Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mission 1: Grimoire

Director Levant stared at his screen hoping that something would come through. It was hard to direct a law enforcement facility without any calls for help. When no alerts came up he checked his email again, only to find that the only new message was a field agent reporting that he had nothing to report.
Come on, he thought. A few seconds later his phone rang.
When he hung up he activated the station's intercom. “Agents Hunt and Jacobson, report to my office. Agents Hunt and Jacobson, my office.”
When they arrived he offered them a seat, then told them about the case. “I just got off the phone with the NYPD. The Chief knows about what we do, and knows to refer the strange cases to us. This one isn't that strange, but it's still part of our domain.
A Native American Grimoire was stolen from a bookstore in Brooklyn. Theresa's Books. It's not a very powerful volume, mostly lore, a few rituals like contacting the spirit world, going on a vision quest, and one for unlocking powers by drinking a tea made from medicinal herbs and flooding the person's body with a power similar to the one you want them to get. Nothing you can't get elsewhere.
Theresa's a powerful enough psychic to track the book into the sewers a few blocks from her shop. I need you to find the book, get it back, and figure out why someone would take it. Agent Hunt will be in charge for the mission. Any questions?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kaylia had been shifting through several volumes involving light and dark based powers. A cord had struck her yesterday that perhaps the key to the legends of Shadow Foxes may lay within the uniqueness of their abilities and less on how people viewed them. She didn't get much gathered though before the intercom clicked on. "“Agents Hunt and Jacobson, report to my office. Agents Hunt and Jacobson, my office.” That was the director's voice, a very serious looking middle-aged man with greying hair. Normally, he wasn't one to call out Kaylia personally like this, but then again, things had been unusually slow.

"Hm.. oh well.." she murmured quietly before straightening the small pile of books on some random table she had put them on. Within a quick moment, her entire form shifted into a shadow-like state before vanishing all together, before melding from a poorly lit part of a hallway by the director's office. She didn't see the other guy just yet and hadn't heard his name before today. He may have been new, but then again, Kaylia didn't know everyone even though almost everyone seemed to know who she was. It was a weird feeling, that was for sure.

She knocked and quietly sat down, and when the Asian-looking looking man came in, Mr. Levant began to explain the situation. 'We must really be backed up,' she thought to herself before glancing at the other guy. However, the assignment seemed simple enough, so there wasn't much Kaylia could think of asking. "No sir." She left it at that for now, giving the other agent time to ask any questions he wanted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Philip was halfway through his workout when the intercom came on. “Agents Hunt and Jacobson, report to my office. Agents Hunt and Jacobson, my office.” Dang it. he thought as he rushed into the locker room. He toweled off as best he could and put on his uniform. Hopefully I won't smell too bad when I get there.
When he was ready he ran down the hall and into the Director's office. "Sorry I'm late, Sir, I was in the gym." The Director ignored him and started telling them about the mission. He noticed the woman standing there. He would have said hello to her but the Director was talking. When the Director was done, he thought about the question. "No, sir. No questions."
When the Director motioned for them to leave he walked outside. "So, boss. Uh, I know this might seem a bit rude, but from what I read about Kitsune in my studies of Otherkin, they're pretty rare. I didn't know there was one in the Bureau." He then caught himself. "I didn't mean to offend you, incase I did. I'm just curious. I've never seen you before around here." He held out his hand. "My name's Philip Jacobson. I can make Kekkai. I've only been with the Bureau a week, and this is my first mission, which, I guess, is why I'll be working under someone for a while. Not that I mind working under you." He caught himself again. "That didn't come out right. I'm just nervous. And you? I mean, what's your name? Powers? How long you been with the Bureau, all that."
Mission 2: The Dead Elf

Soon after the other two agents left, the phone rang again and Director Levant picked it up. “Oh, hello Sayori. How have you been?” A little while later, he jotted down two addresses on a post-it note and nodded, “I understand. I'll send a team at once.”
He hung up and activated the intercom. “Agents Mariana and Zane. I need you in my office. Now.”
When they arrived he didn't even waste time offering them a seat. “You three are going to Manhattan. Have one of the teleporters that work here take you to the first address, then, when you're finished with the crime scene, to the second to talk to Sayori.” He handed one of them the post it note with the addresses on it. “I don't care who takes charge of the case, work that out among yourselves.
I just got a call from one of the Bureau's founding members, a Forest Elf named Sayori. He informed me that the half-human son of the most powerful Dark Elf in the city, Hasa, was just found in the Bronx with six rounds from a 9mm handgun in his chest. His family's blaming their rivals, the Light Elf Mita family.
Sayori is trying to talk sense into them, trying to keep their feud from going hot, but neither Hasa or Mita are thinking clearly. The last time their war went hot, seventeen people died, including a BPI agent. I need you to solve this crime quickly and tactfully. It's likely to just be otherkin hunters, or maybe a gang killing or mugging, but if it does turn out that Mita's people are responsible, you'll need to be careful to not make things worse. Any questions?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Luminance
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Luminance A light in the dark

Member Seen 5 yrs ago




The reoccurring noise of a heart monitor filled the white room. The pace never faltering or speeding up as is came from the form of the dark haired man who lay comatose on the only piece of furniture in the room. A hospital styled bed.

On the right of the sleeping figure a man stood, in a well tailored suit, while on the left a girl sat and held the hand of the sleeping man. The two connected hands lead up the arms, shoulders and necks to the similar faces formed by blood relations. A brother and sister.

“His upper brain functions are awakening. He wants you to make this one quick Agent Marianna, but he also wishes me to tell you that he is glad to know that you are back safe from your latest field assignment.” The suited man said with an impassive expression as he removed his hand from the hovering position over the unconscious mans forehead.

“Thank you Wal- uh… Agent Darros. Though before I do, would you let him know that I have made a little more progress in finding Mistressa Zarijisha and that it wont be long now.” The girl requested softly and gave a small smile at the replying nod of agreement.

“He says that he has complete faith in his… dearest little sister.” The slight pause came as the emotionless Agent forced himself to utter the endearment. Any other situation and he would never ever say such things, but for the siblings, he made an exception. “He is ready now.”

Alyssa closed her eyes and concentrated on her brothers hand which she still held in her gentle grasp. A tingling sensation filled her body and soon zeroed in on the connected hands before fading away a few moments later. Just as she opened her eyes after successfully sending her brother into a deep sleep, an intercom sounded overhead with the Director calling her and another agent to his office.

Standing up quickly, Alyssa spared a moment to move a stray strand of her brothers hair behind his ear then was soon making her way out the door. Missing the single tear which slid from the corner of her brothers eye.

Agent Darros released a sigh. “When he becomes too powerful let me know and I shall end the struggle with the injection that you requested for me to use. The end will be quick and painless.”

— — —

As soon as she stepped into the Director’s office she gave a tentative smile and a wave in greeting to the two presences in the room. She knew the both of them although she hadn’t really spoken to Agent Zane all too much in the past. She had no more time to dwell on this since the Director instantly began to tell the two agents the details of the case they would be going on together.

“No, Director Levant, sir. No questions from me.” She replied easily since the director had made it crystal clear as to exactly what she and the other agent were to do during the case.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by carsgovroom
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carsgovroom Spaceballs the User Title

Member Seen 27 days ago

Some days were filled with field work, other days with paper work. And then there were those fair share of days that were filled with, well...time killing. Like today, for instance. Shockingly enough most people didn't report supernatural crimes on a regular basis, and the agents of the Bureau of Paranormal Investigations had to find some way to fill the work day. Thea supposed she could have been doing something a little bit more productive than sitting at her desk, pecking at the keyboard as she played Spider Solitaire. Working out, for example. Or practicing her archery. Maybe even digging in to her own private investigation that she had been working on on and off for the past seven years since she joined up with the bureau. She supposed that she wasn't particularly in the mood to deal with that level of frustration at the moment, so Thea had gone for the game instead.

She had ever thought that it would be easy. The case had been ice cold for over a decade by now, but she felt obligated to solve it, anyway. The massacre of her family was a burden she had been carrying since she had been twelve years old, and she felt as though she owed it to all of them, every single Zane who had died that night, to find out who had done it. And why. The questions seemed to gnaw at her all of the time, questions like who had those men been? Was it an isolated incident, a group working alone, or had they been a part of something bigger, more sinister? How had they found them? Figured out what the Zane had really been? And maybe the most torturous question of all, had she inadvertently caused it? Thea had to know. It was just difficult. There had been much mystery surrounding the incident thirteen years ago, and even now Thea didn't think she had many solid leads.

The director's voice over the intercom sounded out again. For the second time that day. Thea didn't think an hour could have passed since the first time he had called agents to his office. She was instinctively roused from her murky thoughts and game of solitaire (which she was losing) when she heard the man's voice, and this time she head her name spoken. She was being summoned.

Thea pushed her chair away from her desk as she rose to her feet. She hesitated for a moment to stretch, sighing a little before smoothing her shirt and turning to make her way up the the director's office. She was the first to arrive, but it didn't take very long for Agent Mariana to enter behind her. The other agent smiled a waved a little, and she responded with a soft smile and friendly wave of her own.Thea knew Agent Mariana only by sight and by a few quick, casual conversations, despite the fact that they had both been working here for a number of years. She wondered for a moment how that had could have been possible before the director spoke and she gave him her full attention.

He gave the pair the details, and asked for questions when he was done. Agent Mariana responded that she didn't have any, and Thea was shaking her head, as well. It was undoubtedly a delicate situation that they were walking into, but the direction had been very straight forward and clear. "No questions from me, sir." Thea said, and she reached forward to take Post It note with the addresses scribbled on them. She nodded to him. "Thank you, Director Levant."

Once he excused them, Thea made her way out into the hallway and looked over at her partner. She smiled softly at the other woman again before asking, "Need a few minutes, or are you ready to go?"
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