Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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This is a 1 x 1 RP between PopeAlessandros and KatherinWinter, if you're not us, don't post. Also, M/M, don't like, don't read.

Base Concept: Warrior x Mage


Okay, I think we should start with a few ideas on plot, then to setting, then a few more points on plot, then we can get to the characters! If you'd like, you can tell me a few things you like to see in RPs other than the one/s I already know about, and I can make you a 12 pack. A 12 pack is 12 brand new ideas off the top of my head using your preferences as a base, adding in a few of my own. If not, we can go back and forth with ideas until a plot crops up :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 25 min ago

I'm not sure i understand what you mean by things I like to see in the RP
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Well, do you like grandiose world/s encompassing plots, or perhaps you're more of a single clan/kingdom/country based plot, or do you prefer the simple life, nothing too important but to the characters themselves? Do you like lots of characters to interacts with, or only the bare minimum necessary to hold a plot together. Do you like laser guns, or swords, fire breathing dragons, or mechanical monsters. The better question here I guess would be, what do you like to read about in books? I know you like overcoming adversity so that's already set into my plot matrix, but if you want you can add other things. Do you like fantasy, action, adventure, sci-fi. If you want you can leave it at just: Warrior x Mage and overcoming adversity, butt he spectrum of my plots would end up very wide. If you don't mind that, then let me know and I'll start a 12 pack, just to show you how plot generation works inside my head. I can then explain my process with each one, and you can pick which one you like best.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 25 min ago

Oh boy I am not sure how to answer this. I like big worlds. It gives us more to work with. Nothing to simple but nothing to complex. Yes to lasers guns, swords, dragons, monsters. I am an AVID reader. I like romance, fantasy, adventure, and syfy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Oki. I have a few other replies to get to, but I will begin working on plots as soon as I can!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 25 min ago

no hurry
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Six down, six to go. Sorry, the broadness of your likes and RL kicking my butt is making this take longer than it should. I'll get it done today, promise :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 25 min ago

Sorry I didn't mean to make it hard. Take your time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I'm having fun, don't worry. :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 25 min ago

That's good to hear.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Okay, here we go, 12 brand new plots!


In the time of machines and space travel, magic has become all but a myth. Unfortunately for one young soldier he's about to find out that all those old myths carry quite the bite. During his survival training he finds a young man asleep in the woods. Separated from his unit and unsure what to do next, he decides to consult the young man, thinking he must live in the area. The youth indeed lives nearby, though further away than the soldier could ever imagine. The young man, lost and without his memories, will take them both on a ride they'll never forget.

Fighting for their right to exist, those born without magic gather in groups all around the country, in hiding from the normal, magical people of the world. Life isn't easy, and more than once a group is taken in the blink of an eye, wiped out of existence. The magical people are terrified that if these non magical people are allowed to survive that their non magical blood will pollute the rest of them and tear down the very nature of their world. To them, the non magical people represent a plague, and they are determined to wipe them out. The non magical groups live and grow knowing they can be attacked at any time and as such, they grow up learning to fight, carrying their first weapons as soon as they can pick them up. Curious, one of the magical people begins traveling alone, and finds one of the groups. Easily marked as a mage he is captured. While the non magicals are trying to decide what to do with their acquisition, the young man set to guard him becomes curious, and they begin talking. . .

The land bound men and woman have always had a knack for weapons and combat, while the flying people of the skies have a natural talent for magic and incantation. Those people found high in the mountain, bound neither by the ground nor the sky have a talent for both. Each person is born as a beast, mammals of the land, fowl of the sky, and the rare dragon, wyvvren, drake, winged serpent of both land and sky. These people attain their human forms when they come of age, though they can convert back to them at any time, and learn to control their more animalistic instincts within a few years. Once they come of age they are sent to an island where they run wild, developing among others around their age. Once able to control themselves the youth instinctively seek the beach where they were dropped where others who have regained themselves gather and where adults come to pick them up and bring them home. There is one island for each of the tree types of races, and they are far enough apart that races do not have to worry about the youngsters meeting up with one another. Unfortunately for one youth however, on one of his regular flights the islands are struck by a storm and he falls to earth on one of the other islands. He is now in hostile territory, the races rather vicious to one another before they tame themselves, and sometimes even after.

A long time ago both the Mystics and the Vahalin were driven off the main land by an invading force to the north. Already enemies with one another they settled on separate islands far off the coast of the mainland, and the invading force has been content to leave them be. However over the years both races have been making plans to retake the mainland. Generations have past, but the spirit and drive to take back their homes has not dimmed, and neither has the enmity between the two races. Fearful that the other race has already made headway, both islands act prematurely and end up with most of their first units to go destroyed. There are now only a few survivors, and they are scattered. A Mystic and a Vahalin meet while trying to find their own units. Will they try and kill one another, or will something even more amazing happen?

When the Aluar come of age they are sent out into the world in small groups, sometimes even as small as a pair of youths. The human settlements on this planet are few and far between, and the wilderness is full of beasts and monsters. Some can be tamed, but most just want to eat you. The Aluar live deep in a forest, the forest doubling as protection, and almost prison walls. Only about 20% of those youth who leave ever return, but no one seems to question the tradition. Those who do returns are heroes and add their strength and knowledge to the community. Most are reluctant to speak of their trip at length, but two young boys have managed to wring a few fascinating stories out of their elders. They have looked forward to their coming of age for years, and now that they are about to make the jorney there is no end to their excitement. To ensure they would be allowed to travel with just the two of them they grew up learning very different skills. Because of this training they have not seen each other in six years, but now that it's almost time to leave, the Mage who has done all of his training in seclusion with his master has come out into the light once more to meet with his childhood friend, a Warrior of remarkable skill.

Flying is left to the best pilots. A young man has worked long and hard in the military to gain the right to fly his own airship. His childhood dream finally comes true after three years of service, and in no time he is taking flight on his own for the very first time. Unfortunately, a few of the other pilots whom were passed over for the position he now holds are disgruntled to say the least and have rigged his airship to malfunction. His first flights turns into a disaster as he is forces to crash land on an uncharted continent, and bad turns to worse when it becomes clear that the locals are not happy to see him. He has to flee for his life, taking with him from the crash only what he can carry. One evening a scouting party comes close to catching him, but by the good grace of one of the scouts he manages to elude them. In return the scout seeks him out, wanting to know about the land across the sea, the land where magic seems to be only a myth.

The knight has fought long and hard in the war, and now the war is won. As traditions dictate, he is now the chosen one to marry the next in line for the throne. His deeds in battle has earned him the right, and to turn down the tradition would shame not only him, but also the royal family. The only child of the king and queen, the crowned prince, is not eager to be married off like this, especially to the hero of a war he never supported, and while he begrudgingly agreed that traditions must be upheld, he is more than a little unsettled at the idea of marrying a complete stranger, and a fighter to boot. His own interest run more towards the magical aspects of the world, and he's convinced that a soldier would never understand him.

There are those who have magic, and those that don't. There is no real different between these two types of people, so far as science can tell. However, humanity has never been one for tolerating differences. A schism ha been slowly forming between these two different kinds of people since the very first signs of magic awakened in a human being, and now the distrust and fear has reached it's peak. A war has begun, and the world has divided down the middle. Those without magic have armed themselves with technology, however those with magic also know how to use tech. It seems like no matter what, those with magic will one day wipe out those without magic, but not everyone is willing to partake in this mass genocide. There are a handful of people who want to see this war ended, peacefully. Now all they need is to get each side to listen to the other. To that end, representative from both sides are selected and plan to seek out the neutral camps on the other side. On his way to a neutral non magical camp, a mage finds a wounded soldier from the non magical community. He believes in the war and resents what the mage represents, but the mage is unwilling to just let him die. He must now decide what to do with the wounded man.

The trail has grown cold for the renegade wizard who fled the army for unknown reasons. A specialist is called in who's skills at tracking errant magical traces are second to none. He takes on the job on an outside contract for the local militia and sets out to find this AWOL magic user. Not a magic user himself he has to travel on foot to track his prey, and for several weeks the wizard is able to evade the bounty hunter, however eventually his tricks run out and he is captured. Will he be able to talk his way out of this, or will he become just another victim to the hunter and return against his will to his own version of hell.

A captain's unit has been working far too long without a mage, and when the order comes down that a new one if going to be added to his unit against his wishes, he begrudgingly complies. He was close friends with the last one and when the new one joins them he wants nothing to do with it. The mage senses the near hostile feelings coming not only from the captain but the rest of the soldiers. Unsure of what else to do he does his job as best he can, but when the unit is ordered on a long term scout mission he grows nervous, and with good reason. They are set to go to the furthest reaches of the territory and patrol the border for three weeks. It will take at least a week to get there, and tensions run high in the group being so far from home. As an easy target, the mage finds himself taking the brunt of their frustrations, but he is determined to do his job. The captain does little to stop the bullying, but after a while he realizes that maybe this guy isn't so bad. . . .And perhaps he deserves better.

Locked away for years in the cave of a elder dragon the young mage emerges after the beast's death to find the world a changed place. The once green fields are now stained red with blood, and the once peaceful people he was born from are at each other's throats. Unsure of what to do he begins traveling, trying to find someone who will tell him what's happened, however everyone he meets flees before him. While he was away, his race began a war with the people of the world, thinking themselves superior and have claimed themselves gods. The youth knows nothing of this, and does not realize it's his very appearance that is striking fear into everyone. He happens upon a warrior one day who does not run, and instead attacks. He defends himself using what he learned from the dragon and woulds the man. The warrior thinks he's finished but as the mage begins healing his wounds, he becomes mystified, not knowing what to make of this odd creature.

Time magic is very temperamental. Everyone known this, but still the young time wizard pays no attention, thinking that he'll never make a mistake. He's just that good! However he is about to find out that he's not as good as he thinks he is. It's been two months since his last jump and he's recovered enough energy to have another go. Unfortunately his calculations are off and as he casts a fracture in time sends him hurtling back to a time before magic existed. He still has his power, but it's going to take a very long time until he has enough energy to return to his own time. In the mean time he has to learn how to survive in the ancient world, and ancient studies was never one of his best classes. Even if he manages to settle though, the fracture in time is still there, and wreaking havoc on the timeline. If he can't figure out how to fix the mess he made, history itself may cease to exist. One of the local militia becomes curious about this newcomer, and after being accused of being a warlock the mage has to appeal to the young man's curiosity to save his life.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 25 min ago

1.Interesting but seems limited.
2. needs more then 2
3. I'm not sure I understand this plot
4. need more then 2
5. could be interesting to do but it might be limiting.
6. needs more then 2
7. very limiting
8.Might be interesting but limiting.
9. Maybe
10. More then 2
11. Too complicated
12. Similar to my time traveler plot
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

None of these need more than two people, and you have to let me know what you mean by limiting, because to me all of these plots have plenty of potential. None of these have any limits besides the ones the players(Meaning you and me) would potentially put on them, and I tend not to limit in my RPs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 25 min ago

Well some of them feel like they would require more then 2 people. I find the others limiting because it would be hard or impossible to throw a twist into them. For example I could be wrong but I know I've hard problems with plots that are so structured,
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 25 min ago

Lose interest?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Nope, just formulating my long and involved reply, also, I do replies in order and you are about fourth down now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 25 min ago

I do mine in order too but I have never taken 6 days to get back to someone so I wanted to check. I don't mind waiting. Take your time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I have 27 RPs :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 25 min ago

I have 17 personal group RPs that I am the GM of. 3 That I participate on. 2 1x1 on threads and about 15+ 1x1 in PMs.
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