Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NanixErka


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Marisol nodded to Rey and made her way into town She grabbed her purse and the list, and left as quickly as she could, speed walking into town. She had errands to run - some of which had to be done before she could go shopping and there was no time to lose. Walking herself near the pier, she found her way to the fish market.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

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Mitch allowed himself to be pulled along, wishing he had a hat to hold to his head to complete the image. The place looked nice, and the prospect of a good time, even nicer. He didn't plan on having too much to drink tonight, however, to contrast the hard night he'd had the night before. Besides, someone had to be somewhat sober if Karaiyah planned in drinking. They entered the bar, a warm, welcoming place with a variety of sea-based decorations and smells. Mitch led Karaiyah to the bar and sat her down, ordering two large glasses of water. Before ordering anything that would cost any money, he asked, "So who's paying?" He thought back to his wallet and how thin it felt in his pocket. He probably had enough for a few drinks, but he wasn't sure.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SaekoGami
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SaekoGami The Mad Queen

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Fallon frowned as she ate her grass, no response from Scorcha, she probably hated grass, how stupid to offer it, she jumped up and swallowed "OK!, what do you want to do?, sorry I was a little hungry" She giggled "Wanna go look around? or are you hungry too?" She wobbled on her legs again, she wondered how long this awful magic would last, she was forced to have human legs in prison and hated it, never got used to it. Hopefully it will wear off soon, she thought.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by timaeusTestified
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Karaiyah waved him off, sensing his concern. "Making a lady pay on the first date? How ungentlemanly of you." She chuckled and nudged him with her elbow. "Seriously though, don't worry about it." She knew she had more than enough with her in her own wallet to pay for the escapade. She smiled softly at him, voice now curious as she downed half of her water before speaking. "So, what have you got in store for me? I trust you'll be ordering for me, since you claim to know all about drinking and such."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NanixErka


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Marisol made her way into the city, holding in her hands an envelope she meant to deliver before getting to her other chores, she passed the pub window where she saw them at a glance and smiled, happy to see friendly conversing and alcohol consumption outside the house. She did not linger however, she had places to be.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slypheed
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Slypheed Idiotic and Degenerated

Member Seen 11 days ago

Sorcha shook her head. "No..I'm not hungry" She thought for a few seconds "We could look around?" she asked. She took note of Fallon's sadness when she didn't take up on the offer or say anything about it. Sorcha felt sad that she made her second friend sad, she just hoped the same events that made her lose her first friend, wouldn't repeat themselves. Sorcha tried her best to hide the sadness that was building inside her, she hoped while looking around, she'd find a nice place to silently cry when she needed to. That was the hope, if not, she could always get away from the house, she did see a few good abandoned places on her way to the Oasis.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 1 day ago

Mitch's discomfort was quickly gone, replaced by an easy grin and a returned nudge. "First date eh?" he laughed, "Don't you think that's a bit of an assumption?" Chuckling, he turned back to the bartender and ordered two drinks, pushing one in Karaiyah's direction. "So there's really nothing I can do about your alcohol tolerance, but at the very least, it helps when you're drinking with someone else." He held his glass up for a toast and smirked. "Not that I don't know anything about keeping the hangovers away."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by timaeusTestified
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Karaiyah rolled her eyes, clinking her glass against him before beginning to drink. It started out fun, with her laughing and being a little tipsy and having a great time. It slowly rolled into a forgotten number of drinks, her vision and movement swayed while her words practically vomited out of her lips, hardly being intelligible. Though her smile never faltered, it did grow a little crooked. "Miiitch. Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitchhhh. Haha, your name kinda sounds like bitch. Bitch Mitch." She snorted, dropping down yet another empty shot glass and earning a raised eyebrow from the bartender. "You're nooot a bitch though, you're actually kinda nice. Nice Mitch." Her eyebrows furrowed, and she went to stand. "Shiiit!" She half-yelled, arms pinwheeling as she started to fall.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 1 day ago

The evening got off to a great start, and it didn't feel like long before the drinks were flowing and the conversation was getting less and less intelligent. Mitch had decided to ease off the alcohol once Karaiyah started to slip, knowing that it was wise to have at least one kind-of-sober person in a party, even a party of two. "Miiitch. Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitchhhh. Haha, your name kinda sounds like bitch. Bitch Mitch." Mitch laughed. "Wouldn't be the first time someone made that connection..." He looked at the bartender and gestured to him to cut her off. "You're nooot a bitch though, you're actually kinda nice. Nice Mitch. Shiiit!" Mitch laughed again, this time a bit more forced as he saw Karaiyah wavering. "Why thank you, I-woah there," He reached out to steady her as she lost her balance, taking her shoulder in one hand and her hand in the other. Standing up form his stool, he still kept a steadying grip on the Siren and smiled gently. "Maybe it's time we got back, eh?" He asked softly, leading her to a more steady and less likely-to-fall-out-of booth. "I think you've had enough."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by timaeusTestified
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Karaiyah made a noise of surprise when he steadied her, feeling the heat from his touch where he gripped. Her cheeks warmed while she giggled, fake swooning. "My hero!" However, when he suggested they leave, she pouted. "Buuut I don't wanna leave!" Her voice turned earnest, despite her drunken haze. "I realllyyyyy like spending time with you cause you're nice and hot and you sing really well and you're really warm." The words spilled from her lips without a second thought, all the while her smile didn't waver and she didn't seem to quite realize what she said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 1 day ago

Chuckling somewhat stiffly, Mitch propped Karaiyah up in her seat. Being used to dealing with drunk people, her comments didn't really phase him, although they weren't exactly expected. "Oh, warm eh?" he laughed, "This you say to the cold blooded one..." He kept an arm around her shoulders, as she still looked a bit too wobbly for his taste.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by timaeusTestified
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

She shook her head, eyebrows furrowing in thought. "Nuh uh, not like warm like temperature warm. Warm like... heartwarming?" She scowled, seeming frustrated with her own lack of words while inebriated. "Like inviting, I guessss. Like. Ugh. I don't know how to explain it! It's this feeling I get from you, this vibe or whatever, and it's really nice and comfortable. Y'know what? Fuuuuck it." Karaiyah turned to him, hands reaching back to pull her towards him and connect their lips, somewhat sloppily but passable. Something in the back of her head was screaming at her but she ignored it in favor of trying to communicate to Mitch what she was saying. This was obviously the best way to do so. Obviously.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NanixErka


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Marisol quickly made her way into a small office building's fourth floor, where she waited patiently for a meeting with a certain someone. When called by the secretary, she entered the slightly darkened office and shut the door behind her. "I am sorry that it es late, but i had to wait until the check from the city came in" She apologized, leaving the envelope on the man's desk. "That is the third time you have been late" He said, turned away from her like some sort of Bond villain "Por favor, I am trying" She apologized again, sitting down "I know, Miss Kagai. But i go by a three strike system." He explained "But I think that you are a good person, regardless of your humanity." Marisol tried not to think of that as an insult "Be here tomorrow morning - 10 AM" He instructed. ".... si, senor" She nodded, getting up. "Good day, Miss Kagai" "Buenas tardes, Senor" She left the office, taking a deep breath before leaving to go to the grocers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 1 day ago

Mitch grew somewhat uneasy as Karaiyah spoke on, seeming less and less in her right mind with each word. He could tell that she was annoyed at her own inability to express her thoughts, a problem not uncommon with the drunk, he thought with a smirk. He had to blush, just a little, at all the nice things she said. She thought very highly of him, it seemed, even though they'd just met. He couldn't get a word in, however, before she pulled herself close and kissed him. His eyes widened, and for a moment he just sat still, surprised. It only took that second, however, for him to come to his senses and gently pull away, taking Karaiyah by the wrists and returning them to her lap. While he wasn't exactly opposed to the idea, the situation felt far too close to taking advantage of a drunk girl for his liking. "Karaiyah, you're drunk," his expression remained kind, so as not to upset her. "I really think it's time we go back, okay?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by timaeusTestified
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timaeusTestified meme queen

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She frowned, looking down as she felt her emotions well up. A slight, unrecognizable accent slipped into her voice. "It's not jus' being drunk though." She thought carefully through what she was going to say next, minus the final part where she SHOULD have decided to not say it. "I wanted to do that before I was drunk too. Bein' drunk was jus' a confidence boosta I guess. 'Robably woulda done it sober too, but taken much longer." Which would have been for the best, a tiny voice in her mind whispered, but she pushed it back. Too late now. Her mood changed from determination to prove her point to downcast. "'M sorry if I made you uncomfortable."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SaekoGami
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SaekoGami The Mad Queen

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sorcha shook her head. "No..I'm not hungry" She thought for a few seconds "We could look around?" she asked. She took note of Fallon's sadness when she didn't take up on the offer or say anything about it. Sorcha felt sad that she made her second friend sad, she just hoped the same events that made her lose her first friend, wouldn't repeat themselves. Sorcha tried her best to hide the sadness that was building inside her, she hoped while looking around, she'd find a nice place to silently cry when she needed to. That was the hope, if not, she could always get away from the house, she did see a few good abandoned places on her way to the Oasis.
Fallon tilted her head as she saw Scorcha's face, some sort of conflicted emotion. She grabbed her hand and smiled "Sure, come on" She started running around the building, looking at the others, taking note before walking inside and looking around "I didn't notice how cozy it was in here" She giggled as she looked around the homely building.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remus
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Remus the PKMN Breeder

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Lying back in the sun ray from the window, Rey found a comfortable spot to laze. "Geez, with everything going on this place almost reminds me of the nest." Pulling out an old music player, one of the few new luxuries he was glad to have after his bout in prison, he plugged in and let the music take him away. The large blue wings spread to wrap themselves around him like a makeshift scaly blanket. Some song from a past Eurovision played in his ears as he drifted into a nap. The hard feeling of wood under his scales wasn't unknown to him but at least it felt better than the street.
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