Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 2 days ago


Real Name: Hideo Eiyu

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Appearance: Odd hair color huh? To the surprise of many, Hideo’s white hair is not the result of dyes but simply genetics. All in all, he doesn’t look very Japanese despite his heritage being just that. Vibrant green eye and rather tall at six feet two make him look very much like a foreigner. Eye? Right, Hideo actually only has his right eye, his white hair covers where the left eye should be. It’s not like he has just an empty eye socket there though, that would be a bit too frightening for most people. He has a glass eye underneath, but seeing as it makes no difference, he prefers to let his hair hang over it.

Personality: Unexcitable and laidback, Hideo is the epitome of what it means to be easy-going. He takes, seemingly, everything in stride and little appears to faze him. While intelligent, he avoids getting caught up in mental dilemmas, preferring to use a healthy blend of intellect and instinct versus over-analyzing and meticulous planning. Has it backfired on him? Certainly, but going into the minute of details is contrary to his easy going nature and most often results in frustration and annoyance that destroys his ability to think properly either way.

His lax personality is easily approachable, a fairly good trait for someone who mans the counter of his own business. While his expression reveals little enthusiasm for his work, it shows through actions and conversations. An avid fan of video games, it was part of the reason he decided to open up shop in the first place.

History: After he finished up university, Hideo decided to pursue his dream of indulging in video games. To that end he’s opened up a small video game shop with a focus on computers in the heart of Neo-Tokyo. How he manages to pay rent and keep the business afloat has been somewhat of a mystery for the last year it's been open...

Hideo is considered lucky, despite losing one of his eyes. After all, the disease generally took both and no one’s really quite sure why only one was affected. In the end though, the eye was removed and a glass replacement took its place. It would have been odd or terrifying to have one green and another murky white.
Epic Points: 3
Character Name: Mushi

Appearance: Pretty much the same. He looks unusual enough as he is offline.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renose
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

You also had one Talent Point left to spend I believe (as your Talent Window remains unchanged). (As I did mention that as well in my commentary on your CS)

Also do you want me to just suggest a Starting Weapon and Starting Skill for you, or do you have anything special in mind (I mean, its a starting skill, so its pretty basic stuff that you'll probably never use again, or you may keep using it forever, just depends)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renose
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Glad to see you onboard Zombehs (previous post of mine was for Kazu)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaito Kuze

Kaito Kuze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ok i distributed the last point in the first aid talent

and I want you to suggest a starting weapon and skill for me
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renose
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

@ Zombehs

HP and MP Regen are per minute. (I might change ow it works. Right now it may seem bad, but various Attributes, Skills, and Items can boost both MP and HP Regen as well).

Constitution is 2.

Knowledge would be 5 cause of your Trait (as that's the only way to use Magic at chara creation).

The Focus Ring sounds pretty much the same as the Wand (both can handle Cantrips only, which are basic beginner spells meant for introducing someone to magic). In fact, your Focus Ring and the Wand do the same exact thing (the wand is just held in one hand and can be used to smack people as well).

I guess I can allow the Focus Ring, but it wouldn't have a mana bolt attack (a weak ring like that wouldn't be able to do that). Usually Focus Rings (which I did have as an additional weapon type, but in reality they are more like Accessories rather than Weapons) like that would be used by those who wield weapons meant for hitting in their hands. A pure mage like your character would be better off with a Wand (or something like it) as his starting weapon (unless you want a Knife or something, ill allow you to have that along with the ring, something simple).

Flash (Lv 1: 0/100 XP) (Active: 7 MP + 2 MP/Min): A basic light spell, part of the Cantrips. Emits a bright light when used, inflicting Blind on enemies who fail to resist. Duration of ailment is 5 Seconds. To Level Up: Use Flash, Blind a Foe.

(Note that there are usually around 5 to 6 seconds in a Round, as everyone's turns takes place within a 5 to 6 second interval. 10 Rounds are in a Minute.

But yea, other than this, Zombehs your character is pretty much good to go. (the Skill was cool to, a good Cantrip spell)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renose
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kaito Kuze said
Ok i distributed the last point in the first aid talent. and I want you to suggest a starting weapon and skill for me


I guess if your character is going DPS... then damage skills are good, as would a lighter, faster weapon, but you seem more strength then agi based. So a weapon that is centered around damage, but also takes speed into account.

Iron Longsword: A basic longsword, nothing really special about it. Great for beginners. 1 - 8 Damage. 2 Attack Speed. Damage Range increases by 2 if held 2-handed.

Fierce Slash (Lv 1: 0/100 XP) (Active: 5 MP): You focus and deliver a strike to your foe meant to deal extra damage as you attack with enhanced ferocity. This deals an extra 10% Damage above your regular Attack. To Level Up: Use the Skill, Score a Critical Strike, Defeat a Foe.

You can take a basic shield with it (if so, light, medium, or heavy), or you can wield it two handed to deal a bit of extra damage.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 2 days ago

Edited. Took the Wand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renose
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Alright. I shall put your CS on the CS Thread (the Link for that is on the front page).

BTW, the Wand does this.

Basic Wand: A basic enchanted magical wand that contains a basic magic focus for using magic. This wand for beginners can only use Cantrip Spells, intro level spells meant to introduce people to magic. 0 Attack Speed, 1 - 5 Damage. Can also launch a bolt of magical energy that deals 2 - 8 + 20% INT Damage. Doing this though uses 6 MP and is done on a command word set by the wielder.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SwordfishKnight
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SwordfishKnight bad

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Is fisticuffs allowed for a basic skill?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renose
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

That's a Talent, but you could get some sort of special skill for unarmed combat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renose
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

And Zombehs' character is officially on the roster (see link on front page at the very bottom of first post)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by docblargle


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Almost done. Before I post, suggest me a sword and heavy shield plz. I'm going a knight/paladin style.

Edit: Also, a good first skill would be awesome too
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SwordfishKnight
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SwordfishKnight bad

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

So much calculation agggh.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by docblargle


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Posting so people can see what I've got. Dat hp tho...

Real Name: Kenko Adachi

Age: 18

Gender: Male


Personality: Kenko maintains a cool but amiable demeanor. He carries himself with a relaxed manner, and never seems to be taken by any one emotion. He keeps a cool head, and a confident stride. However, all of this changes when Kenko becomes serious. When confronted by a particular challenge or confrontation he feels is difficult or important, Kenko’s attention narrows to the task at hand. His aura of friendliness will cease, replaced by a will to push forward and win, no matter the cost. It takes a great deal of effort to push Kenko towards any extreme of emotion, but when it happens, he is nearly consumed by it, and won’t shake himself from it for some time.

History: Kenko was born and raised in Neo Tokyo, Japerica. He was born to a loving mother and father, and was an only child. Even as a boy, Kenko was very athletic, and started practicing Kendo at a very young age. He became quite skilled at it, and practiced often. However, he still found time for all of his school work, and aspired to be an engineer. When he was 14, Kenko was injured in a Kendo tournament, and had to take a break for a few months. In that time, he found VRMMORPGs. Interested in the concept, Kenko tried it out, and since then enjoys it almost as much as Kendo. At 18 years old, Kenko is preparing for college, but still finds spare time for Kendo and VRMMOs.

Epic Points: 3

Character Name: Arryn Elik


Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaito Kuze

Kaito Kuze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Renose said
Alright. I guess if your character is going DPS... then damage skills are good, as would a lighter, faster weapon, but you seem more strength then agi based. So a weapon that is centered around damage, but also takes speed into account. Iron Longsword: A basic longsword, nothing really special about it. Great for beginners. 1 - 8 Damage. 2 Attack Speed. Damage Range increases by 2 if held 2-handed. Fierce Slash (Lv 1: 0/100 XP) (Active: 5 MP): You focus and deliver a strike to your foe meant to deal extra damage as you attack with enhanced ferocity. This deals an extra 10% Damage above your regular Attack. To Level Up: Use the Skill, Score a Critical Strike, Defeat a Foe.You can take a basic shield with it (if so, light, medium, or heavy), or you can wield it two handed to deal a bit of extra damage.

Thnx all done~ :3
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renose
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

docblargle said
Almost done. Before I post, suggest me a sword and heavy shield plz. I'm going a knight/paladin style. Also, a good first skill would be awesome too

Well you have 50 HP for starters. Not 51 (all fractions round down, cause I am a jerk).

And i have decided. Gonna make Regen a 3rd of the appropriate Stat instead of a 1/4th. Ill edit this into the CS's when I post them on the front page, so don't worry about it.

As for weapons...

Iron Bastard Sword: A Bastard Sword is a special sort of weapon. A bit heavier and longer than average swords, bastard-swords can be held either one handed or two and can pack a serious punch either way. 4 - 10 Damage. -2 Attack Speed. Attack Speed increased by 2 when held 2-handed.

Bronze Heavy Shield: A large, round shield made of bronze and wood. Perfect for beginners. Has a Shield Rating of 5 and an Armor Penalty rating of 4.

Now a Skill...

If you are going for a Tank Character, a Defense Skill is your best bet, either that or an aggro drawing skill. I recommend the following.

Taunt (Lv 1: 0/100 XP) (Passive): You know the basics of how to taunt enemies into attacking you. All Taunts you perform, which utilizes Negotiation, have a +5% better chance of success. To Level Up: Taunt your foes.

Either that, or this if you're more of a one on one tank.

Shield Bash (Lv 1: 0/100 XP) (Active: 3 MP): With a burst of strength, you smash your shield into an opponent with incredible force. This is a Melee Attack that deals damage equal to 25% of your Strength Score. Not only that, but it has a chance of Stunning an opponent. If you Guard, you can also use a Shield Bash, if you block an opponent's attack, to smash past their guard to get in a counterattack of your own. To Level Up: Perform a Shield Bash, Hit with a Shield Bash, Perform a Shield Counter, Get a Critical.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by docblargle


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

CS updated. Ready to go.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renose
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

That makes 3 definites
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by a00000000000
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Updated CS
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renose
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Alright, lets see what you got here bobo.

In the Game, Tomes will be a weapon, but they work a bit differently than what you have (which is fine, but I am glad that one mage character suggested it). Tomes don't get basic magic attacks, in fact they aren't really used to attack at all. They are made to power up and make the casting of certain forms of magic easier and more powerful. The downside is that they use two hands to utilize and you can only use them for a specific form of magic.

Here is what your Tome would do (gearing it more towards Arcane since that seems to be the direction of magic you are heading towards).

Arcane Cantrip Tome: A Tome for beginners. Holds the basics and knowledge for Arcane Cantrips within and it is this slightly enchanted book that allows the knowledge of this book to make you use Arcane Cantrips more efficiently as this book can be used as a magic focus. All Arcane Cantrips have their power increased by 25% and their MP Cost reduced by 20%. However, Tomes are made for a specific form of magic, and thus you can only use Arcane Cantrips with this Tome. Tomes have a -5 Attack Speed and deal 1-4 Damage for those who would actually use them to smack people. Requires 2 Hands to wield.

And your Skill.

Magic Bolt (Lv 1: 0/100 XP) (Active: 10 MP): This Arcane Cantrip gathers up magical energy and fires it as a small, condensed bolt. Deals 1 - 8 + 25% INT Damage. To Level Up: Use Magic Bolt, Defeat a Foe, Get a Critical.

How's this for what you want?
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