Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gemini
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Gemini FNAF Obsessed

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The minute the lights turned off and one of the animatronics disappeared, Emmie knew this was a bad idea.
"Oh god...oh god....I knew this was a bad idea! I shouldn't have taken the dare! I'm so sorry guys!" she whimpered.
Faith was scared that there were people in the pizzeria. Actual people! That was bad, the others would try to stuff them into a suit, killing them! She'd tried to proven to them that some were humans, but they never listened to her. Oh no, not the daughter of the pirate who bit a customer. It wasn't his fault though... Even the other kid animatronics had bullied her, teased her.
Ugh, she'd interfere when the humans got in trouble.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Of course, as soon as one of the animatronics appeared, James was the first one idiotic enough to get close enough to literally pick up Emmie and run for the room where the night watch person usually stayed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XoXoAwesome
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Yuuna, confused, turned and ran after them, stopping in front of the show stage. She stared at the animatronics and sighed. They looked so neglected, poor things.

Right, she shook her head and followed the two, shouting a little "Wait up!" and trudging along her bag.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XoXoAwesome
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sightles
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Kenneth smirked as the lights went out and the others instantly were reduced to panic, it was only when he realized that one of the suits were gone that Kenneth's bravado turned to worry. Kenneth watch as Emmie, Yuuna, and James all headed for another part of the building. The last thing Kenneth was going to do was run around the building, and get himself lost. Kenneth walked slowly after the group that took off, taking time to scan his surroundings, making sure nothing jumped up on him. Kenneth's face possessed an iron-like visage, showing not an ounce of worry, but showing plenty of tension as he slowly followed the rest of the group.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gemini
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Gemini FNAF Obsessed

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Emmie let out a little yelp of surprise when James picked her up and ran her to The Office, the place the night guard stayed. Then realizing it was him, her face glowed with a blush she could not tame.
Little did they know that both Bonnie and Chica were watching them, waiting until they got to The Office to attack. When they got there, Chica would appear in the right window.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XoXoAwesome
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Yuuna collapsed in the office, pulling her sweatshirt over her knees. "I'm sorry, what happened?" She asked, picking up a tablet-like object and holding it close to her face. She realized it was a camera, so she switched quickly through the cameras. "And, furthermore, is everyone here?" Listening to the answer, she reeled through the cameras again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sightles
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Kenneth realized soon that he had been completely left behind, as everyone else had already sped way ahead of him. Kenneth placed his right hand on the wall, and kept very still, looking around, examining his situation. Kenneth wasn't so worried, as he was just stressed and tense, "Guys?" Kenneth called out, as he kept his stone like posture, his eyes carefully glazing over the halls.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gemini
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Gemini FNAF Obsessed

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Emmie hopped out of James' arms, "Uh, where's Kenneth?!" she said in a panicked tone. She saw brought a flashlight out of her pack.
"I'm going to go find him, I'll yell if there's any trouble," she said. She switched on the light, which was aimed towards the right window. She yelled as she saw Chica staring at her with an open mouth and eyes.
She saw a button labeled, "Door" and pressed it. The right door shut down with a loud clang that made Emmie wince.
"What the hell is that?!" She pointed her flashlight away. Once someone had responded to her, she'd make her way down the left hall to look for Kenneth.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XoXoAwesome
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Yuuna looked up, seeing the animatronic in the window, and nearly fell back. "Oh! But, they were just on the stage..." She got up and nodded to Emmie. "Are you sure you want to to alone? If you do, I'll make sure nothing comes near you," she added, raising her arm and showing her the cameras.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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James said, "Wait. I will. I'm used to doing crazy stuff that will probably get me killed, so I'm gonna hurry up and get him." He then dashed out into the hall, barely dodging Bonny Bunny as he sprinted by, then ran as if his life depended on it, which it did.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gemini
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Gemini FNAF Obsessed

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Wait up," Emmie said, sprinting after him. She was tired of him trying to be a hero; it was gonna get him killed!
((Note: it hasn't happened, yet, but only I am gonna control the animatronics that aren't being controlled by people.))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XoXoAwesome
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Yuuna smirked, looking after the two through the cameras. So far, nothing looked out of place. She paused for a moment to make sure the duck thing was gone (it was) and opened the doors again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sightles
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Kenneth had done his own wandering by now. Slowly creeping along a long hallway. The situation was finally starting to get to Kenneth by this point, which was evident by his slow and nervous steps. ~ I don't need everyone else. I'll just find a window and bust out of this place. ~ Kenneth thought, as he stared down the long hall way. Kenneth then could hear lots of foot steps behind him, and someone yell 'Wait up'. Kenneth froze and looked back towards the voice and footsteps, "Guys?" He called out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gemini
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Gemini FNAF Obsessed

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Emmie heard Kenneth yell out, and then began to ran towards where his voice had come from. As she ran, her flashlight's light bobbed up and down until she finally found Kenneth, almost running into him.
"Ah!" she yelled out. "Oh, it's you, what are you doing?!" She looked around nervous.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sightles
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The sudden surprise from Emmie running up on him, and yelling, nearly caused Kenneth to shout himself, but he stopped it just in time. Kenneth placed a hand over his chest, trying to calm himself down from the sudden surprise, "I was trying to find you guys, but you ran off!" Kenneth said, his voice slightly raised, as he looked away from Emmie and once again started to look around. After a moment, he looked back to Emmie, "Where the hell did you guys go?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by a00000000000
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Otoko, Kawai ran through the building. He was sprinting, now, and was trying to find his way to the group. He was in the main-area, where the stage was, and some of the Animatronics were missing. Very much lost and deeply afraid, he ran to the nearest human sound, Kenneth. he sprinted to him, running past one of the animatronics, and tugging at his sleeve, then continuing running towards where he heard the sound of a door clanging shut.

He ran through the hallway and ran into the Office, leaning on the wall with a look of fear in his eyes he had nearly never felt before. He looked out the right window where the door was shut, and clicked the light button, and saw Chica standing there with its broken jaw. He wimpered and rolled into a ball in the corner, going into a Panic Attack.
Foxy stood in Pirate COve, waiting for when he could run and attack. A few humans decided to wander into the Pizzaria... their mistake. He let out his little laugh of "dum dum diddly dum dum..." that he had, and continuing for a little while, until he decided to peek his head of the curtain, straight into the camera that he knew the humans were watching.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XoXoAwesome
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Yuuna peered up, nervous and excited. "Otoko! Hey, it's okay." Rushing over to the right and closing the door again, she sat down next to him to make sure he was okay. While doing this, she saw a fox peeking out of a curtain. No, it wasn't any trouble. She didn't have to yell for Emmie and the others yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by a00000000000
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Most of the time when Otoko had Panic Attacks, they'd last for a few minutes where he'd just huddle into a ball and block out the world, and he'd ignore the world. He was doing this now, and he couldn't help but ignored Yuuna's words, and continued to have his attack.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XoXoAwesome
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Yuuna nodded to him, now positive he would be okay, and lazily checked the cameras. Where were they? And when were they coming back?
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