Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Narrator
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The Narrator The friendly Voice inside your Head

Member Seen 19 days ago

I first want to see what characters are going to appear. I would love a brain to the whole operation, kind of like Frankenstein in the show, he is in my opinion by far the best character. A fighter would also be nice, maybe a rouge or thief I don't know.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

What's the date?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"Yes I'm a real professor, stop bugging me!"

Name: Alexander Van Helsing
Alias(s): Prof. Helsing, Dr. Helsing
Age: 16

Physical Appearance: Helsing has pitch black hair with a white streak through it. He has eyes that are sky blue, but sometimes look blood red. He wears gold timed glasses along with a strong brown leather jacket. Under that he weird fairly normal clothes, finer then the average commoner might have, but of a fairly simple style. He always has the look of being sleep depraved, but he seems to wear it well.

Personality: Helsing will seem a bit disturbed to most people because of his fascination with the darker supernatural.

Abilities and skills:
-He knows Latin
-He can fight with the knife he has
-He has a doctorate in cultural studies, specialising in myths of monsters and demons
-He has a fairly good knowledge of the weaknesses of the supernatural
-He is an encredably good shot with his guns

Weapons & Equipment:
-a silver crucifix
-a finely made wooden stake
-a knife of fine steel, with a prayer in latin engraved in it in silver.
-a small collection of journals about the supernatural, in Latin
-a pair of colt shingle action army revolvers
-silver bullets

Brief History: Helsing excelled at the academy and progresses faster then any of his peers. All the teachers believed that he could be a great mind, if only he would break with his morbid fascinations. In time he became one of the youngest people with a degree, yet he had gotten it in a soft social science. After a stint in America, where he got his guns and learned to shoot them, gathering a bit on the local legends he came back to London for a short time, before he was to travel to Asia and Africa
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

How's this?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Is it possible to make a duo (two characters/double up)? And, if so...can I call dibs on a headless horseman/dullahan?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Narrator
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The Narrator The friendly Voice inside your Head

Member Seen 19 days ago

16 is far too young. Make him in his thirties that would fit more. Also for this Rpg I have a distaste of anime pictures. It would be nice if you could choose a different one. Also your character has nearly nothing to do with Van Hellsing except the name:/
Sorry if I am a little bit picky.

It would be only possible if the two characters definitely need each other, I think for example of Frankenstein and his creature. And I think a Dullahan would have trouble fitting in a crowd wouldn't he?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

The Narrator said
16 is far too young. Make him in his thirties that would fit more. Also for this Rpg I have a distaste of anime pictures. It would be nice if you could choose a different one. Also your character has nearly nothing to do with Van Hellsing except the name:/Sorry if I am a little bit picky.It would be only possible if the two characters definitely need each other, I think for example of Frankenstein and his creature. And I think a Dullahan would have trouble fitting in a crowd wouldn't he?

I made him 16 because that's my age and it's Easter for me then a 50 year old man. It's supposed to be a relationship of his, or a younger him, because Dracula takes place in 1893 and it doesn't make sence after that. I chose an anime picture because I was on my phone and I knew where to get it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 4 mos ago

The Narrator said
It would be only possible if the two characters definitely need each other, I think for example of Frankenstein and his creature. And I think a Dullahan would have trouble fitting in a crowd wouldn't he?

The dullahan and his handler are part of a circus/freakshow display as the 'headless couple'...involves the woman wearing a glass box in the far back of a white room as part of an optical illusion, while her dullahan is commanded to interact with the crowd much closer up...or something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I hope you don't mind, I'm going to do a simuler thing to this. I don't know if I can reconcile myself, because most of what I think of are the mad sciantist ones and I don't think I fit in the role of Frankenstein or jeckal. I could many do the invisible man, Nemo, Dr Mahroh if I have one of his creatures with him, or MabRy the guyfrom the time machine...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Song Book
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Song Book First book off the shelf.

Member Seen 11 mos ago

double post.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Song Book
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Song Book First book off the shelf.

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Could i possibly join. A character has been lingering around in my head for some time. I Call her Shards as like a nickname. I wrote something out earlier about her if you want. Edit: Thought she probably wouldn't fit into this setting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Hey, if somebody wants to play handler to my Dullahan, let me know...I'm really unsure what sort of character to make as his handler, actually...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 4 mos ago

(Image to be determined, suggestions are welcome)

Name: ????
Alias(s): (To be determined)
Age: ????

Physical Appearance: Stands at six foot even, headless, strong well-muscled build. Though the skin does have a paleness to it, his body does seem ‘living’ and contains many scars from healed injuries, as opposed to his head. His head is perpetually in a state of decomposition, and injuries to it will not heal over. Sharp completely black eyes, square face, a head of short stark red hair, sharp teeth set in some form of smirk or smile, skin and flesh are rotting…it’s usually housed (well, actually, sealed/locked up) in a pretty carved white wooden box…there are some small, flower shape holes on one side, though.

Personality: Is relatively well behaved without its head and magic in general…but with…it can be considered a complete flip in ‘personality’. Even though it can’t use its magic to summon up buckets of cold blood to throw onto gawkers, it does still occasionally get regulars pails of unclean water to throw on people. Like a vampire or werewolf with silver, a dullahan avoids gold like humans avoid the plague. The dullahan likes to point at the soon to be dead, since its head is enclosed in a small box and is hard to hear (even with the holes) the voice of.
Though it doesn’t seem obvious whether or not it likes being bossed around by its handler, muttering can be heard from the box after certain instances of hesitation, here or there. Whenever his handler puts off buying him a horse, an angry incoherent yell can be heard from his box. The head also seems to be interested in certain smells, light sniffing has been heard when his box has been placed in quiet rooms with messy spice racks or in glasshouses with flowers.

Abilities and skills:
-Head is only able to speak Irish, though this is barely heard through his covered box…whole being seems to understand Irish and English
-Master Horseman
-Senses all forms of magic, but is better at identifying fae magic above all else…but usually won’t inform anyone, since his head is stuck in a box, till it’s too late or the interesting magic subject has passed
-Minor unseelie magic (cannot use, since handler keeps the head and keeps it away from contact with the body)
-Skilled with bladed (all sword/blade types, some axe, knives) and blunt weapons (shillelagh, leg bone, etc.), this particular dullahan is unskilled with whips
-Physically stronger, faster, more enduring than humans. Heals faster, and it’s body even comes back to ‘life’ the night after being ‘killed’…though there have been sensing issues due to having its actual head stuck in a box, and thus usually can’t leave the line of its own sight managed by the handler
-Knows how to make things out of human corpses…? Quite the craftsman (think the lair from Jeepers Creepers, or a soldier preserved and made into an armchair, maybe a human leather jacket… (@_@)), if you're into that and let him and also have a body for him to use…

Weapons & Equipment:
-Handler gave the dullahan a cane sword to use…but it keeps forgetting how to get the hidden sword portion out

Brief History: As Gan Ceann, part of the unseelie court of fae, it spends much of its existence riding around on its horse…throwing cold blood from buckets on some, killing others, speaking out the names of the soon to be dead when it senses that the person’s time is running out. All this is now in the past. Not much is known, but the handler was given the dullahan’s head from a friend (and sometimes lover) as a gift of protection…a really eerie gift of protection…and also the dullahan. Honestly, his handler does not at all know how this being is considered a fairy to some people.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"My father was a madman... and he kept with worse company”

Name: Alexander Montgomery

Alias(s): The Fox

Age: 18

Physical Appearance: He mostly just looks like a normal young man with brown hair and a pale countenance until you begin to look closely. First thing you notice is that his eyes aren’t quite right, they appear to be vulpine. Soon you'll begin to notice oddly animalistic mannerisms, and you might be surprised. If he brushes his hair right you can find a pair of Fox ears on the top of his head, which match a tail that is usually hidden by his coats.

Personality: Alexander is quick to anger, and not to good with regular social conventions.

Abilities and skills:
-He is fairly good at fighting, most of all hand to hand.
-He is just starting to learn how to use firearms, and is still a novice. He can shoot fairly well most of the time.
-He has a set of retractile claws in his fingers which are fairly sharp and he can use them to fight, but they are painful to use because of the way they were hidden in his fingers.
-He has a good understanding of surgery and anatomy, he can do the many operations required to keep him in the form that he is in.
-He can see fairly well in the dark.

Weapons & Equipment:
-A pair of colt action army's
-A medical journal written by his 'father'

Brief History: Alexander is the creation of Montgomery, the assistant of the infamous Dr Moreau. Montgomery was a bit more sympathetic of his creations the Moreau and decided to raise his most successful creation as his own son. He had improved on Moreau's handiwork and was able to create a creature that was almost perfect in mind and body. Still, their were remnants which he had to remove from him before returning to civilized society. At the age of 12 Alexander was deemed ready to return with Montgomery to London, and from that point on he was raised in a boarding school. Recently Montgomery died, leaving what was left of his fortune and experiments in Alexander's care.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Does that work, or do I have to go with something else? I am willing to change his age, but only to mid-twentys.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Narrator
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The Narrator The friendly Voice inside your Head

Member Seen 19 days ago

Now that is what I am talking about!
I like him! A fine Character.

To the Dullahan, I can't really imagine him in the streets of London.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Lol...people in the victorian era and similar times took 'headless' photos, and even look up 'headless ladies' from old circus. The Gan Ceann would do fine so long as there is a handler with an arm out "Cost a pretty penny to see 'em up close", or else he could always wears something in place of a head bundled in scarves...no more difficult to RP than an invisible man or a mute. But it's you're final call, boss, the CS is only a work in progress.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

The Narrator said
Now that is what I am talking about!I like him! A fine Character. To the Dullahan, I can't really imagine him in the streets of London.

oh good, I wasnt sure he was gothic enough for ya.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Narrator
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The Narrator The friendly Voice inside your Head

Member Seen 19 days ago

No it should work. Will you play the handler to?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

how about this one for the pic?
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