Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Going to be honest, I think I might just stick with one character for the time being.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 6 days ago

Going to be honest, I think I might just stick with one character for the time being.
I'll try to get up the Spider-Man post as soon as I get around to it. I had quite a few things to do this past weekend (and some of which through procrastination were not completed yet), so I'll get it up when I can.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Going to be honest, I think I might just stick with one character for the time being.
I'll try to get up the Spider-Man post as soon as I get around to it. I had quite a few things to do this past weekend (and some of which through procrastination were not completed yet), so I'll get it up when I can.
It's fine. I understand completely.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 6 days ago

Character You Wish To Play: Karnak
Karnak is accepted (sorry it took so long. Yesterday was a busy day for me). You may now place your character sheet in the character tab (preferable replacing the Purple Man). Also, you are now free to post in the IC.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nightraider
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Nightraider The Bankrupt, Brash, Bastardly Bard

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Yes. After three posts, you may apply for character 2 and 3 (and they may be villains). Just don't take more than you can bite off now. ;)
Don't worry, I've no intention of taking 3 characters. I do however have my eyes on a C-lister villain that I think could make an impact on the world situation you've created. I'll give a hint: He's been mentioned in my Taskmaster IC post already ;)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eru Iluvatar
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Eru Iluvatar The Lazy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Can someone please check if the character logo for Karnak has shown up at the top of my application in the characters section? It doesn't show me any picture. If not I think I am doing something wrong with moving the imgur link through to the site.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eru Iluvatar
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Eru Iluvatar The Lazy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Never mind, I have fixed it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Whiskey Business

Whiskey Business

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

So in total OOC style, who else is looking forward to the Netflix Daredevil series in April?
I'm pretty excited for it. I have a feeling Vincent D'Onofrio as Kingpin will end up being my favorite marvel villains.
I got Netflix purely in anticipation for the Daredevil show. It's also pretty good, and I'm watching Prison Break and re-watching Heroes in the meantime.
You should check out House of Cards while you're at it. They're releasing season 3 this month I think. Kinda funny. I was thinking about rolling with Karnak after I scrapped my original idea for something else. My fandom for Shang Chi endured. Speaking of which, I should have a post by the end of the week.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nightraider
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Nightraider The Bankrupt, Brash, Bastardly Bard

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'm pretty excited for it. I have a feeling Vincent D'Onofrio as Kingpin will end up being my favorite marvel villains.
I can't wait to see how he is. I love him in Law and Order, he can bring such a raw performance to his roles.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Taka
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Taka The Last Son of Vegeta

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Sample Post coming soon.

Player Name:

Character You Wish To Play:
James “Jimmy" Howlett Jr.

Moral Alignment (Hero, Villain, Walking the Line):

Affiliation (what group/team/organization, if any, is your character affiliated with?):

Character Origin & Backstory:
James “Jimmy" Howlett Jr. was born in the backwoods of Canada to James Howlett and his then wife Silver Fox. The hidden birth was necessary to protect their child from the many assassins chasing after Logan. Even if Silver Fox left with the infant, they’d still be chased to bring out the beast known as Wolverine. Instead the family decided to raise the young boy, teaching him all the knew of the world but never of Logan’s past. Logan wanted to bring James to the Xavier Mansion and leave him there but, he felt this could be a new life for them. Unfortunately Logan would come to find that he was wrong.

As the young boy got older, Logan began to teach James about mutants and their place in the world. James wanted to know if he was a mutant too, Logan always avoiding if his child was. One day Logan forced himself to check if his son was unique like himself. During training, he pushed the boy farther then normal, telling him how trash he was and how much his mother would suffer if he failed, pushing James to a fit of rage. This act forced James to pops his claws, attempting to dig into his father. While James was angry, Logan was actually proud. From that day forth the training intensified.

Logan’s fears would finally come to fruition when Sabertooth would return to harass Logan. It all happened in a single day that faithfully changed the rest of James’s life. Sabertooth found them in their home while Logan was away getting groceries. The monstrous assassin brought along his merry band and they terrorized Silver Fox and her child. There was nothing they could do to stop them. James put up a fight, a tremendous endeavor, only to have himself broken and tortured for several minutes. Logan returned to his home, horrified at the sight of his wife left massacred and his son crying with blood all over his body. Sabertooth left the words ,”Weapon X” sprawled in Silver Fox’s blood.

James was forced to stay with an old war friend from Logan’s past despite how much he argued with his father to take him. Logan had to go and find the individuals that took his family from him, that destroyed the happy life they had come to love and put a stop these assassins before they killed again. This was the last time that he would ever see his father. At age 15, James started Highschool in Midtown. They years slowly passed as James waited for his father to return, hiding himself away from people except for Peter Parker, a young boy that understood him, and Felicia Hardy, a woman who pressured him into friendship. They were the first to learn of his powers and soon it would spread like a disease after he stopped a bank robbery. James had prepared himself for the day that those who killed his mother and took his father’s attention would one day come for him. The wolverine flowed through his veins and any who wronged him would feel his wrath.

Powers and Abilities (What can your character do? What can't they do?):
Regenerative Healing Factor - Like his father, Jimmy possesses a regenerative healing factor. His powers first appeared when Jimmy was shot through the head by an assassin chasing Logan. The bullet wound healed in only a few moment. Due to lacking adamantium poisoning, Jimmy possesses a greater healing factor then his father.

Superhuman Durability - Whilst he lacks his father’s experiences and age, Jimmy’s body is highly durable. He was once caught in the explosion of a grenade while sustaining little injury. This is mostly due to his healing factor. Once he learns how to coat his bones with his metallic substance then his durability will grow.

Retractable Claws - He has inherited Wolverine's famous three bone claws per hand. He can form a metallic substance around his claws at will. His claws were not synthetically bonded to adamantium like Wolverine, but covered in a metallic substance secreted by his body immediately following the first time he extended his claws. The limits of the durability of his unique claws have been tested and yet to be stopped.

Superhumanly Acute Senses - Jimmy’s senses of sight, smell, and hearing are all heightened to some degree of superhuman accuracy. He can see much further and with greater clarity than a normal human, even retaining much of this clarity even in near total darkness. Jimmy's hearing is similarly enhanced, enabling him to detect sounds normal humans can't and sounds they ordinarily could but at much greater distances. Jimmy’s sense of smell is able to recognize people and objects by scent, even if they are well hidden. He can track a target by scent, even if the scent has been greatly eroded by time and weather factors, with an extraordinary degree of success.

Superhuman Strength - Jimmy possesses his father’s mutation and is similarly enhanced. Due to his healing factor and durability, he can lift 1 ton at max.

Superhuman Stamina - Jimmy is highly resistant to lactic acids and fatigue toxins, allowing him to exert himself up to 24 hours before fatigue sets in. He’s still growing so his limit may raise.

Superhuman Speed - Jimmy is not weighed down by adamantium which allows him to run and move at speeds superior to those of any Olympic athlete, and is capable of reaching speeds of 50 mph. His attacks are faster then the eye can see and he has blitzed a criminal before they could pull their trigger finger.

Superhuman Agility - Jimmy’s agility, balance, flexibility, dexterity, and bodily coordination are greater then the finest human athlete.

Superhuman Reflexes - Jimmy’s reflexes are so great that he’s dodged bullets at close range and kept up with Spider-Man.

Master Martial Artist - Logan has taught Jimmy various martial arts in order to protect himself including various pressure point techniques. These martial arts also extend to kenjutsu and 28 forms of Kung Fu. Despite his young age when Logan left, Logan has pushed his son harder then any other child due to his healing factor.

Expert Tactician - While not as intelligent as his father, Jimmy understands tactics and strategies at a higher degree then a normal human. His brain functions at the pace of a supercomputer and he recall any tactic to fit almost any situation.

Stealth - Not his best attribute, Jimmy was taught stealth for many different situations. He honed his training by stalking criminals and stealing test answers from his school without being detected.

Multi-lingual - Jimmy can speak English, Japanese, Russian, Korean, and Mandarin fluently. Logan felt those were the only languages that Jimmy needed to know.

Sample Story Arcs: Give 2-3 ideas on where you want to go with your character.
A Family Affair - With Wolverine gone, all eyes have turned on the next best thing, his son. From assassins, illegitimate children, homicidal clones, and former comrades, Jimmy has his work cut out for him. Maybe he’ll learn just who he his family is.

Coming of Age - X-Men want him. SHIELD wants him. The CIA wants him. Jimmy appears to be quite popular. When familiar faces return, he might just need all the help that he could get.

Weapon X - After meeting his “sister”, Jimmy learns about the facility that created the Wolverine and now his sights are set to them. If they keep making weapons then the world is doomed. Jimmy just can’t let that happen.

Sample Post (This is used as an introduction to your writing – try to keep it to around three paragraphs or more and try to include dialogue):

Jimmy stared at the venom symbiote covered Sabetooth. To think just this morning Peter and he were talking about hanging at the arcade all day and playing some Street Fighter. Now they were face to face with two of their deadliest enemies combined into one. Unfortunately for Jimmy, Peter lacked the experience to handle such enemies together and Sabertooth was more then enough for Jimmy. An oozing black tentacle soared through the air in the shape of a wrecking ball, striking Jimmy's chest. The force rippled through his body before sending him flying through the closest wall into the city outside.

"Damn it, Peter. Get up." Jimmy muttered incoherently. Venom-Tooth grin was wider then usual and he slowly sauntered over to his prey, waiting for Jimmy to make his move. Car whizzed past them, people gasped at the hideous sight before them, and some were even on their phone making the 911 call. Suddenly one of the innocents took out a flash camera and nabbed a picture of Venom-Tooth. A second long distraction was all Jimmy needed to bolt from his position into a Wolverine Style lunge. With a snikt, the claws darted out from his skin causing Jimmy to roar like his father used to.

"JUST LIKE MY DEAR RIVAL!" The symbiote screamed as Wolverine's son dug his claws into the symbiote's chest. The suit was harmed only so much as it contained Sabertooth and it's own healing factor combined, instead it began to move around Jimmy, spreading across his body slowly. "ASSIMILATE!" The symbiote spoke through his host. Jimmy trembled a bit in fear of becoming part of such a disgusting creature until a large sound echoed through the area and canceled out the symbiote's assimilation.

Jimmy back hit the ground first as he continuously rubbed his chest. A large shadow loomed over the young man and he looked up to see a white skull painted onto a black t-Shirt. "Who are you?" He asked with a confused look. The unknown man pointed the large rifle in his hand at Venom-Tooth, firing off several rounds. "The name's Punisher and I owe your father."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 6 days ago

Looks good. Just need a sample post.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The New Yorker
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The New Yorker Treading the Rhetorical Minefield

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

That's a really good CS, @Kal-El. I was particularly interested in the part where you mentioned that the CIA would be after Jimmy. I don'y know if you've noticed, but Remy is currently going through some things with the Agency as well. I got a really interesting glimpse into a future little arch involving Gambit and Jimmy. If you're interested, say so and I'll PM you with what I had in mind. If you're not interested in getting involved in a collaboration, that's fine, too! It's just nice to see an influx of new characters, really.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Taka
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Taka The Last Son of Vegeta

Member Seen 2 mos ago

That's a really good CS, @Kal-El. I was particularly interested in the part where you mentioned that the CIA would be after Jimmy. I don'y know if you've noticed, but Remy is currently going through some things with the Agency as well. I got a really interesting glimpse into a future little arch involving Gambit and Jimmy. If you're interested, say so and I'll PM you with what I had in mind. If you're not interested in getting involved in a collaboration, that's fine, too! It's just nice to see an influx of new characters, really.
I would love a collaboration. Anything to have some good character interactions is something I love.
Looks good. Just need a sample post.
Will try to get that up tomorrow since I won't start work that night.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eru Iluvatar
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Eru Iluvatar The Lazy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Will have a post up likely by the end of Saturday. Just pondering where to start. Does anyone want to choose which of my sample story lines to start on first?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 6 days ago

Will have a post up likely by the end of Saturday. Just pondering where to start. Does anyone want to choose which of my sample story lines to start on first?
Gonna post at the weekend, when I actually have time to just sit down and write.
That's fine. This is a marathon, not a sprint! :D
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 6 days ago

Just in time for the news about Spider-Man returning to the MCU, I have put up a Spider-Man post.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eru Iluvatar
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Eru Iluvatar The Lazy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Just in time for the news about Spider-Man returning to the MCU, I have put up a Spider-Man post.
You should edit it so that there are three words next to each other with the initials MCU in them :D
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 6 days ago

Just in time for the news about Spider-Man returning to the MCU, I have put up a Spider-Man post.
You should edit it so that there are three words next to each other with the initials MCU in them :D
I almost had one in there if you count the "m" in Spider-Man (Spider-Man costume).
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nightraider
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Nightraider The Bankrupt, Brash, Bastardly Bard

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Will have a post up likely by the end of Saturday. Just pondering where to start. Does anyone want to choose which of my sample story lines to start on first?
I'd never tell someone else how exactly to RP but I would suggest that you start with the storyline that interests you the most and/or has the least amount of impact on your character/world. That way, you have an intro that you've enjoyed writing and one that has not changed much of your established world :)
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