Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cyndyr
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Cyndyr Redeemer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Zombehs said
Wassup. Jedly mentioned this RP in a lil chat and I figured I'd drop in if there's still room.

Yeah, we're still accepting right now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Full Name
Raule Cardias
Fake Name
Tainted is an alias of his. Mainly used when he enters the Black Gale.
November 21st
Astrological Sign
Demon-touched. (Human)
The Demon-touched come from many different races and share no similarities except for one: they have been unfortunate to catch the attention of those vastly their betters. The effects of even a small amount of demonic power can mutate the affected into great monstrosities or leave them unchanged. Based largely on the whims of the Demon, and even unpredictable then, the cases of the Demon-touched are unique to the individual. Like the touch of a Demon though, they are all branded with an infernal sigil that marks them out as “touched”, with each sign being unique to a being.

For Raule, the results were minor appearance changes. His ears elongated drastically while his hair was bleached a snow white. His nails naturally sharpened until it was more accurate to call them claws and his eyes are now red, and glow a soft crimson in the dark.
These beings for the most part are still largely shrouded in mystery, if only because they so rarely bother to interact with the worlds. Even then most of their interactions seem to be limited to spreading their power at random, infusing individuals with demonic energy. What is known is that each individual seems to hold great power, twisting and distorting reality with each appearance they make in the world. Thankfully, despite the name given to their kind, the Demons do not seem to be malevolent. This means little when the powers they wield are so obviously corruptive and anathema to life that they leave areas where the appear as barren wastelands.
Dark Brawler
A deadly close quarter combatant that specializes in unarmed styles mixed with the natural energies, both demonic and human, that flows through the user’s body. Capable of reinforcing their bodies to superhuman levels, they shrug off mighty blows while returning them in kind. Their Demonic energy results in powerful, but self-destructive bursts of power that allow them to brutally crush those that stand in their way before their bodies begin to erode from within.
Not important enough to name, but Raule uses a pair of clawed gauntlets and greaves in battle. The claws are made of Dlarun, a special metal that chills and freezes whatever it touches. His greaves are tipped with Darksteel, a metal that crackles and sparks with electricity.
Short Biography
A fairly closed lip is kept when it comes to Raule’s whereabouts prior to his time at the Academy. As far as anybody knows he survived and was changed by an encounter with a Demon when he was 13. The small town and surrounding forest he called home was not so fortunate and was left a desolate swamp, devoid of life. What occurred in the two years prior to his arrival at the Academy is still anyone’s guess, but he’s attended it for the last five years successfully.
Not quite what most people would expect from one of the Demon-touched, but then again most people simply have preconceptions of the “race”. In fact, due to his personality and closed lips when it comes to his “race” most people simply think he is a human that taps into the darker side of magic.

That aside, Raule is a fairly pleasant individual. Calm and soft-spoken for the most part, he’s one to rarely get worked up and even then quick to relax.
Guess it’s up in the air.
Strictly a melee ranged fighter, if kept at a distance there’s not much Raule can do to his opponents.
While he’s fairly good at managing his limits, overuse of Demonic energy will corrode his body despite its innate resistance. His eyes will begin to glow a blood red once the threshold has been reached.
In the same vein, an overuse of his human energy, termed “Humanity” by him, will cause the Demonic nature of his body to rebel. In short, he can’t simply rely on the safer source of energy and must use the self-harming Demonic Energy, if sparingly.
Strange Attributes/Abilities/Traits
Physically more able than a human, even without tapping into internal sources of power. He’s stronger, faster, more durable, and overall just better.
Demonic Power is an exceptionally effective energy for dealing with living enemies. It acts as an anathema to life naturally, and will corrupt before turning those affected to ash. His body has changed and adapted to resist such effects far better than most, but even he isn’t completely safe.
As befitting of his class designation, Raule is an experienced warrior. He fares well in messy melees, but shines in single combat. Despite still attending the Academy, he’s already seen his fair share of sorties into the Black Gale. The fact that he has returned alive speaks enough.
His tattoo. Located on his right shoulder blade.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode Odd One Out

Member Seen 5 hrs ago


I was going to say something like lololol, you have no tank, Imma laugh at every raid attempt you peeps do...and then scumbag Zombehs comes in with his bruiser furry douche, so I can't really say that anymore.

Still be making a super-trap-tank though. Phanlanx is too waifu of a class for me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

ERode said
So.I was going to say something like lololol, you have no tank, Imma laugh at every raid attempt you peeps do...and then scumbag Zombehs comes in with his bruiser furry douche, so I can't really say that anymore.Still be making a super-trap-tank though. Phanlanx is too waifu of a class for me.

pfft. who needs a tank? A good offense is the best defense.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Get real tired of playing rocket tag, ya know. Sometimes you just need a guy who says "No, no, fuck that shit. I don't care if that was your ult. I got 10x your health and a 25% health regeneration. I might not be able to hit harder than scratch, but I can promise you I'm going to be all up on your ass until you fall down and die." That's more or less Mary, sans health regeneration. For now. She just needs to create bots for it, eventually.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Or you have the guy that says "Fuck all of you, I'm just going to turn invisible and go straight to the goal."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Grey said
Won't be necessary. Again, t'was just something I felt like pointing out.Dunno too much about that kind of lore, you'll have to ask Cyn. For all I know, the grandson of the Devil might not even all that OP. Nor do I know if fallen angels or even angels themselves (the Judeo-Christian variety at least.) are a thing.EDIT: Cynder has said angels and demons are a thing, and that she might be find with a Lucifer kid depending on what brand of absurdities he can pull off (and would also require nerfing of other things like equipment depending on content).
He can use standard fire/darkness magic, Nothing more impressive than that, He isn't the son of lucifer, he's the grandson, Its not like he's walking round with demonic wings and a spade tail, But again, that's very much up for whatever fits in the mythos

0) Doesn't change the fact that Earth tech > Magitech since it renders most of that completely redundant. Random example: you have a gun that shoots elemental ammo, Earth has futuristic anti-materiel sniper rifles. Also, it doesn't address the fact that he shouldn't have access to this sort of stuff in the first place. It'd be Illegal if he did.
Oh I agree a earth sniper rifle would be firing AM bullets, However, (I don't know if you've seen rwby) in rwby they use dust to alline weapons and ammo with specific elements, freezing shit, blowing shit up, setting stuff on fire, Hell Ren uses toxic rounds. basicly that's what he is doing. as for it being illegal, he lives pretty much atop the maelstrom, Which means he has access to it much easier (not saying its not illegal)

1) That's even worse than if they were aligned beforehand! Now you have tech that can pull off this shit! And it doesn't address the issues presented.
well the mana in someone's body is un-aligned, all he's done is replicated a much lesser feat, it isn't directed, its just aligned and put somewhere, it'd be like having a fire sword or something exept it can change element, also as I said, size is a power limit, as well as a reuse issue.

2) I'm aware. Doesn't make the fact that she said so any less true.
My point was it was highly akin to rwby based weapons

3) Okay, that is just a horribly offensive (and not in the good way!) weapon design. What kind of manufacturer makes a gun that must be completely disassembled to reload?
one that needs to reload only after using the last resort tech and is trying to make it it not OP as hell. It was a balance thing

4) That makes... very little sense whatsoever. If he has a magical race and untapped stores of mana, he can use it. End of story, or there's no use in giving him innate mana in the first place. I am willing to buy it as an amplifier, though, just not a catalyzer.
A wizard cannot cast spells without his wand, Right? all he's done is put his wand in a gun, though I'm happy to rewrite it as an amplifier.

5) Let me get this straight. You have a ranged weapon that knocks out people for an hour, and is pretty damn near/completely impossible to dodge (depending on wave speed, assuming sound/light speeds) Read that again. That isn't even including the fact that, depending on how its waves propagate,
Its short ranged, 5m before the wave dissipates to the point at which it is no longer dangerous, also it has to be aimed at the head, and any defraction/deflection randers it useless, so it cant do jack shit through glass, or in water, or infact if there is anything but air in the way, so yes, someone with long hair may just shrug it off with a bad headache

.6) Lucis doesn't get hydrogen tech, and smuggling is illegal. See deep within the bowels of the chat, or ask Cyn.
This should get explained in my extended bio, i will type it up and PM it to you and Cyn in a bit

7) It's indeed the exact same thing. 'No-sell' means counters completely or something like that.
ah Ok, in that case I can remove it, Though I see as much of the argument is over the powersuit, I'll just cut it out and give him something else, how's that sound?

8) *sigh* If it's important to the character, and you don't have it in the CS . If it's important, put it in the CS. 'Short Bio'-title be damned. If it's important and needs to be hidden, you PM it to the GM. Seriously, it looks like you've already taken the time to write it out,
Yeah i will. shouldn't be to hard

!...Sorry 'bout that. Just needed to get that off my chest. So yeah, just lob a copy of that extended bio in group PM between me and Cyn and yourself (and any other GMs you wish to bring in, I recommend Lucius) or drop it here.
NP, and don't worry, shit needs to be balanced right?

*sigh* You're right. That's not recklessness. That's being a massive idiot.
No its supreme overconfidence, Idiocy is lack of knowledge, his is caused by such utter complete confidence in his own skills IE overabundance of knowledge

And it doesn't mesh well at all with his established traits. You say he's some sort of genius who hates fools and stuff, but then you give him . Also, he's supposed to be some kind of genius. He should if tech can do so or not (it can, to an extent).
Well he's done it once, See his pet, and thats really all he needs, a prof of concept

Alright. I can wait.I'd better not be seeing any magic copying, then. I've participated in enough RPs, power level discussions, and seen enough stupid, trite anime to know the power of theory when it comes to observing powers.
Derp, clearly I won't be hijacking powers unless they are clearly within his bounds (IE if someone uses a new firespell he understands, he might borrow it)

I barely understood a single word of that, to be honest. Are you saying that it's just a plot device to justify your character talking about peoples' spells? Because considering the rest of his skillset, you don't even a Navi running around. Not saying you need to get rid of it, just that the function you put it there is redundant.
OH I misread what you were talking about, also its not a Navi, its a fea spirit, key difference, one is a fairy the other is a incarnation, or part of an incarnation of the forests will. its not massively plot based or important, its just something to add to his char depth, like 'being good at singing' or 'being a master cook' its not going to actually help in combat situations, its just a bit of interest

Handgun needs rethinking, but is more or less fine barring alternate shooting. The assault axe scythe needs nerfing. The suit and crystals can get the heck out. Weaknesses need to be 'better'. The bio needs elaboration, and probably some other stuff.Oh, and yell at Cyn about the race.Also, sorry if I seem really pissed off - I'm not - or have offended you in anyway. And apologies for being so fucking late with this.On a related note: I'd actually be willing to you put together a magitech user that works in this mythos.

Relax, I'm used to stuff taking its time, so long as we're not still sorting this out when the IC goes live. I'll hop on it

Once again I'm in bold.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ok, Cs Just got a huge update, Armour got removed, Mana-bomb got toned down, The full Bio got implemented. and the casting gun got adjusted slightly. oh and removed recklessness and added No-resistance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jedly
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Jedly Espresso Drinker

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

*Wakes up and notices Zombehs-senpai posted*

Morning. Currently in school, but I'll be online during after school study hall.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode Odd One Out

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Masochist Trap Tank is here. Gemstones OP.

"Please don't. You'll hurt yourself more than you'll hurt me."
Full Name: Ier-Briar Thorn-of-Shield
Nicknames: Trap, Cakeboy, Masochist, Sturdy Bitch, Frigid Cunt
Gender: Male...for now.
Age: 6 Years
Year: First Year
Birthday: The Seventh of January
Astrological Sign: Capricorn

World: Lucis
Short Biography: Ier-Briar spent three centuries in a mountain, slowly gaining self-awareness. Upon birth, he was taken under the wing of Ezar-Mantine, an ancient Gemstone who made it his duty to teach the young ones how to control their natural powers and become part of the rest of society. Though not exactly talented in the manipulation of his own body, his sturdiness amongst other Gemstones had earned him the surname of Thorn-of-Shield. His feminine appearance, on the other hand, had earned him a collection of more vulgar nicknames. After six years of perfecting his figure and his form, Ier-Briar was somehow sent a letter by a headmistress of whatever academy, telling him to join. He didn’t exactly want to, but Ezar-Mantine said that it was a good opportunity to see the rest of the world, so he did.

Of course, before he left, he also shattered a few faces that he didn’t particularly like.
Personality: Ier-Briar is a pretty steady, positive guy. Surprisingly reliable, despite looking like a child and being only six years old, he’s a really generous person, the kind who gives homeless people change, or shares his lunch with friends. Then again, part of this kindness might just stem from the fact that, as a Gemstone, he has no need for money, shelter, warmth, food, or anything that those fleshbags require for continued existence. Though he has recently made attempts to improve himself in that direction, he still sees his race as superior to all those other soft humanoids. Ier-Briar also has a really good poker face, and has a tendency to never forget misgivings. If, fifty years into the future, someone gets punched through a wall by a young boy, it’s probably going to be Ier-Briar, who had allowed his revenge to be served cold.
Partner: Who knows?

Other: Like most Gemstones, Ier-Briar is aware that there is a segregation between love and reproduction. With a body that can be changed into any form, Gemstones are basically the Dittos of Lucis, other than the fact that they are cold to the touch and can’t sexually reproduce.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sauron The Dark Lord

Sauron The Dark Lord

Member Offline since relaunch

Full Name
Mundus Torum.

Fake Name
Joshua Nigel.

N/A, however he holds titles from my early ages.


750~ years, appears 17.


8th of December, if we go by the earth calendar.

Astrological Sign

Belarian, an ancient and old race of Lucius.

Creator/Battle Magician.

At the age of 560 years, you are required to forge a personal weapon of choice, which then will be displayed and offered to Furtus at the base of the monolyth. Through the duration of 24 days and nights. Mundus create such a bafflingly complex and intricate mixture of the arcane and the magically reinforced metals and steels. He had managed to create an entire armor piece, one which had inscribings and additional magical effects, it was so complex that he baffled the entire tribe. He even created a sword to match, all which would then be compressed into one glove. When he was asked to offer it to Fundus, together with the others who had made their weapons, Fundus refused to accept it, and instead took the others, this was simply because it was too fine to waste. ''Bring it to purpose.'' Was the words of Fundus as his voice disappeared after his manifestation.

Other than that, there is also his Zir'Xal, the implant. It is an implant which replaces much of his right arm. It's powered by the life essence, the life magic, of his own body. Whilst it doesn't look natural, it doesn't look weird or out of place if you had a longshirt or the likes on, plus, with the glove it wouldn't even be noticable. The Zir'Xal is that of the Cratus star sign, the sign of the Forger. (Capricon) Those few who were born during that time, due to certain magical shifts in the laylines during the dates of such times, are given extordinary magical understanding and power. Mundus' family was sure to raise him as to be fitting of a man of Cratus, the sign of the Forger. The Zir'Xal is basically an instrument which would increase his creator magic ability, allowing him to cast multiple spells at once, which in turn grants him his signature magic. Legion: Create, this grants him the ability to create magically powered golems of many different qualities, the greater the quality, the fewer they can be.


Short Biography
As mentioned, he comes from Lucius, was born in a tribe known as the Gu'mans and spent his life there for long, however certain... Things came to be and he eventually ended up on Earth under another identity. He was born during the time of Capricon, which in the region of the Gu'mans and for the Belarian people is an enormous thing. Other than that... he's spoken with Furtus on multiple occations, they've even created a weird bond between the two, a bond of appreciation, or so to speak.

Mundus is a man of few words, but many actions, he tends to keep to himself, but may at times burst into a person who seemingly acts the exact opposite of his natural self, he may break into an insane lunatic who wishes only to cause others pain in any imaginable way, bare in mind, this comes only during unnatural causes, such as prolonged hostile activity towards himself.

N/A as of now.

The weakness of Mundus is a rather great one, all be it mental. He is a perfectionist, he always scores high no matter what, when any flaw is noticed in his designs or systems, he immediately replaces them. That doesn't, however, include damage, but more of a general design. For example if something is there needlessly, he will strip everything down and remake it in a better design, that is the same to anything flawed in his designs. Even his equations on the theoretical tests are made to look insanely perfectionistic. Now, whilst Mundus doesn't have an extreme physical prowess, he is still quite able. And his great connection to the magic around him, and his ability to absorbe it into his arms Arcanum Hold is most certainly his greatest weakness, if he is not able to spend the magic he absorbs during, for example, a battle, he is done for, because this arm powers his entire magical library, and if it's overloaded, not is he only in danger of death, but also his connection to his entire magical library may be severed until another Zir'Xal replaces it, one of the required power and quality of his entire library. That would not only be expensive, but also nigh impossible considering his inability to craft advanced structures without a supporting Zir'Xal.
Mundus also fears emptiness, not as in no one is there, but as in not being able to be known for what you've accomplished after death.

Strange Attributes/Abilities/Traits
Mundus is able to access the incredibly rare, Gu'man tribe exclusive Golden Heaven Creator essence, this is the creator magic which builds around complex structures of high quality. Whilst incredibly cost ineffective when it comes to mana or magic essence (it costs a lot of mana), they are still doing it without rest. The Golden Heaven Creator essence is known as Gu'Man Ram, spelled as Golden Creator Heaven in the ancient Balari language. Not only that, but Mundus is also granted with the rare Capricon sign abilities, such as being able to see major magical laylines, seeing Arcane wraiths and such.


Mundus has created many other personal Zir'Xal's to enhance his body, however they are only minor, whilst they may take up a lot of space, they are nothing as complex as the one on his right arm.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jedly
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Jedly Espresso Drinker

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

All CSes are currently being looked over and critiqued. That includes those which have already been accepted. There is a chance that some will be rejected, for population's sake, and if there is an obvious lack of effort.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cyndyr
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Cyndyr Redeemer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Further comments are that this may be moved up to Casual. Because apparently, there is debate about how this Roleplay should be treated as far as expectations go (which weren't really high to begin with, but I'm understanding there may be a change in this), but hopefully this won't be the case since myself and many of the other Roleplayers here feel more at home in the Free section.

Thanks for your patience.

Following the character sheet checks, a little confusion needs to be cleared up and then I'll launch the Roleplay itself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Cynder, Just a quick conformation of my PM got through, if not I'll sort it out, Glad to see things are moving onwards and upwards.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cyndyr
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Cyndyr Redeemer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

eddieddi said
Cynder, Just a quick conformation of my PM got through, if not I'll sort it out, Glad to see things are moving onwards and upwards.

No. I'm not seeing one.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Fair enough, It was just Leo's backstory and a rundown of what I changed, but since the CS's are all undergoing a mass check, I don't think its worth me re-sending it. unless you want it?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cyndyr
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Cyndyr Redeemer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

eddieddi said
Fair enough, It was just Leo's backstory and a rundown of what I changed, but since the CS's are all undergoing a mass check, I don't think its worth me re-sending it. unless you want it?

That's entirely up to you. We're likely going to move the OOC entirely at this point. Though I think you'd honestly be better off contacting Grey, he'd be more blunt with you than I'd be capable of.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VarionusNW
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VarionusNW Nobody In Particular

Member Seen 19 days ago

I updated my CS. Still don't have a picture for it. I might just resort to a description, cuz this is getting annoying.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Cynder said
That's entirely up to you. We're likely going to move the OOC entirely at this point. Though I think you'd honestly be better off contacting Grey, he'd be more blunt with you than I'd be capable of.

Also Pm'd him separately, Hopefully it got through, but even if it didn't all the edits went on the CS. so its not like its easy to miss (3 paragraphs worth of writing added + a picture removed)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Cynder said
That's entirely up to you. We're likely going to move the OOC entirely at this point. Though I think you'd honestly be better off contacting Grey, he'd be more blunt with you than I'd be capable of.

Also Pm'd him separately, Hopefully it got through, but even if it didn't all the edits went on the CS. so its not like its easy to miss (3 paragraphs worth of writing added + a picture removed)
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