Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Roland Oswalt

"That's the beauty of adventure, there's always something to discover!"

Full name: Roland Nathaniel Oswalt

Titles: The Faux Knight, Wanderer, The Pathfinder

Rank: Boar

Age: 25

Gender: Male


Personality: Roland is not a stationary man, never content with staying in one place. Instead he loves to move and explore, finding new experiences, and generally finding new things. In this vein he has an amazing sense of wonder and a sort of innocence not usually found in mercenaries. Roland does nothing maliciously and tries to refrain from creating more pain than necessary.



Dreams and Fears:

Favored equipment:

Extra: Prospero, his red-tailed hawk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nron
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago


"Too hot..."

Full name: Sikarthis Thrachaiss vas Emperat
Titles: Northman, "The Ice Prince"
Rank: Boar
Age: Twenty Six Winters
Gender: Male

Personality: Cold as the land he hails from, Sikarthis is a reserved individual who speaks little even with those he considers companions. To Sikarthis conversation is something that happens to other people, though others often mistake this for a willingness to listen to whatever they have on their minds. He is slow to anger and seemingly devoid of any of the vices that ail his fellow sellswords, a fact that has earned him both respect and disdain (oftentimes both from the same people). Sikarthis speaks little of his past or his home except on rare occasions when queer fancies strike him. While Sikarthis' loyalty can be questioned few can say the same of his combat prowess and it is a rare thing indeed for anyone to find him away from the training yard or his animal pens.

History: Of all those in service to the deposed Queen, Sikarthis is quite possibly the only one who might be able to sympathize with her plight on a personal level. Years before Sikarthis found his way to the Iron Company he resided far in the north, thousands of leagues from Arlon in the Ustynia Ice Plains. A vast, gelid land of black-blue mountains of ice and windswept plains of snow, Ustynia was a hostile place that would kill the unprepared as easily as the most experienced of adventurers. Home to immense wooly beasts, wild cats the size of horses, and all manner of dark terrors beneath the iceflows, it was little wonder that few civilizations had ever bothered to settle there. One however did, and from that small kingdom Sikarthis was born.

Son to the King Atop The 'Berg, Sikarthis was raised from childhood to assume the Throne upon his coming of age, when he would challenge the King to single combat. At the age of six he was assisting the Huntmasters tend to the tamed Snowcats, and repairing their sleds between hunts.Thirteen Winters saw Sikarthis begin his martial training, learning and mastering the javelin first and quickly following suit with the longsword and shield. A rare opportunity even allowed him to study with the reclusive monk sects atop the Ighai mountain, a monolith of ice and rock rising four miles above the barren plains surrounding it. Up in that misty, mysterious place Sikarthis honed his skills further, learning to wear his armour like a second skin, the added weight becoming familiar and comforting. Sikarthis did not return from Ighai until his Twentieth Winter, the time set before him by the King atop the 'Berg for their battle.

Sikarthis had no sooner arrived at what was to be the site of their melee before he was set upon by an ambush, sent by the King his own self. In his absence the King had grown frail and frightened, unwilling to allow himself to be beaten by his son that the stronger may rule as tradition had held for centuries. Escaping with his life and this information, Sikarthis set about raising the people against the King, an easy task once they learned of the betrayal. For two Winters a small civil war raged in that far off frozen edge of the world, the only witnesses to feats of valor and bloodshed the wild beasts that feasted upon the dead once the battles were done. In the end Sikarthis was able to lead his rebellion to the foot of his fathers last bastion, the 'Berg itself.

An immense fortress hewn of the ice atop a mobile iceberg, the 'Berg had stood for centuries as a symbol of power and stability in Ustynia. None had ever breached its walls nor claimed victory over a siege against it, ability to move unbidden a deterrent against any kind of long term encampment. Seers had foreseen that it would continue to stay afloat for centuries more, long after the people of the world had drifted away into the frozen wastes. Unfortunately the Seers were wrong.

Unknown to Sikarthis, the King had enlisted the aid of the Orelords, master tunnelers and miners, to booby trap the 'Berg, digging long tunnels throughout it's interior so that the King might cleave off entire sections and drown the approaching army. During this operation however something went wrong, and on the morning of the final assault against the 'Berg, Sikarthis awoke to bear witness to the collapse of the only true symbol of rulership Ustynia had ever known. The 'Berg gone, Sikarthis was stripped of all status and whatever politcal power he may have held, his entire war fought for nothing in the end. With no choice before him Sikarthis left his ancestral homeland, heading south with nothing but his favored Snowcats and a sled full of his ancestors belongings. Selling his services as a warrior, it wasn't long before he joined up with the Iron Company. At the time of these current events Sikarthis has served with the Company for Two Winters.

Skills: A master of the Longsword and Shield along with the Javelin, a favored weapon of his homeland, Sikarthis is also a skilled beast tamer, catching and training a variety of animals over the course of his service with the Company. His training atop Ighai has left more nimble than most while encased in armour, though he is by no means a lightning bolt on the field of battle. Hailing from a land of ice and snow Sikarthis is also more than able to cope with winters and is almost always the primary hunter for the Company during such times. Along with these skills Sikarthis carries with him what little leadership abilities he employed during his own civil war, small though they were given the fact that much of his forces were comprised of smaller tribes led by their own Icelords. These days he refuses to make use of these skills however, the memory of what occurred the last time he did forever fresh in his mind.

Dreams and Fears: Any dreams Sikarthis may have had died the day the 'Berg fell into the frigid seas of the North. If he has reasons for staying on with the Company and fighting for the Queen then they are unknown to his companions and quite possibly even to himself.

Favored equipment: Ancestral Longsword forged in the way of the Orelords of Ustynia, tested and proven by slicing clean through a block of ice.
A lightweight shield of reinforced oak.
Ancestral armour forged centuries before and reforged countless times since. Primarily made up of scale and chain, Sikarthis has removed much of the plate from the joints, replacing them with more flexible protective pieces to allow for reduced weight and greater range of movement. The remaining pieces of plate protect the chest, thighs, arms and legs. Along with his armour, Sikarthis had a full face helm in the Ustynian design of a death mask fashioned, a crown of the same design crafted onto it as a self mocking reminder to Sikarthis of what he has lost.
Javelins forged by Sikarthis himself in the Ustynia style. These barbed missiles are designed to stick into their targets and cause maximum damage should anyone try to remove them.

Extra: Along with his equipment Sikarthis maintains a number of pens for housing various animals. Two of these pens however are always home to his own personal beasts, Ustynian Snowcats of considerable size. Absolutely loyal to Sikarthis they are his shadow on the battlefield and his willing pillows during the cold nights.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Descartes
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Descartes Give her the D

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Rudolfo von Klaus
Fight me.

Full name: Rudolfo Persching von Klaus XIII

Titles: "Black Jack", "Grognard"

Rank: Stag

Age: 62

Gender: Male


Personality: Once a feared warrior, when the sands of time wore out his back and his cane replaced his sword in his main hand, Rudolfo was reduced to nothing but a blathering and foul-mouthed old man. All that he experienced in his time had made Rudolfo jaded. He dislikes society and is fed up with his superiors. At an early age, Rudolfo began to question life. He was curious as to what purpose he had and why all had become as it did. When he first picked up a sword, Rudolfo came to understand life better. He would forge meaning, writing with the blood of his enemies and his sword as his pen. Everything else became a mundane chore for Rudolfo and he could think of nothing except to wait for his next battle. When he came of age, little had changed. Then when he grew older, the most significant thing Rudolfo gained was senility. Though he is less forgetful than his underlings would like, Rudolfo is noticeably senile. Rudolfo was known to drink heavily from a younger age. His drinking habits had progressed.

History: Rudolfo grew up in a peasant family simply as Persching. Rudolfo's family could not afford a surname. His parents worked toiling on the fields, and when Rudolfo was old enough, he did too. Rudolfo would rise early in the morning, tend the animals, and harvest crops without a word. Rudolfo had too much respect for his parents then. Though he never voiced any dissent, Rudolfo had pondered into the meanings of things.When he became a teenager, Rudolfo discovered he hated his parents and religion. Without his parent's knowing, Rudolfo packed whatever he could get his hands on and left. When Rudolfo ran out of food, he would steal it. Often Rudolfo would get caught. Twice, he had nearly been executed. Rudolfo was fed up with the world. He sought to end himself, but could never bring himself to do so. Before he did, he discovered a band of mercenaries- the Iron Company. Rudolfo couldn't do very many jobs, and he needed to keep a low profile. Mercenary work seemed an easy answer.

Rudolfo began as a boar. He had no name then. Even so, he managed to meet his first love. She was a minor noble and one of three sisters. Her family had no sons and their father, Rudolfo von Klaus XII, was in a rush to get his daughters married. Rudolfo fought for many months to gain his sweetheart's affection. It took him longer to get the father's approval. When Rudolfo married, it was agreed that he took his father in law's name. Rudolfo did not want to be reminded of his past, and so burned his old belongings. Anything he had that was keepsake of his old family was discarded. The name Persching, however, stuck. It was what the Iron Company had always referred him as, and the name he had always given others. Rudolfo could not soon rid himself of his name- that which he had for the longest time.

After a life time of war, Rudolfo still could not settle down. He wanted to die properly in war, even if he had become to old to wield his sword. His sword hand shudders as he grips the handle, but the will did not fade.

Skills: A lifetime as a mercenary had left experiences of a veteran. Rudolfo could act as a priceless wellspring of encyclopedic knowledge and wisdom on the art of war and swordplay as well as other weapon techniques that could work on a continental scale. That is, if someone managed to get Rudolfo to speak in a non-biting manner.

Dreams and fears: Too old to be a bear, Rudolfo's only wish is to die. His greatest fear is to die alone of old age instead of with his sword on the battlefield.

Favored equipment: Rudolfo insists on his troops wielding spears, and to make sure they are longer than the opponent's. However, he believes that the braver soldiers should fight bare handed to test their mettle.

Extra: The noble insignia of the von Klaus clan is a circular shield with four torches equidistant from each other. The torches meet with one large flame at the center.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 5 mos ago

Descartes said
If I created a character, does he have to be part of the Iron Company? Could he be a knight? Or simply from another mercenary band? Or maybe even just a house servant for the king?

Possibly, he can be a recent recruit as they've got more funding due to.. well being part of the Queen's Guard herself.
Lionheart said
Is there a player limit you're looking for? And if so have you hit it? I am very interested but to many might get a bit hectic.

I imagine that there's always a select few that make a CS, then forget about the RP or lose interest the day after already. So in short: no there's not a limit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 5 mos ago

@Whirlwind, got nothing to say about it. Consider her accepted.
@Enalais, all I got to say is you need some work on your grammar and such. You have a lot of run-ons there, I mean your personality is 1 sentence. Think about that.
@IncredibleBee, it's a rather short CS hm? Maybe a bit too short, considering the length that the others have. There is plenty to say about her history if you just wish to do so.
@ThornyRose, I am not too keen on guys with masks. They always seem to be the epitome of awesomeness, or so the writer thinks. That aside a mask isn't functional whatsoever in a battle. Also, he's a master of everything? Can write, is medically trained and is a perfect swordsman?
@Wintergrey, Astrid, or should I say Lagertha, is accepted.
@Professor_Wyvern, I find the appearance of Durst to barely match the setting at all. When I think of a barbarian I think of some guy wearing furs and using rusty falchions and hatchets, or even a wooden club. The type of guy who hides in the bushes to whack you over your head so he can steal your goods. His history also doesn't really match the setting. I'm unsure if you're okay with making it different, because Durst probably won't be getting in.
@Nron, he's a cool guy but he seems to be a master at doing everything. Consider cutting back the skills he has. The idea of some warrior prancing about, jumping left and right cutting people down doesn't seem like something I'd envision in the setting. There's a reason lightly armored warriors were usually the first ones to die in a real battle, right?
@Descartes, I can find this guy fitting the role of Stag pretty well. Consider him accepted too.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nron
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Partisan said
@Nron, he's a cool guy but he seems to be a master at doing everything. Consider cutting back the skills he has. The idea of some warrior prancing about, jumping left and right cutting people down doesn't seem like something I'd envision in the setting. There's a reason lightly armored warriors were usually the first ones to die in a real battle, right?

I'd argue the opposite about the lightly armored bit given historical happenings but I have edited the sheet accordingly. Redacting the dancing bit into simply being a bit more agile than most while wearing armour and removed smithing and.tunneling. Also reduced his leadership skills to simply having commanded others to do the main commanding. Armour has been plated up a bit but retains its distinct lack of plate along the joints to retain some improved movement and flexibility.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nron
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Partisan said
@Nron, he's a cool guy but he seems to be a master at doing everything. Consider cutting back the skills he has. The idea of some warrior prancing about, jumping left and right cutting people down doesn't seem like something I'd envision in the setting. There's a reason lightly armored warriors were usually the first ones to die in a real battle, right?

I'd argue the opposite about the lightly armored bit given historical happenings but I have edited the sheet accordingly. Redacting the dancing bit into simply being a bit more agile than most while wearing armour and removed smithing and tunneling. Also reduced his leadership skills to simply having commanded others to do the main commanding. Armour has been plated up a bit but retains its distinct lack of plate along the joints to retain some improved movement and flexibility.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Partisan, you'll need to be more specific on why his backstory doesn't match the setting. As for the picture, I wanted something that reflected his savage nature, mixed alongside a new employment as a knight, so I figured it made sense to choose something that had some armor, yet showed off the fact Durst is a savage. And I think you are thinking more of a vagabond, barbarians are would be more likely to raid with good portion of the tribe/clan against enemy tribes or civilized outposts, or merchant caravans, maybe capturing slaves, to do farming or sell off. As just knocking one guy isn't particularily useful to the tribe as a whole, and as tribal/clan structures are based in familial bonds. Ah, bit of rambling.

But yes, picture I can easily do. However for history, I can't do that unless you can express what about it you do not care for.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Partisan said
@Wintergrey, Astrid, or should I say Lagertha, is accepted

hahaha love that show. That isn't actually who she is, but now that you point it out they do seem extremely alike.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 5 mos ago

Nron said
I'd argue the opposite about the lightly armored bit given historical happenings but I have edited the sheet accordingly. Redacting the dancing bit into simply being a bit more agile than most while wearing armour and removed smithing and.tunneling. Also reduced his leadership skills to simply having commanded others to do the main commanding. Armour has been plated up a bit but retains its distinct lack of plate along the joints to retain some improved movement and flexibility.

That's what I meant, yeah. As for the lightly armored bit.. well, plate or chain keeps you alive. A stray arrow, even if unintentionally, would kill an unarmored person if it hits you right or hits in an area where it might affect you. I hope you get what I'm saying. It's a cool character none the less, do not take it as an insult please.

Professor_Wyvern said
@Partisan, you'll need to be more specific on his backstory doesn't match the setting. As for the picture, I wanted something that reflected his savage nature, mixed alongside a new employment as a knight, so I figured it made sense to choose something that had some armor, yet showed off the fact Durst is a savage. And I think you are thinking more of a vagabond, barbarians are would be more likely to raid with good portion of the tribe/clan against enemy tribes or civilized outposts, or merchant caravans, maybe capturing slaves, to do farming or sell off. As just knocking one guy isn't particularily useful to the tribe as a whole, and as tribal/clan structures are based in familial bonds. Ah, bit of rambling.But yes, picture I can easily do. However for history, I can't do that unless you can express about it you do not care for.

Well, for one, we are in a country that is more or less medieval. Tribes do not match well in this setting unless they'd be some sort of.. wildlings living in the north. We can agree on that, I have no problems with that, but they'd have to resemble some sort of wildling thing, and not a whole different kind of 'race' of savage hordlings.
I'm aware that I am not good at explaining what I mean, so I'll use examples.

Hill tribes would be something I can imagine, fearsome warriors with barely any intellect simply because.. well, 'durrr what is education'. But in the end, they're mere mortals. Just very savage. They might be adapted into our world by.. say, tribes of slavers who specialize in raiding villages of the king of that country, taking slaves and escaping into the forest towards their hideout before the lord can get his army together. Very savage, no education, sound like they're stupid. But they match what you're looking very well, I think.

However imagine this, all lands in this continent of ours are claimed by one king or another. Do you think they would let rival tribes have their own little wars between them? No, they'd decimate them and take their lands for themselves. I hope you see what I mean by this.

Wintergrey said
hahaha love that show. That isn't actually who she is, but now that you point it out they do seem extremely alike.

They resemble eachother closely, but I find Lagertha/her actress to be a bit more pretty/womanly, where as your characters picture seems to try very hard to fit in with the men. I guess that fits the character more, haha.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nron
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Partisan said
That's what I meant, yeah. As for the lightly armored bit.. well, plate or chain keeps you alive. A stray arrow, even if unintentionally, would kill an unarmored person if it hits you right or hits in an area where it might affect you. I hope you get what I'm saying. It's a cool character none the less, do not take it as an insult please.

No offense taken man you're only doing your job. I need to edit anything else or is it good now?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Derpstone

Derpstone Royal shield bearer.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

(Theodore McKrubnick)

(To the victor go the spoils)

Full name: Theodore "Theo" Johannes McKrubnick


Rank: Boar

Age: Old

Gender: Male

Appearance: Theodore is a man you can take up in one glance, he is a fighter no matter from what angle you look at him. If the scar on his cheek doesn't tell you this you will find out by the absence of his left side pink and ring finger. His copper hair is kept short, mostly to hide the graying parts around his temple. Together with the colour of his hair his facial features closely resemble that of a fox or likewise k9 creature. He has an average height, but the width of his shoulders suggest some brawn power hides in his body.
As far as clothing go Theodore likes to keep things simple and easy. A plain hauberk and quilted pants in earthly tones seem to be a recurring outfit of his. The pair of leather boots are probably the only ones he owns by the look of wear and tear on them.

Personality: Respects authority, calculating, easy to anger at the mention of certain topics. Has a passion for women and brawling.

History: Born to a family that tended to nobles; Theo's live had little to want for in the way of food and clothing. He was the middle child of five, an older brother and sister and a younger couple of the same paring. His father was an honest and hard working man to the nobles, at home he would often let his frustrations out on the boys. Never the girls though, they were more precious to him. Growing up Theo would learn how to please his father, as a result he would get less of a beating then his brother; This however resulted only in gaining the resentment of his oldest brother, with who he would in turn have many a brawl with. His brother eventually became squire to a knight and left the home. This gave the boy the idea a similar destiny awaited him, but he would be disappointed, instead he was drawn to be part of the serving staff of the noble family. As he started to become more of a man some of the chamber maidens where only left with maiden in their title. The experiences suffered at his father's hand had made him weary of punishment and he would go about his business as discretely as was humanly possible.
One day a mercenary band entered town. Theo got intrigued by some of their customs and joined in on a few brawls. During one of these his opponent bit of Theo's ring finger, the wound festered and later he was forced to give up his pink too; unless he would rather have lost his entire hand. He became friendly with some of the mercenaries and tried to give them left over spoils, one day however his supervisor discovered this and had Theo chastised for it. There and then the young man decided that the castle live didn't suit him very much and Theo disappeared together when the Iron Company moved on. The only thing connecting him to his past is the brand that was left on his shoulder blade, the scar looks like a flame with four sticks pointing outwards.
Skills: Is naturally stealthy, has a sharp mind.

Dreams and fears: Theodore fears that one day he might come across his older brother again. As a contradiction to this, if that happens he dreams that he will be the one to kill him.

Favored equipment: Theodore favours the use of a bastard sword in combination with a buckler. Since a buckler is strapped to the arm rather then held by it he can more easily turn his handicap; provided by his missing digits, into extra blade strength if needed.

Extra: Likes to hunt game during his down time, this is not saying he is the best huntsman there is, but it helps him hold his temper in check.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 5 mos ago

Nron said
No offense taken man you're only doing your job. I need to edit anything else or is it good now?

I have a last question. These animals of his, they're comparable to snowleopards, just tamed right?

@Derp, it's an okay character, but it's pretty much just that. I'll accept it if you want to play him, but there's not much depth to him as is.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Bureaucracy must be a bitch then... Expansive lands tend to not be condusive to that.

Anyway, so I could be from territories hidden by oh, mountain ranges and other natural barriers from the North then, with jack all for farming resources?

And I don't believe that the tribe would be a seperate 'savage' race from man. They are still mortal, bleed from pricking, etc. Just that they are rather vicious in making sure they hold their lands and keeping outside tribes from messing with them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 5 mos ago

I'd say that they could be your average Joe, where a tribe would be an exceptionally large family of sorts who live together, yeah. They speak the same language, have the same house style etc. And I know that you didn't mean they're a different race, but your picture seemed to denote that. :p That guy is barely human at all.

Like I said, hill-tribes would be a cool thing, and if you would agree to it you can make them akin to hill tribes, except they live in area x, of your creation. Are we cool on that, then?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nron
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Partisan said
I have a last question. These animals of his, they're comparable to snowleopards, just tamed right?

Aye. More suited towards hunting and fighting in the winter than in large scale battles during the less frigid seasons which is why he normally leaves them in their pens.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 5 mos ago

That sounds like something acceptable, I imagined them something like the Direwolves from GoT. But they serve a more practical use then, which is probably better, I'll get to adding your character to the list then.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Partisan said
I'd say that they could be your average Joe, where a tribe would be an exceptionally large family of sorts who live together, yeah. They speak the same language, have the same house style etc. And I know that you didn't mean they're a different race, but your picture seemed to denote that. :p That guy is barely human at all. Like I said, hill-tribes would be a cool thing, and if you would agree to it you can make them akin to hill tribes, except they live in area x, of your creation. Are we cool on that, then?

I can agree to that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 5 mos ago

Sweet, I'll leave you to your devices then and you can just give me a headsup once you've altered it to your liking.

I'll probably make a section describing the way our country looks and it's surroundings so I'll have to include foreign places like yours and that of Sikarthis, in which I'll need a proper description or be given creative liberties on your part.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nron
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I'll get a more detailed description of Ustynia to you after I get back from work tonight. If you don't want to wait you're welcome to make up what you like though. I have no qualms either way. Ciao for now.
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