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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by InfernoBlaze
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InfernoBlaze Whiskyholic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Red Winston

Red was relieved to hear that Jake didn't freak out and even completly coprehended the situation, although he (Red) didnt agree that his power is cool. After all, along with all the useful memories he had, he also had to remember any painful and sad memories as well. Although Jake's power was indeed cool.

"Your power sounds more interesting than me packing memories together, I have to admit. I assume it will be even more interesting when I see these powers in action..." he earnestly said.

He decided that, despite the interest that the conversation between Gabe and Cordelia might had, it would be better to settle in his room, organise his space.

"I am thinking of going to the room...Care to join me?"

Christopher Fox

Chris responded to Henry in an annoyed manner:

"I don't like the guy one bit...And I don't care if he can pack a punch or not...He dared to threaten you, he is on my blacklist. Can't wait for a chance to crush him...and that's that." he said.

He was about to follow Henry, when the girl he seemed to know somehow talked to him.

"You guys go ahead...I will be right there..."

Chris couldn't remember the girl by her appearance, but her voice, although changed, did ring a bell.

"Vess? Is that you?" he said to Vespera.

Chris didn't have a clue that Vespera was still around. It was a big surprise for him, considering that Vespera was his chlidish crush when he was at the Academy. She still retained the attractive points Chris admired in the past, but they never actually talked to much, so he never actually admitted any feelings he had for her.Needless to say, this reunion made Chris a little uncomfortable, with all the past events and everything. After all, he didn't want Vespera to think of him as a killer, even though he did consider himself one. At a loss of words, Chris mustered all the courage he had and replied.

"I...I am alive, yeah. And...it is nice to, ehm...see you too."

He was slightly blushing, but he tried to hide it, although without much success.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The One Who Knocks

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"In either case, we should meet again, Aislin, you have a cell phone? I suggest we meet at the student lounge, lots of students relax there." Shannon said. 

Aislin gingerly took the cloth, examining it with an air of fascination. Why, this is her power in action. She has such control over detail, I don't know how she does it. It took her a moment to register the fact that it was more than just cloth and embroidery. "Oh, perfect! Yeah, I have a cell. Here, I'll give you text right now."

She pulled out a well-used android, one crack split across the screen. "I've had this thing for years. Much better than those Apple devices, way too mainstream." After adding in their numbers she sent a simple text: Hey. and waited for the almost instant buzz of cellphones around their table. 

After staring at her empty dinner plate for a moment, Aislin scooped up her utensils and placed them parallel to each other across the china. "Well Shannon, Deborah," She said, nodding to each of them. "It's been a pleasure talking with you. I think I'm gonna get a head-start on the Admin building, so I'll see you guys around."

She gave a little wave as she left the table, dropping her plate off with the piles of other dishes before heading out the cafeteria doors. Despite the dying light her Aviators went back on her face, almost to Aislin's relief. Ah, my first interactions here were a success. Whew... Rubbing the burnt feeling of stoner fatigue from her eyes, she made her way to the Admin building, only consulting a map once.

Yawning, she walked up to the receptionist and stated her name. The lady handed her a note and a key, and Aislin leaned up by the wall near the desk, engrossed in her roommate's name. "Alex Beta, eh?" She contemplated what an 'Alex Beta' would be like. 'Alex' was always a silver-sounding word to her, very light and easy to roll off the tongue. 'Beta' as a surname, however, was new to her. It sounded very pro-science. Maybe her family was into that. 

Ears are always more sensitive to names, especially your own. So it was no wonder Aislin snapped out of her daydream to hear a conversation taking place near her. 

“Ass...lin...Asslin? Aislin...Rose."

"Ass Lynn? Well, at least half the name's pretty. Maybe they just call her that 'cause she's got curves, who knows."

Aislin bared her teeth in a wolfish grin, snickering. In her peripheral vision she saw the two ladies debating her name. One had dark hair, single strand of purple, real casual clothes and the most lethal stare Aislin had ever seen. She would have been far more intimidating had she not been accompanied by a tall blonde that seemed to glow. Not the kind of aura glow that Aislin was used to picking out from people. She could see the blonde's energy without even trying, and the more she stared the more intense it became. Shit, I think I just saw sparks.

Curiosity begged her to meet them. She took off her shades as she approached the duo, almost using the motion as a springboard into conversation. Seeing someone's eyes was like looking into their soul, and she was down to being open. Especially since one of these ladies was going to be her roommate. "Well, I'd like to think I have curves. Nothing the boys here would be interested in, though." She joked, comically pulling at a bit of skin above her hips. 

"I'm Aislin Rose. The first 'I' is silent." She winked. "This whole roommates thing is new to me as well. Either one of you wouldn't happen to be Alex, would you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by True Night
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True Night Friendly Neighborhood Forum Lurker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Making a huge fuss bout it didn't seem like the right call. After all she hadn't even met this Theresa. On the other side of things she couldn't feel comfortable with the arrangement either. Poppy had to ask herself Is this girl for real? So far it was hard to separate a suggestion from a joke. In any case there was no way she was going to take her advice about the headmaster. Nikki disapprovingly brought her hand to her face which made Poppy giggle in spite of her predicament.

Thanks to what she said next she at least had a potential way out. Crossdresser vs bugs... Not exactly the best options, however the decision was hers. "I guess I'll give Theresa a chance... just make sure your creepy crawlies don't make a nest or something in the other bed, alright?" Poppy shuddered at the thought of not only being in the same room as a swarm of them, but having to sleep with them and always watch her step.

(about out of creative juice for this scene until others show up)


Typical Valjean, swinging until the very end. For all his big talk she knew that the chances of him losing against Henry and just about any other meta was near absolute. It didn't much matter what their power was. The three predators were generally so evenly matched that the addition of a partner was sure to tip the scales. He wasn't dumb enough to actually try anything though, at least not here. Deborah the faker swooped in to calm him down. The signs are everywhere you brick, maybe you should pay a little more attention to physiology class and use your senses a bit more. Vespera didn't need to be no Vera to know Valjean was being used. Heck even those without a power like hers or background in behavioral knowledge should have been able to catch that face she made. It'll be interesting to see who he explodes on once her charade falls through. How it had lasted this long she had no idea.

Wonder if Sam here is going to take his challenge. Only one way to find out. With any luck she would have found somebody that she was similarly confident she could use as a stepping stool. Vespera wasn't about to let Valjean have all the fun.

"Me join in? Too amateurish, too public." Vespera winked at Henry. She was refuting her involvement this time but generally acknowledging what he said to be true. With that said she likewise turned her attention the ghost from the past. However she didn't break it for the sake of any of the other students. Dragonfly did seem to have his hands full.

Even though Vespera knew full well who it was the shock of the reunion rand both ways. For her it was simply being called 'Vess' again. Those words uncorked a torrent of memories and emotions she didn't particularly care to relive. From a time when she herself was trying to fit in, before she donned black. Back when she was ignorant and weak. This was the her Chris must still see when looking at her all these years later. She trembled briefly before regaining her composure.

Erratic heartbeat, stumbling on words, redness in the face. He's nervous rather nervous to see me. They were never that close, the fact that she avoided everyone and trusted nobody the biggest contributor. Still, she always remembered him as being nice. A few times she caught his wander eyes towards her. The last of which she remembered, a few days before the accident the ended up locking gazes for a few awkward moments until they both broke away. Did I mean something to him? Her diagnosis of what she remembered with the knowledge she had now told her yes.

Wonder how he'd feel if he knew me now. A part of her liked being recognized for something other than being a monster or bitch. She was going to try her darnedest to keep anyone other than herself from influencing Chris on this matter.

Vespera approached him so they could keep their conversation more personal. "Yes it's me. Might have moved on if the education elsewhere could compare." This she was sure sounded strange considering how much she used to reject the system. She uncharacteristically struggled with her next set of words, somethng that wasn't so uncommon way back when. "Ho-" How have you survived. "Wher-" Where have you been hiding out? Why?

In the end all she said was "I guess we have some catching up to do... Could always take it slow on out way over to Administration."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alex had been making small talk with Lynn outside the administration office. It was mostly Alex talking so it could barely be called small talk. Alex seemed fully animated, most of her talking seemed to be coming out of her constant use of gestures and facial expressions. Alex seemed to jump from topic to topic so quickly, but at the same time it all seemed to flawlessly flow together. One moment she could be talking about video games and then quickly switch over to her political standpoint. And before that conversation can get too deep she is back into how much she loves video games. Alex was just one of those people who could build a conversation off of almost nothing, as long as Lynn nodded or spoke once in a while she would be good.

“But yeah! There is this one part in the game where you have to kill your dad and whoops! I'm spoiling the whole thing! If I keep telling you the story you won't want to play it with me because there is this awesome twist in the end where it turns out your dad wasn't the bad guy!” Alex smiled, as if she had just won a prize, before her face fell slightly. “Oh shoot. I spoiled the ending.”

Luckily for Alex, before she could scold herself for spoiling the ending of her favorite video game to Lynn, another person joined in the conversation. Another young lady, probably a first year by the way she came over to speak to two strangers. And by what she was saying it was clear to Alex who the lady was. Alex gave a grin, and anyone who was closely observing would have noticed her facial expression change for just a fraction of a second to an almost flirty look. “I dunno, it you passed me on the street I'm sure I would have to look over my shoulder to get a second glace at you.” Her expression then changed back into her childish grin.

“But in all seriousness, I'm Alex. Looks like we are roommates.” Alex was pretty glad she knew how to pronounce her roommates name now, it would have been pretty awkward to walk up to the person she would be sharing a room with and ask for help pronouncing a name.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by InfernoBlaze
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InfernoBlaze Whiskyholic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

(I wouldn't post so soon again, but since Allen wants to get on with the story, I should get Chris to the Administration Room...He and Vespera are pretty much the only ones not there yet.)

Christopher Fox

Chris was pretty much sure what Vespera was intending to ask, but, like she did in the past, she was pretty much hesitating. Of course, she was nothing like what he remembered. She had changed her appearance drastically and from Henry's speech to her, she has probably changed her attitude. But it didn't matter to him at all. He remembered that Vespera had her own share of troubles in the Academy. Valjean wasn't the first bully of the Academy and surely he wouldn't be the last. Unluckily, Vespera was the target of bullies in the past, making it difficult for him to earn her trust. Maybe his friendly character backfired on her case, with her considering that for him she would be "just another friend", but that wasn't the case. Chris really wanted to get to know Vespera and it was exactly her character that attracted him to her. She wasn't the one to boast about herself, instead trying her best to get someone to accept her for what she was. What he saw now could be her not being able to succeed and grow tired of it, but he knew that, whatever she might want to show to the others, she would be Vess for him. However heavy the cross she had to bear or however she decided to handle her burden, that was a fact that would never change.

"Yeah, let's talk on the way...We wouldn't want Dellamore's speech about what to do on our first day to go to waste, after all..." he said, trying to lighten the mood.

He walked with her for about sometime, not saying anything. After some time, he decided that since he had the chance to talk to Vespera for once, he might as well show that he trusted her enough to tell her the truth, show her that she was important, even to him.

"I have been living in the island's deepest part of the forest for the last twelve years. There...There has been an incident. I was on the shipwreck with Henry, when one of the bullies thought it would be fun to use his powers against a student. I got angry over it and stepped in. He was a senior and I decided that I shouldn't hold back. You are pretty much acquainted with my powers, so you could get what happened when they reached their maximum and I lost control over them. I...killed people that day..." his voice was starting to tremble and he clenched his fist, "...11 students. I also lost my arm, but that was the least that mattered. I couldn't bear what I did, so I abandoned the academy to stay alone, trying my best to atone for what I've done. I still haven't got over it. Guys like Valjean enjoy being tough, but they probably don't know how it is to erase a life, to stain your hands and have their deaths upon your conscience. Since then I haven't slept once without nightmares of that day...".

He stopped. He realized that he was almost crying and he was biting his lips and he didn't want to affect Vespera too with his sorrow. He tried to compose himself and instead passed the torch to Vespera.

"Excuse me for my big monologue...What about you, Vess? You seem to have changed quite a lot from twelve years ago...it seems that the others have a rather false opinion about you too. I mean, despite the optical changes, you still seem like the you I admired and...liked..." he couldn't say the last word, "...looked up to!" he said instead.

With the conversation going on, the Administration building wasn't that far away anymore.

(I leave our arrival to the Administration to you, True Night!)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Luminous Beings
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Luminous Beings Not Greg.

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Cordelia Lynn Holmes

Lynn never really imagined she'd find herself actually listening to some preppy white girl's rant about video game, but Alex's sheer enthusiasm made it really hard not to pay attention to what she was saying. The kid (Lynn said, as if she had decades of age on Alex) wasn't annoying. In fact, while she wasn't in touch with her emotions enough to realize it, Lynn was somewhat bummed the two of them weren't sharing a room. Alex seemed like she'd be alright, and given her baggy, kinda chill style, she didn't figure she'd have to deal with any passive-aggressive bullshit over how Lynn dressed or anything. And, given Alex's little beauty mark across her face, she figured Alex wouldn't be too inquisitive about Lynn's copious tattoos and scars-and, if she was, she could at least relate.

Although, to be fair, Eyepatches Michaela Jackson was probably a little understanding when it came to scars. "I'll catch up with you later," Lynn said, letting Alex go and do her thing. For once, she legitimately meant it. While Lynn was no expert on metas, she figured Alex's glowingness was probably indicative of a lot of power. She remembered vaguely seeing a few episodes of Dragon Ball Z (her surrogate brothers piled around one, shitty TV, screaming drunken profanities, sometimes watching the English version, sometimes trying to figure out what the fuck was going on in the Chinese or Korean or whatever version. Made for good times), and all those motherfuckers lit up like the Vegas Strip when they get pissed at somebody. Of course, her little lightshow may impede Lynn's own gift, but there was like, some symbolism or some shit to that. Light and dark fighting together? Lynn mused on her missed opportunities as a literary critic.

Well, while Lynn was never one for diplomacy-Lynn felt diplomacy was pretty much useless, and a more force-based form of negotiating ("Do X or I fuckin' cut your dick off") was far more effective. However, Lynn, in general, was able to swallow her disdain for assholes when it was beneficial to her: and she figured if she had to spend the next year in a room with Patches, she might as well try and avoid hostility for as long as possible. This not to say that Lynn wouldn't throw down with Gabe if Gabe tried anything-hell, she'd make Gabe's demon little brother watch as she beat his older sister into retardation, but there was no point in going looking for that. If Gabe was willing to play nice-well, Lynn didn't do "nice", so well, but she could manage "civil".

So, when Gabe came over, visibly irritated at the prospect (we're pissed about this and, from the looks of you, we've both been in a few rough scrapes before. This might work after all.) of talking, Lynn fought down a needlessly snarky response, brushed some of the hair out of her face, and nodded. "Yeah, guess so." Lynn said, trying at a smile. Oh God. That was a horrible idea. Lynn didn't smile. She scowled. Why had she altered the natural order? "Well, I don't know dick about this place. You know where our room is? We can get settled in...or whatever..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jazzy


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

(Moving Theresa and Dana with Allen's permission)

"I hear you Chris, but don't go around looking for fights. You're in no condition to do that right now." Henry said, looking Chris over. "And jesus man, you need to shave. You look like you have pubes growing out of your face." He said, giving his one armed friend a smile, and nodding when he decided to catch up with Vespera. Chris liked her, he had a good taste in women alright, he hoped Vespera wouldn't be too tough on the poor guy. Then again, Vespera was a woman of many surprises. "Alright, stay out of trouble Chris. Don't get him lost again Vespera." Henry said, nodding to the woman before taking Dana's wheelchair and wheeling her off in the direction of the Administrative building, with Theresa following behind. He assumed that Vera and Sam were close behind. He got lost in his thoughts and let his body run on automatic. He knew the way to the Administrative building by rote memory after so long living here.

He wondered what Vespera would do if they actually hooked up, and he humored himself in thinking about her eating Chris like a spider... or was that a praying mantis? He caught himself thinking about his close friend being eaten and then questioned his own sanity if he found that funny, even in he didn't realize what he thought at first. Dana, Theresa, Vera, and Sam must've thought it was really humorous to see his facial expression turn from thoughtful, to mildly humored to mortified, and then back to contemplative within a few seconds. By this point they were arriving at the building anyways. He looked over his shoulder to see Chris and Vespera were on their way. Good, no one got lost on the way here. Less work for him, and less paperwork if something went wrong since he was overlooking the students at the time. "Alrighty we're here." Henry said, parking Dana's chair by the doors. "Everyone who's a returning student, you can zone out now, you know what to do." He said. "For those of you who are new... Sam... head on in and talk to the desk clerk. Your room mate will be your gender, and your ages will be within about a year of each other. You can also be paired with a returning or new student. If you are paired with a returning student, make sure to ask them about locations." He said, before snapping his claws together to catch anyone who had zoned out's attention like he instructed. "Alright, boring is almost over, but everyone has to hear this part. Sorry guys, protocol." He said, giving a sheepish smile before digging into his pocket and pulling a little slip of paper out and reading from it. "Class will begin at 9:15AM tomorrow morning, so you will want to plan waking up accordingly with your morning schedule. If you are unsure of where to go, ask another student, or your room mate if they are returning. If neither are available, staff will be in strategic locations around the campus and will happily direct you to the location you need to go if you need help." He said, finishing off.

"I wont be working tomorrow, the other Biochemistry teacher will be in the classroom, so I'll be around campus if anyone needs me. I don't know where I'll be yet, but you'll know me when you see me." the lizard said, giving a closed-mouth smile. "Alright everyone, head on in. If I don't see you later today, I'll most likely see you tomorrow."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maxx
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Maxx Jamming

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Sam shot Vee a sideways glance at her sarcastic comment, and then smirked back. Now he definitely had to kick Valjean's ass tomorrow to prove her wrong. The kid appeared to have the ability to turn his skin into some sort of armor, judging by the boxing gloves of fury. You couldn't defend against what you couldn't see, though, giving Sam the advantage. He followed Henry and Vee, staring daggers in Jean's back as he walked.

"Well I guess we're going to find out if I could tomorrow." he said "I'm not concerned. You can't hit what you can't see, afterall." He smiled and flickered once more before vanishing for several moments to show off his power. He reappeared a few seconds later, just in time for them to arrive in the Administration Building. He took a moment to listen to Henry and scan the surroundings. A scrawny girl in a hoodie conversed with pirate girl from the auditorium and a very peppy girl talking her head off nearby. She soon engaged the really hot brunette that he'd seen in the auditorium. She was definitely on his list of people to meet. There sure are a lot of super-chicks here, he thought I need to learn some powers so that I don't try to flirt with one and end up getting my dick burned off. He smirked, and then Henry stopped talking.

"Alright. I'll go check it out." Sam said "Thanks for the help, Mr.Olin. I'll see you around, Vera?" he said. He then remembered that the girl had never actually told him her name, and so finished with "It's Vera, right?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Amanda Daisy Blackmore.

Amanda shrugged, and blew a puff of air from between her lips. She honestly didn't care whether or not Poppy gave Theresa a chance - Only if it yielded some interesting results. Her eyes wandered around, she noticed a new group just walked into the room - Including Poppy's new best friend, Theresa! "Well, lil' bit, looks like you're up - because you see that person right there with the scarf around her face? That's Theresa." Amanda pointed both thumbs at Theresa. "You jump on that and make nice with your new bud. Our time together is just about up." Amanda turned around and started walking off. She flashed Poppy the peace sign before leaving. "Au revoir! Lil' bit, it's all up to you!"

Amanda and Nikki headed up to their rooms.

((Nikki is going to be dormant until the act's over. Amanda is going to be chilling.))

Theresa Sindel Obott, & Dana Lucille Alcott.

There wasn't much to talk about here, everyone was leaving and that meant any conversations were ending. Fast. Chris split off with Vespera to do his own thing with her... Which was honestly for the best, neither Theresa or Dana had the best feelings about the spider woman. While their own group, consisting of Theresa, Dana, Vera, Henry, and Sam, went for the administration building.

They all walked merrily there - Except for Dana, who had to roll. It wasn't too long of a walk before their group walked into the building. They all stopped, and Dana took the moment to look at Sam. Sam was apparently ignoring them. Dana wasn't too bothered anyway, they literally had nothing to say to each other - Since Dana was more annoyed by his cocky attitude. Sam was mostly showing off his ability, and bragging about 'how you can't hit what you can't see'. Oh dear... This boy's going to need to learn to think otherwise. Though while he had the ability to turn invisible, that probably wouldn't do much against someone whose power has an AOE. Either way it didn't concern Dana what Sam did.

Then Henry began this loooooong speak to Sam about school procedure. To Sam, this was useful information... To everyone else, this was information that everyone had long banged into their heads. It got to the point where Henry was being Captain Obvious. Yes, you get a room with someone who is the same sex, similar age group, yadda, yadda. Theresa smirked at Dana and Vee, and made a talking gesture with her hands at Sam talked, which prompted a chuckle from Dana.

Fortunately, it ended soon (But, not soon enough) and Theresa figured it was time to leave. She got behind Dana, and grabbed onto her handle. "Well, we'll get our rooms and get back to you in a second." She carted Dana off, before abruptly stopping and turning her head back towards Vee, "Oh, and I want to catch up with you and Ethan later, okay?"

Dana waved goodbye as she was pushed inside. Other than that near-fight, the day was going wonderful - Well, wonderful for the 218's standards. Everything here was crazy every day. You get used to it. Dana has, even though she spent her time in the background here. She was carted up to the front desk, where both of the girls told their names, and got notes.

"Poppy Flanagan...?" Theresa voiced her room mate's name out loud, with a chuckle. "I knew what her parents were on when they named their child." She chuckled at her own joke. While she was sarcastic about this, she was actually happy to actually have a girl for a room mate. She had to fight tooth and nail for this for years, and she wasn't going to pass up on this. She'd rather have a girl with a silly name than a hormonal, or overly judgmental, teenaged boy.

Hmph, Dana found herself laughing. "I have no room mate this time. Poo." She said, almost disappointed. Well, her last room mate was a bit of a ass, so she can't say that she isn't happy. "Should we go back to Vee?"

"In a sec."

Gabriela Mya Valos.

Hmm... Looks like little miss sunshine is trying to be civil here. Gabe shifted her weight to one hip. She'll follow Jake's advice and play nice. Whatever makes her stay here easier. She almost forced a smirk. "Beats me." Gabe said in response. "My- our room number is... room 335, so going off experience, I guess that'd be on the third floor?" She shrugged. It looks like Alex didn't bother acknowledging her, and ran off to have fun times with some other chick. Gabe shrugged again, not really caring what Alex and Aislin do. She took a few steps before stopping, "Only one way to find out." She quickly said, before gesturing for Lynn to follow. She walked through the school grounds, consulting a few maps, before moving onto the dorms. Like she expected, the first number for every door room denoted which floor they were on. There were a lot of little kids here... So Gabe got the idea that each floor got a different age group assigned to them. Whatever. That meant she was on the wrong floor.

She marched her way to an elevator. If Lynn was following, they were in for one hell of an awkward moment. The second the doors open, Gabe was the first to claw her way out. "Alright... 335... 335..." She repeated to herself to keep herself reminded. "335!" She loudly announced as she shoved her key into the door, and opened it. She was greeted to the sight of her bags... She was quick to go through them to make sure anyone didn't take anything out of it. Thankfully, everything was in place. Immediately, she went to placing everything where it belonged.

She stopped for a moment, "Now, I have to ask..." Gabe was trying her best to avoid saying 'Touch my shit and I'll break your hands you filthy rat'. "It would be better for both of us if we didn't go through each other's stuff, right? So, why don't we just keep our hands to ourselves?"

Shannon Jacqueline Balore.

While it brought Shannon great irritation seeing the scene unfold, she knew that it was time to move on. Let it go... Just let it go... She let out a sigh, and left after everyone else was gone. She moseyed on into the Administration building. She saw Deborah and Valjean again, and immediately went straight to the front desk, not even looking at them. Shannon let out another sigh, as she gave her name, and got a key and a note in response.

"Perrrrfect...." Shannon was almost on the verge of jumping up and down like a child in frustration. She got roomed with Vespera, of all people. That woman was practically a walking example of what was wrong with this school. Arrogant, bitchy, annoying, just... ugh. Shannon will be sure to put in the papers to get a new room soon as possible.

For now, Shannon would stick around. She saw Aislin talking to some chick, she would have butt in, but Shannon was going to give her some space. She shrugged and found a nice corner to go to.

Deborah Lillian Termellio, & Valjean Vaseal.

Not long after Henry and his friends entered the Administration Building, Valjean walked in with Deborah wrapped around his arm. They walked up to the desk, and Valjean was the first to get his room mate assignment.

"Christoper Fox? Who is this fuckwit?" Valjean loudly said, with a smirk on his face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by True Night
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True Night Friendly Neighborhood Forum Lurker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Poppy Flanagan

Poppy swallowed nervously before she turned to see who Amanda was pointing at. Looks like a girl to me... She started off towards her without saying anything in response. I don't owe her anything, and Nikki didn't even say anything. Oh well, at least she was nice. As she got closer she could see how Theresa could of really been a boy. I wonder why he wanted-this going to get hard to get used to... I almost wish I didn't know. However from her train she knew that all it would take is repetition, but she had to start now. The last thing she wanted to do was offend the only company she was going to be able to count on during her stay.

"Are... are you Theresa?" Poppy said shakily. Taking a deep breath she recalled all her tutoring on etiquette, which wasn't hard since it was borderline drilled into her until it just became her. She couldn't change the situation, what she could change was her outlook on it. Just treat her like any other girl. "I'm Poppy, Poppy Flanagan. It's very nice to meet you!" I wonder what she looks like under the scarf, and it's so hot, why wear it? Those were question for later though.


If anyone else had hinted at Dellamore's speech having value Vespera would have ditched them right there. In Chris's case he could be expected to be a little out of touch. As they walked Vespera shamelessly looked Chris over several times. Staring was something she had always done, since her youth she was much better at contoller her urges to examine things. Judgemental was the last thing he was, or at least used to be. However that was an extremely unlikely characteristic to develop living alone in the jungle. From the scar tissue it seems that arms been long gone. Likely a result of the accident. I wonder what exactly did happen. The whole thing was hush hush aside from who died. She was by no means expecting or prepared for him to disclose everything he'd endured so suddenly.

Vespera found Chris's passion enticing. Not in the way he might have hoped for. She hadn't eaten since that morning. Pheromones let off by the human body when distressed odorless to the typical person filled her sensitive nostrils. So sweet, only topped by fear. The forbidden fruits of life. She'd have to go hunting later or suffer the packets of bloody meat she arranged to be provided with in place of regular meals. This all isn't to say she wasn't intrigued by what he was saying, because she was.

So he was responsible, figures why he's all broken up about it. I'd be without the arm. The thought prompted a glance her her own. Her abilities would have made that a non-permanent issue. Why is he telling me all of this. It didn't take long to form some hypothesis's. Going off the assumption that he used to be attracted to me he must be clinging to what is familiar. Maybe he thought about me over the years and wished he'd been bold before it was too late. Only one question remained. What about me did he find so special? My sinfully good looks perhaps. Or maybe he fell for the itsy bitsy spider of old. Too bad she was devoured by a black widow.

Unbeknownst to Chris Vespera had some blood on her hands as well. Numerous fights both inside and outside the arena with a few fatalities back in the city. Two from her early youth that were fueled by simple hunger. One on an excursion during her sixteenth year where she took self defense further than necessary. Even though the man wasn't a really threat with a mere switchblade it was the notion of forcible taking her belongings or worse that crossed the line. Killing wasn't intentional, in the heat of the moment she didn't consider how fragile normal people were. On her latest for her twenty first year the man who took the pot her first experience gambling had a surprise waiting for him on the way to his car. Left him anemic and penniless. It was rather difficult to solve meta-human related crimes using traditional forensics, and the Academy was a perfect safe haven. I wonder from a moral standpoint which of us is more pure. Eleven cases of manslaughter or two acts of instinct and one more deliberate. Such questions were amusing and trivial more than anything else. After more full embracing her animal side she followed the law of the jungle more so than anything laid down by man.

By it's rules the both of them were right as rain.

Thankfully Chris didn't break down into tears, comforting was something she had never been good at. Now she didn't have the motivation to do so either.

At the sound of her old pet name she realized that she hadn't called Chris by any sort of name this entire time. "On the contrary I'm glad you told me, Chris. Yes I have indeed changed, black suits me well, among other things..." Admired and looked up to. That's ironic. Aspiring to be the downtrodden singled out for her strange habits. If anything he pitied her.

"Not all of what they say is true." Vespera deliberately left the statement open so as to accept that some it was. Truthfully some of it she didn't mind.

Already moving on she pointed up ahead. "Remember my first time walking this path, seems like a distant dream." Oh great. Outside the admin building she could see Chihuahua and flashlight head. It was best to ignore them and hopeful they'd do likewise. "Wonder who my roommate is this year, my one from last year only wanted two years post high school." It wasn't like Chris could contribute much on the subject, but having a conversation going would show that she's not interested in them at the moment.

(Go ahead and have them enter Inferno, need to warp up my post here)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by InfernoBlaze
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InfernoBlaze Whiskyholic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Christopher Fox

Chris pretty much figured the tone in which Vespera claimed that not all of what others said was true. Well, she didn't know him well at all, so, even if it was not true, she wouldn't show it to him, a mummified one-armed person with which the only connection they had was the year they joined the Academy. Despite all that, he wasn't discouraged.

"You know, despite what everyone thinks about you, or whatever the reason you might have changed, to me, you are still Vess. It might not mean anything to you, but, if you ever feel the need to get away from the tough personality and be your old self for a while, you can always come to me. I may not account to much, but I don't know the you now and I don't have to know about it if you don't want to..." Chris said with an earnest smile.

He then figured that what he said might bring Vespera in a tough spot, at least it would do so in the past, so he tried to make it a little easier for her.

"Of course, you don't have to change at all if you want to...I am okay with whatever personality you might have!"

When Vespera changed the subject and talked about roommates, Chris found the chance to talk about a less personal subject.

"I am wondering who will be my roommate too...Henry said that it would probably be Valjean. With the luck I have, it could be either him or Adam Blackmore..." he joked.

With the conversation they had, they didn't realize that they were already in the Administration Room. Chris went with Vespera to the reception, where he was handed his key and the note. Apparently, Henry was right and he was indeed sharing the room with Valjean, who was also there, apparently searching for his roommate too, possibly to show him who would be in charge between the two.

"What do you know? I am indeed sharing a room with the idiot!" he said to Vespera in a sarcastic tone.

He glanced over to Valjean, then back to Vespera.

"When you check who your roommate is, should we have some fun with me conversing with the tough one? I love irritating bullies, especially the ones who would answer back..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leonerdo
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Leonerdo Spoopy Scary

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Bureaucracy, despite all of its flaws, was a necessary evil in some instances. It was a process which Peter had understood well, but regardlessly was also righteously crossed at, prompted by the failure of invoking an authority personnel to clarify the misunderstanding that had arisen. He had arrived via cruise boat as per the rest of the new/returning student population, a means which in itself was a curious happening - but those that were obviously faculty of the two-eighteen facility that were acting as chaperons put to rest his initial doubts. Not through form of communication, of course, he never actually talked to them. He derived that if they were here then perhaps it wasn't peculiar that he himself would arrive to the jungle island with students. He had packed simple necessities and later scheduled his other equipment to be shipped to the island a few days after. His research, safe, desktop, documents, most of his library - his library was nigh useless to him at this point, but he assumed he would have assistants or other doctors aiding him in his endeavors, then perhaps it wouldn't hurt bringing some of those resources.

But all of his hard work and the work in getting here and the time spent in packing away and getting here - it was all wasted by a system error? It was the most logical conclusion he could come to. He had argued with the receptionist in the office for the longest time during the student get-together at the banquet, and of all things, she insisted that the computers said that his name was "Richard Cox" and that he was a new student enrolling into the school. Peter was a difficult man to anger, but it was needless to say that while his work was put into jeopardy, he became abnormally irate. And the name was so far off from his legal name, Peter Brooke - someone must have tampered with the files as a joke. Richard Cox? They basically changed his name to Dick Cox, so it had to have been a student. Only primate with disconnected brain lobes could have named him something so immature, and that meant only someone under the age of twenty-five could have done it. A harmless prank? Perhaps it would have been in any other case, but not this one. Whoever did this has no idea of the damage they caused.

So when he began raising his voice and sounded panicked, it was only natural for the receptionist to call security and escort him out of the office. He couldn't believe they didn't realize he was Peter Brooke, an applying faculty. Peter Brooke wasn't even in the system, they said. He was a forty-one year old man who has worked as a doctor for over a decade obsessively pursing an answer to one of mankind's greatest problems, and now he was stuck at a roadblock. As soon as he got his items, he'd show it to them straight and expect compensation for the trouble he was put through. But now he was here expected to take classes as though he were a student again. Hardly. These classes weren't worth his time. Socializing with kids? Not within his repertoire of expertise, nor within his realm of interest. Static energy was crawling all over his body and Peters dispelled it by sending it crawling over the floor outwards in every direction. The circumference did extend to the walls, and Peter got a good sense of his environment: aside from all the sound waves from the voices echoing and bouncing off his body, the static allowed him a good glimpse of what was around. There were kids everywhere. Perhaps some of the more receptive ones would be able to feel trace amounts of static crawling up their bodies, but it would otherwise be outside human perception. He didn't exude very much.

The sound waves that interacted with the static allowed him to make out words and some segments of conversation. Nothing interesting. Timmy liked Sandra. Some boy forgot Vera's name. Inconsistent biochemistry teachers. As high-tech, and well off, and well funded this academy was, nothing did seem to escape the standard drama or even the most mundane problems such as schedules and... personnel files. Not many teenagers stood his height and wore his out fit - a white button-up tucked into dress pants with a belt and dress shoes - unless of course they were intending to pass themselves off as someone else. He reckoned a lot of them did that. Whichever one of them who decided to pull his leg will be dealt with accordingly. As for the time being, he just had to play along and wait for his shipment. On the bright side, he did learn a couple things with the wrongfully condescending receptionist that couldn't get off her script - she did direct him to where he could get a room and stay put, where he could wait for his shipment and perhaps he could get it then. The only problem is that it wouldn't be shipped to Richard Cox's room. It would be in storage, waiting for Peter Brooke. He just needed to find somebody that could get in there for him.

He didn't know anybody yet, and he doubted anybody he could get to know wouldn't have the proper skill-set a trained infiltrator would have. If one of these kids did, he doubted they would be the kind of person to do it out of the goodness of their heart. Things were getting complicated. Still, he wasn't going to get the train rolling by just standing there doing nothing. So Peter proceeded, with each step he took, pulses of static from his feet radiated outward from him. To those he was nearby perhaps by just feel their hair stand on end or their skin tingle ever-so-subtly as he passed. Even his dress shoes couldn't completely hide the noise of his heavy footsteps. But it was through those steps he saw a couple of interesting things. He was pretty new to the world of powers, and was pretty isolated to his own little corner. So when he saw a massive lizard man, he didn't stop in his tracks, but neither did he stop staring. Watching Peter in return would be a little odd, since it appeared that, despite not looking where he was going, had three-sixty degree vision and was carefully about walking into people. But most of his attention was focused solely on the strange appearance of the one meta-boy. Was he a boy? He was massive and alien. It was strange to think that there might be a boy underneath all that. But given how he himself had one arm, was made of a unique metal allow, and had few facial features to speak of, Peter admitted he was pretty strange too. At least, he considered strange enough that he didn't freak out at the sight of the lizard boy. In fact, he was actually kind of fascinating. Despite the immorality of it, Peter did wonder what it would look like dissecting him. Not that he'd ever act upon that curiosity. But it really was fascinating.

"Hello, your name?" Said the secretary. Peter's head turned immediately to face them. Judging by their unchanging expression, she must have seen a lot during her time working here - he didn't even faze her. Everything within Peter screamed at him to say "Peter Brooke" - that was his identity after all. But it was a lost cause, he learned that from the receptionist in the office. If he still had a typical respiratory system, he would've sighed. Instead, he groaned. A sound of warping metal.

"...Richard Cox." Peter replied. His voice sounded hollow, like an echo, as though it were muffled by something. Slightly high pitched, as the bending of metal usually would sound. He saw the secretary expertly hold back a smile - he wouldn't have caught if the if he hadn't learned how to read faces. That electric field picked up on subtle changes pretty well.

"Here." She said, handing him a slip. That was one thing Peter wouldn't be able to read so well. "Your room mate will be Samuel Clarke. And there on your slip is your room number."

Peter didn't even glance at it - it was a waste of effort. He ungraciously slid it in his pocket and merely said in a low drone, "I cannot see very well. I will wait for Samuel. If you would, please forward the message to him that I will need a guide."

The secretary nodded, and perhaps was somewhat curious. Pretty formal if he was to masquerade as a student, yes, but Peter wasn't a student. The sooner he could get somebody to believe him, the better. Now he just had to wait for Samuel Clarke and hope for the best he wasn't a libertine ne'er-do-well. But truly, if that's what he had to put up with in order to continue his work, then so be it. He wasn't going to let kids interrupt his research. He didn't come here for games after all. He took a couple steps away from the desk and stood off to the side. With each step, he got more views of his surrounding. He hoped nobody was using electronics right now. Sure, sometimes they could handle it. Sometimes they went faster, more efficient. But not always. He shorted somebody's phone one time, some other times they were library computers. He tried to control the charge a bit more, at the trade off of less vivid sight and hearing.

But sometimes he still overloads circuits, and that's not something he can help without totally blinding himself. His desktop? Fortunately, it's high-grade. Rubber blockers and all, and the channels were of higher grade and could take higher charges. Only the best for his research. What would he be without it? A one-armed freak with nothing to lose and nothing to give. That isn't what he wanted to be. The radiance of the static stretched far enough to allow him another glance at the lizard man. He was a freak, too. At least he had arms. Peter wondered if he had something to lose, or something worth protecting. But if he really was just the boy, then perhaps that time hasn't come yet. He felt a twinge of regret that extended out to the students. Getting by in the modern world is tough. There's so much at stake. Their powers were just even more responsibilities to stack upon them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Swamp Fox

Swamp Fox

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jerry Thompson - The Baggage Claim Building

"So...." Jerry said, resting his arms on the front desk of the baggage claim building, "if you could help me out by passing me my bags, that'd be great. I mean, really, it'd be great."

The receptionist, a middle-aged woman who had been ignoring Jerry as he sat patiently, turned her head up and looked at him, before turning away again and continuing to strike her fingers against her keyboard. Jerry tilted his head and puffed up his cheeks, obviously holding himself back from being exceptionally rude to the receptionist. His patience was rotting away, being chipped by every clack of her keyboard.

"So... can you help me?" He asked, gently.

"Of course I can and I am sure that it would be great for you if I did. But you haven't done the most important thing." She paused, "Ask for my help."

Jerry was tempted to mist her with Mountain Dew and leave, but he closed his eyes and counted to three, taking a deep breath before sternly asking "Would you please get my luggage?"

"Of course, dear." Standing up, the woman looked at him and asked, "What's your name?"

"Jerry Thompson. It's my first year," he answered, finally content. "Maybe you'd know my cousin Todd?"

The receptionist stood as still as stone, staring wide-eyed at him like he just spoiled her favorite soap opera. She dropped her jaw before mechanically saying, "In fact, I do know him. Unfortunately." She then stepped away and went into a room away from Jerry, coming back with a green bag and a large pair of briefcases, tagged with the owner's names and shoving it his way. "Take these and tell your cousin he doesn't need to come down here."

As Jerry picked up the bags and walked away, the receptionist dutifully returned to typing.

Todd Thompson - The Administration Office

Rolling through the crowd with an arrogant strut came Todd Thompson. A quick chat with the receptionist landed him an envelope containing his room number, roommate, and key. He ignored everyone around him and brushed his shoulders against several other guys before he found himself along the wall. He resisted the urge to pull out a cigarette and smoke inside the office. These days he was running through more cigarettes in an hour than he could carry, or at least would put in the effort to carry.

His fingers drummed against the letter as he looked up to see if anyone was watching him, to his disappointment, no one was. With a sullen lookk of displeasure, he drug his finger through the envelope and pretended to read the name of his assigned roommate. He shrugged his shoulders and stuffed it in his pocket, hoping to catch the eye of someone worth his time. With that, he walked outside and stood against the wall, posing with his arms crossed and trying to look tough.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The One Who Knocks

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Aislin made a show of blushing, waving her hands about. "Oh my, you flatter me, darling." She said, laughing. The blonde confirmed her name was Alex, much to Aislin's amusement. I like this gal already. Her dark-haired friend quietly excused herself, heading on her way to the dorms with what looked like her own roommate. There was an awkward feeling between them, but Aislin merely watched with a half-smirk before turning her gaze back to Alex. 

"Oh yeah, I can already tell we're gonna have lots of fun this year. I've never had a roommate, but I'm super easy to get along with as long as you don't mind the furniture walking around occasionally." She raised her hand, anticipating Alex's confusion. "I promise it's entirely harmless. When I uh, daydream objects have been known to wake up, but without an intent from me their temperament is naturally playful, maybe a little dumb. 

"But I probably have you even more confused now. Um, it's a form of what I can do, my ability."
Aislin bit her lip, feeling like she was rambling. "I can program objects to do things, pretty much. Seeing as I've never shared a room with anyone I didn't think my power would inconvenience someone stuck in the same room with all their own stuff..."

She snapped her fingers, realization lighting up her blue eyes. "Speaking of stuff, our luggage is already up in our rooms, right? I'd like to see if all my items made it in one piece. What number are we, again?" Aislin checked her slip of paper. "318? Dammit, we're only one off from the school numbers."

Aislin briefly wondered which level their room was on. Dorms with hundreds of rooms usually had the first number of the room as the floor level. So what, level three? Maybe we'll have a room with a view! Heights never bothered her; the higher the better, it was the one time she felt tall and small at the same time. 

"Master Alex," She said theatrically, standing with the attitude of a butler. "Shall we partake in a tour of our new establishments? I believe we are housed in the third floor."

Tossing her head back, she laughed at herself while turning to the elevators. The down arrow button glowed white as she pressed it, making a satisfying click sound. Aislin was almost tempted to push it again. Glowing buttons never get old.

"Christoper Fox? Who is this fuckwit?" Said a loud asshole.

Oh look, an asshole. Aislin narrowed her eyes. I hate assholes. An immense amount of irritation welled up in her chest, flipping around her attitude faster than if she was bipolar. Well, maybe she kind of was. Nothing ever upset her. Ever. Except this one little thing: assholes. Just their speech made her feel contaminated, like she absorbed some of their stupid rage. It felt like choking on sweaty gym shoes. 

The elevator still hadn't arrived, and Aislin knew exactly what devious deed she wanted to inflict on the asshole. Pushing her emotions aside, she closed her eyes a moment, and opened them on his shoes. The laces wiggled to life, quietly untying themselves and reaching out to each other. They made a mess of knots between the two shoes, tying his feet together to such an extent he'd need something sharp to cut the strings. Of course, they were as subtle as possible in their mischief; it wouldn't do to have him know of his restricted movement before he tried walking. The harder the fall, the better.  

The laces fell quiet as Aislin disconnected, blinking as she glanced back at the elevators. One of the silver doors opened just then, and she pulled Alex in with her. "So, I would say 'let's get the fuck outta here', but I tied that asshole's shoes together," She discreetly pointed him out in the lobby, holding a hand on the door so it wouldn't close. "And I kind of sadistically wanna watch what happens. Totally up to you, though."

It was only in a third glance that Aislin noticed the lady under the arm of the asshole. Oh shit, Deborah?! She was instantly confused why she was with such a loser and not Shannon, but maybe there was more to the story. Aislin's heart skipped a beat when she considered the fact that Deborah might not like her boyfriend getting pranked. Too damn late for that. And not only was she Cerebral, she knew Aislin's power. 

Before Deborah put two and two together, Aislin jammed the 'close doors' button, only relaxing when the lift was swiftly moving up. "Damn, the prankster never gets caught red-handed..." She muttered to herself, trying to slow her heart rate. 
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by True Night
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True Night Friendly Neighborhood Forum Lurker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Chris is rather persistent, bordering lunacy. Back when we met was around when I first began to even notice boys. After hearing him go on about how he was there for her and how she didn't have to say anything about who she was now it made him seem desperate. Which she supposed would be natural for man who hadn't laid hands on a woman for twelves years. Either he doesn't know what he's saying or he just wants into my pants. If you don't need to know a woman's personality grab a hooker. Despite appearances and a few rumors floating about that was something she was not. Huh, since they teach sex ed in 6th grade I wonder how much he knows about the birds and the bees. I suppose somebody else could have enlightened him, or maybe he learned it all natural. That last thought really tickled her, but she did her best to suppress her amusement.

How he immediately ate his words confirmed that it was the former. Vespera reached out with one of her long gloved hands and gingerly caressed his cheek. Then with her pointer and thumb she lightly pinched his lips. A clear sign to be quiet. As she did so she brought a finger to her own. "Shhh, hush now. If you mean what you say you'll have chance to prove it." She released Chris's chops and smiled, there was a satisfied gleam in her eye. Hopefully that'll be enough of that topic, at while so many others are present. Fortunate for her he took to the subject of roommates.

"I'd say that's about right." Vespera couldn't think of anyone else Chris's age who was going to be need a roommate. When they reached the front to get their assignments Vespera mulled over her's briefly. Shannon. Great. I'm never going to hear the end of her complaining. Sure enough Chris had it worse, Valjean didn't get along with much of anyone. Especially somebody noble hearted and physically disadvantaged. I'm sure he can handle himself though. If not he wasn't worth her time anyways.

"Oh I know who my roommate is. Glasses in the corner." Vespera motioned to the corner Shannon occupied. This sounds entertaining. "Be my guest, I'll be right behind you." There was a distinct reason she said behind rather than beside. One, if she was with Chris Valjean would certainly bring her into it. She didn't want to lose her newest toy nor face. Two, it might get his hopes higher than she wanted. Even though at this point all that she planned on was using him she still couldn't be too easy to get.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Beebee2121


Member Seen 9 yrs ago


The Academy was stunning. An island paradise. Absolutely everything he could have asked for, aesthetics wise, and then so much more. The boat ride over was less than glamorous, more for the occupants than the boat itself, and then the assembly began the seemingly endless parade of rules, obligations and restrictions. As if they could stop him. Oliver was of the mind of doing all the drugs, sex and drinking he wanted to whenever he wanted to with whomever he desired and he was a man of varied tastes, particularly when there was an authority challenging him not to indulge himself.

He found some people to talk to, some nondescript returners who were eager to know where he came from. Naturally, he became as vague as possible, leaving only vague hints just so he could hear them beg for more information and get frustrated with his elusiveness. When that got boring, he moved on to the Administration Building to get his room assignment. His only wish was that his roommate wasn't a complete stiff. It was no fun to hang out with people who didn't want to have fun.

When he asked who his roommate was, the receptionist handed him the envelope and pointed to the corner of the lobby. Fortunately for him, one Todd Thompson was the lingering type. He certainly looked spooky standing off like that, but Oliver wasn't about to let himself be intimidated. Already, he was convinced he would win him over.

"Hey, you're Todd?" It was more of a statement than a question. He stuck out his hand. "Oliver Long. Looks like we're roomies, roomie." A grin spread across his lips and he looked him over, sizing him up mostly. "This your first time here, too?"


When Sam flickered, Vera blinked vaguely wondering if she had begun to hallucinate. What cruel irony that would be; A healer falling prey to some incurable genetic mental disorder. Then he vanished completely, so completely that her eyes widened a fraction in surprise at who she could barely sense his presence. Out of curiosity, she reached out to the space beside him where he had been and searched for him only to find the barest traces of his self-assurance and amusement. She didn't have anything to say to that. Maybe he would stand a chance against Valjean.

Once they made it to the Administration building, she searched around for Ethan as Henry went on with his usual speech and spotted the boy between Morrison and some other bloke she didn't recognize. Unbidden, a smile came to her lips and she watched him, waiting until she caught his eye, to give him a little wave with her fingers. The smile widened when he returned her wave and visibly flushed pink from his head down to his neck.

The snapping of claws successfully snagged her attention again only to find Henry was going off on protocol again. She zoned out once more, her eyes scoping out the new and returning students moving about the lobby this time. Absently, she realized she would have to track down her roommate at some point. Historically, she had decent luck when it came to roommates, but she was always a little apprehensive each year. Luck only lasted for so long. Her attention returned to the group when someone said her name. She looked around to Sam and put together that he was saying goodbye to her. "You can call me Vee," She said, flashing him a grin, "I'll see you around." To rest she said, "Later." and made her way to the front desk.

The exchange was quick and in moments she held a key and the name of her new roommie. Amanda Blackmore. Blackmore. Right. She heard a thing or two about Amanda, but she wouldn't let gossip cloud her judgment. She threw a look around the room just in time to see Amanda leave with a younger girl, presumably a new student. She reacted quickly. "Amanda!" She called and threw herself into a quick jog to catch up to her. "Hey! Amanda!" Vera slowed down as she neared them and put on a polite smile for her roommate. "Hey, I'm Vera- Your roommate. It's nice to meet you."


"Yes..." Ethan was a little slow to react to the hand, but put his own warm hand in his and gave it a light squeeze. "I'm Ethan. It's nice to meet you, Felix." He seemed alright, but strangers, regardless of who they were, instilled a strong hesitance in him. He shot a look back to Morrison and hastily introduced them. "Um, this is my f-friend, Morrison," He said, stepping out of the way for Felix to see him fully. It wasn't like Ethan covered him much. The Cajun easily towered over them both.

That was when he felt the slight tingle of someone's eyes on him and he looked and saw who it was and subconsciously held his breath. Vera. Oh. He tentatively returned her wave as heat crept up his neck and into his face. Oh, god. There was no point in hiding it. Just thinking about it would only make it worse. Sharply, he looked away and planted his arms firmly by his sides.

"So, um, I- uh, haven't gone to get my key yet...." His fingers pestered the hem of his sleeves again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by InfernoBlaze
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InfernoBlaze Whiskyholic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Christopher Fox

Chris was about to go to mess with Valjean a bit, when he felt dizzy. Apparently, his body couldn't keep up with all the excitement and walking around all day. He staggered a bit and then closed his eyes to focus on his balance. He didn't after all want to worry Vespera, if she would indeed be worried that is. After a few seconds of silence, he re-opened his eyes and told Vespera:

"I guess I have to put off messing with Valjean for today. I think I will be calling it a day for now. It was nice to see you, Vess. Sorry if I wasted your time..."

He wasn't sure if Vespera wanted to see him again in the future, so he didn't say "let's meet again...", instead walking away from her after his polite farewells. Now that he was away from her, he felt like an idiot for opening up to her that much, thinking that she would probably think he is weird, or worse. It was a failure from his part, as far as he considered. After all, she wanted to change and he was insisting on her being her former self, even if it was indirectly. He cursed in his mind and looked for Henry, just to say his farewells again, before going to bed. He didn't find him, probably he also went to his sanctum sanctorum, so he figured out he would do the same. He once again checked his room number to see where it was and headed off to sleep. He had a brand new day to spend his energy, tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Swamp Fox

Swamp Fox

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Todd Thompson - The Administration Office

When he heard the words "You're Todd," he grinned a bit, preparing to make a memorable first impression. "Oliver Long. Looks like we're roomies, roomie. This your first time here too?"

As he felt Oliver's eyes rolling up and down his body, Todd had to suppress the urge to smash his fist against the guy's cheek. Obviously looking at the outstretched hand before him, Todd asked "Is that so? It ain't my first time here. I'm Todd Thompson, the baddest of the bad. The bane of the administrative stiffs. You want a friend, keep looking." Smacking his hand against Ollie's, he took hold and squeezed, pulling the grip closer together. "If you're lookin' for trouble, you've found it."

Felix Karrde

Felix waved to Morrison nonchalantly, "Nice to make your acquaintance." Then he turned back to Ethan and rested his hand on his shoulder, "You need to ease up a bit. You look like you've just seen a ghost. Waita-" Felix stopped. "We don't have ghosts here, do we? Please tell me you can't see ghosts." Deciding to drop the matter before it could go on, he said "I've got my key. You'll be fine for a while." Jerking his chin, he motioned for Ethan to follow him. "Com'on. Let's go see the place and get our bags."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Swamp Fox

Swamp Fox

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Oliver Long & Todd Thompson - The Administration Office

Oliver took the slap to his hand like a champ and gripped his hand just as firmly. Now he really felt like one of the boys. It was a good thing he was a returner, too. Oliver was dying for an in with the older crowd since a lot of the newbies were younger than him. Amusement drew up the corners of his lips. He had confidence. And Oliver liked that.

"Quite a name you got for yourself there, Todd Thompson, the baddest of the bad," He remarked, "I'll be honest. I've been looking to shake things up around here." He released his hand and tucked his fingers into the pockets of his jeans. "You know where our room is?"

"Not a fuckin' clue," Todd answered, digging into his pocket and pulling out the envelope he'd pretended to read earlier. "Ah, see here. Yeah. You got your key? I got mine. I'mma get out tonight, hang with my guys and celebrate that the gang's all together again. You want in? My cos can actually make any chemical I want him to, you're probably creative enough to know what that usually means around here."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Act 1: Orientation::

September 8th, 7:00 AM

To announce when it is time for students to get up, every speaker at once loudly started blaring a high-pitched and annoying sound. Every inch of the dorms was filled with the sound. It continuously played for a minute straight.

Time to begin the first day...

Nikki Biyung, & Adam Blackmore.

Thirty minutes before the siren...

Nikki Biyung was already wide awake. She knew that in thirty minutes the siren was going to blare and everyone would be awake. So, she set her alarm thirty minutes before the scheduled alarm so she can have some time to go on her morning jog. She figured that she shouldn't drop her good habits just because she's in a new place. She was just going to push it back a little earlier. She had on an all-grey outfit consisting of track pants, and T-shirt, and old, tattered, white sneakers. She walked out the door of her room, and with haste in her step, she was out of the dorms, and onto the many pathways of the 218. Nikki wasn't familiar with the school like she was familiar with her hometown, but she figured that she'll run around for thirty minutes, and head back once she hit that mark. She picked a great time to go running, actually, no one here and.... If she went running the second school starts, she'd be bumping into everyone and they'd be in here way - it'd just be one big hassle. The alarmed blare, and that was the cue for the school to awaken, and for her to start heading back. Nikki came to a stop, and turned around.

"Nikki Biyung?" A very familiar voice made her stop. She turned her head towards the voice, almost expecting a fight. She was somewhat relieved when she saw that it was Adam Blackmore. Her uncle, and the father of the Blackmore Siblings, sitting on a bench, reading a book. She wasn't particularly close to him, but she did know of him, and she did know that he was an expert. He always seemed like a teacher, so it didn't come as a surprise that he worked here. He asked me a question, "What are you doing out at this hour?"

"Adam...?" Nikki asked, but had questions of her own to answer, "I'm just... going on my jog."

"You know, little lady... You aren't supposed to leave your room before the siren." Nikki rolled her eyes into her head, expecting to get chided, but Adam pulled a 180, "... But, I'll let it slide. You aren't hurting anyone." He smiled, closing the book he was reading dramatically.

"Thanks." Nikki smiled and nodded her head. Well, perhaps she will talk with Adam for a second, she sat down on the bench next to him. "You work here?" She used the hunch she had to keep the conversation going.

"Why yes." Adam answered, "Head Power Instructor."

Power Instructor, Nikki reckoned that it meant that he teaches people how to use their power, herself included. "That's cool." She awkwardly said.

"Speaking of which, I have a class tonight." Adam said, "I recall that your ability is to control insects, yes?"

"Yup." Nikki was patting her knees with her hands.

"I suggest that you bring some insects of your own to work with, the school can provide the other students with. Power training is always the last class, so I give you permission to be a little late while you gather, take some time."

Music to Nikki's ears. Since her power has a wide-range, she can easily gather some insects together in like, ten minutes? In any case, she will have a swarm ready by the time class starts. "Okay, thanks." Nikki smiled.

Adam stood straight up, "Now, I think it's time for you to head back to the dorms and get ready." He took a few steps forward, "Oh, by the way, it's Team Training day." He walked away, and I felt it was time that I do the same.

Nikki quickly jogged back to the dorms, choosing speed over efficiency since she hasn't been following my own schedule. She made it back to the dorms right when everyone was heading for the cafeteria to get breakfast. She managed to slip into her dorm room, and she took off all her sweaty clothes from the jogging, and step into the shower. It wasn't too long of a shower, since she's small, and she usually takes quick showers not to hear her parents complain about the water bill. She stepped out of the shower, quickly dried off, and walked up to the mirror. Oh, crap. She almost forgot, she quickly left the bathroom and walked up to her window.

It felt a little shameless walking through her dorm room with no clothes on. She was extremely quick to throw her window open and retreat before anyone got an eye full. A swarm bees, carrying crawling insects, poured into her room and went straight into the bathroom. She walked back up to her mirror, and the swarm of bugs went through her hair, doing her hair better than she could by hand. Another utility of having such a precise control over bugs.

Nikki quickly got dressed, wearing a black T-shirt, with a black sleeveless hoodie over that, and some black shorts, and black combat boots. She was a fan of the all black getup. With that, she was just about ready for her day. She called her swarm off, then sent them back out her window to go about their business, and stepped right out the door. She walked into the cafeteria and grabbed an apple, taking a large bite out of it. Before grabbing a plate and putting eggs, bacon and the aforementioned apple on it.

Perhaps she'll find Amanda, Red or Poppy to have a conversation.

Shannon Jacqueline Balore.

The familiar sound of that fucking siren...

"Ugh!" Shannon loudly groaned as she forced her eyes open. She was fine with sleeping. But she fucking hated that siren. She yawned as she swung her legs over the bed and stood straight up, letting out an ungraceful yawn, grabbing her glasses from off the night stand and threw them onto her face. She wore white pajamas with flower patterns embroidered into it when she went to bed. She walked over to her dresser and grabbed her outfit for today. A red shirt with a large sunflower on the chest area, some jeans, and converse sneakers. She wanted to be the first to get into the bathroom, so she ran into there like something was chasing her. Shannon let out a sigh as the clothes she was wearing unraveled around her, floated away, and reassembled themselves on the floor. She put her glasses down on the sink, turned the shower on nice and hot, and getting into it. She washed herself off, nice and clean, the steam and the hot water was just the thing to help her wake up. She stepped out of the shower, some towels floated towards her, drying her off pretty fast. When she was done, she put them back where they belonged. The clothes she had set out unraveled, then put themselves back together on Shannon.

Just like that, her outfit was complete, and she was ready for a wonderful day at school.

She put her glasses back on and was right out the door in a second. Shannon didn't feel like talking to Vespera at the moment (By 'at the moment' she meant at all). She was going through this routine for years now, and she wasn't the type for idle talk in the bedroom (That was for Deborah). Right now the only thing on Shannon's mind was breakfast. It's the most important meal of the day, after all. There were a few familiar faces heading there too, but she would talk to anyone after they. The second she stepped into the cafeteria, she went for the buffet, stacking pancakes, eggs, and sausages onto a plate. Breakfast is her favorite meal after all.

Now came looking for a place to sit...

Amanda Daisy Blackmore.

Amanda was not the most graceful sleeper on the planet, she was loudly snoring, and drool had run down her cheek and soaked her pillow. The second the siren came on, Amanda jumped out of the bed, and got into a wide pose with her limbs away from each other. "Goooooood morning campers!" She loudly announced to nobody, except for her sole room mate, Vera. "Are you ready for a day of fun and adventure?!" She shouted again, the most maniacal grin on her face. Amanda shrugged as she quickly dropped all of her clothes, and started digging through her collection of clothes for a moment or two, and quickly put them all on. A leather jacket, a T-shirt with a yellow smiley face, and particularly tight jeans. There was no need to take another shower in her eyes. Since she took. Like do people think they get dirty while sleeping? Only if they're jacking off all over the place before heading to bed. Amanda wasn't one for masturbation (When she had boys for that), so she was clean as she was going to get when she went to bed. "Alright Boy-Girl, I'm heading for the cafeteria to get my grub on, you don't have to worry about getting in the shower first."

Amanda skipped out of the room cheerily. She bumped into people and pushed them aside, getting a few insults and dirty looks. Like she usually did, she skipped her way into the cafeteria and got some food. Nothing but waffles! She had a plate of at least twenty waffles. It was amazing how she managed to fit them all on one large plate. But don't ask questions. Fool.

She used her metal manipulation to make a fork and a butter knife to float their way towards her. She already have syrup and butter. So she just dug in.

Theresa Sindel Obott.

Since it might have been a little awkward for her room mate, Theresa had set an alarm at least fifteen minutes before the siren rang, and the second it rang, she scrambled to turn it off to keep from waking up her room mate. She let out a yawn, and took off her scarf (She slept in a scarf, since snoring likely would have put her drug into the air). Sometimes Theresa had a hard time going to sleep, due to her power of course. Pills were out of the question when your body was immune to the effect of them. So some nights Theresa barely slept enough to survive the day, and other nights, she was fine. Either way, Theresa was quick to scurry into the bathroom, and she undressed and climbed her way into the shower. A few minutes later, she was fully dressed, wearing a green short sleeved polo shirt, tan cargo pants, along with white sneakers, and a green scarf around her face.

By the time she was done, the siren was already blaring, and everyone was sure to have been awoken. Especially Poppy.

Perhaps Theresa should give Poppy a few pointers before school actually starts. "Hey, Poppy," Theresa said in a cheerful tone, going towards the window. "I think I should tell you a few things before you run off and get started. From the second the speakers start making that sound onward, you have two hours to get ready... Get dressed, eat food, the usual, then you have to be in the education building." Theresa shrugged, "It should be easier getting ready than regular school, that's for sure. Hell, you can laze until the last second if you want."

Theresa walked to the door and opened it halfway, "... I dunno what you're going to do, but I'm going to get some food. You're free to join."

Dana Lucille Alcott.

Oh god, I'm...

Please god, just someone, look at me.

I want to be... me....

The thoughts rushed through her head. Dana stared blankly at the ceiling for a few moments, in her own bed, realizing what she... Ugh. It just felt so surreal waking up... Looking at her hands... and realizing that they're not her hands. It brought her back to the moment where she first got her power (That was not a moment Dana thinks fondly of). The initial shock had worn off a second or two later, she was used to it by now, but it always caught her off guard, no matter what she did.

She moved very slowly, she got out of her bed, and grabbed her clothes for the day, she was dragging her wheel chair behind her. She didn't go into the bathroom, since she didn't need to shower. She put on her clothes, and got into her wheelchair, and went out the door, seeing that she was done in her room. Dana made some rather inhuman sounds as she went about her morning dance. The sounds that no human being could make.

When people saw her, she was just old Dana Alcott, rolling along in her wheelchair. Wearing a green button-up shirt with diamond patterns (Which were light green), a long tan skirt that went to her ankles, and black dress shoes. The guy who had his eye on her walked past, and Dana shuddered. Despite the fact that nobody was in the hallway, she was still normal. Her head went straight up, and she looked into the camera's eye. No one is watching her physically, but the cameras are still watching her... that means someone must be behind it. Dana let out a sigh as she rolled forward, heading towards the elevator. It was an uneventful trip to the cafeteria, and quite frankly, her arms were starting to get tired (God dammit, this is why I like Tess so much.). Thankfully, the trip came to a close and she was through the doors of the cafeteria.

Dana saw that a line was forming for the food... She knew that it would be a bit of a hassle trying to get the food, and move. She let out another sigh. Honestly, she should wait for Theresa or someone else. Her disability made everything hard on her own.

Jake, Gabe, & Jaska Valos.

The Valos kids all had their own morning routines. Had, as in they were thrown out of whack.

"Uggggggggggggh, the fuck is that noise!?" Gabe roared as she came to a rude awakening. She jolted in the bed, massaging her temples. She was never woken up this early. "Why the fuck didn't they warn me about that shit...?" She groaned. Gabe looked at her phone and realized that it was 7PM. I guess it's time for school and shit. The one part of this place that she wasn't looking forward to. Perhaps she should take a shower and get ready. She looked at Lynn, "You can go get your shower, or whatever, first, okay?" She said. Gabe needed another minute or two to get herself together....

Jake was caught off guard by the sirens, but he was merely annoyed than angered. "Dear God... make it stop!" Jake pleaded, but the siren cut off mid-sentence. "Oh, okay." Which felt like a heaven sent, actually. He felt like just missing a day or two, but honestly, he wasn't going to miss the first day! The most important day of them all. He got into the shower, and came out in a few minutes, ready for his day. He figured that it was time to stop showing off, and go for something a little more casual. He wore a black dress-shirt, with some baggy jeans and some black dress shoes. "Heading to the cafeteria Red, I guess we'll meet there?" With that, Jake was out the door.

Jake walked into an elevator, but before the doors closed, someone angrily clawed her way in. It was Gabe! She was wearing a more casual outfit, probably because she doesn't care anymore. A red button-up shirt, with a black jacket over it, and some jeans. She forced her body in, and stood next to Jake, not a word was said to each other.

The silence was awkward. Just like every other elevator ride. "So, you slept well?"

"The bed's shitty, the school's shitty, the people are shitty, everything is so shitty. So, take a guess how bed time went." Gabe hissed.

"I think you had a good night's rest." Jake retorted, he knew he didn't start off snarkily as he wanted, but he came up with something. "I think you've actually woke up on the right side of the bed. Amazing!"

"Fuck off." Gabe hissed again.

They stepped off the elevator, side by side, they had to go look for Jaska's room.

Jaska on the other hand, was absolutely pained by the siren. His hearing was so strong that some sounds hurt his ears badly. He let out a muffled high-scream, his voice cracked. He had no choice but to clench his ears. That was such a perfect start to the day! Went from sleeping like a baby, to screaming like one, in a second's flat! Fortunately, it ended fast. It probably meant school was supposed to start or whatever. Usually, someone else came to wake him up, but it came as a bit of a surprise to have that hellish noise awaken him. Whatever, the boy was relatively unaware of most social practices to begin with. He got out of the bed, massaging his temples with his palms (Using his claws would have been uncomfortable). He walked up to the bathroom mirror, and stared at it. He usually didn't take showers because of his aversion to water, nor did he really care about his body odor. If he couldn't be smelled by anything worth a damn, then it wasn't important. He grabbed his tooth brush and squeezed some tooth paste onto it, and brushed his rather intimidating teeth. Hey, while they were sharp enough to take someone's hand off, he still needed to keep them nice and clean. So he can keep taking people's hands off.

"Hm?" Someone was knocking at his door. Hm. This was a curious experience. He never had a door of his own before. He walked up to the door, tooth brush still in his mouth, and he saw Gabe and Jake. Oh yeah, he looked down, and realized that he was wearing a plain white T-shirt, and some jean shorts.

"Hey, Jaska. Time to go." Jake said, pointing down the other end of the hallway. Jaska quickly ran back to his bathroom and spit out his tooth paste and brush, before following Jake and Gabe.

The trio walked down towards the cafeteria, the second they were in, Jake and Gabe got plates of food, Jaska wasn't the type to eat 'table food'. Jake got eggs, french toast, sausages, and bacon, where Gabe got an omelet made just for her. They got a table.

"Let's just hope the weirdos don't come out of the wood works again..." Gabe said the second they plopped down on the table. "That whole thing pissed me off..." She groaned.

"Yeah, I just want an average breakfast and finish school. Hmph, we can attract all the weirdos we want after we're done with school." Jake said

"For once, I want everyone to take the hint, and piss off for a moment." Gabe hissed, as she shoved a piece of the omelet into her mouth.

"You know we're a magnet for weirdness, Gabe." Jake says with a smile, "And good looking women, and adventure." He shrugged, "Because of our good looks."

"You know I'm not pretty anymore, Jake..." Gabe pointed at her eyepatch.

"I don't know what you're on about, but, heh, some people might say otherwise."

"Guys... I'm hungry." Jaska injected, sitting on top of the table with his legs folded, and hands on his knees. He wasn't going to eat table food, he only wanted food that was caught.

"Hmph, you wanna eat tall dark and Gothy, the nightlight, or the annoying chick?" Gabe said with a smile, "I bet they're real filling."

"Well..." Jaska put a finger on his chin, almost like he was thinking about it.

"Don't encourage him." Jake was quick to say, since it looked like Jaska was thinking about it.

"You're acting like he never done it before." Gabe retorted

"And it should stay that way."

"What about that one kid who got a little too touchy a while back!"

"Oh c'mon, Gabe." Jake said, "Officially," Jake empathized this so much, "A dog came by and bit his fingers off. Get your story straight, geeze." He started laughing. "Look, Jask, let's see if Henry will get you a fish, if not... Just go kill a rabbit real fast or something. Just... don't make a mess."

"Because having blood dripping down from your mouth is great for your image."
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