to face him. "Hello, Jenus. How has the dojo been treating you these past couple weeks?" her voice seemed calm, but her eyes still had that flare of frustration in them. Samsara studied him for a moment, "Been working on your form, I see." she looked to him kamas.

Samsara was about to continue, but saw one of the tenno enter the garden through the same doorway she had. He was an Excalibur, the one she had struck and embarrassed in front of Kuro, one of his honor guard. He was looking right at her, and judging by his stance as he walked in her direction, he was coming to get even. Samsara narrowed her eyes, "One step closer, Naga. See what happens." her bracelet started to channel energy, in case she needed to call upon her warframe.

She kept her eyes on the honor guard as he stopped and looked back at her. He drew his Cronus and slowly started to work on his own technique, knowing full well what would have happened if he made an attempt of getting back at Samsara at that moment. Her bracelet's glow diminished, and a small smirk curled the corners of her lips. "Now then." she looked back to Jenus, "Let's go elsewhere."

With that, she left the gardens with Jenus, "How long has it been now? Since you were last contracted?" she asked, looking to him as they passed through the dojo halls, "We're going to be busy in the next little while..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Jenus placed his kamas back on his mid waist as they walked, remembering when he'd last been contracted by the Corpus or the Grineer and sighed. "Far too long. My last job was months before Master Shinto's death, then I no longer was contacted." As they rounded a corner leading towards her room, he looked behind them to ensure the Excalibur hadn't followed them. "But my last contract is of little concern. Judging from how angry you were when you entered the gardens, Kuro stopped you." He looks at Samsara and a grim look can be perceived through his faceplate, though not very clearly.

"What has the honorless man we're forced to call master done to upset you so much?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Breth in....Breath out...In....Out." This was the mantra that filled Tetsu's mind as he practiced breathing exercises. They wouldn't solve the core problem, but they would help. Tetsu took small pleasure in the fact that the Corpus filth didn't get here unscathed. He would have spat if he wasn't in his suit, or the gardens. Looking out over the gardens, Tetsu could see much. Janus was practicing with his kamas, no doubt to keep his skills sharp. It must have been months since his last contract. However he stopped his training when Samsara entered and the two began conversing. Soon after Shinya came in and began to check on the health of her plants before she began to people watch, much like how Tetsu was doing.

However his people watching was disturbed by Aris as she made her way for him and struck up a conversation. "You seem unsettled, but i'm sure it's nothing a friendly competition wouldn't fix." At the offer of a challenge Tetsu gave a little smirk and said in a joking manner, "And on what? Our skills are opposites, you are precision and speed while I am force and durability. I can find no common ground skill wise for the both of us. Well maybe the drink but I don't particularly feel like having a hangover." Giving a laugh, Tetsu had a little flashback of a time he got REALLY drunk. After that night he had known that you cannot in fact, punch a grineer into a red paste. You could however, punch the top halve into one.

Taking a slightly more serious tone, Tetsu said "Besides, I need to check the incubators. The kubrow are just about ready to hatch, any day really." Standing up, Tetsu dusted off his rear and said "Your welcome to accompany me, I'm sure Khan would appreciate it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sylvaky
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Sylvaky Unforgiving Zealot

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Aeris stretched her hands and arched her back. Tetsu was right, for them to compete would be useless. Tests of strength were not her forte just as speed was one of Tetsu's weaknesses. They very well could have sparred but Aeris felt they would be at a stalemate, forever avoiding or soaking up blows to one another. "And here I thought I would get to show off." she joked. Letting her arms fall, Aeris stepped back to let her fellow tenno stand. His invitation to accompany him to the incubators was a welcome surprise with the added bonus of seeing the old Kubrow, Khan.

"I would be happy to." Aeris chirped happily, "One of them is for me right?" She nudged Tetsu softly with her elbow and began weaving her way through the garden and after that, the door. It was not a long way to where Tetsu kept the incubators, Aeris presumed it was to keep them close to the gardens, the closest thing to outside they would get until they were older.

"I had a chance to look through Corpus trade routes during my last assignment," Aeris started, taking a sharp right. It was always hard bringing up Corpus around Tetsu and she hoped she was not crossing a line by speaking about them. "There will be a shipment of Gallium leaving Uranus in a few days time. If the Kubrow have hatched by then, maybe you'd like to join me on a raid."

Aeris stopped at the door to their destination and turned on her heel to face the Rhino Warframe. The weight of her own warframe curled around her wrist felt heavy and she could already feel the anticipation building within her. "You can never have too much Gallium." A smile played at the corners of her lips as she waited for his answer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 1 day ago

Satsuriku left the shrine, feeling it would be best now to do some training in the gardens. Despite being affiliated with death he had a fondness for the gardens oddly enough, there was something he enjoyed about it but what it was he could never put his finger on it. Perhaps it was merely because of where he had come from before joining the clan. He was found by master Shinto on one of the Orokin Derelict ships that usually were outside the normal solar system. How long Satsuriku had been stuck on the ship alone with only the infected to kill to pass time he did not know, only that when the oppurtunity was given to get off of the technocyte infected ship, he didn't look back.

When he reached the gardens, there were a few other tennos there, some doing the same thing he planned on doing, others were merely meditating. He drew his ether reaper, the blade pulsing with energy that it was made from and found an empty space to begin his training. With grace he went through the motions of his technique, commonly referred as the Reaping Spiral stance, which were a lot of fast pace motions with the Ether Reaper he carried. It came second nature to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As the pair moved to the incubators, Tetsu let out a chuckle at Aeris' ribbing. With amusement in his voice, Tetsu said "Sure, what are you hopeing for? A nice sneaky Huras or a big strong Sunika? I'm pretty sure we'll get at least one of each with this batch." However his cheery mood was cut short when Aeris mentioned Corpus but then brightened up shortly after at the prospect of a raid. Mulling it over, Tetsu said "Its been awhile since I went out into the field, plus the incubators could use some maintanence. Hmm, you've got a raid partner on this one."

Giving another chuckle to suppress his anger, Tetsu felt it melt away as Khan met the pair by jumping up to him. Scratching the massive Kubrow behind the ears, Tetsu laughed a bit and said "You been watching the eggs Khan? I knew you would. You always did like the hatchlings." Giving Khan a final pat, Tetsu let Khan drop so he could meet with Aeris. While those two got friendly, Tetsu went over to the incubators and did a diagnostics check. The eggs were doing well, maybe two more days and they should be ready to pop. At the memory of all the Kubrow that he lost during the exodus, Tetsu gave a sad sigh and tossed his gaze at Khan. The old guy was the last one he had, he deserved a nice rest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whoami
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Whoami All things atmospheric...

Member Seen 6 days ago

Samsara and Jenus walked down the hallways of the dojo. She was looking forward while listening to him speak about his lack of contracts, nodding and understanding his frustration. "I suppose the talents of an Ember warframe aren't very sought after as of late, unfortunately..." she sighs, dematerializing her Ash into her bracelet while she walks, preferring the silks over the armor.

When Jenus asked about what had bothered her so much, she took a moment to think of the best answer. "War council." she started, "War council regarding our invasion and slaughter of a lesser clan, simply because they follow the will of the Lotus. I need to be present there since I'm among the senior echelon and I have a somewhat in depth relationship with the clan. I need to plan the demise of some tenno I'd almost call friends."

When she arrive to the door of her personal quarters, she turned and looked to Jenus, "I need some time on my own to reflect on my thoughts. After the war council, I wouldn't mind a spar. It would be interesting to see how far you've come with those kamas."

With that, Samsara passed through the door and into her private quarters. One wall was just a large window for observing space. Her bed was in the middle of the room, pointed toward the window. And she had a small mat on the floor where she chose to meditate, using the deep coldness of space as her focus. To the right after the door, was Samasara's armory, despite her only using a glaive, she had quite the collection. Weapons of all shapes and sizes were hung off a rack, anybody who had seen it always wondered why she chose to stick with the glaive.

Right next to the weapon racks, however, was Shinto's Loki Prime warframe. Samsara had managed to procure the damaged frame after the death rites and fixed it up herself. She kept the frame in her quarters, knowing that it wouldn't be safe anywhere else. She never wore it, she didn't plan to, it would disrespect her late master too much. Samsara moved to grab the floor mat, sliding it over to the Loki Prime. She sat on it, using Shinto's frame as a focus while she meditated.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Jenus bowed to Samsara as she went into her room and turned to return to the gardens and continue working on his technique. He wasn't among the oldest members of Clan Prowler, he would never claim that, but he was not new to it either. He could still remember a time when the dojo wasn't nearly as full as it was now, though he hadn't noticed the increase in members right away. He'd been a reclusive Tenno when he first arrived. Now he would team up with his brothers and sisters when needed, but his actions would speak for him, rarely his words.

As he returned to his place in the gardens, sliding into a stance to begin a series of fast attacks with the kamas, he thinks on what Samsara had said about attacking another Clan to get to the Lotus. And so the dishonor to our clan name continues unopposed. The clans only protect Lotus because she has them fooled, much like she had many of us fooled. To be forced to kill our brothers and sisters in the other clans... He snorted in discontent and began his motions, striking as fast as his frame would allow. He then went into the sweeping strike that he'd been doing when he first approached Samsara.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sylvaky
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Sylvaky Unforgiving Zealot

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Aeris thought about the different breeds of Kubrow it seemed obvious for her to choose a Huras considering her warframe's speciality was stealth. Perhaps however, that was why she might need something with a little more strength, to make up for what she lacked in brawn. The red headed woman was happy to hear she would have a partner during the raid. They would be a distraction while another looted everything in the cargo hold, that would ensure maximum Corpus casualties, something Aeris was all too happy to contribute to.

When Khan greeted them at the door, Aeris waited until Tetsu moved to the incubators before tussling the Kubrow's wiry fur. There was no need to crouch down as the Kubrow's shoulders reached halfway up her torso. Any larger and she was convinced she could have rode him into battle. "Are you going to look after the pups Khan?" She asked, running her hand over his head, "Make sure to take special care of mine." Aeris shuffled her way beside Khan to stand by Tetsu who was inspecting the incubators. A hand found its way to her warframe bracelet and she wondered when she had last taken it off. She was sure she never had, like many tenno her warframe was her life, part of her. It seemed that way more so for Tetsu as he was almost never seen outside the suit. Aeris had never asked why that was but the question was suddenly burning in her mind. Instead she asked, "The eggs are healthy?" Of course they were but for the moment that was the only thing keeping her from trying to dive into his past, "What made you want to breed Kubrows?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 1 day ago

Satsuriku continued though his motions, as he did he came upon a thought that had plagued him since the death of master Shinto. It was a troubling thought that he wasn't sure who to share with. Heaven forbid he shared it with the new master, Satsuriku could never trust him. Yet who else could he talk about with such a thought, he hardly could consider himself well acquainted with anyone in the clan. Indeed he partook in missions and training with them but he had always been rather silent and passive around them, giving a nod or head shake when acknowledged.
The thought that troubled him was the fact that he knew the one who had killed the late master Shinto. A former brother of his from the Orokin era, before they had been put into cryosleep. When he had awoken he had not taken notice on which of his old brothers and sisters remained. After all the ship had been infested and taken over by the technocyte virus. He was certain though on the killer though was his brother, the blade marks were undeniably his and his presence was unforgettable. Why his old brother would be with the Lotus wasn't to hard to figure out, perhaps mostly for the pay. The brother called only as 'the Stalker' had always been a sinister type of tenno. His ways were overly violent and he held no honor.
Satsuriku pushed these sinsiter thoughts aside, taking noticed to one of the tenno who had left earlier was returning once more. Jenus, if memory served him correctly. Satsuriku paused in what he had been doing watching Jenus for a few moments and seeing his movements before walking over.
"Hello Jenus," Satsuriku said in his impassive voice ",Care to partake in a duel to better our skills?" It was a rather unorthodox means of greeting a fellow tenno but Satsuriku was never that social so what was normal to most he didn't entirely know himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Tetsu was slightly annoyed with the lack of maintenance that had been allowed to run rampant through his incubators. From the looks of it they would need not only new circuits but also a focusing crystal as the hologram began to flicker. Giving a grunt of disapproval, Tetsu began to tap at the computer and was satisfied to find that the kubrow would be nice and healthy. Only when Tetsu close the hologram did he notice that Aeris was talking to Khan. As she came up to him, Aeris asked about the Kubrows and why he began to breed them.

Now that was a question he hadn't put much thought too. Taking a moment to think it over, Tetsu pondered on the question deeply as he searched through any possible reason that would point him to his chosen hobby of sorts. After about a good 15 seconds of thought, Tetsu said "Yes the eggs are healthy, more so than I thought they would be given their speedy removal during the exodus." Tetsu released a tired sounding sigh as his tone became a little more serious, "At first I guess it was because I couldn't have children. Not only because my obligations to the order but also because I was sterile before becoming Tenno. It was a nice distraction and I actually enjoyed it, during that time I hatched Khan and he has been with me ever since." Pausing his talk for now, Tetsu debated on whether or not he should continue. If he did move on with this train of thought then it was about to get a little dark.

As Tetsu lost himself in his ruminations, Khan came over and sat himself at Tetsu before bumping his head into his leg encouragingly. Looking down and smiling at the Kubrow, Tetsu gave his head a rub and let loose another sigh, "Now I do it because its better than letting myself be consumed by my mistakes. Very few people know why I hate the Corpus so much, in fact Lady Samsara is the only person who currently knows. Master Shinto did, but he isn't with us now." Having Khan with him was Tetsu's only rock of support as he was about to go on the final leg of this story. Bucking up, Tetsu said "I've been with clan Prowler for a long time Aeris, I was right behind Lady Samsara when Master Shinto brought us together. Over that time I have gained many scars, both physical and mental. However none of them compared to the ones I gained from that facility."
They make us watch, every time they sell one of us they make us watch. Every...single...time. The rings began to glow as another one of us was cut down into segments to be sold. However I didn't flinch, there wasn't any point. I was next to be sold and I was already strung up and ready to sell. Then, she came... "Dr" Vashta'don. I remember her words perfectly, as her nails raked down my chest she said "Not this one...he hasn't broke like the others, I want him to BEG!". Unlike the others, I wasn't going to be sold as apparently she found me desirable and wanted me to herself. Her words were "Whats business without a little pleasure?" and from that ideal I was put into more tortures than you could imagine. She would opened me up, poke around in the insides, and then fix me back up for a round of pleasures of the flesh... hers more than mine. The worst was the screening room. Strapped into one of the display cases and be forced to watch... I'm still not sure what it was. It would claw into your mind, tearing it bit by bit until you were nothing but a sniveling child begging to be let out.

Most others could only last half an hour...I would be in for hours upon hours. My hatred for Vashta'don was what kept me sane, I knew that if I could just die without giving her the pleasure of hearing me scream than I would have won. However it didn't end like that, after awhile I stopped reacting and acted like a doll. When they said jump I jumped, when they said run I ran... the only thing I didn't do was scream. Eventually they stopped locking me up and that was when I made my move. At the end of it I left Vashta'don for last. With no where left to run she was all mine. I did to her everything she did to me and my brothers and sisters. I sold her, her parts were sent to some high ranking board member. Afterwards I took a Corpus ship and I flew to the nearest clan I could find.

Letting go of the console, noticing that he left a hand prints imprinted into the chassis Tetsu dragged them across his helmet and wished he could take it off. Cursing himself for his lack of self control, Tetsu said "That's why I don't take off the armor. I...I can't look at the scars, if I did then I would fall into the same pit of all consuming rage that controls the Valkyr." Looking at his hands, Tetsu saw that they were shaking...badly. Sensing this, Khan rubbed his head against his masters leg. Petting his head, Tetsu felt himself calm somewhat. Letting out a long, tired sigh Tetsu said "You know what, I think I'm going to be having that hangover after all."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whoami
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Whoami All things atmospheric...

Member Seen 6 days ago

Samsara has sat in her quarters for a short while, after meditating for twenty minutes, she stared out the large window into space. It was almost as if she was searching for something, but she was really just lost in her own mind. Most of her thought were trivial things, some a little more serious but overall didn't have much of an effect on her. She still had a couple hours to kill before the war council, and she wasn't sure what to do.

With a sigh, Samsara turned to leave her quarters. When she opened the door, Master Kuro was standing right in front of her, about a foot away from her. She crossed her arms, "Kuro." she said in acknowledgement of his presence. Kuro looked at her for a moment before inviting himself into her quarters. She turned to face him, closing the door behind her. "To what do I owe the honor of the clan master's presence?" her tone wasn't grateful.

Kuro studied Shinto's armor, "If you're done with your snide attitude, Samsara. I'd like to have a civilized conversation." he knelt down to pay his respects to Shinto.

Samsara kept her eyes on him as she stepped away from the door, "This is a surprise. What? Are you suddenly nervous about this attack? Or is my council starting to get through that thick skull of yours?"

Kuro looked over his shoulder, "I said that's enough, Samsara."

She kept her arms crossed as she faced him again, "And your foolish actions are never enough, Kuro?" she points at Shinto's Loki Prime, "He'd resent you for your actions. He'd exile you from our clan."

"And why do you think I'm at my knees in front of him now?" Kuro said in a low tone, "Guidance."

Samsara rolled her eyes, "I hate to say it, but he's dead. The only guidance from him you're gonna get are twisted delusions formed in your head, and you're gonna think it was his words. Take the advice from me, Kuro, one of your advisers This assault on Tempest's dojo is pointless and only weakening our cause."

Kuro stood up, his bracelet channeling as his Excalibur Prime warframe materialized around him. He looked at Samsara, "Fine. Face me, Samsara. If you win, I'll hear your suggestions."

Samsara called upon her warframe, the elaborate Ash surrounding her body. The glaive slid down from her wrist and into her hand, spinning and glowing as she channeled her warframe's power into it. Kuro drew his sword, a Dakra Prime, a weapon usually stored in a Prime Armory that was only accessible to the clan master. "No shields then, Samsara?"

She shook her head, "I want a mark on your body to remind you that you aren't unstoppable."

Kuro made the first move, he rose his sword and a great flash emanated from it, filling the room with a bright light. Samsara was blinded momentarily but took the moment to quickly drop a smoke bomb and vanish in thin air. When looked back, Samsara was gone in a plume of smoke. It didn't take long for him to catch on, he swung behind him, meeting her glaive, throwing sparks across the room. If she wasn't channeling, the dakra prime would have sliced straight through her weapon. Their weapons locked in place, Samsara used this to her advantage and span the glaive around, locking the blade on the inside of the glaive's structure. She span and kicked Kuro in the gut, staggering him back and disarming him. She kicked the sword across room and looked back at him. Kuro raised his fists, he was going to fight unarmed. The Ash was never built for honor, and while her moral code was, she needed to play to her warframe's strength in order to beat the superior prime. Samsara seemingly exploded into sparks and appeared behind Kuro. She kicked out his knee, sending him forward to the floor. Kuro's recovery was quick as he rolled and faced her, but she had teleported right up to him and swung her glaive. The blade digging straight through the armor surrounding his neck. Sparks flying from the severed bio-electric fibers.

Silence. They stood there, Kuro knew this was over, his warframe dematerialized into the bracelet. There, Samsara's keen glaive had drawn a line of blood across his neck. She held it there, if she wanted, she could have taken his life. Taken over the clan and ran it the way she wanted to. But she didn't, otherwise she'd be serving the purpose of the Lotus, and plunge the clan into turmoil. She kept her warframe on, but did away with the helmet. Their eyes met. Kuro raised his hands, "I yield."

When she started to remove the glaive, Kuro swung his foot out and tripped her, calling his warframe once again. He made a dash to his sword but Samsara was already on it. She teleported to his blade and had it in her hands just as he was reaching for it. Kuro stopped as the perfect edge of the dakra prime prodded at his stomach. "In a fight, there's no honor, Kuro. But if you yield. You better damn well yield. Do that again and I'll kill you. And it wont be behind a closed door. It will be for everybody to see. Get out of my room." she growls at Kuro and keeps a hold of his sword until he passes through the door. She handed the blade back to him, "I'll give you my mind at the council, 'master'. I suggest you get that dealt with soon before people catch on to your latest blunder." she points at the damage done to the neck of his excalibur prime. It would leave a scar, that was exactly what Samsara wanted.

She headed back to the garden, for now. It was the only place she'd find some bloody peace since her room had become an arena. She kept her warframe on, in case she needed to suddenly defend herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

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With no success with Jenus, Saturiku went back to being on his own. It wasn't until he noticed Samsara's return did he make another attempt at being social.

"Greetings sister, care if I join you?" he asked her and awaited a response. She seemed somewhat tense. Over what he wasn't sure but she definitely was one of the most vocal about her dislike of Kuro so perhaps it had something to do with him. He himself did not like Kuro as master but he defied Kuro in his own selective ways. Perhaps he could share his thoughts with her and the truth of what he knew of the Stalker. He had kept the information to himself for the most part only giving Kuro slight details but never the full story to anyone.

"Kuro is troubling you I take it," he said ",He troubles all of us, he is nothing like Master Shinto, he has no honor."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sylvaky
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Sylvaky Unforgiving Zealot

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Aeris was happy to hear the eggs were healthy. She understood little of Kubrow anatomy, or anatomy of any kind for that matter and had not realised the effect a quick relocation would have on such fragile beings. Brushing a fly away hair away from her face, she nodded in understanding at his original reason for breeding. It only made sense to become a caretaker for something when unable to reproduce and he had provided the order with plenty strong and energetic companions in Shinto's time as Master. The new pups would be a welcome addition to the clan.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly got bleak and Aeris fought against the want to flinch back against Tetsu's rising anger. Her curiosity was sated the longer the Rhino Tenno talked though she become more and more uncomfortable. His emotions were running high and she knew had she been anyone else, she would have tried to comfort him, put a hand on his shoulder, and what have you. Instead she stared at him with a mix of shock and annoyance. Tetsu's experience was why rescue assignments were so important, there was no telling what the Grineer and Corpus would do to a captive Tenno.

Standing, Aeris looked at the console Tetsu had ruined and shook her head. The incubators were not the only things that would need maitinence. "I can't imagine you smell like roses under your frame." she said calmly. It was a good thing Khan was close by, he seemed to calm the scarred man quite considerably and the comment about getting a hangover was almost enough to make Aeris grin. She nodded toward the door and shrugged, "I'll need to beat you at something tonight, so drinking it is."

Without another word Aeris left the room under the assumption Tetsu was following. She passed through the garden, taking note that Samsara was now in her warframe. It was obvious in her posture that something had happened. Probably a bout between her and Kuro as seemed to be ritual lately. Through the adjacent door, she waited for Tetsu to catch up as well as give himself a chance to change his mind about drinking the day away. Not that Aeris had any complaints but she knew about his anger and an angry drunk was a dangerous drunk.
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