Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lo Pellegrino

Lo Pellegrino The Pilgrim

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Recruiting as of 05 October


Life Continues is a two stage roleplay that explores the areas some simply don't. Stage one opens the story as fear and panic spreads, but of what, we can't be certain. Things become chaotic quickly and surviving means committing to a decision quickly. Under intense stress, given limited information, riots break out, making this world dangerous and unpredictable. How and where you go is up to you -- just think hard, think fast, and hope you made the right choice. Stage two picks up some years later as the world has taken on a new face. Characters have grown based on the first stage and the theme has changed depending on the events of the first chapter. A legacy system will continue the stories of dead characters in some form, letting a player explore new horizons while maintaining the importance past events. Ultimately, we will enjoy the areas some stories would ignore, because whether you're between chapters or waiting for the sequel, life always continues.


Sit back and relax a moment. Let your hands fall to your lap, let the tension in your shoulders melt away with a couple deep breaths. Pour yourself a drink of something you strong enough you sip, or maybe light up if that's more your thing -- no judgements here. Now that your calm, imagine something bad. Not after midnight search history bad, something profoundly, life-changing bad. Something that redefines your day-to-day and makes that education or office job absolutely pointless. Safety doesn't mean four walls and a locked door -- those are just illusions, now. Security is a loaded gun, something you can swing, and some sturdy clothes. Things are different now and those who don't learn fast don't last. There aren't manuals for this. You do and you push on, because when things get bad -- real bad-- life continues.

The Outbreak

Characters will come and go. This is a wilder world where people are acting under extreme duress, bringing the best out of some, and the worst out of many. Some will survive a long while into the future, while others will die, or simply go missing. Create a character you'd like to explore and throw concern for the future to the wind. If you die, so be it, you're welcome to continue forth with another character -- the point is to craft a story here. Everyone is a hero and sometimes the most heroic actions are also our last. To allow for players to move forward, we will have a Legacy System described later-on. Basically, just because you move on with another character does not mean the death has no significance. For now, let's see just who'll be the protagonists of this tale!

Life Continues

The roleplay will pull characters of various backgrounds into one place with a single purpose -- survive. What is causing the panic is intentionally obscure and could be the result of anything. It is up to the players to decide how they explore this world and where they'll devote their energies. Groups can divide or band together, create a haven or sell out the group. What decisions players make in the first stage will shape the world in the second, giving everyone a high degree of control over the setting with time. There are larger, basic questions where the story can naturally lead such as what is 'The Outbreak' or paths such as the aforementioned creating a safe-haven. The plot is flexible and will move with you no matter where you choose to go.

Everyone knows the feeling of creating a character only to fall out of love with them. I can't promise this won't happen, but I can offer a solution. Life Continues will explore the gaps between most stories and will also explore life after death. Should a character die, which I welcome, a Legacy Connection is open. Legacy Connections can come in the form of a diary, a video tape, a living character's stories, some relation to the dead, or even a direct connection (such as the new character being an old NPC). This connection will allow players to take up on a new face and style, while challenging them to experience the aftermath of a death. Fortunately, this system also allows much latitude so that an early death is not a waste of time, just a new chapter in your story.

Posting Style
I believe the most successful Advanced Roleplays are those which are flexible. My number one objective is to collect a group of dedicated players happy to post as much as twice a week, or as little as twice a month. What we need is commitment. To allow for this, I also welcome players to lead their own stories in addition to interacting with other characters. This allows every player their own, individual paths (short story style) while also taking part in the actions within the party. In this posting style we only require two players to keep the ball rolling -- not too hard at all!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by K-97


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Expect a sheet soonish, this looks interesting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nevermind
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Nevermind Wasted Undone

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

CS coming soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I would like to join this as well, so is this set like a week or so after the 'Outbreak' happens?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lo Pellegrino

Lo Pellegrino The Pilgrim

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Rare said
I would like to join this as well, so is this set like a week or so after the 'Outbreak' happens?

It's immediate. The Roleplay will begin the minute the first signs of trouble begin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Lo Pellegrino said
It's immediate. The Roleplay will begin the minute the first signs of trouble begin.

Then I'm joining for such. It's rare to start on the day of the outbreak.

Age Realistic to your occupation


Hobbies Please provide 2

Psychology Give us a sense of how they think, how they make decisions, and let us have some insight into their personality. Please give this some real thought, rushing here is very telling.

Brief History Give us the highlights of their history. Provide a couple experiences that have shaped them into who they are today -- make this the hook that wets our appetite to learn more.

Background Every Advanced RPer/author has probably put in way too much time and effort creating a massive background history most just skim. I get it, I do it too. Feel free to create a personal history to your heart's content here. The Brief History above will give people a quick run-down and should drive them here to get a fuller understanding. This will also help you hash out what's important in the long-run, I recommend writing this BEFORE you Brief History.

Skills List 2 skills that separate this character from the average shmuck. Maybe they speak very well, have a knack for fixing things, or they worked in city planning and predicting social behaviour. These should relate to an Occupation or Hobby, ideally, but I'll make an exception if it's well-tied to something in one's Background.

Weaknesses List 2 weaknesses that are significant. I will not accept issues that people can simply ignore, or are so specific that they're unlikely to actually come into play. Consider your own flaws, whether they be mental, ideological, or physical, as you craft these.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Astarael42
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

I'm interested. Here is a bare bones character sheet, will be edited when I see answers to some questions and thus can create my history. That will affect which skills, weaknesses, psychology, etc as her history will shape her nature.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SilverRain
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Mark's profile coming soon. He's a criminal who'll soon find out that there are things worse than cops. I'll need some time to work on his profile so that it meshes well with the world (and also himself).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DAWNSTAR
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DAWNSTAR A literal Type 0 Super Luminous Star

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

-snip-(Removed due to lack of time to do this)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SilverRain
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Name Mark 'Scrapper' Winters

Age 35

Looter, vandal, racketeer, guns trader, cage fighter, loiterer

*His Ducati
*Scanning newspapers for his crimes

"Name's Mark - you can call me Scrapper if ya want. Don't care. Current hideout? That place under the bridge. There's enough echo here to let me here them cops running towards me. HEY! Don't even think about touchin' my Ducati! She's all I have now! Well, apart from a few petrol canisters and some jewelry. Easy things to steal.

I don't give a shit about all these damn riots. I'm not gonna leave. Why you ask? See all those cars packing the highway? Every car out there means one more empty house I can loot! The world is all mine! My plan is to loot all the expensive stuff and then go to the next state. Cash it all in and live big!

No one's gonna get me. The gang's gone, but I still have my MP5 and some clips. I'm avoiding the cops, but dang do I want to smash one of them in and steal their getup. Then I can accept bribe money! There's the problem of tasers though. Anyway. I'm off to raid the stores. Eh, so you're already dead, but hey, you can ward off people for me with your smell. Thanks pal."

Additional info:
Link to video which shows his tone and personality well. He's based off the red-head named Renji.
His favourite radio station

Brief History
His criminal record's probably a good source... Anyhoo, Mark's mainly been in the stealing and looting business. He's part of a gang called "Pincer" - well, that was until the Outbreak started. The boss fled and everyone's disbanded since then. Mark now survives by raiding general stores/warehouses for food, afterall he has good knowledge of where things can be found. He also loots empty houses to stock up on cashables that can be sold at the next state. Little does our Mark know that the Outbreak's spread goes over the horizon.

Mark's first job was working at the petrol station. That was also the scene of his first crime. He stole from the till and soon worked with the racketeers to stage a robbery. He was then accepted into a gang. He stole, he fought, he landed in jail. Tattoos line his chest and back, and he bears his gang's symbol on his right arm. "Pincer" - a name that means one would not let go even after they died. Gang for life, baby!

Our criminal soon came across a mistreated Ducati that was impounded. After stealing it, he used his savings at every chance he had, slowly bringing it back to life, and it has been his treasure since. Gang life was rough, but Mark would smile every time he upgraded his bike. As for his romantic interests? Bike.

Slowly but surely, Mark climbed up the ladder over the years. His tall physique makes him a good racketeer, although things went awry before he could do much in that line of business. Then the Outbreak started. The boss fled. The gang disappeared. Profitable fields turned from drugs and imports to looting. Which is right up Mark's lane.

* Fighting - Mark's about 188cm tall with a broad, muscular build, giving him an advantage over most. He makes some money through illegal cage fighting and has sent people into hospital on multiple occasions. To him, anything can be a weapon. The reason for his fighting prowess? He loves it when he wins. It makes him feel successful. He's not trash! Not trash!

*Looting/breaking and entering - it's in his line of work. Whilst he can't get past those dang security systems, your usual household is enough to get him by. All it would have are just a few faulty shutters and at most, a rabid dog. The solution? A crowbar and dog munchies. To make things easier though, Mark does a little surveillance to ensure the homeowners aren't there when he's looting.

*Paranoia - he's suspicious of everyone. Not to the point of turning into a serial killer, but enough to make even the right things go wrong. Mark trusts only himself. As do many of us.

*Alcohol - Mark gets inebriated rather quickly. He'll start talking to walls and stagger around like a looney. Then he'll pass out flat on the ground. He tries to avoid alcohol, but sometimes it can't be avoided.

Your Turn
* Please let me know which sections I need to refine/add more detail. I tried to be a bit crafty in the psychology section... hope it's okay. I'll be RPing in third person though. I'll see if I can find any good tattoos for the Pincer gang. And also some graffiti tags.
* What's the climate - is it hot or cold? Snowing? Rainy?
* How badly damaged is the city? Are structures still safe? Is there water and electricity?
* With Stage 2, is there a chance for Mark to become a ghost? Or maybe I should play as one of Mark's criminal buddies who comes across his corpse at the back of the police station?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SilverRain
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Sorry for the double post... Can't edit for some reason. Just wanted to clarify that only Mark's personality, not his character was inspired by Renji.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lo Pellegrino

Lo Pellegrino The Pilgrim

Member Seen 12 mos ago

When I answer questions it's good for everyone. So I'll address who asked, but please, don't ignore the information!

Astarael Asked said : Does it matter where in the world we begin? Is it “our” world or does it have some fantastical or historical differences? Are we beginning at present day, future day, or in the past somewhere (trying to figure out what level of technology and scientific advancements we are at). Do we have any limitations on our background/history/personalities or are we free to be as sane or crazy as we wish?

The setting is going to be a general city in the Western world (US, Europe). I'll give us a vaguely geographic location later, but for now, generalities mean you can use your imagination a bit more. Think of a place like Portland, Oregon, Seattle, or London, that are larger cities and fizzle out as they stretch into hilly suburbs and what not.

The world is as you see it today. If you know about a technology just nearly ready to surface, say like the Myo arm band or Oculus Rift, I'm open to creative ways of integrating such. In those cases my expectation is that there's a good reason your character has it, like they're a beta-tester of some sort, which obviously would feed into background and/or occupation.

Be who you'd like to be, but please, make your character functional. I've seen characters in the past who were very creative, but literally could not walk down a hallway without going through some manic episode that completely derailed every situation, every time.

SilverRain Asked said
* Please let me know which sections I need to refine/add more detail. I tried to be a bit crafty in the psychology section... hope it's okay. I'll be RPing in third person though. I'll see if I can find any good tattoos for the Pincer gang. And also some graffiti tags.
* What's the climate - is it hot or cold? Snowing? Rainy?
* How badly damaged is the city? Are structures still safe? Is there water and electricity?
* With Stage 2, is there a chance for Mark to become a ghost? Or maybe I should play as one of Mark's criminal buddies who comes across his corpse at the back of the police station?

It is Fall and nearing Winter. While we are staying general with the exact location, expect weather like you'd see in the Pacific Northwest (lots of rain) with harsher winters.

The roleplay is beginning the minute the Outbreak begins, so, it's really not. Chances are the only structural changes are military/law enforcement checkpoints and a heavy presence. Things will change as we go probably, you can expect the city to degrade with time definitely, but there won't be collapsing buildings unless someone takes the time to do some bombings.

Stage 1 will allow for small time jumps (up to 9 months) as required, but will largely be the immediate reactions to this big change. This is not a post-apocalyptic game, it's very much apocalyptic, and the biggest dangers are coming from fear and paranoia. I'd like us to explore that as much as we can. Any time jump at this point would simply be to allow larger plots to develop, but we'll all have a say in that. Stage 2, as I see it now, would be a longer jump of about 10 years. We would really only hit once the immediate chaos 6 months out of the beginning had settled and whatever new structures of society were established. This means that characters can be influential into how the world is shaped or can see to it progress in certain areas is dampened. Up to you. Don't think too far ahead though. There is an immediate danger and if your head is in the clouds, don't be surprised is someone takes it.

@SilverRain specifically: Your CS is written from the perspective that sometime has passed since the Outbreak. It has not. Things are just now surfacing as wrong, nobody knows just how bad the situation is, or if it's just a prank for that matter. Many are acting poorly though and that likely will worsen. It'd be good to update your CS according to that. Speak about his life as it is normally. Chances are the gang he runs with are still in town, if they weren't actually with him at the start of the RP. If he has any deep connections in the gang the Background should cover that, and it's probably worth considering how well-known he is in the city (if at all). One thing to think about too is just what kind of criminal Mark really is and that's something we should feel and know from the background. Was he driven to crime due to a lack of opportunity, or did he just not take anything seriously enough, so he took the first chance to make big money -- often illegal. Is this a guy who started stealing because he was impoverished or homeless, or does he fancy himself something better? I see he's a gang member, so what kind? The southern California type or something more mafia style (sounds like the former so far). My point is here that you don't want to leave big areas up to assumption, because this is your character, and you should be making those decisions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kingfisher
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Kingfisher Observing or participating?

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nevermind
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Nevermind Wasted Undone

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

May put my app here.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noxious
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Noxious ᴅ ᴇ ᴀ ᴅ ish

Member Seen 5 mos ago

SO, just womdering Kingfisher....what made you go with Chessa? I only wander because I was thinking of naming my character Chessa B. and then you posted Chessa. I have no problem choosing a different name, but what are the chances, seriously? Crazy. Are we watching the same TV shows or something? I have no idea why I even thought of Chessa in the first place.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lo Pellegrino

Lo Pellegrino The Pilgrim

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Kingfisher Asked said
What is the setting?

We will be an unstated city that you can imagine as a cross of London, Seattle, and Portland, Oregon. The time period is loosely now, meaning you're welcome to bring in some devices that are only just surfacing today (like the Oculus Rift or Amazon actually using drones for some deliveries), but it's still present day and chances are there aren't a bunch of cyborgs or whatever else. We are keeping vague as it gives us much more freedom long-term. To be clear, we may not even be in America. If you imagine how the setting was in Half Life 2, never clearly said, but suggested over time, you're right on the money.

@KingFisher: I dig your character and think she'll do well here. My only thought is that the way you described her makes me think more psychopath, or close, than sadist. Does she develop emotional connections whatsoever, is it harder for her, or does she simply not give a shit unless she does? You mentioned she was on the spectrum of autism and I know some characteristics can be similar, so it might be worth some thought. Also, do you plan on her brother being a NPC/secondary?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Could I become a police officer who stays in the city from the most of the RP?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lo Pellegrino

Lo Pellegrino The Pilgrim

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Rare said
Could I become a police officer who stays in the city from the most of the RP?

That wouldn't be a problem, just make a damned good CS.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kingfisher
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Kingfisher Observing or participating?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Noxious said
SO, just womdering Kingfisher....what made you go with Chessa? I only wander because I was thinking of naming my character Chessa B. and then you posted Chessa. I have no problem choosing a different name, but what are the chances, seriously? Crazy. Are we watching the same TV shows or something? I have no idea why I even thought of Chessa in the first place.

Shes a character from a novel I was writing that I scrapped, about a female serial-killer. She got a Cheshire grin at one point in the story, hence "Chessa".

Lo Pellegrino said
@KingFisher: I dig your character and think she'll do well here. My only thought is that the way you described her makes me think more psychopath, or close, than sadist. Does she develop emotional connections whatsoever, is it harder for her, or does she simply not give a shit unless she does? You mentioned she was on the spectrum of autism and I know some characteristics can be similar, so it might be worth some thought. Also, do you plan on her brother being a NPC/secondary?

I'd say she's a sort of psychopath with sadistic tendencies. Unless someone proves to be particularly amazing she won't go out of her way to make emotional connections, so I'd say she lands somwhere between it being hard and not giving a shit. I was going to leave the autism thing ambiguous, so it wasn't obvious QUITE how far gone she had become. I was thinking of having her brother and his friends in the introductory post, but I didn't really have any plans beyond that. Thanks for the feedback, BTW, it was very thought provoking.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Astarael42
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

My character sheet has been updated, I may add more detail later but for now I must sleep. Let me know what needs to be changed, etc.
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