Hidden 10 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Griffin woke with on thought in his head. He hated Vegas. He hated everything about it. He had only come to this cursed town for one reason. His best friend had called him asked him to come. Ralf rarely asked him for anything so he had come. He had stood by his best friend's side as he got married. The redhead had done the same for him five years go so he was glad to return the favor even if it meant going to Los Vegas to do it. He groaned as he rolled over. His eyes jerked open when his hand came in contact with someone else. "What the..?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ouji riyuujin

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KatherinWinter said
Sample 2;Liz loved school. She loved learning new things. School was also her escape. She was safe at school. No one tried to hurt her there. No one noticed her and she was happy to be ignored. She opened the door to the building and headed to her locker. She careful arranged her books so that they wouldn't put presßure on her burn. Her father had punished her for recieving a B on one of her papers. Ready for the furst half of the day Liz headed to class.

a teacher/student rp sounds good. i hope I can pair-up with you on this one?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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19. Peter Pan

Katherin had made a new life in the city she had chosen when she returned from Neverland. She hadn't wanted to come back. But kids where only allowed to stay in Neverland five years. She had stayed as long as she had stayed as long as she could. She liked the town well enough but she felt like something was missing. She wished knew where the others were. They had been so close to in Neverland, but finding each other here on Earth was impossible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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20.Pet Sitter-

Griffin watched his master get ready to leave. Part of him was glad to see the other man leave. It meant he would get a break. He desperately needed to rest and heal. His master was not an easy man to satisfy. "You will be on your best behavior for the sitter pet. You will obey him like you obey me." his master ordered.

He bowed his head submissively, "Yes master. I understand." he knew that his master would be watcher even though he was gone. As much as Griffin longed for freedom this was the only life he had ever known. He wouldn't know how to live any other way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Liz was quiet and shy. She considered herself easily overlooked. Honestly that she like it that way. She didn't want to attract too much attention. Bad things tended to happen when she drew attention to herself. She changed her work clothes and headed to her job. She worked at a nursing assistant at the retirement home. She was studying to became a nurse. She loved helping people. Once she was changed she headed out to her little Beetle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Zack loved teaching. He loved helping young people. He loved knowing that he was making a difference in the lives around him. He considered himself the kind of teacher that students felt comfortable approaching. He had an open door policy. Hoping to encourage students that were struggling to come to him. He didn't care if the struggles were school related or person. He told his students that they could come to him anytime about anything. Zack did his best to help his students anyway he could.

At the beginning of each school day Zack stood outside and watched the children arrive. He had his long black hair tied back today to keep the wind from blowing it in his face. He did this to help the students to feel safe, being well over six foot tall had its benefits, and so he could see the students off school grounds. Many students behave different out of school then the do in school. Zack believed the more he knew about his students more he could help them. Zack scanned the students as they arrived. His blue eyes taking in every detail for future use.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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He couldn't believe this was going to be his first official case alone. He had never been assigned to a case of his own. He was excited and nervous. He was going to have someone's life in his hands. He would be responsible for their safety. He could hardly wait to find out who his witness would be. He paced the agency floor thinking of everything that could go wrong. His supervisor approached him folder in hand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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"I know. I know." Griffin shouted at the sirens blaring around him. He didn't know what had knocked him off course but he was heading towards the planet faster then was safe. When he began searching the galaxy for his soul mate he had never imagined something like this happening. There was nothing he could do to prevent the crash. The only thing he could do was to try to crash in a relatively remote place. He didn't want anyone to get hurt because of his miscalculation. He aimed for a large lake. The ship shot as to speed to the earth. He knew there would be little to no thing left of his ship when he landed. As the ground got closer Griffin prayed that he would survive. He was knocked unconscious when his ship slammed into the water.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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5.Time Traveler/Regular Person-

Roxy dashed into a cave. It was the first place she had seen that might offer her a p,ace to hide from her father and his men. In her arms she held a tiny bundle. "You have to be quiet little one." she whispered to the baby. Luckily Drake was a good baby and rarely cried. This would be the worse possible time for him to decide to be fussy. She hurried through the cave hoping to find a place to hide.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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There it was again. Katherin stopped and listened. For almost she had gotten the feeling that someone was following her. Even when she was alone Katherin felt like she was being watched. She didn't understand the feeling. Who would be interested in a blind woman? She had a feeling it was one of her patients but she had no idea who. No one had shown any unusual interest in her. Until she had some idea who it was there wasn't anything she could do about it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Liz looked around eagerly as her horse followed her father through the village. She could hardly believe all the people she saw. She had spent her entire life locked behind the walls of the castle. She would probably be there now if the prince she was suppose to marry hadnt insisted that she accompany her father to met him when his ship arrived at the docks. She wasnt looking forward to marrying some stranger but as a princess she didnt have any choice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mifune


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id be game to rp with you would you be interested in a modern/ scifi rp? like something that takes place in the near future?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Zack frowned at the cages set up at the slave mart. He wasnt comfortable owning another person. But the king had declared that if he wanted to go on this quest he had to have one. The prophesy stated the Mage and and his companion. That was the only reason he was here. He would have the kingdom no matter what it took. He walked through the cages studying every person inside. How would he know which one to choose?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Roxy paced her small cell. She hated being locked up. How dare her father sell her like she was a piece of property? All because he couldn't control her. Her father was not a good man and she hsd refused to follow his example since she understand that what he did hurt other people. He had tried starving her, locking her in the smallest cell he could, he had even tried whipping her. But she would not bend to his will. She would not bend to anyone's will.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LivinDeadGirl
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I'm interested in the pirate story... Sample 8, if you're still looking.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Katherin cursed her blindness. It was one thing made it impossible for her to escape. She wanted to out. She paced the basement floor that made but her cell. There had to be a way out. She tan her fingers slowly over the walls. She carefully search every inch of her cell. The only way out she could find was the door leading upstairs where her guardian was. She knew even if she got the door open she would never make it out of the house. But she had to try.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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Do you want to RP? I think I have an idea few people have considered before. Should I PM you?

We were in an RP once, but it kinda died.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Roxy pulled her leather jacket higher trying to cover her ears. She wasnt really dressed for the weather. Her black leather jacket and black tshirt weren't much of a deterrent from the cold. But she hadnt had time to change. It wouldn't have been so bad if her bike hadnt broken down forcing her to walk. She hurried down the dark streets glad that she had her knives on her. She was confident in her ability to protect herself. She looked up as a sound caught her attention.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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13.Beauty and the Beast-

Griffin paced his living room. He knew he wouldn't be able to pace long but he needed the movement. He hated his curse. His father had turned into something that wasnt human. Now the villagers that lived outside his woods feared him. Not that he blamed them. He barely had control over his beast. Still he did his best to never hurt the people in the village. It wasnt their fault that his father had turned him into something more beast then man to control them all.
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