Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheFlyingScotsman


Member Seen 7 yrs ago


A "couple" of my current craves here.

Looking for LITERATE writers, minimum of THREE lines, please.

1. Name: Liam/Lily Carter
Age: 15

Lily isn't really that liked by her classmates or, indeed, other people in the school or the small town in which she lives. This is because, underneath the wig, dresses and make-up, Lily is infact Liam. This isn't something Lily likes to be, wishing she could just have been born as a female.

As such, she suffers with low self-esteem issues, and is cripplingly shy and timid, not really liking to be near others, incase she suffers an attack upon herself once again.

She does, however, love dressing up and the like, and would quite happily spend hours upon hours with someone else, trying on clothes, make-up and the like.

Lily sat in the corner of the lunch room, staring down at the plate of food before her, not really feeling up to eating. It hurt her to be alone, and it just made her appetite even smaller day by day, to the point where she'd skip meals, feeling too sick too even attempt a meal.

Taking a sip from her bottle of water, she glanced up as the usual gang of girl approached her table, using the fact that they were in a group to intimidate her.

"Oi! Freak, why are you here?" The tallest girl growled, grabbing her roughly by the arm and yanking her upwards.

(LF: Someone to play an older student, OR prehaps a biological sibling to Lily, returning from her/his latest tour of duty. Could give an emotional surprise scene if Lily doesn't know they'll return?)


Liam sat on the edge of the hospital bed, tenderly raising a hand to the stiches that had been recently applied, flinching as he did so. With a soft sigh, the teen lay back on the bed, bringing his knees up to his chest. Dressed in jeans and a long, baggy t-shirt, the young man glanced at the bag containing the wig and one of the dresses he wore as “Lilly”, fingers tracing over the bump in his pocket where his phone was contained, easing it up and out.

Quickly tapping away at the keys, he input his sibling’s number, raising the phone tenderly to his bruised, pale cheek.

Walking home from school, he’d been set upon by a gang of the “jocks” in his gym class, punched, kicked and spat upon, a few choice insults still ringing in his ear. All because he wanted to be a she. Now, Lily was sat in hospital, a deep gash above her left eye, bruises all over her face and arms, disappearing beneath the clothes she wore, lip busted.
Hearing the tones of her older sibling, she got out only a few words before bursting into tears of fright and pain. “I-I’ve been attacked..” She whimpered as the tears fell, curling up into a ball. "Come and get me, please?"


2. (M/C) is a teenager, suffering with anxiety problems and a severe speech impediment, being constantly bullied for this. This leaves him feeling isolated from others, having grown up in foster homes (and foster families) all over the state, he never had somewhere to call "home", and nobody to confide in, to understand him.

(Y/C) is an older (male/female) who has recently decided to adopt and raise a child, knowing they can never have a child of their own flesh and blood.
During (Y/C)'s visit to a local foster home, she/he comes into contact with (M/C), and realises that they are constantly lonely and afraid. Something clicks, and (M/C) goes into (Y/C's) care.

OR, (Y/C) is also a foster child, much like (M/C), but a few years his senior, and lucky enough to be fostered into a loving home. (Y/C is an only child.)
(Y/C) notes the constant bulling and torment of (M/C), and decides to befriend him and look after him, as if they were a younger sibling.

Regardless, It'd focus around (Y/C) and (M/C) slowly gaining a sibling bond, and helping support eachother through thick and thin. (Y/C) will be teaching (M/C) to speak throughout the RP.


3. (Looking for (at the least) someone to play, a (preferably) popular female to serve as a someone to befriend Alfie. Sexuality and the like don't matter too much, as it's NOT romance. The personality type can be whatever you so wish, however. We can play multiple characters, if needed.)

"It's disgusting." A muscular male glared down at Alfie, stood with a few more of his friends. Alfie had, unfortunately, had quite a few run-ins with this particular jock, Lucas, and he didn't really want to be near him.

"Wh-What?" The shorter, frail male spoke shyly and softly, looking up from his sandwhich. He'd been invited to an end of year party at a rich classmate's lakeside house, and didn't quite know why, but assumed it was because she'd pited him. He'd accepted, just because he felt like he should do. Besides, it was nice at the lakeside, and there was free food and drink.

"Being a faggot." Came the gruff response of Lucas, as he advanced towards him. "And we need to teach you a lesson, don't we?"

Alfie scrambled to his feet from where he'd been sat on the bench, intending to break into a run. Crying out in fear as he was grabbed by two members of the gang, he was dragged, kicking and screaming to the lake edge.

With a SPLASH!, he was thrown into the lake, sinking down into the cold, murky waters of the lake. He'd never learnt how to swim, being scared of water..


4. (I'd prefer this not to be romance, but to be focused on siblings. (Charlie & a twin, or OLDER sibling.) NO INCEST.
However, this can go anyway you wish. It can ignore siblings and be friendship, or romance. MxM, FxM or I can use my Trans* character and it can be FxF.)

"And if anybody asks where you got the black eye?" The female's cold, callous voice cut through Charlie's thoughts like a knife, causing the thin, frail male to flinch slightly
"I walked into a door." Charlie responded softly, his eyes gazing down at the floor. His entire body ached, as it did every night, from his head, down to his toes, everything seemed to either ache dully, or tense up with a stabbing pain. Though he knew it wasn't actually possible, if you were to ask him, he'd describe it as his entire body being engulfed in toothaches. Not that he'd let you know he was in pain.

"And the gash?"

Every damned night, it was the same. He'd be kicked around by his girlfriend for a while, as she screamed and shouted at him, demanding cash. If he didn't get it straight away, she'd steal it to fuel her habits. He wouldn't ever tell anyone about it, he was scared he'd been seen as "weak", "useless", a "wimp"...

"I hit my head on the floor when I fell."

Everything she saw him as, and more.

Knowing he could no longer ignore the woman in front of him, his eyes travelled up her slim form to meet her face, which held a mixture of disgust, contempt, anger and delight.

"Good. I'm going out now. You better clean your blood off the fucking floor. I've emptied your wallet, you won't need anything from it, will you?" The woman continued, glaring down at him, spitting at the male.

And with that, the woman left the apartment, slamming the door with a THUD, leaving the broken and battered Charlie on the floor.
The second she'd gone, Charlie stood with a slight struggle, head spinning. Dragging himself to the bathroom, he ended up vomiting into the toilet, before passing out from the head injury.


5. //Not very often I want a romance RP, but there we go.//

Taking a bite of his pizza, Edward sat opposite his best friend on the plush double bed, pizza box inbetween them both, and the D.V.D on pause in the midst of some childhood favourite. Dressed in just a pair of baggy grey sweatpants and an overly large, black t-shirt, emblazoned with Captain America's shield across the chest, the young man's thin, sickly form was hidden by his clothing.

He wasn't long out of hospital following an operation to remove a cancerous lump on his spine and still got tired and worn out much too easily to do anything overly strenuous.

"So, video games?" His voice was as soft and sweet as ever, angelic and calm.

Name: Edward Harrison
Age: 19

Edward stands at only 5'7" tall, thin, frail and underweight for his age. Edward has always been sickly, always falling ill with colds, fevers, stomach bugs and such.

As a result, he spent, and still spends, a lot of time bed-bound, and stuck in the house. As a result, he only really has one best friend, but adores them with all his heart.


6. Character:
Name: Charlie Harrison (Pre-Transition)/ Charlotte Harrison (Post-transition/To his friends)
http://img1.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire4/48e2931364120672e5cfbd0c3155d7f41303734993_full.png (Charlie in front, Charlotte in back.)
Age: 19
To many, Charlie/Charlotte’s way of life is considered immoral and disgusting. For every positive comment, she receives ten negative ones. The reason for this? She is trans-sexual, and as such, identifies as a woman. For years, he has battled with body image issues and suffered bouts of depression over how she is viewed and how she felt suppressed and limited to portray herself to the outside world, keeping her desires hidden below the surface, waiting for, needing the chance to be who she truly wants to be.

The chance came when she transferred to a new college in order to get a new lease on life where she could settle down happily. Starting to dress, act, and portray herself as a more feminine person around a select group of friends, she found the elusive joy and excitement that had always been absent in her life before now. However, after a while, she started to receive threats and abusive emails from an unknown source, and became much more reluctant to portray her new personality and reverted to acting more masculine again, keeping her “secret” under wraps to avoid further abuse from the other students or staff faculty. All she wants… needs is someone to accept her, no matter if it is a friend or family member.

Starter: Charlotte stood by the vending machine, pondering for a moment, lost in thought. After a moment or so, she dug a few coins out of her pocket and pushed them into the machine, pressing a few buttons and letting her choice fall down, grabbing the water bottle after it landed. Smiling to herself, she unscrewed the cap and took a deep swig of the icy liquid, letting it run down her throat, soothing the dryness forming from the nerves she felt. Turning around, she made her way to her locker, grabbing a few books, ensuring her personal notebook was included in the pile, hoping she got the chance to spend a few moments collecting her thoughts or the chance to work on some creative writing.

"Who are you?" A voice spoke out, causing Charlotte to jump suddenly where she stood. Shutting the locker, she turned out, eyes meeting the taller girl's as she gazed upon her. "I'm talking to you, you need to answer me NOW!" She demanded, stomping her foot on the ground in a childish manner. Inwardly, Charlotte wanted to laugh at the other girl's actions, put in mind of a toddler having a tantrum. Instead, she kept the giggles buried, opting to give a friendly smile instead.

"My name is Charlotte. I'm new.. obviously. And your name is?" Charlotte offered a way to try and seem friendly, though to be left alone would have suited her just fine at that moment in time. Not that she was anti-social, she just wanted to get to lesson on time.

"I'm Felicity. Now, I'm going to offer you a choice. You can be who you are SUPPOSED to be, or keep up the act you have." The taller girl spoke in a dangerous tone, and the implications struck Charlotte like a runaway freight train, but she knew the best option was to remain calm at that moment in time.

"I don't have a clue what you mean. I'm not hiding anything from anybody. I am who I am, nothing more, nothing less." Charlotte felt her wall quaver under the imposing glare, and the next sentence sent chills through her spine.

"I know you are a boy. I have connections in other towns, and this town is small, my dear. Be careful, or this secret might get out." Felicity purred, smirking coldly at her.

"Oh, piss off you overgrown Barbie doll." Charlotte snapped, mentally kicking herself as the girl clicked her fingers, two of her "friends" appearing by her side, one making a motion to punch Charlotte, which the girl dodged, only to be hit in the gut by the other female, the two attackers flanking Felicity once more.

The moon and the stars twinkled in the night sky high above the lake, reflected in the beautifully clear waters below them.

Spencer sat with his best friend and girlfriend, the picnic blanket spread out below them, food and drinks in the basket besides them. Glancing out at the lake, he moved to wrap his arms around her midsection, hands gripping hers softly. "So, We've been together for 18 months now, and I know it isn't long... Bu..But.. I.."

Swallowing, he reached into his hoodie pocket and pulled out a box, handing it to her.

"I..it's a promise ring.." He blushed, hoping the simple golden band was good enough for now.

Smiling, he kissed her cheek softly, smilling. "I love you, beautiful."

Name: Spencer
Personality: Shy and timid, he has a huge amount of love snd affection for his partner, whom he has been the best of friends with for over 11 years. He considers her his true love, and would do absolutely anything to ensure that she is happy and feels loved.

He loves spending time with her, going out on dates, or spending time just cuddling.

~I Don't Care If We're Outcast, But Our New Friendship Will Forever Last~

(M/C) has a severe speech impediment, and is often bullied for the fact he seemingly cannot talk with anybody else, with nobody even giving him a chance to attempt to communicate with them in any possible way, resulting in him loosing the ability to.

He is shy, timid and doesn't really know what having a friend is like, but knows he wants to have someone as his friend. Anybody, as long as they give him a chance.

(Y/C) is new to (M/C)'s boarding school, and she too, is an outcast. (You can pick the reason why. She could be wheelchair bound, physically scarred, deaf, have social anxiety disorders, it cpuld be her sexuality, whatever you like. I've even had someone write her as simply having a bladder weakness. It's entirely up to you. My only real request is that she can help him learn how to speak. Her personality can be anything you want it to be, too.)

She comes across him being pushed around and bullied one afternoon after classes, wading in and defending him. (Or going to him after the "bullies" leave, or whatever you feel works.) He is much too shy to do much but run away.

A few days later, she is undergoing the same intense bullying that (M/C) faces, and ends up hiding in her dorm room, crying herself to sleep.

When she awakens, she finds a letter written by (M/C), apologising for not defending her, thanking her and listing the good things he has noticed about her, from sitting with her the last few days.

She realises there is a beautiful personality within him, like a treasure locked in a chest, waiting for someone with the right key.

She slowly befriends him overtime, being gentle and kindly towards him. As they grow closer, supporting eachother through thick and thin, he grows less shy around her.

(This is all I have. I figured we'd work out the rest of the plot together. We can write the story out as present tense, or have them looking back on life when they are older. It can be romance, or it can be best friends based, or they can become like siblings. Hell, they can be long lost siblings.

As such, I have no starter.)
Name: Alexander Harrison

Standing at roughly 5'6" tall, thin and frail, Alex comes across as a very shy kinda guy, and that's because he is. Clumsy and accident-prone, he's often getting into mishaps, usually at the worst possible times. As such, he can often be seen wearing band-aids, bandages, or even with his arm in a cast! The timid sort, he's not willing to really stand up for himself, so is probably TOO willing to allow others to use him for their own fun. He has, on occasion, defended himself, though not for too long, nor against many people. (Read: One.) He can take teasing as long as he knows it's in good humour.

Underneath the shy, clumsy and awkward exterior is a very sweet and loving young man, with a heart of gold and a quite strong romantic streak. However, he is also prone to taking negative comments to heart, as well as often blaming himself for his friend's problems. Despite this, if you show him an amount of love and affection, he will be the same to you.
I am looking to use Alex in either a SHY boy x Best friend, Shy boy x Bad or Shy x Risktaker.

A possible opener:

"Alex wanted to give you these, but he broke his wrist last night, so he's not come in today." The tall, brunette male leant against the lockers, holding out a bunch of roses, a box of candies and a card to (Y/C), smiling at the young woman. "A shame really, considering the dance is tonight." Pushing his glasses up his nose, Joe smiled softly. "He really does like you, you know. He's just way to shy to come up to you. I know it might seem creepy, but I assure you, it isn't his intention."

Pausing, he smiled again. "Alex is a sweet kid. It's just that, with his speech problems an' all, he finds it hard to make friends and communicate with people." He added, knowing full well it wasn't really needed.

Grabbing a pen, he scribbled something down on her hand. "Look, here's his address. Go and see him, yeah? God knows he could do with being cheered up." And with that, Joe left, raising a hand in his farewell.

The card Alex had sent was simple, a dark pink colour with "Happy Valentine's!" across the front in a silver colour, an image of two teddy bears hugging beneath the text. Written inside, in Alex's neat, soft cursive was;


I'm sorry I sent Joe with these, but please ignore that? I would have brought them myself if I could. Believe me, it'd have seemed a lot better... But anyway, let's not dwell on that.

I was going to ask you to the dance, but that plan might not work too well... But, I just wanted to tell you that you are an amazingly beautiful young woman, and that, if you ever would consider it, and you don't have to... Would I be able to take you out for dinner one night?

...Happy Valentines. I hope you like the flowers and candies!


The glint of bright blue paint as the sun reflected off the paint of the locomotive rumbling over the stone bridge, the clattering of coaches, and the gentle "Trickety-Trock Trickety-Tock" of wheels on rail joints, mingling in with the sounds of a diesel engine roaring created the ideal scene for anybody who was a rail enthusiast. It was picture perfect, and it seemed that nothing could go wrong..

But it did. The screech of brakes, and the blasting of an air horn filled the air as the train lurched and skidded along the tracks, before a loud sound, somewhere between a bang and a clatter erupted from nowhere as the engine ploughed off the bridge, and tumbled downwards into the river below, coaches telescoping behind it and crushing one another, if they didn't end up in the water, or on the bank edge.

CRASH! Drip. Drip. Drip. The acrid smell of burning fuel filled the air, along with the thick, choking black smoke arising from the mangled, torn up locomotive, resting with her front bogie in the river bank, bricks and rubbles showering down on the thick, metal casing of the rail bound stallion.

Drip…Drip…WOOSH! The diesel fuel ignited with a loud whoosh and a hiss, cracking away, spitting embers into the air. “Help! HELP!” A scream came from within the second coach, the only noise in that carriage. The rest of the occupants, deathly silent. “Please! PLEASE!” The flames drew closer by the second, and the smoke started to enter his lungs. Swallowing, he pulls himself free from his trap, a crack sounding out. Tumbling from the door, he landed hard on his back, a weak, feeble “No…” escaping his lips as he blacked out, spinal cord broken, legs unable to be felt..

"Rail Tour off the line at Blondin Bridge! Locomotive and 11 carriages, numerous passengers aboard. Death and injury toll believed to be high." The foreman shouted as he and the men ran towards the Breakdown Train, scrambling aboard as fast as possible in order to reach the accident site in double quick time. With a blast of it's horn and a roar of the engine, the locomotive at the head of the railway's emergency response train rumbled away.

Brriinng! The bells at a local fire station rang out, the crews hurrying down the stairs and poles into the appliance bay, as one of the crew ran to the watch room to retrieve the job information from control.

"Railway accident at Blondin Bridge. Shadbrook and Nothan appliances already in attendance. Both!"

The fire crews leapt aboard the appliances, pulling away from the station with the wailing of sirens, screeching of tires and a general air of rush and commotion as they made their way to the accident.

(Non-romatic rp. Focusing around twins adjusting to life after loosing their parents in the accident, and facing foster care and such together, with the threat of being separated looming over head, as well as the trauma they both suffer from the crash.
OR, we can go with romance and create the plot together, though I know I'd like to focus a little on the recovery process for M/C.)

"Sister? Are you awake?" Charlie stood in the hall, dressed in his usual night wear of sweatpants and an overly baggy t-shirt, which hid his bruised and thin form from sight. He'd always been the one to be bullied by others, often getting kicked or punched about by bullies, or anyone who wanted to prove their "strength", despite the flawed logic in picking a defenceless target as their option.

As the thunder cracked loudly outside the house, he yelped in fear, knocking on her door again, loudly and more rapidly, shaking like a leaf as tears flowed from his soft, green eyes and down his face, frightened out of his wits. He'd never coped well during storms, having a deep-seated phobia of the thunder and lightning that currently lit up the otherwise dark building and sky, or broke through the sound of his voice, and his knocks.

Growing up in care, he'd grown close to his twin sister, with her being the only "constant figure" there in his life. As such, she'd become a comfort blanket of sorts, and get upset when they were separated. The worst had been when they first went into care, with her being fostered separately due to a mix-up. He'd cried for hours, refusing to eat or drink until she returned to him, with Charlie genuinely believing that she'd left him behind on purpose, not understanding the situation at hand.

(NON-INCEST RP. Focusing on twins recently allowed to live together again, following years of growing up in separate foster homes. They'd be 17 ish, but can be up to 19. Charlie has some learning problems, thus his childlike nature.)

"I highly doubt she's pregnant. She'd take precautions. Believe me." Thomas Carter sat at his desk, looking up at the taller, more muscular male with annoyance etched onto his face, arms crossed over his chest. A few classmates were filming the discussion, in hopes of a fight or using it to belittle Thomas and the girl in question.

"I'm telling you, she is. Apparently Ruby saw her buying a pregnancy test. Explains why she's at home today!" The other male responded, looking down at him, a triumphant smirk playing upon his lips.

"Shane, she's my best friend. I think she'd have told me, don't you?" Thomas rolled his eyes, going back to his book.

"Everyone knows or has heard that she's a slut. She's not your friend, you know. She just feels sorry for you, that's why she talks to you. She comes back to us and laughs about you."


The desk hit the floor with a CRASH!, as Thomas lept to his feet, getting into Shane's space. "You take that back! SHE'S NOT A SLUT! SHE'S MY BEST FRIEND, AND I LOVE HER!"

Silence overtook the classroom as the words left his mouth, a few students having been recording the potential fight, catching his words on film.


--Two Hours Later--

Sat at his laptop, he groaned as he saw the video planted all over her wall, knowing he'd be in deep trouble with her. "Oh god.."
Looking for someone to play the female character, regardless of gender. She doesn't have to be pregnant, that can just be rumours. Same for the comments about the friendship.

13)"Hi.. Erm.. I didn't want to bother you, but I wanted to ask you something." Harrison stood in front of the slightly taller girl, trying to choose the right words for the moment. He could hear her friends giggling as he stammered out his question, a hot blush coating his cheeks. Brushing his light brown hair from his pale face, he gave her eye-contact, looking utterly embarrassed at the very thought of having to admit what his true intentions were to her and her friends. But, he knew he had to..

"Ca..Ca..Can I ta-take you you.. out for a coffee after School? Please?" He stammered, feeling eyes on him.

"C'mon, you don't wanna go out with him. You've got plenty of /better/ looking men to choose from.." One of her friends smirked, the taller guy looking down towards Harry. "Like me, in fact."

"Oh.. I'll just.. go?" Harry mummered, turning to leave them alone. Granted, he wasn't the most handsome guy.. He was more "cute" then anything else, but.. he was quite sweet and kind, from the few times he'd ever spoken to her.

(I thought it'd be fun to try an "Opposites Attract" sort of thing?)

~Love, Love, Love.
Love, Love, Love.
Love, Love, Love.

There's nothing you can do that can't be done.
Nothing you can sing that can't be sung.
Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game.
It's easy.

Nothing you can make that can't be made.
No one you can save that can't be saved.
Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you in time.
It's easy. ~

Smiling softly at his friend, Alex moved a bit closer to her as the C.D played in the background, taking both of her hands in his, holding them softly. "There is something I wanted to ask of you, please." His voice was as soft and sweet as ever, mixed in with more then a hint of nervousness, which played upon his every word.

~All you need is love.
All you need is love.
All you need is love, love.
Love is all you need.

All you need is love.
All you need is love.
All you need is love, love.
Love is all you need.

Nothing you can know that isn't known.
Nothing you can see that isn't shown.
Nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be.
It's easy. ~

"I was wondering if you would allow me to take you to prom? I know it's sudden, and you've more then likely already got a date, being a beautiful woman and all, but I really do like you and I think that you deserve better, but I want to show you I like you, an-and.." He paused, mid rant, face bright red. "God damn it.." He mummered, sighing. "Please?"

~All you need is love.
All you need is love.
All you need is love, love.
Love is all you need.

All you need is love (All together, now!)
All you need is love. (Everybody!)
All you need is love, love.
Love is all you need (love is all you need).

Oh yeah!
She loves you, yeah yeah yeah.
She loves you, yeah yeah yeah.~

Smiling sweetly, he moved in closer, lips just millimetres away from her own.

Rain thundered against the roof of the old hotel, high winds causing the shutters to creak and groan, on occasion catching them in the right position to open them, then cause them to slam back shut with a resounding CRASH!

With a frustrated growl, Robert rolled out of bed, dressed in his boxers and a baggy t-shirt. Pulling on sweat pants, the young man sat back down on his bed, pushing his glasses up his nose, framing his light green eyes.

Using the in-room kettle to make himself a cup of hot chocolate, he stepped into his slippers before leaving his room, cup and cardkey in hand. Reaching the communial area, he sat on the sofa, taking a sip of his drink. Watching the thunder flash and the rain pouring down, lost in the sounds of thunder and the rain, his thoughts were broken as he heard the floorboards creaking. "Hello?"

(I figured it'd be quite fun to do a Holiday Romance kind of RP...OR! Best Friends getting together?)

16)"Are you ready yet? I want to get down to the beach, please!" Charlie tapped on the door to the en-suite bathroom, located in the room he was sharing with his best friend, pushing his glasses up his nose, before rocking a little on his heels. Dressed in a plain white t-shirt and knee length basketball shorts, he glanced out of the window with a gentle smile, looking across the coastal view.

"It's.. well.. beautiful." He sighed, deep green eyes taking in every detail he could of the breath-taking scene, from the boats in the harbour, to the beautiful white sands of the beach, right out to the sea, which stretched for miles and disappearing on the horizon. Padding his way back to the bed he'd claimed, he flopped down upon the plush blankets, smiling to himself. "Fantastic."
Charlie had been looking forwards to the holiday for weeks, spending a week with his best friend, and her alone. They'd arrived an hour or so ago, managing to get an earlier train then they'd actually anticipated. As such, they had the entire afternoon free to do what they wanted to, and Charlie had decided that an afternoon on the beach, followed by a meal in a seaside café was the best plan of action.
(This can either be romantic, or it can be focused purely on the Best Friends dynamic, I really don't mind. Hell, if it's none-romantic, we can have the best friends being twins!)


Arthur stood in the doorway to the detention room, a look of worry etched on his soft features. He'd only ended up here due to being late that morning. Usually, that wouldn't be something to land a person in a detention, except for the fact he'd been late to Mr. Hoppers class, and that man had no tolerance for latecomers.

The room was loud, with no teacher quite there yet. People were chatting, throwing things, and, unless his eyes deceived him... Smoking?

With a groan of dread and discontent, the young man entered the room, seeking out a seat. He could feel eyes on him, and a few muttered comments about his missing eye. He wore a glass eye in an attempt to hide this, but he knew it was probably still quite obvious to people.

Hearing a voice, he looked up as a few guys walked up to him, with one being the apparent leader, the other two following behind him. Without warning, one grabbed his left arm, the other his right, holding him in place. Their leader stood before him, the smell of booze and cigarette smoke on his breath.

"We don't like freaks like you here. I'm gonna teach you a lesson." Raising his hand, he delivered a resounding punch to the side of Artie's face, breaking his nose and knocking his glass eye from the socket, rolling across the floor with a clatter.

Name: Arthur "Artie" Harrison
Age: 18

Growing up as an only child to same-sex parents, Artie had a happy childhood. It never bothered him being an only child. There were plenty of other children in the neighbourhood for him to play with, and with his biological mother a stay-at-home mom, he always had a strong bond with her too. Though he never knew his father, he didn't really wish to as he grew older, learning the circumstances behind why his mother concived him.

The neighbours next door to his family had a daughter born a year prior to him. Despite the year age difference, the childhood friends were always very close, and soon grew to be the best of friends, despite Artie being homeschooled for so long. When he finally moved into public schooling, he was placed a grade higher then he should have been, due to his mother's tutoring. He ended up in most classes with (Y/C), and was exceptionally glad it was the case.

This only made the bond the two had even stronger, and when they went off to college, they ended up securing and sharing an apartment near the college, due to not being allowed to share a dorm together.

When it comes to romance, Artie is well... Naive, to say the least. He's never actually had a girlfriend, and, as a result, hasn't even had his first kiss. He doesn't even know when he's being crushed on, usually mistaking it for a friendship!


Required for Edward: Single Mom or Dad OR Older Foster Sibling

Name: Edward Carter
Age: 13
The only child of the Carters, when Harry was first born, he seemed to be quite "normal", if not a little smaller then average, although it wasn't anything to be concerned about. But, as time progressed, he seemed a little "slow", and didn't develop as quickly as he should have done. At the age of 4, he still hadn't been properly weaned off his bottle for drinks, though he'd eat solid food if he was fed it. He hadn't spoken a single word, nor had he been toilet trained.

At the age of 5, he was diagnosed with a high-level of Autism, as well as a developmental delay, which had prevented him from progressing at the rate in which he should have done.

Now 13 years old, he is still reliant on the constant love, care and attention of his only parent. Unable to speak, he has to communicate through sounds and gestures.
Laying in a hospital bed, hooked up to various machines and face pale, Edward was in a state of unconsciousness, induced by the drugs being pumped through his body to keep him from feeling too much pain or discomfort. He was in an awful way, fever burning up like a fire burning wood, enveloping his whole body in a fever pitch. His face was drawn and pale, his black hair a stark contrast to the color of his skin, almost unrealistically so. His arms were covered in small nicks and bruises where needles had been placed into his body, in an attempt to find a vein and give him the medications he needed.

Opening his eyes, he looked groggily around the room he was placed in, feeling frightened and alone, unable to work out what had happened, why he was there, or where (Y/C) was. He’d collapsed earlier that morning in a frightful fit, spasming, writhing and twitching on the ground, eyes in the back of his head. The fever had overcome him, and he’d not been discovered untill 5 minutes afterwards, when his babysitter had discovered him, laying on the floor, lips blue, bleeding from a head wound and choking on his own vomit when she was supposed to be looking after him, while (Y/C) was out of the house.

19) Limping up the driveway towards his home, Liam wiped away the tears from his face, ensuring no more blood remained under or around his mouth in the process. Pretty sure he'd gotten it all, he opened the front door, intending on heading upstairs for a little while before dinner.

He'd been set upon by a pair of classmates on his way home from school, in an attempt to "get rid of the gay!", as they put it. He knew he looked a mess, shirt torn and splattered with mud and his own blood, a tooth knocked out. His nose had been bleeding, and his glasses broken, leaving a cut in his nose. It hurt to put too much weight on his ankle, and he was almost positive he'd dislocated it...but he couldn't face up to (Y/C), feeling too ashamed to do so.

Earlier that day hadn't gone too well either, with Liam making a fool of himself in front of his class..

/"Being born into the wrong body can be one of the worst things a person may ever have to face. Physically or emotionally. The struggle to accept yourself, and thereafter to be accepted by others.

The hate faced by others towards you, just because you want to be who you truly are within. The comments, the spiteful behaviour, the kicks. The punches.

Who you feel you are. Who you have the right to be. You all get to have that human right. But I don't. Because wanting to be a woman? That's "wrong" in your eyes. "Disgusting", "Evil"..."

Shaking with emotion, Liam's tear-filled eyes had run back over the words on the paper in his hands as the words passed his lips, hoping that someone... /Anyone/ would take the words he spoke and think again about the actions they undertook. The words they spoke. But he doubted it.

"You deserved it. I'm glad it happened to you!" A voice, deep and rough, had broken through Liam's speech, drawing attention to the newest speaker. "Freaks like you deserve it! Too bad you weren't killed!"

A few cheers had greeted this acclimation, mingling with a few "Yeah!"s or "FREAK!"

With that, Liam had ran from the classroom as fast as he could, looking to hide underneath the bleachers, where it was quiet. The rain had continued to thunder down upon him, drenching him, but he no longer cared./

Now, dripping wet, bloody and badly hurt, he had to resist bursting into tears and attracting the attention of (Y/C), wanting to find the correct words before he told them what had gone on that day.


(LF: Literate writer to play a Single Mother/Father to 15 year old Liam, whom is facing up to gender-identity issues. Lily is an ONLY child.

NO INCEST. The parent can be biological or foster.

If not a parent, then an OLDER sibling could be used instead. NO YOUNGER SIBLINGS.

Name: Liam
Age: 15
S/O: Gay

Liam is the shy and quiet sort of chap, much preferring to be in the background and not intervene in things going on around them.

He absolutely adores (Your character) and happily spends hours in just their company, cuddling, talking and having fun.

Dreadfully frightened of thunderstorms, he doesn't really like to be left alone during them, and will usually remain wide awake and terrified when alone, not able to sleep through the noise or the sudden bright lights.
Liam no longer identifies as male within the home environment, much preferring to be his Lily persona. He feels happy as her, though has only ever done it once in public, with the result being ridicule and a further crashing blow to her already low self-esteem.


Name: Arthur "Artie" Harrison
Age: 18

Growing up as an only child to same-sex parents, Artie had a happy childhood. It never bothered him being an only child. There were plenty of other children in the neighbourhood for him to play with, and with his biological mother a stay-at-home mom, he always had a strong bond with her too. Though he never knew his father, he didn't really wish to as he grew older, learning the circumstances behind why his mother concived him.

The neighbours next door to his family had a daughter born a year prior to him. Despite the year age difference, the childhood friends were always very close, and soon grew to be the best of friends, despite Artie being homeschooled for so long. When he finally moved into public schooling, he was placed a grade higher then he should have been, due to his mother's tutoring. He ended up in most classes with (Y/C), and was exceptionally glad it was the case.

This only made the bond the two had even stronger, and when they went off to college, they ended up securing and sharing an apartment near the college, due to not being allowed to share a dorm together.

When it comes to romance, Artie is well... Naive, to say the least. He's never actually had a girlfriend, and, as a result, hasn't even had his first kiss. He doesn't even know when he's being crushed on, usually mistaking it for a friendship!

Growing up, he was always very sickly and frail, falling ill at various times. As such, he was almost always house-bound, and kept inside by his mother, only allowed out to play for a few hours a week. Despite this, he has gotten better, though is still often a victim of the flu, colds, and various infections and stomach bugs he manages to contract.


SO, I figured it'd be interesting, albeit possibly sad, to do an RP based around him falling ill one evening, and only getting worse before being rushed into hospital, in a critical condition. It turns out that he has Lukemia, which had lain dormant until recently. It could be a romance between Artie and (Y/C), as she and him create and work through a bucket list together.


“Hey… Excuse me. Ar-are you okay?” Alex stood outside the bathroom door, listening to the sobs coming from within. He knew it was a girl, but didn’t know WHO it was, or WHY they were upset… He had a good idea, however. But he knew it must be bad, for them to lock themselves away from people. “You don’t ha-have to tell me.. Bu-but it mi-might help?” He stammered out, placing his hand by his mouth, a habit he’d developed when he felt shy or nervous about something.
“Lo-look.. It’s 3pm.. We’ve finished for the day..” He added, still stood by the door. “I...if yo-you like, you can co-come back to mine for a coffee? I wo-won’t judge or bu-bully you, I promise.” He added, his tones as soft and quiet as ever before. He didn’t even know if she could hear him through the sobs, but he didn’t intend on giving up on her. He didn’t want to see her crying, not if he could help it, anyway.

He didn’t know what had been said to her, but he knew it must have been hurtful for her to be so damn upset. But he knew he wanted to make her smile, even if it was only for a few minutes… Noting that the door was unlocked, he pushed on it slightly, slipping in through the gap. “Come here..”

Opening his arms, Alex stood, gazing at the slightly taller female. “H-Hug?”
Standing at roughly 5'6" tall, thin and frail, Alex comes across as a very shy kinda guy, and that's because he is. Clumsy and accident-prone, he's often getting into mishaps, usually at the worst possible times. As such, he can often be seen wearing band-aids, bandages, or even with his arm in a cast! The timid sort, he's not willing to really stand up for himself, so is probably TOO willing to allow others to use him for their own fun. He has, on occasion, defended himself, though not for too long, nor against many people. (Read: One.) He can take teasing as long as he knows it's in good humour.

Underneath the shy, clumsy and awkward exterior is a very sweet and loving young man, with a heart of gold and a quite strong romantic streak. However, he is also prone to taking negative comments to heart, as well as often blaming himself for his friend's problems. Despite this, if you show him an amount of love and affection, he will be the same to you.

But perhaps the person who takes the most advantage of his love and kindness is his twin sister, Ally. She knows he can't cope seeing her upset, so twists and events to make him feel as if it isn't her fault at all. She uses his kindness to obtain the money she needs for her drinking addiction, as well as for anything else she wants. She then turns this around, and blames her addictions on Alex, calling him her failing, using the fact he'd feel guilty to further push that belief onto him.
The reason she’s upset can be anything, from falling out with her friends, to finding out she’s pregnant to splitting up with her boyfriend. I really don’t mind what we do, no matter how dark it turns out. CAN become mature/sexual if needed.


Looking for someone to play Thomas's partner and best friend. Either his age, or slightly older. (Like 20/21ish)
Name: Thomas "Lucky" O'Shea.
Height: 5'7".
Weight: 100 pounds.
Heritage: Irish-american.

Cheeky, bubbly and friendly, Thomas gained his nickname of "Lucky" from a number of factors. The first was quite simply based on the fact he is part Irish, as a reference to the Leprechaun and "Lucky Charms". The second was his bright and bubbly personality, best described as "Happy-go-lucky". The third, and primary reason, was his clumsy and slightly bumbling nature. He finds making friends with people relatively easy, and used to be very, very popular indeed.

A recent history of severe and random seizures with no known cause has effected him severely quite recently, with his life now resolving around the medication he has to take. He still retains his cheerful and friendly personality, though he has lost a lot of friends recently, who feel his change in lifestyle is intentional.
Thomas sat on the sofa in the apartment he shared with his best friend, sipping quietly away at a glass of water, a couple of tablets in his hand. He'd been feeling unwell all day, but thankfully had not suffered any fits that day. Looking around, he got up with a groan of discomfort, padding across the floor slowly. He hated the fact he was alone while she was out, and really didn't want to be by himself. He wasn't lonely as such, he could Skype and call with people, but he much preferred cuddling and relaxing with his one true love.

Finishing up making the soup, he began to move back towards the kitchen, bowl in hands. Suddenly, without warning, he fell and began fitting, scalding hot soup splashing over his bare legs, burning his legs.

(Literate writers only, 4 line minimum.)

The smell of freshly baked goods, coffee and cooked meats wafted through the small marketplace in the sleepy and quiet riverside village of Mittsville, seeping down side streets and spreading through the square as far as it could reach, eventually disappearing on the bitter winter winds.

Boots crunching on the deep snow underfoot, Alexander Harrison shoved his gloved hands into the pockets of his thick, woollen coat, grunting slightly as the heat of his breath created little clouds in the air, contrasting starkly to the freezing temperatures. With headphones over his ears in both an attempt to avoid the bitter cold biting at them, and to distract him from the silence that winter seemed to provide, the young man couldn't help but admire the beauty of the village, buildings of Victorian and Elizabethan heritage made only greater by the white snow covering roofs, roads and paths, coming together to create a winter wonderland, the likes of which would never be experienced in the larger, more modern cities and towns.

Opening the door to the local coffeehouse with a creak, bell ringing, he removed his hood and scarf, unzipping his coat as he took a seat at the wooden table situated in the far corner by the fireplace, a fire already alight within. The table had just two places, and was often claimed by Alexander and his best friend. They'd while away the hours chatting over hot drinks in the winter, and sodas in the summer.

Picking up a menu, the pale brunette glanced to the door, deep green eyes taking in everything as he watched the world go by through the windows. The streets were starting to fill up now, with both locals and commuters making their way to work, a few stragglers staring longingly at the coffeehouse, with eyes as dull as unpolished brass, and faces as sour as lemons.

Winter was a fantastic time of the year, particularly just before the Christmas rush. At night, the town held the beauty and draw of scenes painted upon Christmas cards, the kind of place not known to exist beyond the imaginations of authors, artists and film makers. The sort of scenes which many big city folk could only dream of witnessing.

He knew he was lucky to live in such a place, and wouldn't trade it for the world.

But he would trade it for the confidence to ask his best friend for just one dinner date.

24) My character is 15 years old, and has quite a few learning difficulties, and cannot function all too well in "normal" society, and has always been sent to attend "special schools". He doesn't always understand the world around him, and can't quite comprehend certain situations and skills, such as reading and writing.

Living with a single mother, she is killed in a car accident, in which he is also involved, but ends up unscathed, protected by her at the last moment, in a sort of protective cocoon. As a result of this, he ends up in a care home, as parents are sought out for him, in order to ensure he is put into a safe and loving environment, so he settles down as quickly and smoothly as possible.

Your character also lives in the care home, and has little to do with any of the other kids there, almost being old enough to leave and live alone, something she'd much prefer. Indeed, it seems as if she'll never have a family of any sort.

On her birthday, it seems nobody has remembered, or cares about it. Until she finds something left in her bedroom. The teddy bear of my character, with what seems like an attempt at a birthday card besides this. She ends up finding him in his room, and starts to interact with him, discovering what it's like to have fun for a change.

Just before she moves out, she ends up coming across records, and discovers that my character is actually her little brother. So, she begins to fight through thick and thin, to prove that she'd be able to care for him, and to win custody of him, and have a family once again.

So.. yeah.

Anyone up for it? I can edit it to be relevant to an older brother figure, instead.


Laying in a hospital bed, hooked up to various machines and face pale, Harry was in a state of unconsciousness, induced by the drugs being pumped through his body to keep him from feeling too much pain or discomfort. He was in an awful way, forehead burning up like a fire burning wood, enveloping his whole body in a fever pitch. His face was drawn and pale, his black hair a stark contrast to the colour of his skin, almost unrealistically so. His arms were covered in small nicks and bruises where needles had been placed into his body, in an attempt to find a vein and give him the medications he needed.

Opening his eyes, he looked groggily around the room he was placed in, feeling frightened and alone, unable to work out what had happened, why he was there, or where his “mommy” was. He’d collapsed earlier that morning in a frightful fit, spasming, writhing and twitching on the ground, eyes in the back of his head. The fever had overcome him when he’d been pulled from the wreckage of his mother’s car, and he had hit his head, leaving him with a nasty laceration. He hadn’t been well at all, and it had been thought at one point that he’d not pull through.

--Three Months Later--

“She’s 19. She can deal with her birthday herself.” One of the care home workers, a short and quite overweight woman leant against the doorframe which separated the office from the playroom, talking to another member of staff. Only Harry was in there due to the fact it was school hours, and he wasn’t yet in a school that catered for his “special needs.” The staff didn’t care what they said in front of him. They just assumed that he wasn’t clever enough to comprehend what they were saying, despite the fact he was more than able to comprehend what people were saying at times, he just struggled with giving a response to them without being given plenty of time to do so.

Looking up curiously as he stopped playing with the teddy bear in his arms, he instead hugged it closer to him, glad of the feeling of it’s fur against his skin, finding comfort from the old, worn out toy. The staff weren’t paying him any attention, and there was no kids to try and play with, so he was pretty much alone, besides his teddy bear He’d named it “Thomas”, seemingly the only word he could actually say. To him, his teddy bear was alive, and was the only company he wanted anyway, now that his mother wasn’t around.

“Whose birthday was it?” The woman sat at the office looked up lazily, pushing her glasses up her nose, wondering who they’d forgotten about.

“It’s (Y/C).”

“Ahh. Yeah, she can deal with it then.”

Listening to this, Harry got up and slowly made his way to his bedroom, going to play in it for a while by himself, as he was allowed to do so. Getting his teddy bear and putting it on the bed, the young boy went to his drawing table and began working on creating a card for the older girl, not wanting her to feel left out and hurt. Working hard on it, he took the item and placed it upon her bed, along with the teddy bear he loved, to give her it as a present, before he ended up returning to his bedroom to play for a while.

The card was pretty much impossible to read, but it seemed a lot of time and effort had gone into it. Candles, cakes and balloons were drawn on the front, with the letters “H” “PP” for “Happy” and “B” “I” “H” and “A” for “Birthday” all that were legible to anybody who read the card.


Name: Harry Carter
Age: 13

The only child of the Carters, when Harry was first born, he seemed to be quite "normal", if not a little smaller then average, although it wasn't anything to be concerned about. But, as time progressed, he seemed a little "slow", and didn't develop as quickly as he should have done. At the age of 4, he still hadn't been properly weaned off his bottle for drinks, though he'd eat solid food if he was fed it. He hadn't spoken a single word, nor had he been toilet trained.

At the age of 5, he was diagnosed with a high-level of Autism, as well as a developmental delay, which had prevented him from progressing at the rate in which he should have done.
Now 13 years old, he is still reliant on the constant love, care and attention of his only parent. Unable to speak, he has to communicate through sounds and gestures. This was up until she was killed in a car accident, death coming to her whilst she used her body to protect the unconscious Harry, glad she was able to look after her boy as her final act, ending with putting her locket around his neck, so he’d always have a picture of her to keep close to his heart.

"Ca-Can I ki-kiss you? Pl-please?" Raising his hand to his mouth, a nervous habit of his, Alexander gazed across the sofa.

Sat on the opposite side was his date, his best friend. It'd took the shy young man weeks to pluck up the courage to even ask her out, and the idea of giving her a kiss?

Well, that utterly terrifed him. Blushing, he looked down, taking his hand from his mouth. He was positive she'd say "No" to him, and he didn't want to sound muffled when he replied to her. His deep blue eyes didn't maintain contact with hers much longer, feeling as if he'd brought shame upon her. He didn't really like the idea of initiating the kiss, he wasn't too used to touch, anyway. He only really let her even hug him, and the idea of a kiss would usually be too much to consider.

But he really did want it.

As the purple haired make shook, he moved a little closer, in an attempt to close the gap, but without (hopefully), putting pressure upon her. He didn't want to rick jeopardising their relationship for a mere kiss. Despite the fact they were technically on a date..

But still. Hand going back to his mouth, he looked as if he wanted to cry from the pure nervous energy flowing through his veins, heart beating like a drum.


Liam is the shy and quiet sort of chap, much preferring to be in the background and not intervene in things going on around them. This is primarily due to his lack of self-confidence, not helped by the fact he harbours a naturally shy nature, lacking any form of assertiveness at all. This is due to the fact the young child was often shifted from foster home to foster home, never really settling in anywhere for very long. With just one exception.

Only one person ever did attempt to help and support Liam. Her name was Rosie, and at 25 years old, she had discovered she’d never bare any children of her own. The news broke her heart, and she no longer felt like she’d ever have a family. Untill she found Liam walking home from school one night, lost and alone, scared and hungry. She felt the need to help him and took the young child back to the orphanage, where an idea struck her.

Become a foster mom.

At the recommendation of a worker, Liam and Rosie were paired together, and all seemed happy. The woman was as loving and protective of Liam as a birth mother would be, and though she’d spoil him often, she brought him up to be a loving and respectful young man, with a big heart. She even managed to get him out of his shell in public situations, an accomplishment previously thought impossible by others.

He’d been living with her for nearly two years, and permanent adoption was well underway. Unfortunately, just two days prior to the official verdict, the young woman was kidnapped before Liam’s eyes, causing him to become an emotional wreck for months afterwards, and nearly silent for the best part of 6 years, hardly uttering a word to anybody unless he needed to do so.

Thankfully after this, Liam didn’t end up in abusive or neglectful homes, but none wanted to deal with what they saw as a troubled child. They didn’t understand he couldn’t attach himself to anybody, scared of losing them like he did Rosie. They thought he was cold, unloving.

Dreadfully frightened of thunderstorms, he doesn't really like to be left alone during them, and will usually remain wide awake and terrified when alone, not able to sleep through the noise or the sudden bright lights. As such, Liam often remains awake all night, crying in fear and a need to be back with the mother who loved him.

Liam wants to be known, and identify as Lily-Rose, knowing he was born into the wrong body. To Liam, he is, and should be a female, not a male. Caught when trying on the dress of a foster sister, he was sent straight back into care by the father of the family, a strongly religious sort of person.

Unfortunately for Lily, this news got out fast. Now the centre of ridicule and bulling both in school, and in the safe house, he has been forced to act like Liam once more, much to her dismay. All she wants is to be who she truly is, and to have Rosie back, the only person she ever called “Mom”.


Limping up the almost empty rain soaked streets, Liam wiped away the tears from his face, ensuring no more blood remained under or around his mouth in the process. He'd been set upon by a pair of classmates on his way home from school, in an attempt to "get rid of the gay!", as they put it. He knew he looked a mess, shirt torn and splattered with mud and his own blood, a tooth knocked out. His nose had been bleeding, and his glasses broken, leaving a cut in his nose. It hurt to put too much weight on his ankle, and he was almost positive he'd dislocated it...but he couldn't face up to the reason WHY he’d been attacked, feeling too ashamed to do so.

Earlier that day hadn't gone too well either, with Liam making a fool of himself in front of his class..

/"Being born into the wrong body can be one of the worst things a person may ever have to face. Physically or emotionally. The struggle to accept yourself, and thereafter to be accepted by others.

The hate faced by others towards you, just because you want to be who you truly are within. The comments, the spiteful behaviour, the kicks. The punches.

Who you feel you are. Who you have the right to be. You all get to have that human right. But I don't. Because wanting to be a woman? That's "wrong" in your eyes. "Disgusting", "Evil"..."

Shaking with emotion, Liam's tear-filled eyes had run back over the words on the paper in his hands as the words passed his lips, hoping that someone... /Anyone/ would take the words he spoke and think again about the actions they undertook. The words they spoke. But he doubted it.

"You deserved it. I'm glad it happened to you!" A voice, deep and rough, had broken through Liam's speech, drawing attention to the newest speaker. "Freaks like you deserve it! Too bad you weren't killed!"

A few cheers had greeted this acclimation, mingling with a few "Yeah!"s or "FREAK!"

With that, Liam had ran from the classroom as fast as he could, looking to hide underneath the bleachers, where it was quiet. The rain had continued to thunder down upon him, drenching him, but he no longer cared./
He needed help now, from anybody. Spotting the salon, he took a deep breath and entered it. He’d heard some students talking about it, saying the staff were always professional and kind to them when they went to have sessions. He knew it was probably just them being kind to make more money, but…

“Help me..” Liam’s voice was soft and frightened, the footsteps of his assailants coming behind him, knowing full well that they had followed him up there. People were in here, so maybe they’d leave him be…

(Looking for someone LITERATE (4 line minimum) to play either a motherly or sisterly sort of person towards Lily/Liam. It can be somebody who works in the beauty salon, or a patron of the store.

I'd prefer it if it was someone who worked there, as I think it'd tie in better with my plans for Liam to become more... comfortable with being Lily in public, as well as giving bonding sessions between the two.

(With Lily having hair, makeup, going dress shopping, etc, with/by the older female.)
Feel free to make your character be Rosie as mentioned earlier, as I love the idea of family being reunited, but it's all your own choice.)

Okay, MORE then I thought...
Okay, more then a couple..
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

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When I saw HUGE I didn't expect it to be that huge xD So anyway... All you're ideas are pretty amazing and so are the characters. The ones I'm most interested in are number 7, 9 and 12 (any reason for there not being a number 8? :P). I know those three are all romance ones and while I find a lot of your non romantic ones interesting the other three are more what I'm craving. Of course, I'm really open to any. Those are just the three I would prefer to do (well one of the three probably)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheFlyingScotsman


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