Risty GarceAKA: 'Ris'
GENDER: Female
AGE: 28
DATE OF BIRTH: 11/17/2572
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Having lived all of her childhood on Actrus IV GMS XII, five years in the Defective Alliance navy, and seven years on the Pirate Corvette '
The Glycon', serving in the infamous Pirate band 'The Strontium Serpents' Risty is highly accustomed to the lighter Artificial Gravity found on most Spacestations and Starships, so she is not very large or muscular - She stands at 5'4" and tends to find 'higher' gravity worlds, such as Earth, Mars and Sycamore to be tiring after long periods 'ashore'.
Risty has a few piercings and tattoos - Two small rings decorate both of her ears, and her earlobes are pierced with two metallic crimson earrings. A stud is located on the right side of her nose, and she often tends to, surprisingly for someone of her profession, wear eye liner. She two old earth snakes tattooed onto her both of her arms, A Fer-de-Lance on her left, and a Sidewinder on her right. The tattoos start at her shoulder blades, tails entwining at the base of her neck, and coil down her arms, with the heads of both snakes extending onto the back of her hands. Snake tattoos are a common sight with Strontium Serpents, and the tattoo causes her to wear finger less gloves and long sleeved clothes while ashore, as the bounty on Strontium Serpent members is rather high in UNES space. Thankfully, the Strontium Serpents are, for the most part, Loyal to the Defective Alliance, and she has no problems in the Defective Alliance loyal Colonies.
PERSONAL BELONGINGS: As a former soldier and a pirate, Risty tends to keep a few reliable light weapons on hand at all times - You never know when you may need to defend yourself from an attack. Her notable belongings are:
A M233 Series KOKCH 574-SIDE Pistol - Reliable and hard to break, the KOKCH 574-SIDE is a pistol commonly used by Deep Colonists due to their inexpensiveness. Predates the war against the UNES by roughly sixty years. Holds twenty .44 magnum rounds. The Serial Number has been filed off.
An ANOSK 278-LITE Micro-SMG - Holds 60 9mm UNES standard bullets in a drumlike magazine. Risty modified it so that it fires 3-burst shots instead of the traditional Full Auto, so as to have better control over her shots. Compared to the M233 series KOKCH 574-SIDE pistol that she owns, the ANOSK 278-LITE Micro-SMG is much more High-Tech and uncommon - Having only been in production for the last five standard Earth years. Like the KOKCH, Risty has removed the Serial number, and has installed a DNA lock, preventing anyone but her from using it.
A NADF-3567 Assault Carbine - Holds 30 UNES Standard 5.56mm bullets. The NADF-3567 Assault Carbine is a reliable weapon commonly used by both UNES and Defective Alliance soldiers, and it isn't uncommon to see one in the hands of a Pirate - Indicating that the pirate either killed a soldier, or they were once one. Gun is DNA locked to her DNA Sequence - But unlike the KOKCH and ANOSK, the NADF still has its serial number.
A Combat Knife - Incredibly low Tech, but it does the job well enough.
A Toolkit, allowing her to maintain the ship's hulls, weapons, SIGMA FTL Drive, as well as allowing her to maintain Combat Powered Armor, the weapons of The Crew, and deal with various other issues as they arise. However - The Tooklit also comes with a Charged Ion Cutter - Allowing her to cut into the hull of enemy ships, so that a boarding team can gain entry.
A suit of HPCA-Series Powered Armor, often used by Defective Alliance soldiers as a Void-Safe Hardsuit, Risty often uses it while she is making repairs to the Hull of the ship. Boots are highly magnetic, and the Hardsuit is capable of holding up to two hours of oxygen. Holsters for her KOKCH and ANOSK are located on her upper thighs, and a Gun Sling allows her to carry her NADF across her back.
PERSONALITY: A cocky and experienced woman, Risty is confident in her ability as a Mechanic, almost to the point of over confidence. Despite the many people that have no doubt died because her actions while she served on The Glycon as a Pirate, she seems to have no regrets about her previous occupation - In fact, she revels in her memories of working with The Glycon's infamous Captain Sprekt. She tends to be highly obsessive when it comes to maintaining her weapons or the Ship/Station she is on, and she seems almost giddy to have the chance to work on The Medusa's SIGMA FTL Drive Core.
When in combat, she tends to fight like a Pirate would - Expecting that no quarter would be given to her, and refusing to accept the surrenders of defeated enemies - A favored tactic of hers is one she learned while serving aboard The Glycon - Demanding that the enemy lay down their arms, and then cutting them down once they comply.
Despite how naturally cruelty comes to her, and the fact that she obviously enjoys being that cruel, Risty has quite a bit of patience for those she considers 'comrades', and is often willing to lend an ear... Provided they don't whine constantly, or try to judge her.
LIKES: Maintaining her (and others') weaponry, violence, explosions, detonating OMICRON FTL Drive Cores, Detonating Space Station Power Cores, committing petty crimes, playing Virtual Reality Strategy Games, reading books, solving math puzzles, maintaining SIGMA FTL Drive Cores, Repairing SIGMA FTL Drive Cores, enhancing SIGMA FTL Drive Cores, Sparing, and Artificial Gravity/Zero Gravity. Recreational use of drugs and alcohol. But most of all: The chance to make the UNES bleed.
DISLIKES: The diseased, poverty, Earthborn, Weakness. Self Styled heroes and lawmen. Laws, Natural Gravity, Taking Orders from others, People who aren't Deep Colonist, OMICRON FTL Drive Cores, Addicts, and the UNES.
TALENTS: Risty is highly talented when it comes to working on FTL Drive Cores - Having spent her childhood on a refueling station, she constantly was exposed to the inner workings of ships. Her five years in the Defective Alliance Navy allowed her to learn how to handle weaponry, as well as properly maintain Hardsuits and weaponry. Seven years on a Pirate Vessel taught her how to be effective in hand-to-hand combat - She isn't formally trained, but she is a good fighter when it comes to close range combat.
FAMILY: Risty is the daughter of the infamious
Captain Denne Garce - Commander of The Strontium Serpents, a former Defective Alliance Captain turned anti-UNES pirate who was caught by the UNES three years ago in an attempt to destroy The Armstrong Base. Denne was charged with and convicted of Thirty counts of Felony Murder, Seventeen counts of Murder, Six charges of Kidnapping, Five charges of Grand Theft Aetherial, Assault, Possession of Illegal Weaponry, Trespassing on Earth, Conspiracy to Commit Terrorism against the UNES, Piracy, Public Intoxication, and Indecent Exposure. He was found not guilty of Indecent Exposure and Public Intoxication, but was found guilty on all other counts. He was sentenced to death - He was placed in a decommissioned UNES fighter, and the fighter was then launched towards the sun.
Risty's elder brother,
Eugen Garce is a Defective Alliance Navy Rear Admiral - He was the one who told her about The Medusa's mission, causing her to temporarily leave her position as the mechanic on 'The Glycon'. Unlike his sister and father, Eugen is a respectable man, although he has pulled a few strings to get her out of trouble when the Defective Alliance has, in the past, detained her. When he learned about the Medusa's mission, he personally contacted her to inform her that she would be taking part in The Medusa's mission, and if she refused, the next time the Defective Alliance arrested her, he wouldn't dismiss the charges.
HISTORY: Born on Actrus IV GMS XII in 2572, Risty Garce was poor by Deep Colonist standards. Her mother, Ethel Garce, died of Pox when she was five, leaving Risty and her brother to be raised by their Father and his crew. For the most part, her childhood was unmemorable, save for a few select moments. In 2579 Actrus IV GMS XII was raided by UNES forces who were following rumors that Captain Denne Garce was located on the Station. In the ensuing battle, full might of The Strontium Serpents engaged a UNES fleet above Actrus IV. Actrus IV GMS XII was destroyed in the battle, but Risty, her brother, and most of the civilians were evacuated to safety by a Defective Alliance vessel that had been docked at the Station. When she was returned to her father, he kept her and her brother on his vessel, where she began to grow fascinated by the inner workings of the Engineering Bay. Over the next decade, she spent every day in the Engineering Bay, learning everything she could until she was able to repair the SIGMA FTL Drive Core by herself.
When she turned sixteen, Risty convinced her father to allow her and her brother to join the Defective Alliance navy, where she served on the
'DAS Pit Adler' for five years. She never saw much, save for a few border skirmishes, one notable event being where the ship she was temporarily on, the 'DAS Spirit of Freedom' was destroyed by UNES backed pirates. She survived out of pure, blind luck. Due to her location in the ship, she was unhurt by the partial detonation of the Spirit of Freedom's ZETA FTL Drive Core detonating, and she was able to survive in The Void because she was wearing her Hardsuit.
Picture taken from her Helmet's Internal Camera during the event. She was recognized for her intense skill in repairing damage to the hull of the ship, and the natural ease that she fixed overheating ZETA, SIGMA and TAU FTL Drive cores.
However, her tendency to show disrespect to authority, as well as her violent nature caused her to be Court Martialed when she <REDACTED BY REQUEST OF REAR ADMIRAL EUGEN GARCE>.
After the Court-Martial, the twenty one year old Risty reported to her father's fleet, and was able to get a position on The
Kadru, a Corvette class ship, used primarily for intercepting enemy bombers and fighters, however it was also used for fire support when Strontium Serpent forces occasionally launched invasion forces against UNES facilities. On one such raid against the Semi-Colonized Prison World of 'Shravana Prime', the Kadru was shot down as it attempted to extract a group of recently freed prisoners.
The wreckage of the Kadru had only a few survivors, but they managed to escape Shravana Prime by <REDACTED BY REQUEST OF REAR ADMIRAL EUGEN GARCE>. She returned to the fleet, and was able to talk her way into being allowed to work on The Glycon, maintaining the weapons, hull, and FTL Drive of the Corvette.
When her Father was captured and executed after his attempt at destroying The Armstrong Base failed, Risty 'retired' from piracy for a year, finding gainful employment work as a Starship repair woman orbiting Sycamore. Around a year after she got the job, she vanished - And was next seen, five months later, after being arrested by Defective Alliance personnel.
Her brother recently contacted her, and told her that she would be going on The Medusa's mission - He didn't know of anyone who would be better fit for the position of a Mechanic who would also take part in Fire Teams - And if she refused, he wouldn't use his position to get her out next time she needed help. He had helped her - Now it was time for her to help him.
Annoyed at his ultimatum, but at the same time exited to have the chance to work on a SIGMA FTL Drive once more, Risty agreed, and took a shuttle from the nearest Station to Sycamore - Ready to join the crew and eager to work aboard the aging vessel.
Endless Space OST - 26 - The BattleScene III