Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SirensCall
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SirensCall The Siren Hellspawn

Member Seen 2 mos ago

It was a rather odd meeting to be called, a rather odd one indeed. For the last few months, the auror's office was finally regaining some order, hell the Ministry and the Wizarding World in general really, but as the blonde haired, grey eyed woman sat with some of her new colleagues, she could feel some tension. There were still Death Eater loyalists at large, and dangerous ones at that, but life couldn't be put on hold forever, and with Quidditch season coming around, the auror's office knew that large gatherings like that would be likely targets for the most violence.

But that didn't stop these volunteers, and one Ryan Lockwood was just waiting for the team she would be assigned. They weren't just worried about the audiences, they were worried for everyone, afterall. And this meeting was dragging on. Especially with most teams getting ready to start practicing within the next few hours. "Lockwood!" Her name was called, and she looked up.

"Yes sir." She spoke, and the man handed her the paperwork she needed. Most of the captains had been informed, but others either ignored the owls, or just hadn't been reached yet. So paperwork was necessary.

"You have been assigned to Puddlemere United. The top packet is for you, the bottom letter is for their captain. You best be off, you have a half an hour before their practice starts."She was informed, and Ryan rose a brow. Still, she stood, and exited the meeting, heading towards the floo chimneys and apparating out of it and into the field in front of a housr she knew all too well. The Weasley home.

She noticed a tall, red haired man with a sleeping blonde boy in his arms, and a small smile twitched at her face. "Hey Ryan." The man greeted, and she approached, placing a kiss to the boy's forehead.

"Hey Charlie. Thank you for this. I thought I would have a bit more time before I had to be off, but I have to leave in the next fifteen minutes. Got to be there before the rest of the team and all." She explained, and Charlie nodded.

He had been staying with his family since the Battle of Hogwarts, where he lost one of his younger brothers. Not to mention, he had been helping her with Ayden. Who was still asleep in his arms, but Charlie spoke again. "You know I don't mind. Ayden is my godson, and ... " Charlie trailed off, Ryan knowing where it was going. He picked up again, just on a different topic. "So which team were you given?"

"Puddlemere United." She answered, and Charlie smiled a bit.

"At least the captain is a familiar face, and I am sure he wouldn't mind this little man coming to practices." Charlie chuckled, quietly.

Ryan shrugged. "I can't do that, I can't put Ayden in that kind of danger. Besides, he'll get to come to games with me, so there is a silver lining somewhere."

He nodded, and Ryan looked at her watch before placing a kiss on the sleeping boy's forehead. "Thanks again, Charlie. I will be by to pick him up later. If you have any problems, send me a patronus or something."

"This isn't my first time watching him, just go. I have this." He said, and Ryan nodded before apparating to where the practice was said to be held in her file. And there was the team, and she looked to her watch. She wasn't late, but then again, she remembered who the captain was. Oliver Wood. The Quidditch Nazi as he had often been referred to, but he got good results.

She approached the team, who looked at her, and when she finally got close enough, one spoke. "Are you lost, ma'am?" He asked, and she shook her head.

"Where's Captain Wood?" She asked, and another spoke.

"He's getting the rest of the practice stuff. You're dressed up quite a bit if you're a new addition." He said, looking her up and down. She was in a pair of slacks, a white blouse underneath a black blazer, and a pair of flats. She sighed, seeing some movement and the man she knew as Oliver Wood.

She walked over, letter in hand. "Captain Wood?" She addressed, and she offered her hand to him. "I don't know if you remember me, but I am Ryan Lockwood. I'm from the auror's office, sent to watch over your team in practice and the like."

She handed him the letter, and looked back to the team. She felt sorry for whoever had the Falcons and the Tornadoes. But then again, she knew her colleagues could handle worse, and she finally looked back to Wood. "I promise I will be out of the way." She told him before she headed over towards a bench away from them, where the best vantage point was and began going through her files.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SirensCall
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SirensCall The Siren Hellspawn

Member Seen 2 mos ago

It would be quite a day, quite a day indeed. Marcus Flint could feel it in his bones. Fall was coming, and Quidditch pre-season games would be starting, and before he knew it, the World Cup would be coming round. And he was going to try his damnedest to get on the England team. He had come so close he could almost taste it last year. But after everything that happened, he needed to focus elsewhere. He had lost friends, and though he hadn't been on either side, he lost people. Old classmates, old teachers, and though Marcus dare not admit it, it changed him. He was still the cocky guy he always would be, but firewhiskey had become a vice of his. He drank to forget the pain, to numb himself, but since trying to sober up for Quidditch, he'd been having a hell of a time. With a sigh, he ran his fingers through his hair and headed outside, Quidditch gear in hand. He still had an hour or two before practice began, and with this auror shit being thrown on them, he knew he would have to watch himself. His background probably sent off a flag to them. He headed off, the Leaky Cauldron seemed like a good place, and their breakfast wasn't so bad, and once he got there and situated, he saw other Quidditch players had the exact same idea. "Shit, I'm late." One grumbled. "Wood is a fucking slave driver." He had been talking to a woman, but Marcus couldn't help but to feel steamed. He had been pro just as long as Wood and he still wasn't Captain. What a load of bull! "What can I get for you?" A waitress asked, and after ordering, Marcus closed his eyes. "Fucking Wood, always held on a pedestal." He mumbled, and when his food came he saw another familiar face, and he just ignored it as he ate. Though his teammate was approaching. "Ready for practice, Flint?"he asked, and Marcus continued to remain quiet. "We've got a really ugly auror, I think his name is Drake or something, Daniels is pissed." "Well, the auror's office is stupid for having auror's protect Quidditch players." He grumbled, and looked up. "I kind of get it, but it's better to put their resources elsewherw." Marcus went back to reading when another teammate approached. "I just heard from my brother in law that the Falcons got an auror worse than ours, a tall, barely understandable dude named Gregory." What was it with his teammates and being around him when he didn't want to be bothered? "Puddlemere probably got an even worse one." Marcus amused, but yet another teammate approached. "Actually, they got a cute blonde woman." As if Marcus wasn't pissed enough. "Well then, how about we drop the topic, get ready for practice. Daniels is already going to be a dick, so why give him more of a reason?" And now Marcus really wanted the day ro be over so he could dig into his flask of firewhiskey. Really wanted it to be over.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by El Taco Taco
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El Taco Taco Schist happens.

Member Seen 7 days ago

Hogwarts is burning. She doesn’t know how anyone can see, how anyone can fight in all the smoke, but the green and red and metallic tang of spellfire is proof enough that the battle still rages. Katie is running along cobbled stones, ducking beneath curses. She has to keep running—if you stop running, you die, and she’s fought too fucking hard to die now—

Everything is fire. She’s burning and all she wants to do is scream, but she is trapped in stillness. Ice, she realizes, but ice doesn’t get inside you like this, she thinks. She doesn’t know. She’s drowning in needles and smoke and there’s death in her veins. She can’t breathe—

Katie woke with a start. Instantly, her hand grasped at her bedside table, fingers clumsy with sleep. The touch of ash beneath her fingertips spread warmth through her body. Her wand was here—the room was empty but for a small kneazle, glowering at her wild thrashing—everything was fine. She slumped back into her pillows. Her lungs burned for air. She couldn’t breathe quite deep enough to ease her wildly beating heart.

The bedside clock informed her that it was quarter past four. Katie groaned. Wand still in hand, she palmed her eyes. The groan became a frustrated shout, and she directed her wand skyward at her light. It exploded in a shower of glass, streaming down onto her bed. Her kneazle snarled, darting beneath the bed. Katie swore, then vanished the mess with a muttered word and a vicious flick of her wand. Muttering darkly beneath her breath, she rolled out of bed to begin the day. No point in trying to get back to sleep; she might as well go for a run.

Maybe it was daft, running herself to exhaustion with practice later that day, but Katie had never been one for good ideas. All she knew was she couldn’t bear to keep still with a dream like that in her head. She’d nearly collapsed in her shower, muscles burning. She wasn’t sure whether the pain was due to her run, or her old injuries. Either way, Katie downed a pain potion, and it took the edge off.

Never one to cook, the blonde swung her grey duffel bag over her shoulder and apparated to the first place that came to mind. The Leaky Cauldron came into view, Diagon Alley awakening all around her. Hitching her bag higher, she set off for the pub. Running a freckled hand through her loose blonde waves, she sidestepped a large wizard bustling towards the Apothecary. It was strange. During the war, the Alley had been half shut down and cold. Now, you could barely tell that the war had touched it. The only evidence was the tea shop where Fortescue’s had once stood.

A wiry old man held the door for her into the Cauldron, and Katie slipped inside with a cheery grin of thanks. The pub was packed. Apparently she wasn’t the only one who abhorred cooking. Approaching the only empty seat at the bar, she dropped her bag and leaned across the counter. Little Hannah Abbott smiled in greeting, bustling over.

“Kates! Got a bit of sun, haven’t you?”

Katie grinned, glancing to the galaxies of freckles on her shoulders and arms. She’d spent the off-season in Spain on holiday and emerged rather bronzed. A summer in the sun had burned thoughts of war and spellfire from her head, and she had half a mind to pack her bags and go back. Would England always taste of war?

“A bit,” she agreed, crossing her ankles as she leaned on her elbows on the bar. “How long you been working here, then?”

“A couple of weeks now,” Hannah remarked, looking fondly at the bar. “I quite like it. Keeps me busy, you know? Anyways, what can I get you?”

Katie could read between the lines. Busy was the only thing she had to keep the dreams at bay. Annoyingly, her leg throbbed, as if it could sense where her thoughts were going. She smiled tightly. She focused intently on relaxing the muscles in her leg. Merlin’s tits, not now.

“Eggs and toast? Thanks.”

Breakfast was dull. Hannah was busy with the slew of other customers, and Katie kept to herself. There was loads of gossip bandied about, but she could barely focus on it. Fuck, her leg hurt. She needed to drop by St. Mungo’s and get Alicia to write her a script for a better pain potion. This was getting ridiculous.

Her watch informed her that practice was drawing near. With a sigh, she dropped a galleon and eight sickles on the table. She dropped off the stool a little stiffly, swinging her bag on to her shoulder.

“Cheers, Hannah, we’ll do tea sometime,” Katie called over her shoulder, raising a scarred hand in a friendly wave. Hannah returned the wave, before returning to her duties. Katie turned around to finally pay attention to where she was going. It was a little late for that; she’d knocked into somebody annoyingly tall. Graceful as she was on a broom, she was a little less coordinated on solid ground, especially with her leg flaring up. Goddamn Malfoy and his fucking necklace. How that piece of shit had avoided Azkaban was beyond her. Ferrety bastard deserved the Kiss, in her admittedly biased opinion.

“Shit fuck, sorry--” she swore without thinking, stumbling back and definitely not wincing at the pain in her leg, no sir. Her expression went flat as she recognized who exactly she’d bumped into. Brilliant. Flint was rather high on her list of People Katie Bell Would Like to Personally Set on Fire, for reasons such as him breaking her ribs three times while at Hogwarts. Katie had never been a delicate player, but he’d taken things to extremes not quite meant for school quidditch. How she yearned to make first string and break his ribs in return. “Oh, it’s you. Fucking perfect.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by El Taco Taco
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El Taco Taco Schist happens.

Member Seen 7 days ago

Oliver Wood had been playing Quidditch since he was old enough to walk. In his nearly twenty years of flying, he had never quite learned to manage first day nerves. In his youth, he had been prone to obsessive compulsively pacing his room, running through plays in his head. Oliver liked to think he had made significant progress in that he now spent his first night seated while obsessive compulsively running through plays in his head. While it wasn’t quite restful as, say, sleep, it left him a shade less exhausted than pacing had.

As far as first days went, this one was not going well. Oliver hadn’t played Quidditch proper in nearly a year—not since the ill-fated protest last December. Morally, it had been the right thing to do, of course, but it had thrown his life into a chaos for which he was ill-prepared. He’d nearly been thrown in Azkaban with his muggleborn players and had been issued a lifetime ban on playing Professional Quidditch. Oliver hadn’t quite realized how grim things were until he’d realized he was being tailed by Auror’s, marked for a dissident. And, well, since they thought he was a rebel proper, he’d given it a shot. Frustratingly, he hadn’t been able to do as much as he would have liked; the downside of being a former national Quidditch star. But he had lent his wand to old friends and helped smuggle a few muggleborns out of the country. And when the call to battle went out, Oliver was one of the first to answer.

The war had ended, and though it took a few months to sort through the mess, his lifetime ban had finally been reversed in time for the new season. Oliver noted with some bitterness that Kearney Stevens, one of his Chasers still hadn’t been freed from Azkaban, his paperwork somehow taking much longer than Oliver’s. No matter how he pushed, the Ministry was still slow to respond. Never mind the mess it made of his training schedule; Flitney should never have spent a day in Azkaban, let alone nearly ten months. Even without Dementors, the prison was not a place for good men. Now, he found himself in the Team Manager’s office, sorting through the aftermath. He should have been with his team at breakfast, raising their spirits, not drowning in a sea of miserable bureaucracy.

“Kearney Stevens' paperwork will be seen tae in due coorse',” Oliver read in disgust from a scroll of parchment. At the table, a weary witch groaned, dropping her face into her hands. Azkaban had aged Manpreet Bellamkonda—when Oliver had last seen the woman, she had been polished and bright eyed, passionate about Quidditch and brilliantly suited to liaising between the business and the sport. She had agreed to allow Oliver defy the order to fire all muggleborn players and go to play the Harpies with their original team in solidarity. The owner of Puddlemere had thrown her beneath the broom. He had blamed Manpreet for the stunt when it had (predictably, he realized now) gone to hell. She’d been sentenced to Azkaban where Oliver had escaped. She had not been protected by fame. Yet, unlike Kearney, her release paperwork had gone through almost instantly. Of course, unlike Kearney, Manpreet was a full blood. It shouldn’t have surprised Oliver, and yet, he’d thought that once the war had been won, things would be fair again. It was an awful lesson to learn. “This is disgustin’. They’re dragging thair feckin feet because he’s muggleborn.”

“I know. I’ve arranged for a hearing, but the earliest I could get was next month. They’re booked solid, or so they claim,” Manpreet sounded close to tears, raising her head to look at Oliver helplessly. “I’m beginning to think he’s dead, Oliver. I’ve been sending Kearney letters since I got out. He stopped writing back a month ago.”
Oliver’s blood ran cold. He’d been playing with Kearney for six years now, and the idea of losing one of his closest friends to that fucking prison was enough to make him want to scream. Instead, he reached out to drop a steadying hand to Manpreet’s slim shoulders. He drew deep for the confidence in his voice,
“Don’t think lik’ that. He’s going tae be okay. We’ll get him home.”
“Right,” she nodded, as if she were trying to convince herself. She took a shuddering breath, and then smiled weakly at him. “Okay. For now, pull up the reserve Chasers, see who we can substitute for him. I’ll write an appeal to get Kearney’s hearing moved forward, see if I can find an advocate to help out. You should get to practice.”
“Of coorse,” He squeezed her shoulder one final time, rising and gathering the folder of paperwork she’d assembled for him. Everything was mad; the Ministry wouldn’t release his innocent forward chaser from prison, but they’d assigned the team an Auror to protect them from blood elitists. He wondered if they’d purged their ranks of the scum who had served under He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, or if they’d be protected by a war criminal.

Oliver dropped his paperwork off in his small office off the locker room, hefting the practice chest out and onto the shoulder of his navy blue robes. Grasping his broom in his offhand, the burly Scot made his way towards the pitch. The autumn sun and the crisp morning air were a welcome comfort. Quidditch was back and soon he’d have his mate free and in the sky. Everything would be okay. It had to be; it was the only thing that kept him going some mornings.

He nodded to his assembled players as he approached, raising a brow at the sight of a neatly dressed woman. Approaching, he lowered the large chest to the ground in a smooth movement as she walked to him. The blonde looked a little familiar, but he couldn’t quite place her.
“Captain Wood?” She addressed him briskly, holding out her hand. He grasped it in a firm shake, giving her a questioning look. “I don’t know if you remember me, but I am Ryan Lockwood. I’m from the Auror’s office, sent to watch over your team in practice and the like.”
“Aye, that’s me,” he assured her, before his brows knit together at her greeting. A muscle in his jaw clenched. The Auror’s office. He’d been followed by Aurors, had dueled a few during the war, and it was difficult to forget the terror of being watched, of being hunted. Her name sounded familiar, but Oliver could only assume that they had been at Hogwarts together. “Ah heard you’d be joining us fur th' neist while. We… appreciate it,” he forced the words out, trying not to let on his discomfort too much. This was part of things getting better. She was trying to protect them. He needed to trust that.

She informed him she’d be out of the way, and presented him a letter. He accepted it, opening it and scanning it. Same paperwork that Manpreet had gone over with him. He stuffed it in a pocket in his robes.
“Whatever ye’ll need tae dae yer job, let me know, I’ll make sure ye get it,” He told her, before allowing her to depart. He turned to his team, watching him curiously, some of the lads watching the Auror leave with interest. A few had the same wary look on their face that lingered in his gut. War had changed all of them. “A'richt ye bastards, git in th' air! We're flyin’ suicides.”

The familiar chorus of complaints brought a grin to Oliver’s face, blue eyes dancing warmly as his team grudgingly obeyed. War had blighted the skies, but Quidditch would clear the air.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SirensCall
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SirensCall The Siren Hellspawn

Member Seen 2 mos ago

His voice... it brought her a sense of comfort. It was familiar, but Ryan could barely show when she was happy or sad, much less uncomfortable. So her plain look remained as she nodded to his statement. She could sense all around tension, and for having what seemed to be the emotional range of a teaspoon, Ryan had always been particularly good at picking up on emotions. Perhaps it was because of her inability to show them. Either way, she went to her business, a rather large file case being pulled from her bag. It contained everything about the team so she could gauge who would possibly be more of a target, but hearing a chorus of complaints her head turned. It would have made her smile, remembering the times McGonagall had asked her to sit in practices her last two years of school to make sure there was someone who could administer immediate healing help if need be.

That memory was so distant now, and she quickly returned to her work, opening the first of many files. The first file had been Oliver's, and she already knew he would be a target. Just as her husband had been... but he didn't make it, and it was her own sort of personal mission to make things right so no one else would suffer a similar fate. Her next file was of a person she hadn't seen. Kearney Stevens. Her eyes glanced up, studying the players before she saw his status. She read it aloud to herself. "Pending release from Azkaban?" Her voice was soft, and she set the file aside. That raised plenty of questions in her mind. If it hadn't been so hard on her to return to the Department of Mysteries after the war, she would have... but where she was at it would have made it difficult. Especially when she did work with the veil.

She shook her head ad she continued reading through the files, and after what felt like an hour, a large crack filled her ears. She wrote it off as another player, who was late, but a pair of puffy blue orbs met her eyes, and she immediately set down her work and saw Charlie there. "Charlie..." she began, standing momentarily, and he looked at her. She was silenced, and she picked up the crying boy, and rubbed his back.

"George is having another break down. He picked up on it, so mum insisted I bring him to you while we deal with it. Since Katie is at practice too." Charlie explained, setting down Ayden's bag. Ryan nodded

"Then get home. Ayden will be alright for today. I hope." She said, and Charlie nodded disapparating on the spot. She sighed, and she sat with Ayden, playing with the boy's hair. She couldn't afford a distraction right now, but family did come first to Charlie, and he wanted to remove, even his godson, from the negativity.

"Mummy..." he whimpered, and she placed a kiss to the top of his head.

"Watch them, Ayden. Quidditch, remember?" She whispered and the boy's eyes lit up ad he looked to the sky, and Ryan kept her eyes peeled as her son became instantly enthralled at the flying sport. Her mind was so pre occupied. Reading the files and the like that she had nearly forgotten how beautiful Quidditch looked from the ground. It was amazing to watch what they did in the sky, but something seemed off...

And it was probably the absence of the one player... Kearney Stevens.

"Mummy..." Ayden's voice came and snapped her from her thoughts as he pointed up. "Fly?"

"We'll ask Uncle Charlie when we see him." She said, using her fingers to brush his thick locks of blonde hair. Obviously today, though it was a practice, was going to be uneventful. So she picked back up the file of Kearney Stevens and read it over, and Ayden frowned at his mother's expression.

"What wrong?" He asked, his head looking straight up at her and she leaned her head down and placed a kiss to his forehead.

"Something isn't right, Ayden. Keep watching." She urged as she found some of the paperwork. "Seen to in due course? Oh no... that isn't right at all."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SirensCall
Avatar of SirensCall

SirensCall The Siren Hellspawn

Member Seen 2 mos ago

This little pre practice meeting had become quite a nuisance... quite the nuisance indeed. Marcus now regretted not signing with the Falcons, because Merlin knew that Daniels was a terrible captain compared to what Marcus could have been. And fuck were his teammates annoying. He just wanted to be left alone. He wanted to play Quidditch, drink, and be left alone.

He finally dismissed himself from the group, paying for his breakfast and heading to leave. He had gotten out of the Leaky Cauldron and was walking down Diagon Alley before realizong he had left his gear. He cursed beneath his breath and turned back. As if his day could get any worse. He already had thoughts of leaving Tutshill and practically begging the Falcons owner and captain take him. At least then he would be with competent players.

He felt someone knock into him as he headed back into the Leaky Cauldron. He couldn't help the smirk that fell over his face. Katie Bell, the Gryffindor firecracker, now a Falmouth Falcon. Oh, this was just adding to his list of reasons drink. "Little jingle bell. Look at that, nearly knocked me down. Better be careful, you may break yourself in half."

He gave a half chuckle, but he noticed a small sign of pain on her face. He noticed someone coming in behind her, nearly slamming her into the groun, but he grabbed her and moved her aside. He didn't think, he just reacted, like when he was going after the quaffel. He let her go and gave her a small pat on the arm, covering himself up. Can't let the enemy know you're soft. "Watch it jingle bell, you might get yourself hurt out there being that absent minded." He quipped before he turned and grabbed his things, seeing his teammates do the same. He could almost feel himself groaning.

"So, Flint, are you ready?" One asked as they passed by Katie again before Marcus stopped. Captain Daniels was standing there.

"There you bunch of half wits are, come on. Moved practice time forward so the auror can ask questions." The man spat. Flint rolled his eyes, and Daniels caught it. "Better things to do, Flint?"

"Yeah, actually. Practice. Isn't our first game against Puddlemere?" He hissed, and Daniels nodded.

"Well then, let's go." He said before most of the team promptly apparated. Marcus stood there though, gear in hand, remembering his flask in the front pouch of the bag. He shook his head.

"Wonder if they'll arrange a meeting with me." He grumbled, walking out and disapparating to his practice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by El Taco Taco
Avatar of El Taco Taco

El Taco Taco Schist happens.

Member Seen 7 days ago

Katie’s expression went flat in the ‘Are you fuckin’ kidding me’ sort of way when he called her Jingle Bell. Merlin’s sagging tits, as if she hadn’t heard _that_ one a million times in her short life. A muscle in her jaw twitched at his obnoxious smirk. She wanted nothing more than to draw her wand and blast his fucking face off. He’d been the bane of her existence at Hogwarts, and the past few years hadn’t much improved him, she decided. Well, his teeth had been fixed, but that was like putting a coat of paint on a pile of shit and claiming it was better. “That a threat?” She queried, doing her best to keep her temper under wraps. Merlin, let him say yes. It would feel so _good_ to return fire and break _him_ in half. She wasn’t seventeen and cursed anymore. Playing with the Falcons, even in the reserves, had turned her body into compacted iron, and the war had forged her into steel. He was laughing at her. Katie’s blood rushed through her ears, her fists clenching, nails biting through the flesh of her palm. She was going to fucking kill him—he grabbed her arm forcibly, moving her with annoying ease out of the path of one of the numerous half-trolls that populated the British Irish League. His grip was like a fucking vice—she wouldn’t be surprised if she had bruises. And, more annoyingly, he blamed the near collision on her. Katie was proud that she didn’t wince when he forcibly patted her arm. Her brown eyes narrowed, burning with barely restrained rage. It was a small wonder she hadn’t set him on fire. Her chin jut out defiantly, fists clenched at her sides. He was significantly taller and larger than she was, but she had no doubts that she could outmaneuver him. People always underestimated her, and she was more than happy to take advantage of that. Even with her fucked up leg, Katie Bell was a force to be reckoned with. “Let me be clear, Flint, and I’ll use simple words so you can follow along; if anyone’s getting broken in half, it’s sure as hell not going to be me. Fucking try me. I return fire with interest.” She paused, then continued condescendingly, “You do know what _interest_ is, right?” His team was arriving. Even Katie wasn’t stupid enough to pick a fight with all his mates around him. She tossed her blonde hair out of her face imperiously, hitching her bag better across her shoulder as she stepped away. She recognized his team—Katie made it a point to know her enemy—and their Captain’s flagrant disrespect made her lip curl in distaste. _What a piece of work_, she mused with a derisive scoff. It warmed her bitter little heart to see Flint get treated like shit. At the series of _pops_ all around her, Katie took her cue and apparated herself. The Falmouth Falcon’s stadium was a fucking zoo when she arrived. Reporters had swarmed the apparition zone, cameras flashing and voices raised in alarm. A camera and a quill were shoved in her face the instant she arrived, and it took everything in her power not to fire off a blasting curse at the offenders. “Miss Bell, what do you have to say about these dreadful allegations? Fact? Vicious rumors spread by rivals?” Rita’s cutting voice was loudest over the din, and Katie’s eyes narrowed. What on earth was going on? She shoved past, ignoring the indignant gasp and scratching of the emerald quill, and made her way through the crowd into the stadium and the team locker room. She didn’t expect to find the entire team there, starting string and reserve. She certainly didn’t expect the team’s owner, Gutaale, a stout and swarthy wizard to be at the head of the crowd. He looked grim, his heavy brows furrowed over his calculating eyes. Katie dropped her bag by an empty patch of bench, seating herself as she examined the crowd. No… not everyone was here. The starting chasers were all gone. She’d know if Johannes was here—he was nearly seven feet tall, he was not the sort of dude who hid in a crowd. And wherever Johannes was, Kyle and Orion were sure to be close by. Shit, Santiago was gone too. “Is that everyone?” The Falcon’s manager, a slim and cagey looking wizard with a wiry moustache, asked. She stared. How did Petyr not realize they were missing four people? It wasn’t like Petyr didn’t know them—shit, he’d remembered her birthday and inquired after her kneazle and she was just a reserve chaser. He wasn’t uninvolved. Her fellow Falcons were a mix of disgusted and enraged. “Yes,” Gutaale’s deep baritone seemed to rumble through the whole locker room. His voice was steady, but… exhausted. Saddened. “As I’m sure some of you already know, thanks to the vermin at the gates… four of our players have been detained by the Ministry. It disturbs me to say it, but Johannes, Orion, Kyle and Santiago have all been charged with war crimes. Apparently, we had Death Eaters in our ranks.” Katie boggled. The locker room remained totally silent. No. No fucking way. She had fucking played with Santiago and he wasn’t… he couldn’t have been... she’d seen his arm a million times, he didn’t have the mark. He… fuck, they’d gone drinking together, he’d crashed in her _flat_ dozens of times when he was too plastered to apparate. Oh Merlin, no… “They’ve been taken to Azkaban. We’re on a temporary suspension while the Ministry investigates the rest of us. They’re going to want to prove that we were helping them. So let me be blunt; if you were, you need to be gone by the end of the day. The Ministry will find out if you were collaborating and I can’t guarantee their Aurors will get to you first.” He paused, then inclined his head towards a thick man with a heavy beard. “Gregory here is our point of contact with the Auror’s office. He’ll be conducting the investigations and providing protection for everyone who passes.” “We will all be practicing together from here on out,” Fenrir, their Seeker and Captain, remarked quietly. Fenrir never needed to shout. When he spoke, everyone listened. He was the best damn Seeker in the League in Katie’s opinion, fair to his teammates and utterly brutal when it came to the game. “We’re going to rebuild. Completely. This will not break us. We’re going to get back into the season and we will crush anyone who dares to question our honor.” “All contracts are being renegotiated,” Gutaale intoned. “If you are first string and you get cut, you will be paid for this season and released to the pool. Reserve players who do not make the team will be cut and paid as well.” Well… shit. Katie glanced about the room to gauge her teammate’s reactions. They varied from grim acceptance to outrage and the room erupted in a swell of voices. Katie squeezed her leg. This was her chance. She was going to make the team or fucking die trying.
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El Taco Taco Schist happens.

Member Seen 7 days ago

Practice was different without Kearney. The team was off kilter, plays not quite running just right without him. Oliver kept the plays running, did his best to smooth things over. The reserve player was good, but she hadn’t played with the team like Kearney had. She didn’t know the cues, the dance. She was catching on as best she could, but it was just a reminder that Kearney was gone. Perhaps forever. The morning was rough. He wanted nothing more than to keep playing through lunch, to hammer out these issues and get back on their game. But he was aching too—and Oliver realized that, just like the others, _he_ hadn’t played professional Quidditch since December either. He needed a break too. With a heavy heart, he called for lunch. They touched down, the atmosphere decidedly glum. “Take two hoors fir lunch,” he clapped the reserve chaser, Meryl, on the back as she passed, holding her for a moment. “Guid wark it there, Meryl.” “Thanks, Cap’n,” she murmured, looking rather pale, but determined. She nodded, setting off on her own. That wasn’t going to work, he mused, looking to his other two chasers. Hector and Erickson were walking together, arms slung around each other’s shoulders. He was going to have to have words with them later. Oliver looked around the pitch. The stands weren’t empty—oh, the Auror. He’d forgotten about her. It occurred to him that he needed to know who was _protecting_ them. He didn’t want to be blindsided by anything that might happen. He remembered what the Ministry had been like not even a year ago. He swung his broom down from his shoulder, stepping into the stirrup of his broom, rising through the air. Landing on the risers, he approached the Auror, who had somehow been saddled with a small boy with white blonde hair. He arched his brow. “S’the lad yoors then?” He queried, careful to keep his tone friendly. “We’ve stopped fur lunch. Dae ye’ fancy grabbin’ a bite?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SirensCall
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SirensCall The Siren Hellspawn

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ryan couldn't believe all that she was reading, and beneath her calm and collected facade, a storm was brewing... and may the fear of God be instilled in all those who stood in her way in the wrong light. She opened up her file box again, looking through some other papers. She had made it her personal mission to help the muggleborns so they didn't end up dead, in Azkaban for life, or worse... end up as her husband had. She had never fully talked about the details because... well, she saw it, and in the week she stayed in the Ministry afterward, she studied the veil, knowing he would never make it there. A dementor's kiss was definitely horrid to watch, she could remember it vividly, and since then she hadn't been able to produce the patronus she had once been so proud of. However, she had become much more protective of the child in her lap who was happily watching the sport going on in the skies. Briefly, her heart dropped as she thought of Trent. Trent Day, a wonderful man indeed. He had worked in something that dealt with Quidditch in the Ministry, and she shook her head... she couldn't be distracted... not with all she had to do. She felt Ayden slip out of her lap as she continued over some files, but she kept looking back to Kearney's. He would be her first bit of meddling. He had been in much longer than others, and she would be damned if she stood idly by and let this continue to happen. She still had hold in the Ministry, some of them were scared of her because they knew where.she used to work before she joined the aurors office... and they knew those who worked in the Death Chamber, though bound not to speak of their work, were not forces to be reckoned with. It was how she got into the aurors office so quickly. Ayden played with her hair after a while of her being so into her work, and he climbed into her lap and buried his head into her shoulder. "Ayden, what's the matter?" She asked, but soon she saw.Oliver land near them. She quickly flicked her wand and her files went into the box and back into her bag as she stood. She held onto Ayden and she heard hos question. "Yes, he's mine. I promise he won't be a bother. He loves watching, but its not going to be an all the time thing." She assured him before he asked about lunch. She was going to answer, but Ayden moved his head and looked to her. "Mum," he said, "Food?" She gave a gentle.smile. "Sounds good. I had a few questions for you, I have a file I keep looking at that has been bothering me. I am sure you will know why when I ask." She said, gathering up her things as Ayden slid down and began looking at Oliver's broom. She took hold of his hand. "Come on, sweetie. I told you we'll ask Uncle Charlie." She whispered, and he gave a smile as he held onto her hand. "Come back?" He asked. "Yes, Ayden." She said, looking to Oliver. "Where to, I will have to meet you there? Apparation with a little one is quite delicate."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SirensCall
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SirensCall The Siren Hellspawn

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Upon appearing in th he designated practice pitch that Tutshill had, Marcus could feel the knot in his stomach tighten. He had been biting the bullet with this team far longer than he cared to admit, even got moved from reserve to main team within his first year... but Daniels had remained captain. He wasn't the one who deserved it , and granted Marcus would never turn it down, he knew he didn't deserve it either. Not with the only teammate he could tolerate having so much more to offer. Michaels always had. Still, as of late, Marcus found himself cursing not taking the contract with the Falcons. They won some games at least. He hadn't seen a winning game in a while because Daniels couldn't get the team to work together. They had been running drills all morning before they decided to break for lunch, and Marcus saw the auror going round asking questions. He had yet to be questioned, and he had yet to decide to ask them any questions, but he was sure he would be next. Most of his team had decided to go back to the Leaky Cauldron for lunch, and oddly enough, he went with them. He sat at a small table, alone, observing everyone, but soon Michaels joined him. "What a first practice so far. Daniels has become more of a dock, I swear." Michaels said, and soon Marcus saw more Quidditch players filing in. Some were Falcons, others were part of Puddlemere, and soon came in the aurors. The one that they had been assigned, Drake, joined them, and they weren't kidding when they said the man was ugly. "D'you mind?" He asked and Marcus shock his head, seeing that he was reading through some.files. "So, Flint, you were a Slytherin?" He asked, and Marcus nodded. "And says here you were offered a contract with the Falcons as well when you graduated." "Yes sir, any other pertinent questions?" Marcus asked, rolling up his sleeves and showing he didn't have any marks, aside from scars, on his arms. "Not at the moment, just making sure my files are in order. Poor Gregory has quite a handful with the Falcons." He chuckled. "And Ryan with Puddlemere." "What are you saying?" Michaels asked, and after the three ordered, Drake gave a grin. "You see, I knew about my team assignment a month in advanced, so I was able to work through all of my major problems before first practice. Gregory and Ryan both just got their assignments this morning. One has to conduct ward time investigations on most of the team and the other has a target painted on her team. And not all of them have been released from Azkaban." He whispered. Flint and Michaels nodded. Flint was very pleased too, now he knew that perhaps if he got a meeting with the Falcons, having figured they were the ones with war crimes fiddling their team, he may have a chance of leaving Tutshill. "Interesting." "Just means more paperwork and he'll for them. You guys are smooth sailing." Drake commented, and Marcus.just nodded. Merlin let him leave Tutshill, he knew he needed it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by El Taco Taco
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El Taco Taco Schist happens.

Member Seen 7 days ago

She confirmed the child was hers and Oliver nodded. The lad couldn’t be much older than two or three. He’d have been born just before the war, then. He was lucky to have survived it. So many children had died. He could remember with perfect clarity how little Colin Creevey’s corpse had felt in his arms. Oliver smiled tightly, forcing his thoughts away from that night. “It’s alright,” he grinned at the tyke, who appeared to have his priorities straight. Food was always brilliant. She mentioned the difficult of apparition with a child and he nodded, rubbing his chin. Merlin, he needed a proper shave. “Dae ye know the Patil girl's café just aff Diagon Alley? It's quieter than th' leaky cauldron this time ay day,” He offered. Katie had taken him there last week with Alicia and Lee, fresh from holiday. It had been a relief to see them all alive and well. He remembered how pale Katie had been when she’d told him she was smuggling ‘Licia out of the country, how tired Lee had looked all those long months, wondering if she’d made it out alive. Merlin, his _team_ was broken and Oliver couldn’t do anything to help. He’d never felt so powerless in his life. Padma’s was all royal blue and gold, with open windows and curling steam from a dozen tea pots. The walls were covered in artful dances of paint, swirling fires and glittering galaxies bleeding into oceans and silk. There was a corner covered in flowers and picture frames, an impromptu shrine to their dead. Someone had lit incense before the laughing photo of a girl he remembered to have been a Gryffindor (she had a floral name, maybe). Oliver studied the shrine, hands in his pockets. They hadn’t placed Fred here yet—Oliver didn’t think anyone was quite ready to give him up. He heard the bells tinkle above the door and he turned, raising a hand in greeting to the Auror and her little one. He put the shrine at their backs when he lead them to their table, holding out her chair as his mum had practically beat into him. Oliver had cleaned up with a quick scouring charm, although his robes were still rather rumpled. “Wood. It’s nice to see you again,” Padma greeted, her black hair plaited down one side, voice soft. She smiled to Ryan and Ayden, serene. “Lockwood, was it? What can I get you?”
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El Taco Taco Schist happens.

Member Seen 7 days ago

Practice had been brutal. It was always punishing—they were Falcons, and they were the most vicious team in the league—but today they had dialed it up to eleven. Katie hadn’t felt so alive in years. Adrenaline had blocked any pain out from her mind and _Merlin_ she had played the best she had since before the war. It had started grim, but Falcon’s were happiest when they were beating the shit out of each other and the practice had ended in laughter. As they left the locker room, they managed to avoid the few remaining reporters. They apparated in a series of _pops!_, appearing outside the Leaky Cauldron. Muggles sidestepped them, not even batting an eyelash at their Quidditch gear. _Most_ of them had showered, but Katie was convinced their beaters were actually trolls. No amount of hygiene would ever fix their stench. Maybe they were related to the Auror investigating the team? Releasing a whoop of exhilaration, Katie leapt on Kamala’s back. The dark haired witch staggered for a moment beneath her, before caving into her mad impulses and hitching her up with barely a wince. Katie had broken four of Kamala’s ribs rushing her for the quaffle and knocking her off her broom only an hour earlier. She was a good sport, really. “I’m not a broom, Bell,” Kamala was laughing as they entered the Cauldron. It was packed for lunch, and the Falcons were quick to start dragging tables together. Fuck anyone who said they were blood elitists—they were going to fucking show the world that they were better than that. “Damn right you’re not, my broom knows how to fuckin’ maneuver, you’re like a goddamn bus.” “That’s because of your fat ass,” Kamala snarked, but Katie was simply snickering and dropping off her back. Kamala ran her knuckles through Katie’s blonde hair, mussing it properly. Just like Angie and Licia always did, she realized with a laugh as she landed a punch on Kamala’s ribs. She did wince then, and land a blow on Katie’s arm that nearly numbed it. “We can’t take you two anywhere,” Fenrir drawled, but there was a twitch of a grin on his otherwise impassive face. Katie batted her eyelashes obnoxiously at him, prompting an eyeroll. “Don’t lie! You adore us, oh Captain my Captain!” She dodged the spoon Haggerty threw at her, which bounced off the back of some poor bastard’s head, dropping into the last empty seat. “Haggerty, do you even know how to _aim_?” “Fuck you, Bell!” He snarled, but she was all fiendish glee. Poor Hannah Abbott looked so displeased by their obnoxious group, but she was sweet as ever as she took orders. It was almost like Hogwarts again, and Katie clung to the warmth in her chest, the first bit of sunlight she'd truly felt in months.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SirensCall
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SirensCall The Siren Hellspawn

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ryan was glad to be away from the Leaky Cauldron, as so many times since the end of the war, the wrong person said the wrong thing to her. As hard as it was for her to show emotion, anger came almost too naturally. Ayden and she found Oliver rather quickly, and when he pulled her chair out for her she gave a polite nod and a quiet, 'thank you,' as she watched her toddler find his way into the seat beside her. She finally took in their surroundings, it was quite peaceful here. No people throwing things at each other, no one was screaming at the top of their lungs. It was really, truly, peaceful. And when Padma came over, she saw Ayden offer the woman a smile, and she allowed him to order for himself. She only repeated it when she realized how incomprehensible his babble had been, but he was learning rather quickly. And she simply ordered some herbal tea for herself. Her mind had been hazy though, and the root of the problem she needed to desperately address. She knew that being so new in the aurors office might seem less than ideal for a team that would be heavily targeted like Puddlemere, however, she also knew that she could handle that pressure far better than their most weathered aurors. I mean, for Merlin's sake, she had been the youngest unspeakable in an age... and her work heavily involved work with the veil. Most people would never understand the stress it put on people, but for some reason, Ryan could handle it very naturally. Ayden's voice snapped her from inside her own head, the file still dancing its way through her thoughts. "Mum," he said, looking to Oliver. "Like Aun' Ka'ie?" Ryan gave a gentle smile and nod. "Yes sweetheart. He plays Quidditch like your Aunt Katie." She whispered before finally addressing the Scottish man sitting with them. "I do apologize, but this has been bothering me quite a bit. One of the first files I read was for a Kearney Stevens, and well... I just have to know who you have advocating for you. It isn't right that his appeal is taking so long to push through. Granted, the Ministry, nor the aurors office for that matter, are perfect, but the fact that they are putting off such..." she searched for the words a moment, "pressing matters, it really makes me wonder." And as if her child could sense his mother's discomfort, he took her hand and held onto two of her fingers. It caused her heart to drop for a moment. He was so much like his father. Very few could tell what she felt or what she was thinking, but Trent had always known how to put her at ease. She couldn't help but to kiss the little boy's forehead, her front betraying what her eyes were saying. "You are so much like him." She mumbled into his skin before moving away and busying herself with her conversation again. "Oh, I almost forgot." She said, opening her bag and fingering through a few papers before she passed the one she selected to him. "If I could get your signature on this. It's just a rather wordy way of saying that I have read over your team's files and find that none of you are guilty of war crimes, and this one," she said, placing another sheet out, "Is for an expedited appeal for Mr. Stevens. I know you have probably filled out far more of these than you care to admit, and I would care to know about, but I just need your signature on this one, I have already taken care of the rest." A few more jingles from the bell over the door didn't earn any attention from Ryan as she dug for a quill, but they certainly gained Ayden's attention. He scampered down from his seat, and almost as quickly, Ryan stood, her wand about in her hand before she relaxed. "Unc Cha'lie!" She let out the breath she had been holding, "I am truly sorry, normally I am not this distracted. If you'll excuse me." She said, seeing the tall red haired.man scoop the giggling boy up in his arms. To his left was Ginny who smiled to Ryan. "You been behaving for your, mum?" Charlie asked, and Ayden nodded. "I see fly!" Ayden grinned and Charlie looked at him. "You did?" He asked and soon Ayden motioned for Ginny as he smiled. "I fly?" He asked both Charlie and Ginny. Ginny nodded and Ryan felt Charlie pull her aside before seeing Oliver, and she looked up to him. "I am so sorry for earlier, really." Charlie said, she nodded. "I understand, how did you know we were here?" She asked and he shrugged. "I didn't, Ginny suggested popping in here when we didn't see you in the Cauldron." He said. "Saw Katie there, so I figure we'd take him over there after lunch to see her, so you can get some work done." "Thanks." She said, and soon she had to cover her mouth with her hand at the site she and Charlie were walking towards. "He like Aun' Ka'ie. He fly too. Play qui..." Ayden was talking to Ginny, and getting visibly frustrated for not being able to put Quidditch together. "Maybe I just need to stop apologizing with Ayden here." Ryan said, and Charlie clapped Oliver's shoulder. "Long time, no see, mate. Sorry about dropping the little flyer in on your practice. Had something to attend to, but once little man is done eating Gin and I are going to take him flying." He said, seeing the boy's face light up. "Charlie." Ryan said, firmly, and he nodded. "Only if he behaves the rest of the time." Charlie said, and Ginny excused herself to get them a table at the Cauldron. And Charlie stood, helping Ayden with his food when it came as Ryan refocused on her work. "Where was I?" She asked herself before quickly regaining her thoughts. "Oh, right, if you want to read my piece on this second form, feel free, I have a copy for you as well. And this final form is, more or less, a list of my skill sets and what have you, so if you have questions there, please feel free to ask." She was surprised at herself for being so, all over the place, but to be honest, she knew having her son there made her that way. She wouldn't forgive herself if anything bad happened to anyone else, and only Merlin knew how she would be if anything happened to her son.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SirensCall
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SirensCall The Siren Hellspawn

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Marcus was glad to be sitting with halfway intelligent people. Michaels had been quiet for the most part and Drake kept boasting about how well prepared he was, but Marcus could see right through it. Marcus may not have been book smart, having had to retake a few seventh year classes at Hogwarts and graduate a year later, but he knew quite a bit about people and sports. Drake was only boasting because he was assigned one of the few true neutral teams, and he knew it. Oh Merlin, one of theirs had been thrown in Azkaban for war crimes, but he was a reserve player no one really knew or cared about. Granted, yes, he was sure all of them were being looked at, but that was because of the team's bad reputation. "So, Drake," Marcus drawled, growing quite weary of the man not shutting his mouth. "Exactly what can you do?" Michaels nodded. "Aside from, obviously, being able to know what exactly is going on with the team you are supposed to protect. Drake paused, and he sighed. "I am most skilled in shield charms, and I am fair at transforming things and people." Marcus leaned back a bot, hearing the volume increase substantially once the rest of the Falcons entered the Cauldron. He rolled his eyes, but as he would have it, it seemed their owner wasn't far behind the crowd, speaking with a couple of others. He soon addressed Drake, "Quite average, glad to know that our beaters would do better than you." Drake's face drew into a frown, and Michaels chimed in once more. "No kidding, hit a bludger to Daniels and watch them fall." Drake excused himself and Marcus smirked, seeing him sit with the man who he presumed was the auror for the Falcons. "Finally." "He wasn't lying about you being offered a contract with the Falcons?" Michaels asked, and he shook his head. "No. I really regret not signing with them now, but here I was almost guaranteed off the reserves in a year." He said, and Michaels nodded, and soon their food was placed before them and they ate in silence. Marcus never moved his gaze from the Falcons, or their owner. If he ever had a chance to grovel for a job, more figuratively than literally, but he didn't need his team to see. That could put him out of a job entirely, and he almost looked forward to their game against Puddlemere United. He always did, especially with Wood there. The animosity never died between them. Aside from Quidditch rivalries, he had gotten one of Wood's girlfriends at Hogwarts to cheat on him. It just made things worse, and even now he was sure that was what kept friction between them. Still, all but him and Kearney were in the Cauldron from Puddlemere, and he could only guess that it was for a reason. Marcus paid for his food and went to leave the Cauldron after paying for his meal, and he headed out, strolling down Diagon Alley. He caught a few stores bustling before nearly slamming into a red head who was coming out of a tea shop. "Watch it." He hissed, and she glared at him. "Watch yourself." Ginny spat, and he saw her heading towards the Cauldron. He had halfa mind to follow her and give her a.piece of his mind. And after a moment, he did follow her. He found her standing by Katie. Oh god, Jingle Bell again, Oh well. "Hey, Katie. Charlie will be in after a few minutes, we have a little surprise for you." Ginny informed the blonde, and Marcus walked over, not caring, and knocked into her, acting as if he were heading towards his team. "Watch it!" "Sorry, must have missed you there, kind.of like how you missed me." He chuckled, mightily, but soon a tall red haired man walked in with a small blonde boy, and he approached Ginny before the blonde boy ran towards Katie. "Aun' Ka'ie!" He exclaimed, but he ran into Marcus' legs and backed away, slightly scared. He moved.back, but soon the red haired man walked up, knowing full well Katie could handle this, but she didn't need a fight. "Try it. Trust me, it will be the biggest mistake you make." Charlie said, seeing how Ayden quickly got over it and clambered into Katie's lap, and shying into her shoulder. Marcus put his hands up. "Not that bad, Weasley. Perhaps we can settle it later. You know, so the brat can't be an excuse." He had a feeling those were fighting words, and he moved towards his team, hearing a collection of responses before Daniels sat with him. "Watch it, Flint. Can't have any preseason drama." He hissed, and Flint just shrugged.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by El Taco Taco
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El Taco Taco Schist happens.

Member Seen 7 days ago

The lad was surprisingly well behaved. Oliver had been a terror at that age, bickering with his numerous siblings, driving his poor mother spare with his antics. When the lad mentioned Katie, he arched a brow to Ryan. Suddenly, he connected the dots between distant stories. “Dae ye mean Katie Bell? Merlin, ah didne realise thes was th’ infamous Ayden. She talks abit ye all th’time, ye know,” He grinned to the lad, rather amused. Small world, their Wizarding London. Katie had gushed over being named the lad’s godmother, and he distinctly remembered her vow to “spoil the ever loving shit out of the boy”. He was privately rather pleased that she had yet to turn the child into an unholy brat. She mentioned the files and Oliver sobered instantly. Kearney Stevens. The thought made him feel almost ill. He accepted his tea from Padma, nearly draining the cup. He considered his thoughts for a long moment, before finally answering. “Manpreet, th’ team manager, she’s bin daein’ everythin’ she can. It’s toogh—she jist got it o’ Azkaban herself only two months ago. She’s got th’ ear ay Griselda Marchbanks on the Wizengamot, but it’s bin a struggle.” He was silent for a long moment before he added the thought he’d been dreading to even consider, “He hasnae written back in a lang while. It’s possible ‘at he’s nae wi’ us anymair.” Ryan presented him with paperwork. Oliver eyed it cautiously, reading through it steadily. He didn’t _distrust_ her, per se, but he certainly trust her either. It was very dense legalese, but Oliver was determined to read it through. He wasn’t signing anything without knowing what it really said. He didn’t realise his old Hogwarts Quidditch captain had joined them until he’d reached their table. Oliver looked up and smiled wide, nodding in greeting. It had been too long indeed—he hadn’t seen the man since the Battle of Hogwarts. He stood to greet him properly, clapping each other on the back in a warm hug. Charlie had been his idol throughout Hogwarts, had given lanky second year Oliver the shot that had changed his life. “It’s alright, mate. He was nae trouble at all. Ginny,” he greeted warmly, grasping her hand in a firm shake. He’d never played with the girl, but he’d heard she was as fierce as Potter, and he’d seen her duel. She was good people. “It’s guid tae see ye again.” Padma didn’t even blink an eye at their additional company when she arrived with a platter of food. She placed Oliver’s curry gently on the table, waving her wand as an additional cup of tea floated over for Charlie. He’d not known the lass in Hogwarts, but she had been a good friend to him since the war. She never pried, simply squeezed his shoulders when he remembered the Creevey lad. She brought him more paperwork, and Oliver began perusing it, letting his curry cool. When Charlie took the lad, he raised a hand in an absent minded wave, working through the documentation. Padma silently kept his teacup full as he worked. He finally reached the last document, and what he found was surprising. He raised an eyebrow at her. “Says haur ye worked fur th’ Department ay Mysteries. ‘At’s a respectable job. Why’d ye leave?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by El Taco Taco
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El Taco Taco Schist happens.

Member Seen 7 days ago

Katie was halfway through one of her most vulgar stories to Gregory, hands dancing as she recalled the Falcons-Holyhead post game party. He was chuckling through his truly impressive beard, leaning back in his chair. He was a massive man—she wouldn’t be surprised if he was a quarter giant. His accent was heavy, he was Ukrainian he’d explained, but he was a reasonable man. Katie felt safe; he’d been leant to the Ministry after the war. He hadn’t been here, torturing children, terrorizing innocent families. Ginny arrived with great news, and Katie grinned, rising to hug the redhead. They’d become close when Katie returned from St. Mungos. If anyone understood being cursed by old magic, it was Ginny Weasley. Katie had often gone to the younger girl’s dormitory and talked late into the night over exploding snap, drinking smuggled firewhiskey. “Ginny~!” She chirped, before her expression went dark as Flint knocked into her. Katie thought it was amazing that she didn’t launch herself at the brute and break his fucking face. “Eat a dick, Flint—“ She stopped cursing the instant she saw a familiar head of white blonde hair. Her face lit up, and she went for her wand when the lad ran into Flint, ready to hex his face off. But Ayden was there and she stooped before him, letting him clamber onto her. He buried his little face in her shoulder and she rose in a smooth motion, hitching him up. “Ayden! How’s my favorite bloke?” She ruffled his hair, turning him away from Flint. She shot Marcus her most withering glower. She was going to _break_ him. Next time she saw him, she was going to give him exactly what he deserved. She forced her expression light and cheerful and focused her attention on Ayden. “Look how big you’ve gotten!” “Ees thes your son?” Gregory asked warily. Katie laughed, waving him off. She didn't blame his suspicion. There was certainly no paperwork in her record indicating she had a child. “My godson, Ayden. He’s the Falcon’s biggest fan. Look, that’s Cap'n Wolf! You remember him, right?” Fenrir smiled, casting a warning look around the table. The Falcons quieted, cowed by his calm stare. Katie laughed as Kamala leapt up. “And Auntie Kamala,” she grinned, “She flew you around the pitch for your birthday, remember?” “Hey champ,” Kamala smiled, subtly stomping on Pucey’s foot as he snickered. They’d been given shit for cooing over the lad before, but Katie knew she and Kamala—the sole women on the team—were still the scariest witches in the league. Pucey swore beneath his breath and earned another foot stomp. “You know, I think we have a new jacket for you back at the pitch.” “Think he could come by?” she posed the question to both Fenrir and Charlie, reaching out to give him a half hug. They’d become close mates over Ayden and it was difficult to suppress the flutter in her heart whenever he was around. It was silly, of course—Charlie’s true love was dragons, and fearsome though little Katie Bell might be, she couldn’t breathe fire. It was a girlish crush, something that belonged in her life before the war, and she kept it firmly under wraps. “We’d be honored,” Fenrir remarked solemnly, and Katie turned her brown eyes on Charlie with a hopeful grin and a wink. “I’m sure Ry’ will be fine with it. We’ll be careful.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SirensCall
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SirensCall The Siren Hellspawn

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ryan had given half a chuckle when he put Ayden to Katie as her godson. "Yes, this is he. Loves his auntie to bits, he is nearly as in love with her as she is him." She confirmed after a moment, and once Charlie went to take the lad to leave, she let Oliver read through her documents as she said good bye. "Now, remember, Ayden, be on your best behavior. And when you get to go flying, make sure to hang on tight, like your auntie showed you." She told her son who gave her a big hug and she kissed his forehead. "I love you." "I luv you, mummy." He said back, and she rejoined Oliver as he read through her last file. His first question caused her to sigh. "I doubt that, highly. As bad as Azkaban can be, they haven't reported any deaths, and any of them would have been brought to someone's attention in the aurors office. I don't know why he stopped writing, but just keep some faith, hmm?" She said. She closed her eyes a moment as she sipped her tea, but his question caused her to open her eyes, and she turned her head away for a moment. No one had ever actually asked her that question, so she had no clue exactly how to answer, especially since speaking of what happened with Trent had been exceedingly difficult. "Well, during the war, the Muggleborn Registration Comission came for my husband, Trent Day. He had worked in the Ministry as well, but he left once that atrocious woman, Umbridge, came. I stayed in the Department of Mysteries so I could change Ayden's legal name under the radar, so he would be protected. Since I am a Pure Blood," she began, her eyes lowering. "I begged Trent to run, I did, but he didn't want to leave me and Ayden, said he'd gladly take Azkaban over showing his son that running is okay... and then came his trial. Caused an upheaval, and well..." she paused again, and she began somewhere different. "Okay, I may have been an unspeakable, but I can tell you where I worked. I worked in the Death Chamber, and after Trent, I stayed for a week before I took Ayden and hid. I was asked to return, but I couldn't, and they understood why. So they pushed my paperwork in the aurors office." She couldn't bring herself to say what happened as the images that had been seared into her mind.played over and over again. She took a sip of her tea and she stood. "Please, excuse me, I need some air." She said as she stepped outside for a moment and she sat against the outer wall of the small cafe, her head in her hands. She had been trying to overcome this since it happened, but she hadn't been doing well. She knew returning to work, especially with the veil and knowing he wouldn't appear. She lifted her head, she had been told she could return to the veil anytime, so perhaps she could check there for Kearney if it came down to it. She recomposed herself and she reentered the cafe and gave her apologies. "I do apologize, it sometimes becomes.difficult for me to talk about."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SirensCall
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SirensCall The Siren Hellspawn

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Marcus watched, as Katie shot him a glare that would have scared other people. Not him though. She might have been vicious on the pitch, but he had already seen some of her weaker points. Still, it wouldn't much matter if he managed to get onto the Falcons, and then he would be working with them. He sighed a bit and watched as the two female Falcons gushed over the little boy who had been named as Katie 's godson. Ayden giggled as he waved to the captain and his aunt Kamala. He smiled big to his Aunt and Charlie just stood there and watched as his godson soaked up the attention. Then a question was directed toward him, and soon he was met with not only Katie's large Brown eyes, but Ayden's bright blue ones as well. "Peas, Unc Cha'lie! I be good." He chuckled, and at Katie's statement he gave a nod. "I suppose she wouldn't mind. Since it s his Aunt Katie." He said. Ayden's grin grew as he looked to Katie again. "I fly?" He asked and Charlie shook his head and ruffled up the boy's hair. "No wonder how Ryan gets him to behave. I thought she was kidding when she said she wouldn't let him fly anymore." He chuckled. Marcus was becoming nauseated at the site and he headed outside the Leaky Cauldron again, and rolled his eyes, and down the way a bit he saw a rather pretty blonde against the wall of a small cafe. He was going to head over towards her, but soon she was heading back inside, and he shook his head. It had to have been a good thing because he soon heard a voice behind him. "Sir." It was quiet and belonged to a small man, and Marcus turned fully to face him. "Are you Marcus Flint, chaser for the Tutshill Tornadoes?" "Depends on who is asking." He answered, and the man handed him a card. Marcus couldn't believe what was on it. "My boss asked me to give you his card, and you two can arrange a meeting. Preferably before the season starts. He found your name on record when we began looking again, and given your skills, I am sure Gutaale would like to meet you." He said, and Marcus gave a nod, shoving the card in his pocket and walking down the street that was fairly quiet at the moment. He knew not for long though. Hogwarts had nearly finished being rebuilt, so the school year would be starting soon, and Diagon Alley would be bustling with families preparing their children for school. He saw Ollivanders had been remodeled finally, and everything else was coming to life. Restocking, putting things in the Windows, and hanging up signs. It was how he remembered his first trip to Diagon Alley, and he felt a smile tug at his lips. He shook his head, seeing his team starting to file out of the Leaky Cauldron, and he only returned inside for a moment to pay his bill and he felt glares on his back as he left, nodding to the small man who had caught him outside. Then he disappeared back to practice, knowing that it wouldn't be much longer that he was with Tutshill, he was going to make damned sure of it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by El Taco Taco
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El Taco Taco Schist happens.

Member Seen 7 days ago

The past three weeks had been brutal. Katie had been at the pitch from six till ten, six days a week. But she needed to make the cut. If she didn’t get onto the team, she wasn’t going to get onto any team. Who else would take a chance on her? Katie Bell, damaged goods, the girl who took every opportunity to foul and fight. It was the Falcons or bust. Finally, Fenrir and Gutaale had sent word that they had selected a new team. Katie Bell couldn’t sleep at all the night before, throwing and catching her stress ball over and over until her kneazle, Freddie, tackled the leather sac out of the air. She reluctantly rolled out of her bed, staggering to her shower, waving her wand at the tea kettle on the way. Katie breathed deep, studying her reflection. She’d pulled her wet blonde hair into a lazy milkmaid braid, to keep it out of the way during practice. Her freckles had only gotten darker; it had been a hot summer. She had never seen this much sunshine in all her years in England. The split lip she’d earned from a wayward bludger was finally healing up. After the fucking necklace, most simple healing charms couldn’t quite patch her the whole way up anymore. Her bones could still be set, and life threatening injuries could be managed, but little things—black eyes, cuts, sore ribs—they remained stubborn in the face of magic. Katie shrugged on her uniform, dark grey and white, praying this would not be the last time she would wear it. She’d worked so hard, had never played better Quidditch in all her years. She needed this. She needed to prove she wasn’t broken, that she could still be the scariest witch in the league. She apparated after feeding Freddie, the stadium appearing before her in a rush. It was as crowded as it had been the day their team had been discovered to contain Death Eaters. Katie, blessedly, escaped most of the cameras, hitching her bag on her shoulder and making her way indoors. They had assembled on the pitch. Katie fell in with Kamala, punching her shoulder encouragingly. The dark witch offered a tight smile, clearly worried. “Hey,” Katie greeted, looking around. Everyone looked grim. Fenrir and Gutaale stood in the center of their makeshift circle, a rolled up parchment in their Captain’s hand. “Good luck.” “You too,” Kamala squeezed her hand. Katie looked around. That should be everyone, shouldn’t it? “We're still waiting on one more person,” Gutaale intoned, as if he’d read her thoughts. “We’ll get this over as quickly as we can.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by El Taco Taco
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El Taco Taco Schist happens.

Member Seen 7 days ago

Oliver Wood hated formal robes. No matter how many times he wore them, he would never enjoy the stiff collars or the pressed lines that, no matter how often he practiced the charm, he could never for the life of him get crisp. He hated to bother his mother but, for this, he’d been willing to make the Floo up to Scotland. Kearney Stevens’ hearing. Ryan had made good on her word, pushing paperwork through to get them here. Three weeks had felt like forever, but when he’d heard how long others had been waiting, well… they were lucky. Manpreet leaned into his side beneath his arm, her face drawn with worry. She’d been a good manager and a better friend in the years he’d known her. She took a deep, shuddering breath, trying to steady herself. Oliver squeezed her shoulder. “Hoo’s yer wife daein’?” He asked. She sighed in relief, evidently welcoming the distraction from the courtroom looming ahead of them. “I huvnae seen ‘er around th’ pitch lately.” “Gaelle’s in Iceland on a field expedition,” Manpreet smiled softly, and it was one of the few genuine smiles he’d seen her give since before the war. “I’m taking the Floo over after the hearing. She’s got some time off from chasing after Yetis and armored bears.” “Hoo much lahnger will she be gain, dae ye reckon?” He remembered the woman from a team holiday party—Gaelle always left an impression. The curly haired magizoologist was certainly a character, flitting from thought to thought without finishing half her sentences. He’d rather liked her, even if it was evident that was the sort of brilliant that meant she was completely mad. “They’re scheduled to come home late October,” she sounded reasonably cheerful, all things considered. “And she’s promised no more field work until next summer, at least. It’ll be nice having her home, driving me spare.” “Mr. Wood. Mrs. Bellamkonda,” a small wizard in stately black robes had exited the courtroom. He eyed them rather condescendingly. Oliver arched a heavy brow. Behave. For Kearney, he reminded himself. He smiled politely, slipping his arm from Manpreet with a pat on her back. “The Wizengamot is ready for you now.” Where’s Lockwood? Oliver glanced down the hallway. Maybe she’d decided not to show her face. Surprising—he’d thought, with what she’d told him about her husband, that she might have shown. He nodded, following the tiny wizard and Manpreet into the courtroom. The Wizengamot was as untouchable as ever, many of them dour, and his jaw clenched tightly. Many of these same people had sat on the registration commission. He may not have been a Malfoy, filthy ferrety bastard, but his family was old enough to have linked him to a good deal of other wizards in Britain. He knew some of these bastards—and they belonged in Azkaban far more than his chaser.
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