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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

- Alistair -
he cringed a little at the thought of Alexandria, but smiled "she'll probably leave us alone, i am going back into the forest after all" he listened intently as Cyber asked Save questions, he himself was interested in the not-fairy girl. as they talked he looked around, picking his way carefully.

at one point he stopped, letting go of Cyber's hand, he smiled "give me a second" and faded into wisp form to dart upwards and forwards do he could get a better view. as he was floating back down he saw them, several fairies were hiding in the bushes, they didn't seem to realize he'd seen them, and he tried his best to pretend that he hadn't, he'd have to find a way around them, once he got where he was going, they had to back off. he slowly transformed as he neared the ground till finally his feet landed gently, he smiled again, though not as widely as before "sorry, i just needed to figure out the way" he took Cyber's hand again "come on" and veered in a slight circle that would bring them to the other side of the small collection of fairies.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Margaret felt the need to tighten her grip when she felt the red color rustle about. She softly locked her own arms around it, intent on staying close to the warmth. Warmth. Warmth emitted so kindly from this person. The girl hoped that she would not get plucked off of the warm color until she felt tired.

Perhaps, the other color that popped up was kind as well. She remembered the other red color: it was a longer color of red. Far more beautiful than her. Beauty. Warm. This person too was warm. She was also kind. Kind. Kind gave warmth.

The reddish-orange haired girl's face never stirred from its emotionless state. She attempted to process the words that came from the long red color.

She could not process them... perhaps Nikola's upgrades did not provide everything she needed instantaneously. Still, she attempted to try harder.



Parents. Margaret finally heard a voice other than her maker's. It was blurred out severely, but perhaps it sounded far more elegant than she did. Elegant. Elegance. Elegance: the quality of neatness.

Elegant. Warm. Kind. This long, red color was a nice person.

Warm. Warm. Warm. The color she clung onto had some sort of unknown chemistry within it that made her feel all warm in her heart. Heart. Her pounding heart. It pounded softly, almost as if it were dying.

Margaret turned to the... other color. A color she did not remember seeing clearly. A very faint tint of... the color of the sun... came from this person. Yellow. Yellowish. Yellow. Gold.

Blonde. Margaret found the term blonde recognizable in her word bank. While her hearing seemed to be a little faulty, it seemed that she could now understand some words. It was no wonder that she heard the long red color say something that she could comprehend.

Margaret stared at the mass of blonde hair with her blank face still on. She seemed to feel timid by the unfamiliar color's presence, which led to her softly squeezing her body to Matt.

She was like a weakened creature that wanted warmth. A hug, maybe, but she felt like she should not speak yet. That was, if she could.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

– Crash–

Crash wasn’t usually one to sleep in, being the enthusiastic ball of chaotic energy that he was, normally he was wide awake before the birds started chirping. Therefore the fact that he was still asleep at 11am was a rather odd occurrence. Unable to ignore the bright rays of the sun any longer the red haired shapeshifter begrudgingly pulled himself back into the world of conscience thought, slowly retreating from his vivid dream world. As he sunk back into his body he became acutely aware of two things, one being that he wasn’t resting on a comfortable mattress, grass tickled his arm and leg whilst the rest of his body was pressed into the hard ground. The second was he could feel the warmth of someone else curled up beside him (?) He cracked one eye open as he lifted his head, blinking several times he lifted his head the sun stung his eyes causing him to lift a hand to his face covering them so he could take in his surroundings. He felt his cheeks flush with heat as his eyes fell on Kathy’s sleeping form beside him he lifted himself up into a sitting position rubbing the back of his neck as he blearily recalled the night before. The three of them had been watching the stars...thinking that he peered around as if to locate Alex, his frown deepening when he couldn’t locate the pixie boy. He’s gone? He must have left us here...could it be because of what he had said last night? The thought made him flush a darker shade of red, it had been embarrassing enough that his ‘heroic’ act had completely backfired and caused more trouble instead...Alex’s comment on it, had been...odd. Yes, odd was the best way he could describe it.

Crash pulled his knees up looping his arms loosely around them as he debated with himself on whether to wake Kathy up or not. Rubbing the back of his neck he glanced at her, unable to not feel awkward as he reached out to touch her shoulder his lips parting as if to speak. Before his fingers even came into contact with her however the worst thing imaginable happened.....

A HUGE wasp plonked itself down on the back of his hand, happily preening its antenna before exploring its new perch. Now this was probably a little shocking or scary for most people but for Crash it was freaking terrifying! He loathed insects they creeped him the hell out with the little twitchy things on their heads and those beady little eyes...needless to say his reaction was far from calm. Barely retaining a scream befitting a girl, he released a high pitch squeak instead doing the worst thing he could have, he whipped his hand back from Kathy aiming to fling the bug away from him as he scrabbled to his feet. Predicatively, master wasp was severely displeased with the sudden ejection from his warm perch, so to show his displeasure he flew at the multicolored mass with the intent of giving it a taste of his prized stinger.
Hearing the angry buzzing Crash started running in circles dodging this way and that as he waved his arms around like an absolute loon, no longer aware of anything else around him. “Buzz off!” He piped up, momentarily distracted by the impossibly high pitch his voice came out in. “Is that my-cough-is that my voice?” He questioned himself ducking sideways as the wasp flew past his ear. He stumbled away from it and in true Crash style caught his foot on a rock, his arms padded at the air uselessly as he felt himself lurch forward into a rolly polly, he hissed and grunted as an explosion of purple smoke engulfed him and he shifted into a curled up red armadillo that rolled...and rolled...and rolled...Keep on Rollin’ rollin’ rollin’ rolllllin’...and rolled down the side of the not-a-mountain-not-a-hill. By now he felt positively nauseated and was pretty sure he was going to really hurt when he stopped.

He hit a curved ridge at speed and shot out into the air like something out of a sonic game. Unsure how close to the ground he was as the world was still spinning in his mind, he made a split second decision to shift again. In another explosion of purple smoke he chose to take on the form of a red feathered falcon with the intention of avoiding a crash landing. However as he flew free of the smoky cloud he hadn’t banked on a stone wall being right in front of his face, he squawked in alarm and beat his wings but to no avail...


He ended up smooshed against the cold stone, his wings splayed either side of him the left side of his face was all squished up as well. “Today...is not my day...” He croaked, as gravity peeled him backwards off of the wall he plummeted towards the ground, trying desperately to regain his bearings as he shifted a third time this time into a large red and black striped tiger. Cat’s always landed on their feet right? He twisted over mid air, stretching his paws down towards...water?! Before he could utter a complaint he plunged into the rushing stream. Fate- 4 Crash – 0... He thought to himself as he kicked his legs beneath him slicing through the current with relative ease as he headed towards a small cluster of sharp rocks protruding from the water. He lifted his head above the surface taking deep breaths through his nose as he pulled himself between the rocks careful not to catch himself on the sharp parts. “Eurgh...I am amazed...I’ve lived this long” He grumbled to himself as he clawed his way up and out of the water completely, tearing up clumps of dirt and vegetation as he pulled himself through a cluster of vines. He wriggled his way out of the vines weak grasp, taking a moment to shake the water from his coat as he absorbed his surroundings properly for the first time.

His ears pricked as his tail begun to wag madly behind him, he took a few steps forward lifting each paw higher than he needed to so he could shake the water from them. He felt like he’d just fallen into a location befitting a Tomb Raider game...the corners of his mouth lifted at the thought of it. He took in the scenery before him as he bounded up onto a stone ramp, almost instantly noticing the bright crystal hanging in the center of an archway to his right; he hopped over to the edge of the platform before he leant out to peek through the archway. “And here I thought the beach was impressive...” He murmured to himself, inhaling sharply as something further in caught his attention, just past the entrance. One jump and he could grab a closer look, which is exactly what he did. He shifted back into his form mid air, landing with a loud splash he wobbled but remained upright his trainers just about able to grip onto the slimy rocks beneath the shallow water. Ignoring the fact he was still dripping wet and his shoes were now full of water, his insatiable curiosity forced him to move further into the ruins, towards the odd glow...after all what harm could it really do just to take a quick peek?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

- Fate -

She let out a long frustrated groan as she sat in her prison cell. Everything was black around her except for one area that let her look around the ruins. She hardly ever went over there, thinking it futile that she even look. But sometimes, she liked to just... pretend that she was out there. Think about escape, leaving this place. Slowly, she stood up and walked over to the area and sat down, staring down with an emotionless stare.


“Eurgh...I am amazed...I’ve lived this long...”

Fate's eyes shot open as she searched for the owner of the voice. Not seeing it at first, she was about to give up when she noticed him step closer and closer. A large grin formed on her face as ideas sprung into her head.

"Sir! Please! Help me!! PLEASE." She pleaded, her voice pleading. It was a voice she'd taken from a girl in Paris so it held a certain french accent. What was important was it's uses for making people feel bad for her. It held a certain hint of innocence. "I'm suck in this... thing! Please... help me get out! Some weird guy trapped me in here. I can't... I can't feel anything... I... I hope I'm not dead!" She cried out, her voice shaking as if crying.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Drow moved her head around in Lion's fur when he chuckled at her embarrassment. She cooled down a big and turned her head to look at Little feather while her cheek was still placed against the soft fur of Lion. Her mouth was slightly open when she was staring at Little feather while she was waiting for what she wanted to say to her. A warm smile shined brightly on Drow her face as she double nodded at Little feather who took of from the bed to dress up. Drow wanted to so the same but she had to shower first.

She didnt shower over a week now since she didnt like to do it but her body started to smell a bit from getting all dirty. She let go of the Lion and jumped off the bed to place her board in the kitchen area. She scrapped some clothes together from her bag and stood before the bathroom about to enter. She gulped and entered the bathroom with the stack of clothes piled up in her arms. When she layed down the clothes while fright started to pile up in her mind, she didnt want to do this but she had to. She removed her pyjama's and turned on the shower while she was standing under it. Every drip of water could be felt throughout her body, it didnt last long before she dropped down onto her knees in the shower while biting her lip.

Drow rubbed her body quickly with soap to clean herself and turned of the shower before all the soap could go through the drain. She dressed up in a yellow skirt with a white shirt ontop that was saying sweet and spicy. She got out of the bathroom and used some body lotion to cool down her skin so it wouldnt hurt so much anymore. She placed the flower from yesterday in her hair again and put on some slippers. When she was finished with everything she jumped on top of Lion again and started giggling while her arms where wiping some of the lotion off she had put on onto Lions body without Drow even noticing it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Zivon almost began to cry once again as he listened to what he had done during his…happy time. “M-me-ment-a-al…br-re-eak dow-wn…di-diffe-fer-e..nt” He couldn’t help but keep looking at the sand and soon enough as he tried to hold his tears he stood up. “M-my fu-fau-lt… I-I can-can’t do an-anything ri-right…”With that said, he decided to not bother anyone anymore he run off. Not even wanting to look back he tried to run but accidently stepping on his shoelace he lost some of his balance and even flailing for a bit landed on the ocean water. Luckily enough he did not get injured but instead just got soaked. He didn’t want to stand up anymore, how many times he had fall in front of people? Alone he moved so easily yet when there was just people he always had to fall or trip. He sat down on the warm water, not even caring anymore how drench he was and really…really tried his best to not cry again. “D-don’t…d-do-n’t cr-ry…pl-ple-ase d-on’t c-ry…”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aeris
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Aeris ғᴀɴᴄʏ, ᴀʏ ᴍᴀᴛᴇ?

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Bael's task, Idolon and Apophis' aid.

The shadow portal sparkled with energy just as Bael finally finished opening it. The dark void object twitched as if it was about to close at any moment, so without hesitating, the demon stepped inside it. His destination: Hell. Naturally, he reappeared instantly in his destination, the portal closing just as he exited it. Fixing his tie (yes, Bael was wearing a black suit- with a white formal shirt underneath and a purple tie, even) Bael started to march elegantly forward, casually checking the golden watch on his left wrist. Oh yeah, time didn't exactly pass in hell, did it? No matter, he was probably just in time to report the tasks he had received from the demon officers. A few moments passed and there was Bael, loitering around Lucifer's castle. Right outside, in fact. It took a few glances about to notice the one he had to speak with - after all there weren't many masked horse-riders around. Approaching Idolon... or at least trying to, Bael casually waved his left hand; a yellow, glowing blade dropping from his sleeve.

"Idolon." He called the horseman's name, "I found it."

Idolon tilted his head... well, he was about to, that is. He eventually kept his posture straight and stared down at the lesser demon before him. The warlord preferred to remember people through their names: a sense of honor that carried on through generations before he found himself held within the allegiance with the king of Hell.

"Good work," the masked warlord of phantoms commented.

His speech functions had improved ever since he continued practicing on how to talk instead of physically training his own body. A strange experience, but now he was capable of making conversations flow without the occasional awkward pause he always used before. His eyes squinted at the blade Bael carried it.

The masked warrior shook his head.

"But unfortunately... I think you may have found the wrong one."

His horse trotted a little closer to the lesser demon before stopping, remaining still. His glowing eyes showing no signs of blinking any sooner, Idolon slowly reached out before taking the blade.

"It would be problematic if the other officers see this," he said with a stoic tone. "I will see to it that the deadline of your mission shall be extended. You must finish the mission at all costs this time, however."

Idolon then added in, "I have a new order to give you, Bael."

The demon's eyes twitched at the moment Idolon claimed that he had found the wrong sword. Wrong... Sword? How was it possible. His expression became thoughtful, he was clearly re-thinking the moments he spent interrogating the angel in order to find the sword; had the wretched creature truly fooled him like that? Incredible.

The sword was taken from his hands, and Bael simply folded his arms in front of his chest, nodding his head once. "I had already tried to complete it with all costs. I suppose this time around, I should go even further."

And then, Idolon spoke of a new order. Bael's blue eyes stared at the superior demon, wondering if the order he was about to receive could be more important than that damned blade. "Of course, I'm listening."

"The lord desires to advance his plan in conquering Earth, and all that it has to offer. This means that the academy you have attended previously will prepare for our attack."

Idolon gave Bael a hard look, determining on whether the lesser demon would be able to complete this particular task. But then again, for a lesser demon, Bael had shown some promising performances despite his failures. He personally believed that the lesser demon would be able to complete the task with some sort of method.

"Lord Lucifer desires some of our men to stand ready in Earth; preferably nearby the academy to watch out for any suspicious activities. You are one of those men: starting from next week, you will remain at Earth and prepare for any other orders given to you by us officers. Until then, monitor the students' actions. You should complete your current mission before this one begins."

The phantom warlord remembered something one of his fellow officers, Thane, had once mentioned. He then added in, "I advise you not to directly interact with any of the academy's faculty and students. If you are caught, we will not be able to immediately help you. Anything you lose here is of no concern to the lord; as long as you complete the mission, that is."

Bael couldn't hold back a smile when Idolon told him that he was one of the men who should stand ready on Earth. There was no better place for Bael, truth be spoken; and watching those damned students wasn't a bad idea. He stood quietly until Idolon stopped to talk; and then finally, he suggested, his expression shifting to the usual serious stare.

"Since my disappearance, I haven't interacted with any of the students. Perhaps, they might still believe that I'm a mere student." He tilted his head, then added. "Either way, if I'm to watch them for... suspicious activies, wouldn't it be easier to drag one of them here and torture it until it tells us whatever the academy is up to?" The suggestion was more of a request. Bael had peculiar desires when it came to Athalia's students.

Shrugging it off, he nodded his head once again. "I suppose that's not to be discussed now, I still have a mission to complete, after all... There is... Only a small problem, Idolon. The angel whom I tortured to obtain that blade, which turned out to be the wrong one, is dead. I have absolutely no direction to follow now."

The glow in Idolon's eyes seemed to become smaller and brighter for a brief second before it returned back to its normal state.

"I believe Apophis can help you with that. Remember to tell him that I personally extended the deadline, however, or he probably will kill you on spot for... no real reason. Don't tell him that you found this... fake replica from the angel. Just tell him where you found the angel, and he would probably help you find them."

The warlord quickly added in, "I advise you to leave Apophis alone once he finds the body. Do not question why his skin suddenly changes colors when it does. He tends to do weird things to people who ask that..."

Idolon briefly remembered Apophis gutting out one of his personal soldiers' eyes out before shoving them into his own eyesockets.

That was admittedly disgusting.

"Any more questions in your duties?" Idolon asked.

"Understood." Apophis. The thought of speaking to him alone was, well, difficult to deal with. Even for Bael, who had gone through a plethora of bad situations. He shrugged the memories away before they distracted him from the more important matter at hand: Seeking Apophis.

"Only one. Where is Apophis?" Hopefully not on Earth, or Bael would have to step through a pile of corpses before getting to that creature. The sky-blue orbs loitered over the phantom warlord's mask for a brief moment, Bael could somewhat understand that even Idolon didn't seem exactly casual when he spoke of Apophis. Was that... thing a common discomfort to basically everything in Hell?

He took a step back, awaiting his question to be answered by the warlord: As soon as he was told where Apophis was, he'd begin to walk off, towards where he could find Apophis.

Idolon simply raised a hand, motioning that there was no need to move away from the palace. His hand slowly pointed toward the castle, as a small scream came from where Apophis's chambers were located at.

Apophis had returned from his wait in the ocean. To refresh his mind, he was currently doing something that could not be described in words.

"He is currently in his chambers," Idolon said with a stern tone, somewhat baffled by how quickly Apophis had returned from his trip to Earth. "I think... he should be done soon."

A few seconds passed, and the screams stopped. Just when Idolon was about to say something to Bael, one of the castle windows, which had been broken beforehand by Apophis intentionally, seemed to let some sort of body fly out it. The body was missing a leg, and the other leg was sticking out of its face. The head seemed to stick out of one of its arms.

As the dead body landed somewhere outside of the castle, Idolon simply commented, "Good luck, Bael." The horseman gave the destroyed window one last look before letting his horse slowly return to its patrolling duty.

Judging by the sounds, it was best to not go in right now. Scratch that, it wasn't good to go in in any situation, they were talking about Apophis after all. Had Bael not experienced a Hell (In hell) of his own, he'd be swallowing his own saliva in nervousness right now. But this, he could endure by now. A few moments after and the screaming ceased... And then, a body flew out of the window. Or what was once a body; now it was a mess of body parts oddly placed together. Disgusting.

Bael glanced over at Idolon. The look in his eyes was the look of 'I don't want to go inside', but what choice had he. He began to march forward confidently after Idolon returned to his patrolling. Step after step brought Bael closer to the terror and then, he entered the chamber, clearing his throat loudly.

"Apophis." He called his name, bowing his head right after. "I require your assistance."

The Deity of Chaos appeared to be sitting on his usual chair made of eyeballs. Chewing on what appeared to be some random thing he found on the floor (most likely some liver or something), Apophis raised an eyebrow when Bael entered the room.

Right after Bael finished talking, Apophis suddenly reached for the liver and threw it at some corner, hitting a frightened woman in the process. She was literally tied up to the point where moving was a stupid idea.

"Bael...? Holy heavens of delight, it's you, isn't it?" Apophis asked, his eyes widening as one of his eyeballs threateningly moved a little out of an eye socket. His grin seemed different, mainly due to the new piece of flesh he wore over the left side of his face. It seemed to belong to a female's.

It was also fresh.

"Bael, Bael," Apophis repeated, clicking his partially severed tongue as he wagged a finger in the air. "Tell me, how's your mission going? Whaddya need... help... for?"

Apophis stood up from his "chair," glancing quickly at the frightened woman he previously hit with the liver on accident, before looking back at Bael with the most fascinated look he could make with all of the flesh he wore over his face.

There were two options here. Either look at Apophis, or look around. Both were extremely difficult, so Bael's gaze flicked between the eye which seemed as if it was about to fall off at any moment, the woman in the corner and the body parts spread through the ground.

"It is... It was going exceptionally fine. Until certain accident happened. Idolon... extended the deadline, so I decided it would be smart to ask your aid." Bael began to explain, his blue eyes staring distantly at the frightened, tied woman. His gaze felt upon Apophis again, this time he decidedly stared at him instead. It took some courage to do so.

"The angel I was interrogating, he irritated me by not speaking, at all. So I got a little angered and messed up. His body is in an abandoned shackle in Earth, perhaps you could help me retrieve the information I needed?"

Apophis blew some air out of a puckered(?) mouth, simply shaking his head as he agreed with Bael. "Angels... bah. They just forget about their ABCs in the most crucial of times. Here, let me show you, actually! Don't worry; this will be needlessly quick, I promise you."

The Deity of Chaos smiled before turning around. One of his eyes finally flew out of its socket, landing nearby his chair made of... other eyeballs. Skipping over to the woman, he picked the now extremely scared woman up before placing her on his treasured chair. With a satisfied grin, Apophis took a few steps back, oblivious as to how the woman looked as if she were about to throw up.

"Miss Angel-I-Found-At-Some-Mountain," Apophis said, with an agonizing tone of curiosity, "would you mind telling me of... where your friends are at? I just can't seem to find them."

The girl trembled, unable to say anything. She couldn't even if she wanted to, for her mouth had been covered with some sort of tape made of dark matter.

Apophis shook his head again, giving Bael a "I told you this would happen" look, before commenting, "This is the third time I've asked her this question."

Now that he was done showing Bael a good example of what the lesser demon just described, Apophis kicked the woman off of his chair, sending her tumbling over to some sort of device. She stopped rolling right in front of the device, only to let out a muffled scream in fear when she figured out that the device was actually a chainsaw that randomly spun around. The saw never hit her, but Apophis decided to leave her in front of the thing anyway.

Sitting back on his chair, Apophis, put his attention back to Bael, remembering that he was actually discussing something with the boy.

"Of course, of course...I can help! We alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll make mistakes, if I remember correctly. I'm glad that angel didn't say anything to trick ya, though. I would get a little angry, then."

The Deity of Chaos, determined to help his poor subordinate out, reached for one of the eyeballs stuck onto his chair. He plucked it off.

The Eye of Ma'at. His dear brother's eye. The eye that proved that Apophis was the stronger out of the two. The eye that determined the final blow. It was both a trophy and a gift sent directly from his brother...'s body.

"My dear Ma'at," Apophis said with a maniacal grin as his voice became creepily caring and strange. "Bro, let's help someone for once, alright?"

Nodding at the eye as if it spoke back to him, Apophis quickly shoved it into his empty eye socket, letting it roll around in his skull before readjusting itself. It was one of the few eyes that could not fall off easily.

When the eye stopped rolling, Apophis was simply staring at Bael. A new look replaced the once insane and careless expression he held: it was that of a clever mastermind's. His smile was closed, and his crazy demeanor turned into that of a calm, yet cunning strategist's. With a deeper voice, Apophis simply commanded Bael as he stood up from the chair,

"Take me... to the information's location."

Bael couldn't understand the first few words Apophis spoke, so he remained silent, watching quietly as the Deity of Chaos... Smiled. Odd as heaven. But it wasn't more strange than the eye falling off it's socket, Bael's own eyes followed the eyeball as it rolled near the chair made of... many other eyeballs. And then, Apophis reached for the woman, placing her on that eyeerily throne.

Basically, as long as Bael didn't get any blood stain, part of someone's body, brain or anything strange on his new suit, everything would be alright. So he calmly watched, only raising a hand to scratch his head as he asked the woman about her... friends. She couldn't even speak and Bael would've had said that aloud, if he didn't expect it to result in his death.

He nodded at Apophis when the creature looked at him, commenting that it was the third time he had asked that question. Possibly the third-time she say a single word as well, I'd suppose it's because she can't speak. Bael adjusted his tie once again.

Even the lesser demon felt a small nervousness when the chair was kicked. It wasn't like he cared for the woman, no. But he was deeply hoping that she didn't get hit by the chain-saw and flew everywhere, including his perfect suit. Luckily, either Apophis played a lot of american soccer, or the woman was just very lucky. Well, the latter wasn't exactly true: She was tied in his chamber, after all. That couldn't possibly be luck.

The following words. It was almost as if he knew something about the fake sword. Bael kept his cool, however. He didn't even say a single word when the mad creature nodded to the eye as if it was capable of speaking and answering him.

Finally, they were about to get into what was actually important: The information.

"Of course, we need to go to 300 Northwoods Road. Think someone could open us a precise portal there? I could, but it'd take some hours to prepare."

Apophis snorted. Now that he was getting into business, he felt quite motivated to start working, even if it was with some lesser demon. Though, he had to admit, he was quite interested with this particular demon. Perhaps, one day, if this man dies in battle, he could make the perfect servant composed of flesh and souls.

"Thane is fast, but he is currently taking a rest," Apophis said with a thoughtful tone. "But Idolon should be able to make us a portal in a short amount of time. That information on the location should make things quick."

The Deity of Chaos thought about something with a strange look- a look as if he were concerned with something- before he turned to Bael. With a voice of rude, yet commanding tone of authority, Apophis ordered Bael,

"Inform Idolon to immediately prepare us a portal. I... will prepare further materials for this little trip. I believe I have some things that could possibly relate to that pathetic excuse of a living being you met."

"Very well, I will go after Idolon." With the order given, Bael bowed his head briefly before turning and heading off the chambers.

Further materials. Bael wasn't sure if he wanted to know what they were, but he'd find out soon anyway. He wasn't exactly worried anymore, after all Apophis wasn't going to decimate him now, but there was... a slight worry he had been considering. What if when Apophis does whatever he will do with the angel's body, he finds out about the wrong sword and how foolishly Bael had been fooled? Hopefully he wouldn't. Hopefully.

So, Bael took a few moments to reach the patrolling Idolon, doing what he usually did when he was close enough: Clearing his throat loudly before calling out the phantom warlord's name.


The horseman turned to Bael, his emotionless eyes seeming to flicker when his name was called out.

"Have you come with further questions, or is it something you need assistance in?" Idolon asked, somewhat getting the gist of where this was headed to.

Bael cleared his throat once again. This was almost embarassing to ask. Almost.

"Apophis has ordered me to inform you to prepare us a portal. Northwoods, road 300."

The warlord seemed to freeze at the request Bael made. It was as if...

As if he were some taxi driver of some sorts.

Still, if this was to help the lesser demon to reach his goal, then he supposed that he should simply fulfill the favor. Idolon closed his eyes. He actually went through the Northwoods when he had to pick up several lost demon spies sent to the border of Canada. That information was classified.

After several seconds of remaining still, Idolon opened his eyes, letting the strange glow shine out of his mask once more. At this point, Apophis came by, dragging the frightened woman he kicked earlier. Turning to face the Deity of Chaos, the phantom warlord asked the skin-wearing man,

"Who is that?"

"Do I need to introduce everything to you? It's just fodder for this mission that sort of flew past my men's grasps... Yes. Fodder."

Apophis smirked at the last word he said. Practically everything was fodder to him. But alas, Lucifer controlled the things he did, and thus, he looked like a simple soldier. With a bored tone, he told Idolon,

"Open that damn portal up already."

With that said, Idolon immediately struck the ground after taking his lance off of his back. A portal suddenly formed behind him, its dark and empty void-like presence being materialized quite quickly. As Apophis went into the portal with the frightened girl being dragged behind him, the warlord motioned for Bael to enter.

"When you're done there, just tell Apophis to give me a signal. He'll know what to do."

By materials, Apophis meant the woman? How difficult to understand. Bael thought randomly that if there was a manual to understand how Apophis' process of thought worked, one would go insane merely by reading it. His body seemed to tense slightly, almost as if another unwanted thought ran through his mind, but he shrugged off and dismissively waved a hand over towards the woman.

"What..." Should he ask? He paused, arms folding in front of him. "Nevermind."

Better not. Apophis commanded Idolon rather rudely, and with that, the portal was formed behind the phantom warlord. Apophis entered first, with the frightened thing being dragged behind him. Bael was motioned to enter and informed to tell the deity of chaos to give a signal once done, he nodded.

"Thank you for helping me with this task, Idolon." And with that, the demon entered the portal after Apophis.

As Bael surged on their destination, his blue eyes cast a quick look around them. They were at a road and there was only wilderness on both sides. One side had a small pathway on it, leading inside the woods. Bael gestured towards it, nodding. "That's the way."

Apophis turned to where Bael gestured at, his eyes analyzing his surroundings. From what he could sense, nothing was hiding in the shadows... except for bugs. Bugs. He hated bugs.

With a grin that slightly tore his skin, the Deity of Chaos politely motioned for Bael to lead the way, for he could not care about finding the place on his own. The frightened woman looked around in fear, scared out of her wits.

And so Bael began to follow the trail. At least for a while... Once they came a cross a car completely destroyed, Bael turned and began to step further inside the woods and away from the trail, casting a glance here and there towards Apophis. He was beginning to wonder if the woman would survive until they got there, even if they weren't exactly far.

In fact, one could see a broken, abandoned shackle already. It surprisingly had windows and doors, though: And they were locked. Bael approached the door and just weakly hit his knuckles against the door, causing it to open with a strange 'shhh' sound. Demon seals were pretty secure.

"There he is."

The sight wasn't any better than Hell... But it wasn't as gruesome as Apophis' chamber, too. There was blood everywhere around the chair the corpse was sitting at: Hands tied to the chair arm's, ankles tied together. The skin was burnt, torn and flayed, the angel missed four fingers on his left hand and three on his right hand. His left ear was completely destroyed, as if it had been shoot by a gun or hit by something VERY hard. Finally, a large stake was penetrating the poor thing's chest, likely the end of his torture.

The dead body made Apophis... do nothing. In fact, he entered the room, more interested on knowing where to put his "materials" in the shackle. It was a well-done torture in terms of being secretive; the demon seals let Apophis give Bael a "B-" in his head.

As many limbs as this man was missing, however, Apophis could do anything. He could make it possible to retrieve information, and possibly, something more. He just needed to follow his routine of gaining information properly, and everything would be over with.

"Here," Apophis said as he dropped the girl's hair, letting her fall and finally feel less pain than before, "go put this thing somewhere else, will you? And try not to touch its skin for more than two seconds: I heard that idiots are contagious this season."

Now ignoring Bael and the "materials" he brought with him, Apophis went over to the dead body. Kneeling on one knee, he touched the destroyed left ear, as if he were caressing a well-found artifact.

Apophis then proceeded to slow dig into the head, gently breaking apart the skull as if he were unwrapping a present box like a child. He muttered something- most likely a demonic chant- before glowing pitch-black. The Deity of Chaos was doing something, and it was not exactly a comprehendible method of gaining information.

Bael merely glanced at the woman as she felt down, then he looked up at Apophis, as if questioning if he was serious. Seeing he was, he took a step closer to the 'material', his fingers firmly wrapped around the black mane as he tugged it forcefully up, dragging her forward slowly and painfully towards the shackles' corner. The walls on each side had two hanging chains. She was already tied, but Bael still used the chains to keep her from going anywhere - and for the sake of keeping her hanging there.

Then, he turned himself to watch Apophis. He's going to eat the brain and gain all it's information now? The demon thought, nearly sarcastically.

Apophis continued tampering with the dead body's head.

Then, he forcefully tore off the brains and the eyes of the corpse. He seemed quite calm as he did this, for he had grown used to his modus operandi of taking information from the dead. It was something he learned from Idolon, though in a far more brutal and less logical way.

The Deity of Chaos's eyes rolled deeper into his eye sockets, letting him place the burnt man's eyes into his own. He took out his own brain, letting the rotten, pitch-black piece of his body rest on the ground as he shoved the angel's brain into his own. It was easy as 1-2-3 for him.

He remained silent for one entire minute.

Meanwhile, the girl looked around, tearing up when her chains were used to hang her body on the wall. She looked away from both Bael and Apophis, as if she knew that her end would come soon. She did not want to die just yet, but it was inevitable.

Bael had to hold himself in order to avoid a possible comment about Apophis' having fetishes for eyes. The sight wasn't particularly nice, you know, seeing a creature brutally remove one's brain - and eyes - and then place the eyes into his own... Followed by squeezing the brain inside his head. Damn, to say it wasn't nice was an understatement, even a demon like Bael felt disgusted and could feel his human stomach rolling around and screaming for help.

But he kept his cool, watching calmly, trying to understand what was happening there. He glanced over at the woman, smirking ever so slightly. "You may as well relax. I suppose it's your turn once he's done, so do prepare yourself."

Apophis suddenly tore at the brain he just shoved into his head, throwing the thing onto the wall before tearing the eyes out. Blood leaking out of his head and his eyes, the Deity of Chaos laughed, as if he were mocking how easy it was to find the blade's true whereabouts.

"So... easy," he commented, his now bloody eyes rolling back to their sockets. "I see... very, very interesting."

He saw where the blade had once been. He saw it.

He also saw more of such blades. Replicas, he presumed. And this angel had one of the replicas.

As he suspected, Bael did receive a false blade. Actually, he already sort of knew about it: he just needed to confirm whether it was true or not. Still, he had no intentions on harming the lesser demon. Thane would literally tear him apart if he did hurt him, and the ninja would probably not listen to any kind of reasoning Apophis made. Perhaps it was irony at its finest, considering how Apophis used to be the one glaring down at Thane.

But that was a story that came from long, long time ago, when Thane was not a cursed man.

"Ha... he...he..."

The Deity of Chaos abruptly turned to Bael, his eyes still bleeding as he said with a dark voice,

"It seems that they did hide the blade quite nicely. I will tell you where it is, but first, I have some things to do with my materials. You did a very, very, very, very niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice job of putting her right there. Wait outside; I shall tell you the blade's whereabouts shortly."

Bael thoughtfully eyed Apophis' over, wondering if the process had been painful to him; even though he said it was easy. And the whole process seemed... easy, had him not just replaced his brain and eyes temporarily with someone's else. With the abrupt turn, Apophis told him that he had something to do with his... materials. And Bael was glad that he told him to wait outside; as much as he wasn't exactly one with a weak point for seeing someone innocent get tortured, watching Apophis' do anything was a challenge for many.

"Very well." With that, Bael stepped outside, closing the door behind him. He reached for his pant's pocket, picking up a case of cigarettes. "Where the hell this came from?" He had no idea his last victim, an executive, smoked. The suit belonged to him as well. Tossing it away, he fiddled with his pockets a little more, finding out a smartphone right after. That could be useful, if only he knew how to unblock it, so it flew right at a tree.

Apophis watched Bael leave before turning to the girl.

About ten minutes later, Apophis left the shackle as well. His entire body was colored red, and the head of the girl rested nicely inside his stomach. Quite the feast, but the man looked very disappointed with whatever he tried to do earlier.

His disappointment was clear when he raised an eyebrow at what appeared to be Bael still standing by the shackle. Then he remembered why he came here in the first place.

Just to make himself look better(?) in front of his subordinate, the Deity of Chaos suddenly burst out laughing as he blurted out,

"SURPRISE, SURPRISE! I figured out where that stupid-a-s blade you're looking for is!"

Apophis grinned, his loose smile seeming to tear apart further if that was even possible, as his eyes suddenly began to blip red. In fact, the eyes began to blip quickly, making Apophis look like some sort of machine.

The Deity of Chaos's eyes stopped blipping, his eyes' pupils briefly glowing white, before transferring parts of the information he just saw directly to Bael. He omitted the parts where the false replicas were distributed at, and only showed where the true blade's location was.

"And with that... you won't fail this mission," the skin-wearing man concluded, his eyes back to normal. Still drenched in red, the man made a thoughtful look.

"...But just how do we get back to Hell, though?"

He apparently forgot about Idolon under five minutes.

Apophis came out, without sight of the girl; given the general color on his body, it wasn't hard to imagine what happened.

Bael remained perfectly serious while the deity of chaos laughed. He couldn't exactly understand why he was laughing, but he waited patiently for the creature to stop. And once he did stop laughing, he announced that he knew where the blade was as if that was an immense surprise. Bael grimaced.

"Incredible," He spoke, tilting his head to the side and curiously as Apophis' eyes started blipping. That was new even to Bael, not something he had seen before. Then, the thing's pupils went white and Bael felt as if a surge of information was forcefully shoved inside his mind. He now knew exactly where the sword was.

"I owe you the sucess of this task, Apophis. I shall not disappoint."

Briefly fixing his tie in place, he spoke, "Idolon said that once you wanted to return, you should give the signal. He told me you'd know what that means..." Approaching the door of the shackle, Bael touched it with his palm as it was closed and sealed once again.

"I won't return to hell, however. I will go ahead and retrieve this blade, it is of extreme importance."

The instant moment Bael said Idolon's name, Apophis had already begun to call the signal. He closed his eyes, still nodding to Bael's words as if he were supremely interested in the lesser demon's words. After hearing Bael out, Apophis nodded as he opened his eyes. A portal immediately formed behind the Deity of Chaos, and the skin-wearing... red man bowed politely.

"Then I shall see you much later," the man said. "I have so many things, mostly for my mission to eat- er, find out how to... y'know, do some damage to the Brightendales."

His smile widening, Apophis turned to enter the portal and vanished.

Only to suddenly jerk his head out of the portal, his eyes widened to the point where his original brain could be seen at. He apparently shoved it back into his head right after he tossed the angel's brain on the wall.

"Oh yeah," Apophis said, his voice seemingly whispering to Bael directly.

"If you interrupt me somehow, I'll do my best to make your entire existence a misery."

With that said, Apophis's face contorted into a surprisingly human emotion. Making a wide smile, Apophis closed his eyes as he waved at Bael.

"I'll take my leave now, then. Come back soon!"

And thus, the Deity of Chaos vanished, letting the portal slowly vanish.

That was fast. Apparently the signal was some sort of mind-conversation, Bael didn't know.

The lesser demon just nodded when Apophis said about his mission... of bringing some damage to the Brightendales. Lily Brightendale came into mind, that... angel was the reason of why Bael suffered for months. There was nothing the blue-eyed demon regreted more in his whole existence than trying to help her.

He was about to turn himself and leave, then the deity of chaos shoved his head out of the portal, the sight being quite... odd. That felt like both a warning and a threat, in which Bael did no effort to respond to. He knew better to go and make the same mistake again.

The portal finished and the demon began to walk off... Disappearing into a mass of shadows right after.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Loud gun shots where fired througout the firing range. Only seconds of silent sounded when the m1911 fired its last shot hiting the target only slightly from the center of the head. You couldnt tell it was shot on a specific place since the poster had almost disappeared completely under the bullet hit points. Liam only took seconds to switch out the empty magazine to a full one again, and began shooting again in a rapid motion. This had been going on for almost an hour now and she still didnt feel tired at all. The only thing that did bother her was that there wasnt any light in the room. The room was filled with complete darkness and Liam was the only one in the entire firing range. Liam felt like she had practiced enough to get into some serious action now and decided to get out to the training grounds again. She walked past the kicked down door of the firing range right into the bloody hot sun. At first her eyes hurted a lot and she could only see a white light shining brightly into her eyes. She used her arm to cover her eyes in pain and used her other arm to raise a hood over her head. The long blsck hairs where dtill haning from the sides of the hood making it look really weird but she could quickly adjust her hairs to make the two pig tails fall in front of her body.

She tried to get to some sort of shadow again to hide herself from the sun and didnt even notice she was walking inside of the forest again that she had been in multiple times now. It was like a maze in here, the last time she was in here it didnt end very well. Zivon and Yuki where with her and didnt seem to like it very much. She just started walking further inside of the forest but it didnt seem to be that intresting just leaves and trees and weird ass animals that she had never seen before. A stone covered in moss caught her off guard and made her tumble. It didnt take long before her face collided with the other stone covered in moss. Her nose was bleeding and her face and chest where covered in bits of moss "god damn, that really hurted a lot." Her nose didnt stop running and she raised her hand to rub it but it didnt get better. She looked around her while she was sitting on her knees. Thr place seemed different, definitely more different then the forest. She was looking at this big ass temple covered in moss and vines hiden partly under the ground "Ooooo, cool" she got up to her legs seeing that she had some scraped on her knees but she didnt mind a bit of blood. Her m1911 raised up next to her face ready to shoot at anything that she would cross "Level 1" she walked down the stairs into the ruins while her eyes littened up at every step down she took into the darkness.


Cyber was waving at her for some reason that she didnt know but she still waved back even tough she didnt know why. He started asking about back then when she was still in the same class as him "Hmm?, there is nothing special to it." She floated around making a little twist while she was floating horizontal still made sure Cyber or Alistair couldnt look up her skirt when she was floating above them "You didnt know much people in our class right so it would only be logical that you didnt know me either unless i started talking to you. There wasnt really a reason to talk so i just kept quiet. And on the other hand i look completely difrent then before." She paused for a moment when Alistair turned into a tiny flame creature and flew off "The little guy still doesnt know that you are a boy." She deeply sighed "Youre in deep trouble when he finds out you know." She heared Cyber out just before Alistair came back "The old me had blonde hair and i was always wearing cosplay even inside of the school. My desk whas at the second left front and i used to sleep a lot under the lessons because i would fall asleep from time to time." She stopped with talking short after waiting for Cyber to reply and floated horizontal above Alistair while hanging the upped part of her body upside down in front of Alistair "Where are you taking us?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

- Little Feather & Lion -

Lion purred happily as Drow ruffled his thick pelt, he didn’t mind so much his blue eyes followed Little Feather as she finally rose from her bed and decided it was time to start the day. Little Feather watched Drow for her reaction to her question rather than waiting for the other girl to vocally answer her. She smiled back at Drow as she nodded her head eagerly, she was glad that her roommate seemed excited by the idea of exploring with them...and she may have come up with an idea on how they could communicate to one another.

As she turned round to collect her clothes she noticed Drow release Lion and run from her room, she cast a glance over her shoulder at Lion who yawned and dragged his large mass off of her bed. When you say explore...do you mean use me as a form of travel by any chance? He grumbled at the Lakota as he walked over to her, and rubbed his head affectionately against her arm. “Of course I do” She grinned at him, scratching his head as she heard the shower switch on. “You love it” She teased him shooing him away from her as she disappeared behind her wardrobe door and out of sight, it took her a few seconds to get changed. She opted for a simple cropped top with intricate quillwork across it and a tassel edged skirt that fell to the middle of her thighs with added material either side of her legs so she could move without restriction and avoid looking too risqué. Lion had moved out into the hallway and was stood in the open doorway, breathing in the fresh scents the late morning had to offer. He jumped ever so slightly as Drow lightly fell onto his back and started giggling; the large beast turned his head to nuzzle the young girls face. “Hey! What is that your rubbing into my fur?” He asked her shaking out his mane as he waited for Little Feather to come back out of the bathroom.

Once Drow had left the bathroom the young Lakota had quickly nipped in there to sort out her face, she washed away the blood and dirt that she had streaked cross her face before applying her face paint with the organic based paint she had in her medicine horn. She had attached her tomahawk and hunting knife to her belt today, deciding it was best to keep them near if they were going to exploring. She bounced back out of the bathroom coming to stand beside Lion and Drow, she reached over and tapped the blonde girl to grab her attention. “Do you understand sign language?” She asked using her voice and her hands to portray her message to the other girl, she was really hoping she did. It would be a much easier way for them to communicate...well unless Drow knew how to talk like an animal. Lion’s ears pricked as he looked over at Little Feather Good thinking Cub He purred at his charge, before turning his gaze to Drow. “If you don’t Little Feather can teach you whilst we explore” He grinned at her as Little Feather hopped up onto Lion’s back positioning herself behind Drow as the large beast walked out of the door, lowering himself down so they didn’t hit their heads. “Right, lounge then on to adventure!” He told them, trotting along at a leisurely pace.

– Crash–

Crash hadn’t held any expectations on finding anything in the ruins, except possibly more creepy crawleys that would cause his vocal chords to produce obscene pitches. His trainers were becoming heavier with each step as they drank there fill from the shallow stream he was in, they were definitely going to be ruined after this. Ignoring the death of his last pair of shoes, the young shapeshifter walked further into the cavern eager to locate the glow that had pulled his attention in the first place, he stopped to run his fingers over some odd carvings when the pleading voice reached his ears.

He spun round hastily, holding his breath as if questioning whether he really had heard the voice, for starters he knew instantly that the owner was a female and held a very distinctive French accent...which in his mind was rather coincidental...it reminded him of a childhood friend he’d been forced to leave behind in Paris. Unless you’re imagining this...you are rather prone to hearing things...and talking to yourself it seems However before he could really ponder too deeply on the subject the innocent voice called to him again, her words screaming damsel in distress. Most people would have probably questioned the situation maybe put some thought behind it, Crash on the other hand didn’t think at all he literally bolted in the same direction her voice was coming from.

“Keep talking, don’t worry I’ll get you out” He called back as he dragged his feet through the water, he wasn’t unfit by any stretch of the imagination but the weight of his trainers was hindering him as he noisily splashed his way towards the sound of her voice. It didn’t take him long to find her, lead by her quaking voice he pulled up near where he thought the voice had come from. “Where...are you?” He panted looking around quizzically. “I promise I won’t hurt you...I’m here to help” He assured her, though he couldn’t pin point where she was. All it would take was her confirmation...one word and he’d reach for her willingly, innocent of her deception.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

- Alistair -
He smiled up at Save "i'm taking you to a special place of mine, we're almost there" he watched the bushes like a hawk but he didn't see any movement. "It's a very nice place, I hope you guys like it" he could hear the sound, tumbling water, it made him smile "can you hear that?" he grinned happily, like a child. As they approached he asked "so you guys used to know each other? Did something change?" he listened carefully.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Cyber watched as Alistair went off in his really cute wisp form and flew to do something, he turned to Save and nodded. “Oh…I see… Well odd enough to meet again I guess? I don’t know… you looked different before?” He tilted his head and began to think really hard to remember her but still got nothing. He nearly lost all his colors as Save mentioned the fact that Alistair still did not know he was a guy, he looked at her sighed. “I know… that’s why I am not telling, I can play this for a long time anyway…already fooled tons of guys back in school…” He looked away and also started to remember some guys he used to date just to get what he wanted… he threw them like trash at the end. “If you know already… how many I had dumped… but I don’t think I am going to do that anymore…this school I think I need a fresh start…” He said in a soft voice making sure only Save hears that. “Blonde hair huh…second left from the front and cosplay a lot… I think I kind of remember a bit but not much… sleep at lessons well that’s bad, grades are important you know….people think I might be stupid in how a live but they are sure surprised how high are my grades.” Cyber was really one of the top five students of his class who got the highest scores in all test and he laughed how people reacted to that.

As Alistair came back he waved again and followed him, as he heard special place he was really intrigued. As he heard sounds of moving water he nodded back to Alistair and continue to follow him. “Somewhere special to you… thanks for you showing that to us.” Then when Alistair asked if he and Save knew each other form back and something happen he nodded. “I guess so, I sort of remember back in my old school but as she said we really didn’t talk at all… but I do wonder what happen I mean…if you are my classmate… why are you all virtual and stuff Save?” Cyber asked her and looked back at Alistair still following him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Theobromine
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

– Kathy

What woke Kathy up, surprisingly, was not the epic battle between Crash and the wasp but the fact she was becoming rather cold from sleeping outside without anything to keep herself covered and cozy. She generally woke up at a decent hour in the morning, if there was an alarm clock by her side. Needless to say, her alarm clock was still on the end table back in her room and had been dutifully producing an incredibly annoying sound for the last few hours. It was a good thing she didn’t have a roommate yet.

Dazed, she got up and looked around. Nothing looked familiar to her and for a moment she wondered what sort of mess she had gotten herself into. “Oh right, the academy’s undergoing repairs.” Kathy straightened out her clothes and tried to recall as much as she could about the night before. The last thing she recalled was gazing up at the stars with Crash and Alex. Judging from where she was it seemed that she ended up falling asleep without even going back to her room. Frowning she wondered, ‘I guess the two of them went back already… Was I sleeping so deeply that neither of them could wake me up?’ She couldn’t help but let out a small sigh at the thought. ‘I just hope they didn’t think I was really bored around them.’ Massaging her temples, she made a mental note to get things cleared up with the two boys later when she got the chance.

Kathy got down the not-a-mountain-not-a-hill with ease, just walking down the near-vertical walls with her convenient ability, and headed for the lounge. It was the nearest building, but also convenient in that there was probably a washroom there she could use to fix herself up a bit for the day. Though she couldn’t see it, she could feel a couple of twigs and leaves knotted in her hair, which may or may not have had strands sticking up in gravity-defying ways.
– Leroy

After separating from Garden and spending the night at the lounge, Leroy made his way back to his room at first daylight. It was one thing to sleep in a public area, and an entirely different one to stay there and wait for a crowd to come in. He spent the majority of the morning just holed up inside of his newspaper-covered room making random oil paintings. By the time it was time for lunch, the room stank of turpentine to the point that it would’ve been suffocating for any unlucky visitor. Hearing his stomach growl, Leroy finally put his brush down and opened the window to let fresh air in. Looking at the sunlight he murmured, “If I could just photosynthesize I wouldn’t need to look for food every few hours…”

Leaving his room and making his way towards the kitchen, it became increasingly obvious that the heavy smell of oil paint was permeating from Leroy as well. In all honestly, it wasn’t very surprising. Not only had he been holed up in that room for hours, there was paint splotched on his clothes and hair as well. There was even a glob of paint drying on the back of his hoodie (who knew just how it got there in the first place).

Opening up the fridge, he let out a small thoughtful noise and scratched his head. He had no idea why he thought he could find some food there. Of course, he had never thought to stock any up since his arrival and his roommate Seven seemed to survive off of food that was roaming around freely outside. Speaking of which… “Hey Seven, you around?” Leroy waited for a few moments. It seemed that his roommate had long left their assigned dorm and was off somewhere.

There was a lot he should be doing, such as figuring out a way to get the paint out of his hair, but not a lot he actually wanted to. But it was true that he would eventually have to cave in and get food at one point or another, so he started making his way for the grocery store that was on the island. Boiling water was about all he could do with raw food so he hoped that the store catered to the stereotypical male student.
– Ara (A)

-Going to post after I check where everyone’s characters are. Will edit in soon.-
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

- Fate -

“Keep talking, don’t worry I’ll get you out” She heard him call out as he got closer. Her grin grew a bit wider, cat like in a way.

"O-Okay..." she whimpered, her smile never fading. It was lucky that he couldn't actually see her face right now.

“Where...are you?” He spoke, his breath short. “I promise I won’t hurt you...I’m here to help” She watched with amused eyes as he looked around, confused.

"I-I think I'm up above you... Am I? I don't know anymore... Please... Help me!" She called out, her voice sounding more and more distressed. "I'm... scared." She continued, her voice cracking slightly.

All the while, she grinned maliciously.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


She kept giggling happily while snuggleing her face into the long mane of the Lion. Her hands where rubbing his upper body affectionately because he felt so soft. She stopped rubbing when the Lion sounded somewhat angry at her. Her eyes dropped down to her hands to see that they still were partly covered in the lotion it did feel a bit sticky when she moved her fingers spreading them and joining them back together. She needed to wipe it off with something but the only thing she could see was a piece of cloth that seemed to be Drows favorite shirt hanging from the outside of her room door. She quickly wiped her hands off on the shirt and continue to rub the Lion slowpy while looking around the room to find little feather. When she finally located the lakota coming out of the bathroom fully dressed and definetly looked ready the headed off on the Lions back.

Drow felt uncomfortable sitting so close to someone without knowing if she was giving them shocks or not. She kept shoving herself forward closer to the neck of Lion till she felt like it would be a reasonable distance. She then replied to Little feather only with a small nod while looking to the side of her and not completely at little feather. She hoped little feather would know what she meant only with a nod. It felt nice to be carried around the island on a Lions back and with company. Drow kept on wondering if people that would see them both riding on the back of a big scary lion would be confused or just really freaked out about it. You wouldnt see it happen everyday, buts most of the people are difrent so it porbably would only get a small amount of attention.

Drow looked over her back at Little feather to maybe start a conversation or try to learn to use sign language but something else already distracted her before she could do so. The face pain on little feather her face looked really well done it probably had something to do with her past since she hasnt seen her once without it except for sometimes when everything was hectic. It looked cool to have so she tried to make it clear to Little feather what she wanted. Drow scraped her finger over her arm to get some lotion gathered onto one finger and started drawing with it over her cheek. She avoided her scarf carefully so it wouldnt have to go into the wash 3 times. She pointed her other hand at little feather to indicate if she could paint on her face and talked a bit "Paint"


"It just kinda put me up with this attire, havent really tried to change from clothes or anything. This cosplay is totally new to me but I like it." She raised an eyebrow in confusion at how he doesnt want to be like his old school self "You are not suppose to flirt with the firts boy you can find on this island and say you arent gonna dump anyone anymore. You need to say it before we leave." She dropped down onto the ground and tiptoed next to Cyber his ear to whisper everything Alistair didnt need to hear. Her voice raised up again to make it seem like nothing happened and continued on the conversation with Alistair "Saorise feels curious." Her voice sounded a bit monotone for a moment. She grinned at Alistair and returned back to Cyber

"My grades where perfect, I was the A student of the class back before all of this ruined my peacefull school life. Sleeping under the lessons is normal for me." She closed her eyes and focussed on controlling the phone from her hologram form. A wiki appeared on the screen of the phone with the page of sleeping disorders "Its called insomnia." She folded her arms and faced her head the other way while keeping her eyes closed. When Cyber finished reading she opened her eyes again and looked over to both Alistair and Cyber. Save shrugged "I dont even know why or how it happened. I fell asleep and i ended up here I think." She looked a bit down but quickly got herself back together "I think i can see it" she could only glimps through the trees but it wasnt much she could see.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

- Alistair -

he was saddened by the sad look on Save's face but he nodded "it's just beyond these tre..." some cleared their throat behind him and his blood turned to ice, he turned quickly on his heels, to see a rather angry fairy woman "Alexandria"
"you were supposed to be back in the forest yesterday" she shoots a glare at Cyber but Alistair steps between them.
"i'm in the forest now, what's the problem?"
"the problem is, you were exiled for a reason" she slowly started walking towards them,
he took a step back and muttered "Cyber, Move! if we get past the trees we'll be fine" he glanced back to remind himself of the girl's locations, he wasn't sure if he would be able to touch Save but he tried, reaching a hand back towards each of them. he heard rustling in the bushes.
Alexandria continued "you're a menace Alistair, we tried to help you but it didn't work, and now being stuck here is your punishment, i gave you a vacation yesterday, because of good behavior, but i won't let you slide this time Alistair"
Alistair took an involuntary step back, which brought a small, wicked smile to Alexandria's face, Alistair hissed "Move!" and turned on his heels, but he wouldn't move without the girls being in front of him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Cyber looked away for a moment and whispered to Save again. “He is not the first one I have flirted… he is my third…” He had to answer to her, it seemed wrong to just say he had already flirted with maybe two to three guys but at least he was telling the truth. “Fine, I won’t dump any guy or girl, whatever floats your boat, also if they dump me… I won‘t get mad.” He did have a temper when guys dump him but that only happen two times and he accidentally sent the two guys to the emergency room. He was kind of surprised to hear that she had perfect grades even though she slept during classes. “Really? Wow...that’s cool and I know what is insomnia already.” Save showed wiki page to but he exit it quickly. Then after hearing she just fell asleep he was really skeptical in how she got to the virtual life. “Okay?...I guess sleeping is the cause for now? No I am not sure…eh whatever…”

While walking Cyber heard a familiar noise and gritted his teeth. It was Alexandria once again, he stepped back but only to turn on a hidden game console incase things get…busy. “I know... but promise were never meant to be kept.” As he was about to get ready to fight Alistair walked in front of him and tried to calm the situation down but then told him to move. No way he was going to back out now, of course it was in his nature to fight as well. So instead he step in front of Alistair and with his power summoned a katana from persona q and was ready. “Sorry Alistair, this lady got me fired up, its been a while since I actually fought but I am sure this would be fun.” He pushed Alistair hard to make sure he was far away and was ready to fight. “Well want him to stay, lets fight then…” He tapped the katana on his shoulder and smirked to her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Save sighed again at Cyber but just needed to accept it that he is like that "I give up." Flirting with 4 guys already and they didnt even notice that he was a guy. A small rustle noice from the bushes behind her could be heard. She turned her attention to the sound of the bushes but couldnt see anything so she just kept talking to Cyber "I think the sleeping only was for distraction i can remember something happened after i woke up again but its all vague." Save shivered for a moment hearing the voice all so sudden and looked at the fairy woman. The fairy woman seemed angry at Alistair but it was all unclear to Save of what was happening. He just probably didnt come back after his vacation but he got his vacation after good behaviour did that mean he was imprisoned here or maybe something else. Her eyes turned back to Cyber who seemed to be ready to fight the woman for Alistair. Alistair wanted to touch Save but it was already clear to her that wasnt happening she just bluntly looked at the hand moving through her. Her holographic body distorted for a moment till Alistair moved his hand back. It looked weird but she didnt feelt anything of it. Her feet made a small jump of the ground leaving Save floating in the air. She only slightly leaned to the front so her upper body would hang a bit angled. Her attention got to Cyber who just took out a Katana out of mid air her mouth slightly opened up at how he could just do that out of the blue "Awsome... how did you do that." She stopped for a moment when she almost could hear cranks in her head spinning "Cant you do the same thing to me. I cant do much if im stuck like this." She was suprised at how Cyber pushed Alistair away and looked after the pushed Alistair "You okay?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

- Alistair -
he felt a hard shove and sighed.
he smiled slightly at save when she asked if he was ok "yeah, i'll be ok"
Alexandria smirked "i though i told you last time, you can't beat me" she seemed momentarily distracted by the floating girl but turned from her quickly "and this time i'm not alone" a few tiny rustling as a few fairy warriors stepped out beside her.
Alistair rubbed at his eyes, and turned to Cyber "Cyber, i understand why you want to fight, but you really can't win this fight, and it would probably get all of us killed"
"you should listen to him" Alexandria said.
"shut up Alex" Alistair practically growled. he turned back to Cyber "please, don't fight, just this one, i'm begging you, i don't want anyone to get hurt, just step back into the field and you can throw insults at each other all you want" he knew he couldn't make her do anything but he really hoped he could convince her it wasn't a good idea. "i'm not doubting your abilities Cyber, and that was really cool, materializing a sword, they have true magic, you don't" he put a hand on hers "and they won't hesitate to kill you, please" his voice was strained, and on the edge of cracking.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Cyber was really…really trying his best to hold back but as Alexandria continued to talk his nerves were about to break. He notice Save being surprised with ability and gave her a nod. “A few months ago, learned to use it quite fast.” He replied quickly as he looked back, as much Alistair tried to tell not to do it…it just fueled more of his rage. Even the rustling sounds of other fairies didn’t even bother him. “Then you are just cowards if you have friends right? Can’t fight your own battles huh?” Giving out a chuckle but then after hearing Alistair saying they might die he couldn’t back out now. “Well that motivates me even more! I can do this.” Cyber tried to reassure him, playing countless games he knew about moves and abilities…he was confident to win or at least injure her. Hearing about having true magic his nerves broke. “What true magic?! I don’t see this freaking…gah! This woman lady person fairy using at all, I am sure I can win, I am totally sure!” he shouted, once he started he could not stop anymore.

He just couldn’t back away from a fight; he had to…it been a gut feeling, and a feeling that he wanted to prove that he was strong. Strong enough at least… “Just 15 minutes…okay 15 minutes…after run okay I will run…just I want to do this…” His voice became a bit soft, trembling almost but he didn’t look back at the two, he threw his phone at Alistair and sighed. “Sorry, maybe if I am alive then I will have to find a way to make it up.” He said that as he tore his dress all the way to his thigh and the end to make it shorter and moveable. Removing his glasses, he didn’t need them actually at all, it was just for show but he still threw it. Cyber raised his right hand, grabbing a card out of nowhere and called out for Izanagi. “…Persona!” A blue light glimmered bright as a tall sword wielding persona was beside Cyber.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

- Little Feather & Lion -

Lion hadn’t meant to come across angry, he had been joking with the girl but he often forgot how imposing he was if people didn’t know him very well. He cocked his head to the side watching the blonde girl with his intelligent blue eyes as she studied her hands, he was sure his hair would have been stuck to her fingers as well. He may have been a spirit but in his solid form he still shed hair like a normal lion and had to eat etc. He shook his head and rolled his eyes as she wiped her hands on a shirt hanging from her room door, her and Little Feather were going to be a nightmare living together if Drow was as messy as the young Lakota was.

Little Feather hadn’t really considered whether Drow would be comfortable being so close to her, she wasn’t touching her being slightly shy of close contact herself but it seemed to be too close for Drow’s liking as she seemed to shift further up Lion’s body until she was practically up Lion’s neck. The beast below them seemed a little unsure of how he felt as the weight wasn’t distributed evenly on his back it made him have to concentrate on keeping his balance. Sensing his discomfort Little Feather shuffled further down Lion’s back, she looked up at Drow catching the small nod brought a smile to her face. “In that case you’ll need to turn around...or if you can’t travel backwards switch places with me” She grinned at Drow, showing off a little she lifted herself out and stood up on the Lion’s back placing her feet apart to even out her weight putting her arms out to the side as she shifted her gaze to the sky momentarily as a soft breeze played with her long hair. A wistful look on her face as she looked at the clouds, it had been such a long time since she’d travelled above them. She was completely unaware of any looks thrown their way, since the pair had arrived they’d received odd looks.

She glanced back down just as Drow looked over her shoulder at her, she slid back into a crouch leaning forward on her hands and dropping one of her knees down to make sure she maintained her modesty in her skirt. She tilted her head to the side, confusion passing across her expression as she watched Drow wipe some kind of liquid across her face and over her cheek whilst her other hand lifted and pointed towards Little Feather’s face. The young Lakota had a good idea what Drow wanted by then but her muttered word solidified what she meant. “You want some face paint as well?” She asked to double check though she was already reaching for the medicine horn at her hip, to check what colors she had on her. Green, Red and Blue were the only pots she seemed to have on her, she glanced at Drow before back at her medicine horn. “I’ve got some on me, Green, Red and White though the last two would be perfect for you. Red for beauty and happiness, White for purity, light and peace” She grinned at the other girl, she thought Drow would have suited green as well but she felt drawn to the ideals behind the other colors still...it was the blonde’s choice. Then a strange thought struck her...would Drow want her to apply the paint? She felt her cheeks darken at the thought of it, the last person she had applied paint to would have been her husband a long time ago. “D-do you want me to do it for you? Or are you...erm...” The Lakota trailed off clearly a little embarrassed but not unwilling to do so. Lion ground to a halt next to the lounge, deciding if the girls were going to play with paints he was going to suggest they sit on the grass here to do so whilst he grabbed some breakfast for himself...one of the chefs at the chicken restaurant had taken to leaving him offerings in the hope he wouldn’t return to cause havoc in his restaurant.

– Crash–

Crash was completely unaware of Fate's true intentions, the more she played the part of a frightened child the more determined he became in his search. Though there was a niggling feeling at the back of his mind that made him feel something was wrong, everything about the scenario was suspicious really if he thought on it...however he didn’t think it over, he simply ignored it and pushed forward. With his focus filtered towards finding her, his actions were far from clumsy and his mind filtered into 'panic' mode where everything was crystal clear and to the point. Of course with this intense sense of desperation and panic came the push of darkness within him, his eyes begun to glow dimly in the dull light of the ruins, claws sliding through the tips of his fingers and his canines indenting his bottom lip.


After several close calls over the last few weeks, the darkness within him needed minimal encouragement to push for the surface. Sweat glistened on his forehead as he stopped to catch his breath, listening intently for her answer as it reached his ears he shifted his gaze towards the ceiling looking for the cage she had spoken of earlier, her distress pushed him further still. "I'm going to get you out, just hold on a little longer...OK?" He called back, eyes darting this way and that until they focused on the dull glow above him. "Want to know a trick for using when you're scared?" He called to her his intent to keep her talking as he tested out the wall closest to the glow to see if he could scale it.

The brickwork seemed fairly loose but he could see a small ledge above him, if he could just reach it, it would give him access to the glow...which he was sure would lead him to the cage, her voice was definitely coming from it. He reached up to grab at a protruding stone "Close your eyes and think of something that makes you happy. Everyone has someone or something...a favorite story-" Crash was just talking, his voice was smooth and calm despite his raging emotions, unfortunately he was cut off as the stone fell free of the wall causing dust to rain down on him from above. Come on...give me a break he thought with a grunt of annoyance, he couldn’t risk shifting again not without pooling the remnants of his energy together, his body hadn’t completely recovered from yesterday. “-A favorite place perhaps” He finished off as the niggling feeling at the back of his mind persisted to bug him. He reached up again hooking his clawed fingers behind the smooth rock as he pushed off from the ground, pulling a small wave of water up with his trainer it crashed noisily against the wall and made the lower rocks dangerously slippery, it seemed luck was on his side however as he managed to jam his toe onto the rock regardless. Crash – 1 Fate – 4...Better than nothing He thought to himself, keeping his subconscious tally...how silly it would have seemed if he had known just who sat above him.

His breathing became unsteady as he scaled the wall, sweat beaded on his forehead as good foothold or handholds became far and few between. He wanted to keep the girl talking but he didn’t really know how to calm a child down. “What’s your name?” He asked breathlessly, eyeing up the ledge above him as fear settled into his stomach, he wasn’t going to hesitate now but if he missed that ledge...it was going to really hurt. Purple smoke rose from his clothes as sweat dampened his palms, he listened out for the girls response but mentally counted himself in.

3...2...1...! And with that exclamation he leapt for the ledge, stretching his arm up he was relieved as his claws scraped against the old brickwork noisily sliding towards the edge before they jammed in a rut and held fast. By now he was completely in Fate’s view, she would have seen him pull himself up onto the ledge with marginal difficulty as his limbs quaked with the effort of holding him up. With ragged breathing he pulled his feet beneath him, crouching at the edge as he inspected the slither of glowing light. Normal people probably would have been wary of a strange glowing light, Crash however simply leaned forward and pressed his palm against it...without a second thought to being shocked or thrown about. Providing neither happened he pulled his hand back for a moment. “Watch yourself” He warned the girl before he brought his hand down harshly against the smooth glowing service, curling his claws forward as if to pierce it...


- Mercy -

(To be added...)
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